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Children can be unreliable witnesses, and they are especially vulnerable to questionable interview practices. However, in some crimes like child sexual abuse, children may be the only person capable of providing testimonial evidence. States must balance the needs of bringing criminals who target children to justice and ensuring that due process is upheld to reduce the chances of false convictions. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has published a set best-practices for the interviewing of children to achieve this balance. This article conducts a statutory analysis to determine if states are currently following the recommendations of the OJJDP.  相似文献   

我国司法实务对教师职务评审委员会所作之升等与否之决定,仍停留于内部管理行为及非具体行政行为之阶段;唯从我国之教育之立法管制政策、相关法令规定及对大学自主权之规范结构并无意将此评审行为视为特别权力关系之一部分,而拒绝司法审查。行政法学理论与实务之落差,不能不谓之为司法缺位。如果理论与实务之落差可以缩减,而消除行政法可以保护公民、法人或者其它组织合法权益但不可能得到行政诉讼法之全部保护之迷思,则我国迈入最高层之法治国境界不远矣。  相似文献   

在中国古代的司法实践中,口供不是惟一的证据形式,书证这一带有浓厚客观色彩的证据在案件审理中受到了审判人员的重视,尤其在民事案件的审理中更成为具有关键意义的证据形态。本文旨在对古代社会的书证制度在司法领域的运行状况进行探讨,并依托于司法案例展开各项阐释,展现古代书证制度的原貌及特征,以期为今日社会之书证制度的完善提供历史借鉴。  相似文献   

State statutes regarding the best interests of the child (BIC) in deciding disputed custody were reviewed and independently coded with respect to three issues (i) the child's preference and any limits (ii) parental alienation and (iii) psychological maltreatment. Results revealed that many states allowed for the child's preferences to be considered and none qualified that preference when undue influence has occurred; parental alienation as a term was not found in any state statutes but 70% of the states included at least one BIC factor relevant to its core construct of the parent supporting the child's relationship to the other parent; and many states included a history of domestic violence or child abuse but only three states explicitly mentioned psychological maltreatment. These findings highlight yet another way in which the BICS factors lack specificity in ways that could negatively impact children caught in their parents’ conflict.  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会指出,全面深化改革的总目标是完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。国家治理体系现代化在很大程度上就是法治体系现代化。而作为保障公民合法权益、监督政府依法行政、解决行政争议的司法审查制度在整个法治体系中不可或缺。在法治国家、法治政府和法治社会一体建设的新时期,司法审查制度的完善必将助力于国家治理体系现代化的有效推进。完善《行政诉讼法》的关键在于消除立案难、审判难、执行难的制度性障碍,有针对性地构建与国家治理体系现代化相称的司法审查制度。  相似文献   

Orders of protection help combat dating violence by ensuring a period of separation between the victim and the abuser. The prevalence of dating violence is similar to that of spousal abuse and the effects on the nonmarried victims are just as severe. Some jurisdictions in the United States do not offer victims in dating relationships protective orders and two states restrict orders for same‐sex couples only. Other state statutes are inadequate. A uniform statute that permits participants in dating relationships access to protective orders should be implemented across the country.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community:
  • See and understand the changes in dating domestic violence statutes
  • Up to date as of 2011 with 2012 amendments to state statutes

王锴 《政法论丛》2006,(2):39-43
随着<立法法>的出台和2004年5月全国人大法工委法规审查备案室的成立,预示着备案已经从一种程序性的登记制度演变为一种对立法的审查方式,即"备案审查".但是备案审查制度面临着不少的缺陷备案机关缺乏审查权;备案审查决定的冲突;备案审查性质的模糊;备案机关缺乏上位法解释权等等.对此,我们可以借鉴法国的事先审查制度来予以完善.  相似文献   

在仲裁司法监督范围这一问题上,理论界一向有争议。通过对东莞市中级人民法院一起裁定驳回申请撤销仲裁裁决案例的分析,可以看出,司法实践中,已经将程序问题作为司法对仲裁的主要监督范围,将司法审查范围限于程序性审查有助于保障仲裁的独立性和自治性。因此,删除现行法律关于仲裁实体审查的规定,既符合国际惯例,也有助于促进我国仲裁事业的发展。  相似文献   

