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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Book review in this article:
E uropean G overnments and P olitics . By F rederic A. O gg , P h .D., L.L.D.
T he D uty of E mpire . By L eonard B arnes .
"Q uack , Q uack !" By L eonard W oolf .
Q ueen V ictoria . By E. F. B enson .
T he T willight of T he S upreme C ourt . By E dward S. C orwin
A dministrative L egislation and A djudication . By F rederick F. B lachly and
M iriam E. O atman
E ssays on the L aw and P ractice of G overnmental A dministration .
C harles G. H aines and
M arshall G. D imock
W illiam A. R obson
T he N ature of C apitalist C risis . By J ohn S trachey
M aurice D obb .
P rinciples of E conomic P lanning . By G. D. H. C ole
P lanning for E mployment . By S ome M embers of P arliament .
I vor T homas .
R ussia's I ron A ge . By W. H. C hamberlin
E conomic P lanning in S oviet R ussia . By B oris B rutzkus
T he S ecound F ive Y ear P lan . By W. P. and Z. K. C oates
L aw and J ustice in S oviet R ussia . By H. J. L aski
H. L. B eales
T he F all of the G erman R epublic . A P olical S tudy . By R. T. C lark
C harles H. W ilson
T he H istory of T he T imes . "T he T hunderer " in the M aking
T he P ress in E ngland . By K urt V on S tutterhem
L eonard W oolf
T he B leak A ge . By J. L. & B arbara H ammond .
T raining for C itizenship . By S ir E rnest S imon & E va M. H ubback
T he N eed for C onstitutional R eform . A P rogramme N ational S ecurity . By W illiam Y andell E lliott
M. J. B onn .
L ord B rougham By G. T. G arratt
W orld P olitics and P ersonal I nsecurity . By H arold D. L asswell
I nternational D elusions
L aw and the S ocial S ciences . By H untingdon C airns . Foreword by R oscoe P ound .  相似文献   

Book Review     
《The Political quarterly》1947,18(2):169-189
C riminal J ustice and S ocial R econstruction . By H ermann M annheim .
T he J uvenile C ourts : T heir W ork and P roblems . By F. T. G iles .
F rench P ersonalities and P roblems . By D. W. B rogan .
T he N uremberg D ocuments by P eter de M endelssohn .
C ounty T own : A C ivi c S urvey for the P lanning of W orcester . By J anet G laisyer , T. B rennan , W. R itchie , and P. S argant F lorence .
D emocracy and I ndustry . By C onstance R eaveley and J ohn W innington .
G erman Y outh : B ond or F ree . By H oward B ecker .
E ducation in F ascist I taly . By L. M inio -P aluello .
D emocracy in A merica . By A lexis de T ocqueville . Edited with an Introduction by H. S. C ommager .
In D arkest G ermany : the R ecord of a V isit . By V ictor G ollancz .
T he C hurch and H umanity
T he P roblem of E ducation in D ependent T erritories . T he J ournal of N egro E ducation . Y earbook N umber
T he S oviet I mpact on the W estern W orld . By Professor E. H. Carr
W orld O rder or C haos , By W. H. C hamberlain .
Y ears of C risis . By K enneth I.
L and , L aw , and C ustom in the C olonies . By C . K. M eek .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1948,19(2):171-200
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C ivil S erviceinthe C hanging S tate . By H. R. G. GREAVES.
T he R eform of T he H igher C ivil S ervice . A R eport BY A S pecial C ommittee for the F abian S ociety .
O rganisation and M ethods and its E ffect on the S taffing of G overnment D epartments . F ifth R eport from the S elect C ommittee on E stimates .
T he S teep P laces . By S ir N orman A ngell .
T he ';S truggle for T he W orld . By J ames B urnham .
F oreign P olicy the L abour P arty ' s D ilemma . By L eonard W oolf .
D esign for E urope .
E gypt . an E conomic and S ocial A nalysis . By C harles I ssawi .
