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INTRODUCTION: Literature reports on a method for dental age calculation which is based only on radiological measurements on periapical dental radiographs: the relationship between chronological age and the two-dimensional dental pulpal size was analysed by means of multiple regression analyses. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate whether this approach could be feasible and could lead to statistically sound results with adequate repeatability when applied on panoramic radiographs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred and ninety seven panoramic radiographs were collected at random from patients of whom the age ranged from 19 to 75 years. According to the reported technique, six teeth were selected on the panoramic radiograph: in the maxilla the central and lateral incisor and second bicuspid, and in the mandibula the lateral incisor, cuspid and first bicuspid. The same exclusion criteria as in the original paper were respected. Statistical analysis was carried out in order to spot significant differences between the chronological age and the calculated age. RESULTS: When the age was calculated based on measurements of all six teeth or of all three mandibular teeth, no significant differences were found between the real age and the calculated one. In all other instances using the individual teeth separately or using all three maxillary teeth statistical analysis revealed significant differences. CONCLUSION: There appears to be no significant difference between applying the original technique on standard long-cone periapical radiographs or on orthopantomograms, especially when carrying out measurements on all six selected teeth.  相似文献   

The object of this study was to assess the value of dental radiographs for the purposes of personal identification in the absence of tooth restorations. 198 periapical and bitewing radio graphs were taken of teeth contained in 22 dry skulls obtained from the skull collection of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Each selected view was taken three times: by a scientist, a dentist and a dental radiographer. Each operator independently positioned the films, selected the exposure times and positioned the cone of the X-ray machine. Three groups comprising forensic odontologists, dental vocational trainees and dental trainee hygienists attempted to match the randomly mixed radiographs into sets of three. Success rates for matching radio graphs ranged from 63.6 to 100%. The average for forensic odontologists was 93.3%, vocational trainees 85.2% and hygienists 89.7%. Where forensic odontologists had both formal training and experience, or extensive experience without formal training, the success rate was 100%. Where there was formal training but little experience the success rate was lower. Participants believed that root morphology and alignment had been the greatest aid to matching and not crown morphology. The depth of knowledge of the viewer correlated poorly with the number of correct results, although the forensic odontologists achieved the highest success rate. Formal training, although highly desirable, is no substitute for practical experience. Root morphology and alignment were cited most frequently as facilitating matching.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of 14 estimator variables (e.g., disguise of robber, exposure time, weapon visibility) and system variables (e.g., lineup instructions, exposure to mugshots) on a number of measures of eyewitness performance: identification accuracy, choosing rates, confidence in lineup choice, relation between confidence and identification accuracy, memory for peripheral details, memory for physical characteristics of target, and time estimates. Subjects viewed a videotaped reenactment of an armed robbery and later attempted an identification. Characteristics of the videotape and lineup task were manipulated. Prominent findings were as follows: identification accuracy was affected by both estimator and system variables including disguise of robber, weapon visibility, elaboration instructions, and lineup instructions. Memory for peripheral details was positively correlated with choosing on the identification task but negatively correlated with identification accuracy.  相似文献   

The authors record the contributions of dentistry to the identification of victims of one of the most significant disasters in aviation and U.S. military history--the December 1985 crash of a DC-8 charter airliner near Gander, Newfoundland (now known as Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada, which killed 248 Army personnel and 8 crewmembers. Most of the dental records of the military victims were destroyed in the crash, and, as a result, this loss hampered dental identification. Nevertheless, dental identification was the primary means of identification for many because a very high percentage of the bodies were severely burned and fragmented. Many phases of the U.S. identification efforts have been reported, but the dental-investigation aspects have been mentioned only in passing. Therefore, this article documents the dental team's organization, methodology, and a variety of remarkable problems that the team encountered.  相似文献   

Dental forensic identifications based on comparison of antemortem and postmortem radiographs provide effective and reliable evidence. There are no standardized procedures for assessing similarities between different types of dental radiographs (e.g. orthopantomograms, bitewings, and periapical radiographs), and the operator's subjective judgment can considerably affect identification. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential influence of experts' qualifications, training, and cognitive bias on the accuracy of identification. Seventy-eight differently qualified and experienced experts underwent an identification test. The expert sample was composed of 10 specialists in emergency care (ER), 10 specialists in legal medicine (ML), 20 pregraduate dental students (STU), 12 dentists (DENT), 20 dentists educated in forensic odontology (DENT-TRA), and 6 experienced forensic odontologists (FOR). The simulated cases required participants to assess the possible matching of 42 postmortem intraoral radiographs with 16 antemortem panoramic radiographs. Accuracy and specificity for the different operator groups were as follows: ER, 0.76-0.70; ML, 0.76-0.88; STU, 0.89-0.82; DENT, 0.87-0.97; DENT-TRA, 0.88-0.92; and FOR, 0.97-1. As evidenced by high rates of accuracy and repeatability, the most experienced forensic odontologist consistently outperformed operators less or differently educated and trained, especially for difficult cases. In our sample, the dentists who received additional education in forensic odontology did not necessarily perform better than dentists who had not received this additional education. Some cognitive bias, mainly the so-called observer effect, emerged as a possible source of outcome variability among the operator groups.  相似文献   

