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台湾证券市场的法律调整,是台湾经济发展和法制建设中的一个重要方面,其发展和变化,可供我国大陆证券市场的建立和健全有所借鉴。台湾经济与证券市场台湾证券市场的形成与发展,是与台湾的发展密不可分的。1949年国民党蒋介石政权败退台湾以后,台湾处于内外交困、危机四伏的境地。就经济而言,生产凋零,物资匮乏,人口激增,物价飞涨。为此,台湾当局充分运用各种经济手段  相似文献   

随着我国证券市场的发展,证券投资已成为我国现实生活中引人注目的一种社会现象.为了将证券市场向规范化、法制化、国际化的方向推进,必须重视证券市场的立法研究.而证券市场管理中的立法问题又是证券市场立法研究的重大议题之一.本文拟对证券市场管理中的若干问题作一探讨和分析.  相似文献   

我国证券市场的制度性缺陷及其克服   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国已经启动了《证券法》修改工作。尽管我国《证券法》颁行的时间并不长,但《证券法》中的许多规定大多带有阶段性,不能适应市场发展的需要,也无法应对我国加入WTO证券市场对外开放所带来的机遇与挑战,这与我国证券市场的制度性安排有着密切的关系。因此,对我国证券市场的制度性缺陷进行反思,探讨我国证券市场存在的问题,将有助于拓宽我国《证券法》修改的思路。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的蓬勃发展,金融领域中的证券市场也逐步壮大,随之而来的是涉及证券市场的各种犯罪日趋增多。近年来,涉及该领域的犯罪呈现出专业性强,犯罪手段与方法不断翻新的情况,相比之下,  相似文献   

赵旭东 《中国法律》2007,(4):4-6,52-55
证券市场应该是一个法治的市场,证券法律制度是证券市场健康、稳定发展的重要保障。中国的证券市场是一个新兴的市场.规范证券市场的各项法律制度是随着中国证券市场发展过程中的不断实践和摸索逐步建立起来的。随着近几年中国资本市场改革步伐的加快,市场基础性制度建设全面加强.证券法律制度也在不断调整。  相似文献   

在我国证券市场转型和制度变迁的背景下,从法律与经济的角度,对证券市场刑事责任进行分析,具有重要意义。本文在分析证券市场刑事责任的必要性与适度性的基础上,提出了构建证券市场适度刑事责任的设想。  相似文献   

本文简要的介绍了我国证券市场的现状,着重论述了价值投资理念在先行证券市场中的适用性和存在的问题,并针对这些问题做了相关的分析和论述。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下 ,证券市场是实现货币资本这一生产要素合理配置的有效途径。我国目前的证券市场以股票市场为主要内容。在建立和培育我国社会主义市场经济体系过程中 ,法制化乃是实现证券市场稳定、健康运行和发展的重要保证。10多年来 ,我国证券市场取得的成绩固然显而易见 ,但其发展中的不和谐也不容忽视。“三公”原则虽然在我国《证券法》中得以规定 ,却未能在具体的法律制度以及对证券市场运作的法律调整中得到应有的体现 ;市场竞争规律屡屡被人为因素所阻断 ,不仅与市场经济相匹配的现代企业制度未能通过资本的证券化、市场化得以…  相似文献   

证券市场保荐人制度由保荐人资格、保荐责任和保荐期限三个核心要素构成。英国、马来西亚和香港证券市场的保荐人制度在全球最富代表性,这三个证券市场有关保荐人资格、保荐责任和保荐期限的法律规定和实践,对我国证券市场保荐人制度都具有一定的启发意义。其中,保荐人资格条件中有关资格申请人范围和诚信水平的规定,保荐责任中职业责任的分解承担机制和通过证券诉讼制度和证券赔偿制度配合保荐人连带责任的落实,以及保荐期限中的"终身制",尤为值得我国在完善证券市场保荐人制度时加以借鉴。  相似文献   

《证券法》适用范围的反思与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国《证券法》适用范围“宽”与“窄”的选择 ,是四年前曾经争论、今天又起争论的问题。在《证券法》经过四年多实践检验、我国加入WTO、党中央确定全面建设小康社会和经济翻两番目标的背景下 ,为形成和加强经济发展与证券市场发展的正相关性 ,摆正政府在证券市场发展中的地位 ,应当扩宽《证券法》的适用范围 ,增强《证券法》对部门规章的协调能力 ,使政府在现阶段“行政中心主义”的法制框架下对证券市场的发展有更大的作为。  相似文献   

In the paper we consider one of the faster growing Central European emerging markets: the Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE), in order to see whether the market becomes more weak-form efficient over time. The Hungarian exchange is selected because it is the oldest stock exchange operating in the region and, in 1995, it was the first Central European exchange admitted by the London Stock Exchange as a properly regulated stock exchange. As an econometric tool for comparative analysis, we use a Test for Evolving Efficiency (TEE). In a comparison of nine stocks and the market index (BUX) we found that the BSE becomes more mature but the process is surprisingly slow.  相似文献   