T he A wakening of M odern E gypt . By M. R ifaat B ey .
V oting P rocedures in I nternational P olitical O rganizations . By W ellington K oo , jr .
F ederalism and R egionalism in G ermany the D ivision of P russia . By A rnold B recht .
T he H istory of the T imes . T he T wentieth C entury .
L ocal and R egional G overnment . By G. D. H. C ole .
T he F oreign P olicy of S oviet R ussia , 1929–1941. Volume I, 1929.1936. By M ax B eloff .
I ndia C alled T hem . By L ord B everidge .
R ussian Z one . By G ordon S chaffer .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1965,36(2):228-231
Book reviewed in this article:
S ystems of I ntegrating the I nternational C ommunity . Edited by E lmer P lischke .
T he R ole of T heory in I nternational R elations . Edited by H orace V. H arrison .
A ction and R eaction in W orld P olitics . By R ichard N. R osecrance .
W alter L ippmann's P hilosophy of I nternational P olitics . By A nwar S yed .
U nited N ations F orces . By D. W. B owett .
T he B ureaucratic P henomenon . By M ichel C rozier .
P olitics in G hana , 1946–1960. By D ennis A ustin .
L ocal G overnment in G hana . By J. K. N sarkoh .
T he C ongo S ince I ndependence : J anuary 1960 to D ecember 1961. By C atherine H oskyns .
D ocuments on C hina's R elations with S outh and S outh -E ast A sia 1949–1962. Edited by G. V. A mbekar and V. D. D ivekar
S outheast A sia , I llusion and R eality in P olitics and E conomics . By L ennox A. M ills
G overnments and P olitics of S outheast A sia . Edited by G eorge M c T urnan K ahin . S aul R ose
T he C onservative P arty in O pposition , 1945–51. By J. D. H offman .
P lekhanov . T he F ather of R ussian M arxism . By S amuel H. B aron .
M en and W ork : T he A utobiography of L ord C itrine .
A D ictionary of the S ocial S ciences . Edited by J ulius G ould and W illiam L. K olb .
E nglish C onstitutional T heory and the H ouse of L ords 1556 to 1832. By C orinne C omstock W eston .
T he G enesis of P arliamentary R eform . By G. S. V eitch
C hartist P ortraits . By G. D. H. C ole .
T he E ssentials of P arliament D emocracy . By R. B assett .
G reat B ritain and G hana D ocuments of G hana H istory 1807–1957. By G. E. M etcalfe .
T he S ocialist C ommonwealth of N ations . Organisation and Institutions. By K azimierz G rzybowski .
B ritish P olitics and the A merican R evolution . By B ernard D onoughue .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1958,29(3):301-316
Book reviewed in this article.
D efence in the N uclear A ge . By C ommander S ir S tephen K ing -H all .
D efence and the E nglish -S peaking R ole . By S ir N orman A ngell .
Russia, the A tom , and the W est . By G eorge F. K ennan .
W ill the A tom U nite the W orld ? By A ngelos A ngelopoulos .
W orld P eace T hrough W orld L aw . By G renville C lark and Louis B. S ohn .
F ree E lections . By W. J. M. M ackenzie .
P olitics in an U rban A frican C ommunity . By A. L. E pstein .
T he P eople of S hip S treet . By M adeline K err .
E mergency P owers and the P arliamentary W atchdog : P arliament and the E xecutive in G reat B ritain , 1939–1951. By J ohn E aves , Jr.
B ismarck and the H ohenzollern C andidature for the S panish T hrone . The Documents in the German Diplomatic Archives. Edited with an Introduction by G eorges B onnin . With a Foreword by D r . G. P. G ooch .
T he H ouse of L ords and C ontemporary P olitics : 1911–1957. By P. A. B romhead .
L a C hambre des L ords au XX S iecle : 1911–1949. By M ichel Bomssou.
S tudies in E conomic D evelopment. By A lfred B onnea.