This case report illustrates the significance of the partially healed extraction site to the postmortem dental identification process. It presents the remains of two individuals with documented extractions--one, 6 1/2 months prior to death, the second, only three weeks prior to death. These photographs, compiled with others, can be used as a guideline for the forensic scientist who seldom has the opportunity to study skeletonized remains.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that with advancing age the size of the dental pulp cavity is reduced as a result of secondary dentine deposit, so that measurements of this reduction can be used as an indicator of age. The aim of the present study was to find a method which could be used to estimate the chronological age of an adult from measurements of the size of the pulp on full mouth dental radiographs. The material consisted of periapical radiographs from 100 dental patients who had attended the clinics of the Dental Faculty in Oslo. The radiographs of six types of teeth from each jaw were measured: maxillary central and lateral incisors and second premolars, and mandibular lateral incisors, canines and first premolars. To compensate for differences in magnification and angulation on the radiographs, the following ratios were calculated: pulp/root length, pulp/tooth length, tooth/root length and pulp/root width at three different levels. Statistical analyses showed that Pearson's correlation coefficient between age and the different ratios for each type of tooth was significant, except for the ratio between tooth and root length, which was, therefore, excluded from further analysis. Principal component analyses were performed on all ratios, followed by regression analyses with age as dependent variable and the principal components as independent variables. The principal component analyses showed that only the two first of them had significant influence on age, and a good and easily calculated approximation to the first component was found to be the mean of all the ratios. A good approximation to the second principal component was found to be the difference between the mean of two width ratios and the mean of two length ratios, and these approximations of the first and second principal components were chosen as predictors in regression analyses with age as the dependent variable. The coefficient of determination (r2) for the estimation was strongest when the ratios of the six teeth were included (r2 = 0.76) and weakest when measurements from the mandibular canines alone were included (r2 = 0.56). Measurement on dental radiographs may be a non-invasive technique for estimating the age of adults, both living and dead, in forensic work and in archaeological studies, but the method ought to be tested on an independent sample.  相似文献   

The authors record the contribution of dentistry to the identification of American victims of one of the most significant aircraft tragedies involving American athletes-the March 1980 crash of a Soviet-made Ilyushin 62 Polish jetliner and the deaths of 31 Americans including a 22-member U.S. amateur boxing team with several U.S. Olympic team candidates. Preparedness was a factor in the dental team's ability to resolve many notable and unexpected problems. Jurisdictional restraints that Polish authorities imposed on the U.S. investigative team hindered its efforts to identify American passengers. The team used dental and fingerprint methods of identification whenever possible and obtained further evidence from anthropologic methods, visual recognition, and personal effects. Dental readiness, organization, methodology, and lessons learned are documented in this paper.  相似文献   

Conventional computed tomography is an emerging modality in forensic identification but is not sufficiently accurate for use in dental identification primarily because of problems with metallic dental restoration-induced streak artifact. In this study, the accuracy and reliability of recording forensic information from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of the jaws when compared to conventional panoramic radiographs has been analyzed under experimental conditions. Information could be recorded with near-perfect repeatability and reproducibility. Information could also be recorded accurately, the sensitivity being 96.6% (95% CI, 95.1-98.1) and specificity being 98.4% (95% CI, 96.2-100). The metal dental restoration-induced streak artifact was at a level that permitted, in most cases, accurate observations. This is considered an important step in validating CBCT as a tool in comparative dental identification of bodies. It may have a role in mass fatalities and in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear incidents, but further studies are required to assess the feasibility of this.  相似文献   

Using pre- and post-surgical foot and ankle radiographs for identification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An evaluation of the effect of surgical intervention on foot and ankle radiographic comparisons was performed. In this study, 34 sets of pre-surgical ("premortem") and post-surgical ("postmortem") foot and ankle radiographs were retrospectively evaluated simulating a postmortem identification. In each radiographic set, the films were separated by a surgical event to reproduce the effects of an alteration in the anatomy. The radiographs included both matches and mismatches. This study also presents a numerical representation of the reliability of a radiographic match following a surgical procedure. Results indicate that surgical intervention with subsequent healing does not preclude positive identification in foot and ankle radiographic comparisons.  相似文献   