This publication seeks to explore whether the position of juvenile offenders vis‐à‐vis the Cambodian criminal law has changed with the passage of the new criminal legislation and whether this change has been positive or otherwise. The quality of this change will demonstrate to the reader whether the overall process of the reform of the juvenile justice component of the Cambodian system of criminal justice, which spans the last fifteen years and has been funded by the international community, has been a success. The author limited the scope of this inquiry to a comparison between the various domestic laws applicable to juvenile offenders and did not include comparisons with international law, model laws or juvenile laws of other states. Being the first publication of its kind, this analysis limits its claim to the analysis of the relevant statutory provisions rather than ‘practice notes’ which have yet to develop.  相似文献   

This study examines the empirical research on legal representation in delinquency proceedings and situates it in the broader investigation of how states provide legal assistance to juvenile defendants. Our review of empirical studies found that attorney presence was an aggravating factor in dispositional decisions. After closely examining state statutory provisions on legal representation in juvenile delinquency proceedings, we suggest that the penalty effect of attorney presence is an artifact of the variation in state laws governing access and oversight of juvenile counsel. We conclude with suggestions for future research, policy, and practice.  相似文献   

A review of the literature concerning the fate and behavior of gunshot residue (GSR) is presented. A number of concomitant parameters including firearm and ammunition type, plume and GSR material characteristics, travel distances, chemical composition and GSR morphology are critically discussed in relation to their effects on the distribution and deposition, transfer and persistence processes of GSR. The underlying mechanisms associated with such processes are also considered. Knowledge of these processes on GSR materials could provide valuable information concerning scene preservation and subsequent forensic sampling. The number of GSR particles deposited can vary significantly with each firearm discharge, highlighting the potential to produce distinctive data in each individual case. With the continual development and compositional changes of new ammunition types, further evaluation of the effect these processes may have on GSR evidence and their possible influence on the interpretation of the analytical results should be given due consideration.  相似文献   

香港与内地仲裁裁决司法审查制度的借鉴和融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对香港和内地在仲裁裁决司法审查范围、标准和技术方面的综合分析,本文认为两地在司法制度、法治发展和仲裁理念上的较大差异导致了两地在对待仲裁裁决司法审查上之截然不同。重要的是,香港法院对仲裁的支持态度及其具体审查操作的先进经验,可为内地在这一领域的改革提供重要指引。《香港与内地关于相互执行仲裁裁决的安排》实施近十年来,已逐渐出现两地仲裁界和司法界在审查制度面向上的趋同。惠于"一国两制"和"更密切经贸关系"的大背景,相信两地间商事仲裁的融合会更加蓬勃发展,为中国跨境商事活动提供更好的争端解决服务。  相似文献   

Abstract: A comprehensive review of the scientific literature on gunshot residue (GSR) is presented. Aspects of both inorganic and organic GSR are discussed, from formation and distribution, to sample collection, preparation, and analysis using a variety of techniques. The interpretation of GSR results is also considered including issues surrounding the contamination, distribution, and transfer of GSR. Potential problems with ulterior sources of GSR like particles have been reported in the literature. For example, particles from environmental and occupational sources have been highlighted as exhibiting similar chemical and morphological characteristics to GSR. These findings are put into context with regard to interpreting samples. A move toward a “case by case” approach is argued to be more preferable to a “formal” classification system where possible. The analysis of both inorganic and organic compositions of residue samples as well as morphological considerations is considered to be a more ideal approach to GSR analysis, whereever practicable.  相似文献   

从Glaxo案看营销性无形资产转让定价规制问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际关联企业间营销性无形资产转让定价规制主要涉及营销性无形资产的范围界定、所有权归属和价值回报确定等问题。美国Glaxo案件的争议反映出有关国家转让定价税制在这些问题上的立法与实践存在分歧,经合组织的《转让定价准则》也缺乏相应的明确指导规定。由于营销性无形资产的构成和价值确定具有高度的事实依附性,并不存在一种可普遍适用于各种营销性无形资产转让交易的认定标准和规则。为保证转让定价税制实施的正当性目标实现,防止国际税收争议发生和消除国际重复征税风险,应尽可能采用双边或多边预约定价协议方式规制国际关联企业营销性无形资产转让定价交易。关联企业应尽可能在交易合同中对营销功能的履行、风险的分担和营销性无形资产的价值回报事项做出具体的规定,并注意保存充分的同期资料证明文件。  相似文献   

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