T he S cottish O ffice. By S ir D avid M ilne.
W idows and T heir F amilies. B y P eter M arris .
Y earbook of I nternational T rade S tatistics 1956. Two volumes.
E conomic S urvey of E urope in 1957.
T he D evelopment of I nternational L aw by the I nternational C ourt. By S ir H ersch L auterpacht , q.c.
A n E ncyclopaedia of P arliament. By N orman W ilding and P hilip L aundy.
L ocal G overnment in S cotland .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1987,58(2):217-238
Book reviewed in this article:
C oercion and C ontrol in C ommunist S ociety : T he V isible H and of B ureaucracy . By M aria H irszowicz .
W histleblowing in the S oviet U nion : C omplaints and A buses U nder S tate S ocialism . By N icholas L ampert .
L enin A nd T he E nd of P olitics . By A. J. P olan .
O rdinary S talinism . By R onald T iersky .
M ayday . E isenhower , K ruschev and the U-2 A ffair . By M ichael R. B eschloss .
T he W orld O f S cience and the R ule of L aw . By J ohn Z iman , P aul S ieghart and J ohn H umphrey .
S cience S peaks T o P ower . By D avid C ollingridge and C olin R eeve .
R ace A nd E mpire in B ritish P olitics . By P aul B. R ich .
R acism and R ecruitment . By R ichard J enkins .
R acism , E ducation and the S tate . By B arry T royna and J enny W illiams .
E thnicity and E ducational A chievement in B ritish S chools . By G ajendra V erma W ith B randon A shworth .
T he N ational W orld of L ocal G overnment . By R. A. W. R hodes .
L ocal G overnment in the M odern S tate . By M artin L oughlin .
P arliament and T erritoriality . By J. B arry J ones and R. A. W ilford .
M aking S ense of M arx . By J on E lster .
P rofqrtional M ispresentation : T he C ase A gainst P r in B ritain . By P eter H ain .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The New British Empire By W. Y. E lliott
R ed R ussia By T heodor S eibert
B olshevism I n P erspective By J. de V. L oder
New Russia By A. de M onzie Translated by R. J. S. C urtis
R ussia and T he S oviet U nion in T he F ar E ast By V ictor A. Y akhoutoff
R ussia , M arket O r M enace ? By T homas D. C ampbell
S oviet R ussia A nd T he W orld By M auriced D obb
O n M arxism T o -D ay By M aurice D obb
T he M ugwumps A nd the L abour P arty By G. T. G arratt
M oney and P olitics A broad By J ames K err P ollock  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1963,34(3):306-320
T he S ocial F oundations of W age P olicy. Second Edition. By B arbara W ootton.
S alaries in the P ublic S ervices in E ngland and W ales. By H ilda R. K ahn with a preface by B arbara W ootton.
T he S ecretariat of the U nited N ations. By S ydney D. B ailey.
D iplomats in I nternational C o -operation : S tepchildren of the F oreign S ervice. By M ichael H. C ardozo.
R eaction and R eform : E ngland in the E arly N ineteenth C entury (1793–1868). By J ohn W. D erry.
T he M aking of F oreign P olicy. By J oseph F rankel.
C uba and the R ule of L aw. Report of the International Commission of Jurists . Introduction by S ir L eslie M unro.
T he V oice of L atin A merica. By W illiam B enton with a foreword by A dlai S tevenson.
L atin A merica —D iplomacy and R eality. By A dolf A. B erle.
A frican O ne -P arty S tates. Edited M. C arter.
A frica in W orld P olitics. By V ernon M c K ay .
S ocial C ontrol in an A frican S ociety . By P. H. G ulliver .
T he R ise of D emocracy in P re -R evolutionary R ussia. Political and Social Institutions Under the Last Three Czars. By J acob W alkin.
I slam and the W est. By P. K. H itti
W orld C ommunism. By S. H ook.
T he I dea of R acialism. By L. L. S nyder.