This study investigated the value of antemortem (AM) and postmortem (PM) radiographs of the claviculae and C3-T4 vertebrae to identify skeletons of missing U.S. soldiers from past military operations. In total, 12 field-recovered skeletons and AM chest radiographs of 1460 individuals were used. For each skeleton, examiners analyzed an array of AM chest radiographs (up to 1000 individuals) and attempted to identify the correct PM/AM radiographic match. When examiners were able to compare all images within a single test, only true-positive identifications were made. When AM radiographs were presented one-at-a-time, in sequential order, and without examiners having knowledge of array size, erroneous identifications resulted but they were almost exclusively made by untrained examiners (accuracy = 35% vs. 90% for trained examiners). This study demonstrates the value of chest radiographs for the identification of disarticulated and even eroded skeletons, but only when methods are wielded by trained examiners.  相似文献   

Although several papers have recently been devoted to establishing the validity of identification using the ear, this part of the human body still remains underexploited in forensic science. The perfect overlap of two images of the same ear is not really possible, but photographs of the ears as a reliable means of inferring the identity of an individual are poorly treated in the literature. In this study, we illustrate a simple, reproducible method, which divides the photograph of an ear into four parts-helix, antihelix, concha, and lobe-by means of a suitable grid of four straight lines. Although the division does not follow exact anatomical features, their edges do join anatomical points which are more easily identifiable. Measurement of certain areas of these parts can be combined to produce a code allowing personal identification. This method produces false-positive identifications of <0.2%. Last, the repeatability and reproducibility aspects of the method are tested.  相似文献   

This study presents a test of intra- and inter-observer measurement error rates of the intercondylar shelf angle of the distal femur, as measured on lateral radiographs. This measurement is the central element of a method to determine racial affiliation from the distal femur. Four observers independently radiographed a set of 33 complete and partial femora from collections housed at the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command, Central Identification Laboratory. Each observer then measured the intercondylar shelf angles in each radiograph, following the original method's guidelines. A supplementary inter-observer error test was conducted by four additional observers on one set of radiographs. Statistically significant differences were found for both intra- and inter-observer error based on the results of Student's t-tests, paired samples t-tests, and ANOVA analyses. The results of this study indicate that further experimentation should be undertaken in order to develop refined measurement techniques that may help improve standardization and reduce the observer error rates.  相似文献   

牙齿是人体最坚固的组织,利用牙齿进行个体识别是最基础也是最具价值的方法之一。本文通过对国内外牙齿形态影像在个体识别中的特异性、稳定性及其技术的综述,提出了建立我国法齿学的设想。  相似文献   

This paper reviews what is currently known about voice identification by human listeners. Our own experimental data from a four-year research program into this topic is used to elucidate, support, and in some cases to contradict published work into the effects on voice identification of such factors as speech sample size and quality, voice disguise, delay in holding voice identification sessions, incidental as opposed to intentional memory for voices, the effects of the age of the witness, training in specific modes of encoding voices, and the relationship between objective accuracy and subjective feelings of certainty of correctness. It is concluded that the caution and suspicion currently accorded to visual identification must be extended also, and perhaps more so, to voice identification.Part of the research discussed in this paper was conducted under the auspices of a grant from the British Home Office to the author and Ray Bull. The author would like to thank the issue editor for his very useful comments on an earlier draft of this paper, and Harriet Rathborn for running many of the experiments.  相似文献   

Personal identification is based on the comparison between ante mortem and post mortem data which can be considered unique for each individual: palatal rugae represent a useful element for such a comparison, thanks to their apparent low variability with time and unique patterns. Literature however is scarce.This pilot study aims at assessing the reliability of palatal rugae in time and at developing an identification method based on their comparison. Two casts from the upper dental arch of 39 subjects were obtained in different periods of time; at their first cast, 85.2% of patients were less than 16 years old. The second cast was performed after a period of time which varied between 4 and 65 months later than the first cast. The first cast can be taken to simulate ante mortem information, the second post mortem information. Every cast was then digitised with a scanner. In the digital images the palatal rugae were highlighted by using Adobe® Photoshop® 7.0 software; each image was coded and a comparison between “simulated” ante mortem and post mortem data was performed. In all cases ante mortem and post mortem data from the same individual were correctly matched.The study seems to indicate that this technique is highly reliable and user friendly, even on subadults, where growth processes seem not to affect the specific morphology of palatal rugae.  相似文献   

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