In this paper we demonstrate that the measurement of stock market efficiency is an important activity in establishing whether eastern European countries satisfy the Copenhagen Criteria for EU membership. Specifically, we argue that developing an efficient stock market should be an important policy focus for countries with aspirations to join the EU as it helps to demonstrate the existence of a functioning market economy. We illustrate this issue by examining the evolution of stock market efficiency in the Bucharest Stock Exchange from mid-1997 to September 2002. We use a GARCH model on daily price data and model the disturbances using the Student-t distribution to allow for ‘fat-tails’. We find strong evidence of inefficiency in the Bucharest Stock Exchange in that the lagged stock price index is a significant predictor of the current price index. This result is robust to the inclusion of variables controlling for calendar effects of the sort that have been observed in more developed stock markets. The level of inefficiency appears to diminish over time and we find evidence consistent with stock market efficiency in Romania after January 2000.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to investigate the determinants of the capital structure of a sample of 972 listed companies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange in China in 2003. Various theories, namely, the trade-off, pecking order and agency theories, are deployed to explain and predict the signs and significance of each factor identified by Ragan and Zingales (1995) and Booth et al. (2001). Furthermore, we include institutional shareholdings, including state agency shareholdings, state-owned shareholdings and privately owned shareholdings, as corporate governance variables to examine the effects of corporate structure on the debt financing behaviours. As well documented, we find that profitability is negatively related to capital structure at a highly significant level. The size and risk of the firms are positively related to the debt ratio – but only in term of market value measures of capital structure. The years of the companies being listed on stock markets are positively related to capital structure, indicating the access of the firms to debt finance is more easily judged by book value. Tax is not a factor in influencing debt ratio. Ownership structure has a negative effect on the capital structure. The firms with higher institutional shareholdings tend to avoid using debt financing, a behaviour that can be explained by entrenchment effects. A further classification of the institutional shareholders reveals that, among the three groups of institutional shareholding, the state institutions, including state agency and state-owned institutions, were more averse to debt financing, particularly for state-owned institutions. There is no strong evidence indicating debt-averse behaviour by domestic institutional shareholders.  相似文献   

河北承德一宗标的26万的探矿权意外卖出3.6亿天价,但交易结束后标王却弃了权,而由此引发了武广玉这位报价次高者和承德矿业权交易所之间的一场诉讼,其幕后或隐藏着更大的秘密  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the analysis of return on shares quoted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) in the period 1991–1993. We found that the WSE specific institutional background resulted in a large variation of return rates, their distributional assymetry and truncations which make hypotheses testing procedures about criteria of investors' choice and the price setting mechanism more complicated.  相似文献   

We investigate how efficiently the stock market participants incorporate the information contained in money supply changes into stock prices in an emerging economy like Bangladesh. Of particular interest is to test how the changes in monetary aggregates directly affect the stock prices through asset changes and indirectly through their effects on real economic activity. We have considered the monthly series of the real stock returns (P) and examine the relationship between stock returns and monetary aggregates from 1980 to 2008. We also include the exchange rate of US dollar against Bangladeshi Taka and industrial production index. The presence of cointegration between stock prices and monetary aggregates indicate long-run predictability of the Bangladesh stock market. The short-run dynamics between monetary aggregates and real stock return, relied on theoretically motivated long-run restrictions, are analyzed using an empirical structural VAR model. The dynamic response of the real stock returns to changes in macroeconomic variables (such as broad money supply, exchange rates), particularly its lagged responses to real economic activity generates inefficiency in the Dhaka Stock Exchange. The findings of this article indicate that informational inefficiency exists in the stock market of Bangladesh due to the presence of unidirectional causality. To be efficient, the infrastructure of the SEC should be modernized, revaluation of the net asset value of the companies should be audited by the affiliated firms of the SEC, demutualization should be done as early as possible, private placement, issue of preference share and book building methods must be under rule based. Insider trading should be strictly prohibited.  相似文献   

A curious ownership structure is found in Northern Europe—foundations that own and operate business companies. The foundations are non-profit entities, they have no members and no owners, and they cannot be dissolved. In many cases, these entities control more than 50% of the votes in successful international companies. Obviously, this structure completely blocks the market for corporate control, but it also violates other basic principles of agency theory and corporate finance. Nevertheless, we present evidence that a sample of foundation-owned companies listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange are at least as efficient as other listed companies in terms of risk adjusted stock returns, accounting returns and Tobins Q. Thus, they question whether profit-seeking ownership is a necessary condition for competitive enterprise.JEL Classification: D23, G34, L31  相似文献   

在金融市场微观结构理论分析框架下,交易机制的变革以市场质量为评判基准.运用相关模型的实证研究表明,上海证券市场存在着较为明显的波动聚集、波动持续现象,市场整体波动性较大.根据卖空机制的制度功能分析,卖空限制的存在增加了该市场的波动性水平,降低了市场质量,因此有必要在该市场建立卖空交易机制以降低其波动性水平,在建立模式的选择上可以参照香港建立证券登记结算公司模式的卖空机制.  相似文献   

证券交易所监管功能研究——从企业组织的视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
上海和深圳证券交易所占据了中国证券市场的核心地位,并且承担了相当的监管职能。但是理论上对于交易所监管功能性质的模糊认识,导致实践中采取了一些可能阻碍交易所监管功能发挥的做法。本文试图从企业组织角度重新认识和分析交易所,揭示交易所履行监管功能的本质在于追逐自身利益最大化,因此监管功能为交易所提供服务的主要内容之一,但交易所的监管也存在片面维护自己利益的缺陷。只有保持充分竞争的压力,交易所的监管功能才能得到有效发挥。因此,维持交易所的充分竞争环境,是中国证券交易所监管功能有效发挥的必要条件。  相似文献   

This article examines the institutional reforms that, among other things, brought about the listing of two law practices on the Australian Stock Exchange. Using the framework for institutional change developed by Greenwood, Suddaby and Hinings, the article examines socio-economic changes that led to government regulatory reform. It examines the conflicting norms found in traditional professional practice with the institutions of corporate law and the stock exchange. After a thorough examination of the reforms and the two distinctive listed law practices, it then evaluates the reforms in terms of the profession, the administration of justice and economics.  相似文献   

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