I deas in C onflict. T he P olitical T heories of the C ontemporary W orld. By E. M. B urns.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B eyond the W elfare S tate . By G unnar M yrdal .
S ocial M obility in I ndustrial S ociety . By S. M. L ipset and R. B endix .
N ationalised I ndustries and P ublic O wnership . By W illiam A. R obson .
A H istory of the N ursing P rofession . By B. A bel -S mith .
P ioneers in C riminology . Ed; H ermann M annheim .
R estitution to V ictims of C rime . By S tephen S chafer .
S owing . By L eonard W oolf .
I mperialism and S ocial R eform : E nglish S ocial -I mperial T hought 1895–1914. By B ernard S emmel .
N igerian P erspectives . By T homas H odgkin .
S ir G eorge G oldie and the M aking of N igeria . By J ohn E. F lint .
Awo: T he A utobiography of C hief O bafemi A wolowo .
C onstitutional D evelopments N igeria . By K alu E zera .
N igeria : T he P olitical and E conomic B ackground .
D eterrent or D efence . By B. H. L iddell H art .
T he D esert G enerals . By C orrelli B arnett .
A merican F oreign P olicy . By Louis J. H alle .
A N ew H istory of the U nited S tates . By W illiam M iller .
S enator J oe M c C arthy . By R ichard R overe .
T he C oming of the N ew D eal . By A rthur M. S chlesinger J r .
T he S oviet S ystem of G overnment . By J ohn N. H azard .
B ritain and A rgentina in the N ineteenth C entury . By H. S. F erns .
I ndependent I raq , a S tudy in I raqi P olitics F rom 1932 to 1958. By M ajid K hadduri .
S tranger W ithin . By S ir F rancis O ppenheimer .
T he C ommunist I nternational 1919–1943. D ocuments . Vol. II: 1923–1928. Selected and edited by J ane D egras .
S urvey of I nternational A ffairs , 1955–56. By G eoffrey B arraclough and R achel F. W all .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1989,60(2):239-242
Book reviewed in this article:
W aging W ar ; A P hilosophical I ntroduction . By I an C lark .
T he F irst W orld W ar and I nternational P olitics . By D avid S tevenson .
A t D uty's C all : A S tudy in O bsolete P atrotism By W. J. R eader .
E nglish E thical S ocialism : T homas M ore to R. H. T awney . By N orman D ennis and A. H. H alsey .
M aking M ondragon . T he G rowth and D ynamics of the W orker CO-O perative C omplex . By W illiam F oote W hyte and K athleen K ing W hyte .
T he T hird W ay : T he P romise of I ndustrial D emocracy . By D ennis L awrence .
W orker C ooperatives in T heory and P ractice . By M ary M ellor , J anet H annah and J ohn S tirling .
G overnment and P ressure G roups in B ritain . By A. G. J ordan and J. J. R ichardson .
T rade U nions and P olitics in the 1980s. By D erek F atchett .
B usiness and P olitics in B ritain . By W yn G rant (with J ane S argent )
P ressure for the P oor , T he P overty L obby and P olicy M aking . By P aul F. W hiteley and S tephen J. W ynyard .
C itizens , P arties and the S tate . B y A lan W are .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1954,25(3):275-295
book reviewed in this article
A n I ntroduction to the S tudy of I ndustrial R elations . By J. H. R ichardson .
T he O rigins of the L abour P arty . By H enry P elling .
T he D eath of the F ourth republic . By R onald M atthews .
E ssays on the S ocial H istory of S cience . Edited by S. L illey .
P io N ono : A S tudy in E uropean P olitics and R eligion in the XIX C entury . By E. E. Y. H ales .
T he Q uaker A pproach to C ontemporary P roblems . J ohn K avanagh .
C ommunism and C hrist . By C harles W. L owry .
A narchy and O rder . By H erbert
T he dynamics of S oviet S ociety . By W. W. R ostow .
T he F uture of T he H ouse of L ords . Edited by S idney B ailey . Foreword by C ommander S tephen K ing -H all .
D roit I nternational et S ouverainetéa en U.R.S.S. By J ean -Y ves C alvez .
T héaories et R éalites en D roit I nternational P ublic . By C harles de V isscher .
F rench L iberal T hought in the 18 th C entury . By K ingsley M artin . Edited by J. P. M ayer .
T he E ncyclopaedia of D iderot & d'A lembert . Edited by J ohn L ough .
P ower in T rade U nions : a S tudy of T heir O rganization in G reat B ritain . By V. L. A llen .
T he N eglected C hild and the S ocial S ervices . By D. V. D onnison .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
R ise and F ulfilment of B ritish R ule in I ndia . By E dward T hompson and G. T. G arratt .
T he E conomics of A bundances . By S tuart C hase .
C ivitis D ei . By L. C urtis
B ritish C ommonwealth R elations C onference , 1933. Edited by A. T oynbee .
E conomic O rganization of the B ritish C oal I ndustry . By A ndrew M artin N euman . With a Foreword by S ir H erbert S amuel .
C oal and M en . By H arold M. W atkins . with a foreword by P rosser J ohn R. C ommons .
T he E ncyclopædia of the S ocial S cience , Vols, VIII., IX., X. and XI.
A H istory of N ational S ocialism . By C onrad H eiden .
G eramany U nmasked . By R obert D ell .
F ascism and S ocial R evolution . By R. P alme D utt .
H itler's O fficial P rogramme . By G ottfried F eder .
T he C ensor, the D rama, and the F ilm , 1900-1934. By D orothy K nowles . With a prefae by H ubert G ripfith .
U nbalanced B udgets . By H ugh D alton , B rinley T homas , J. N. R eedman , T. J. H ughes and W. J. L eaming .
T he S tate and E conomic L ife : R ecords of an I nternational C onference . Publided by the I nternationalinstitute of I ntellectual C o-operation .
S tudies in W orld E conomics . By G. D. H. C ole .
M astering the C rises . By P rof. I rving F isher .
T own and R egional D evelopment . By H. C hapman .
P refaces by B ernard S haw .
T he G reat D epression . By P rofessor L ionel R obbins
S ome A spects of the C onvent of the L eague of N ations . By S ir J ohn F ischer W illiams .
T he D evelopment of I nternational L aw by the P ermanent C ourt of I nternational justice . By H. L auterpacht .
T rade U nion and the S tate . By W. M ilne -B ailey .
R eport on C ollective A greements B etween E mployers and W orkpeople in G reat B ritain and N orthern I reland . Vol. I.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1990,61(2):229-246
Book reviews in this article:
T he F irst W orld W ar : A n A grarian I nterpretation . By A vner O ffer .
G overning E ducation : A S ociology of P olicy S ince 1945. By A ndrew M c P herson and C harles D. R aab .
B ending the R ules —T he B aker 'R eform ' of E ducation . By B rian S imon .
T he E ducation R eform A ct : C ompetition and C ontrol . By L eslie B ash and D avid C oulby .
T he 1988 E ducation A ct —A T actical G uide for S chools . By M artin L eonard .
M anaging F inance in S chools . By T im B lanchard , B ob L ovell and N ick V ille .
S chools and P arents . By J ohn P artington and T ed W ragg .
T he T hatcher E ffect : A D ecade of C hange . Edited by D ennis K avanagh and A nthony S eldon .
A fter T hatcher . By P aul H irst .
A ccounting for P ublic P olicy . By D avid R osenberg .
M anaging C ompetition : M esso-corporatism , P luralism, and the N egotiated O rder in S cotland . By C hris M oore and S imon B ooth .
P olicing the W orld : I nterpol and the P olitics of I nternational P olice C o-operation . By M alcolm A nderson .
A T reatise on S ocial J ustice . Volume 1: T heories of J ustice . By B rian B arry .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1966,37(3):333-353
Book reviewed in this article:
M unicipal E ntertainment and the A rts in G reater L ondon . By S. K. R uck .
R uin and R esurgence 1939–1965. By R. C. M owat .
B ritish P olitics 1918–64. By L. J. M acfarlane .
S ince 1945: A spects of W orld H istory . Edited by J. L. H enderson .
P olitics in W est A frica . By W. A rthur L ewis .
H alifax : T he L ife of L ord H alifax . By T he E arl of B irkenhead .
T he B ritish C ommunist P arty . I ts O rigins and D evelopment U ntil 1929. By L. J. M acfarlane .
P ower and the S oviet é lite —"T he L etter of an O ld B olshevik " and other essays. By Boris Nicolaevsky. U npersoned : T he F all of N ikita S. K hrushchev . By Martin Page and David Burg.
M arxism in the M odern world . Edited by milorad M. drachovitch.
T he P olitics of B ureaucracy . By G ordon T ullock .
T hailand and the S truggle for S outheast A sia . By D onald E. N euchterlein .
S outh E ast A sia in T urmoil . By B rian C rozier .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1944,15(2):172-184
Book reviewed in this article:
T he P ekkham E xperiment . By I nnes H. P earse and L ucy H. C rocker .
R ussia T hrough the C enturies . By M. P hilips P rice , M.P.
O ur S oviet A lly . Essays edited by M argaret C ole .
G reat B ritain , F rance and the G erman P roblem , 1918–1939. By W. M. J ordan .
W hy I A m a J ew . By E dmond F leg . Translated by V ictor G ollancz .
T owards H istoric J udaism . By E. B erkovits .
T he J ewish N ational H ome , 1917–1942. Edited by P aul G oodman .
T he J ewish C ontribution to C ivilisation . By C ecil R oth .
A S hort H istory of the J ewish P eople . By C ecil R oth .
W ar -T ime P attern of S aving and S pending . By C harles M adge
A rmies and the A rt of R evolution . By K. C. C horley .
E urope R ises . By D orothy W oodman .
T he T ransition from W ar to P eace . Report of the Delegation on Economic Depressions. Part I.
T he D isplacement of P opulation in E urope . By E ugene M. K ulischer .
T he U nited S tates in the W orld E conomy .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1956,27(3):340-354
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C ivil S ervice : S ome H uman A spects . By F rank D unnill
B eatrice W ebb's D iaries , 1924–1932. Edited with an introduction by M argaret C ole .
I n T wo C hinas . By K. M. P anikkar .
C hina U nder C ommunism . By R ichard L. W alker .
T he P rospects for C ommunist C hina . Edited by W. W. R ostow .
A dministration of W ar P roduction . By J. D. S cott and R ichard H ughes
L abour P olicy in the USSR, 1917–28. By M argaret D ewar .
S ome P roblems of I ncentives and L abour P roductivity in S oviet I ndustry . By G. R. B arker .
H ow P eople V ote . By M ark B enney , A. P. G ray and R. H. P ear .
G ermany and the N orth A tlantic C ommunity . A Legal Survey. By M. E. B athurst and J. L. S impson .
N ew S tates and I nternational O rganizations . By B enjamin A kzin .
H igher L earning in B ritain . By G. F. K neller .
B ritish G overnment I nspection as a D ynamic P rocess . By J ohn S. H arris .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T he U niversity T eaching of S ocial S ciences : P olitical S cience . A Report prepared by W illiam A. R obson .
T he U niversity T eaching of S ocial S ciences : I nternational R elations . A Report prepared by C. A. W. M anning .
A n E ssay on R acial T ension . By P hilip M ason .
S cience and S ocial A ction . By W. J. H. S prott . ( Watts. 164 pp. 15 s .)
T he P sychology of P olitics . By H. J. E ysenck .
G ladstone : A B iography . By P hilip M agnus .
T empestuous J ourney : L loyd G eorge , his L ife and T imes . By F rank O wen .
G eneral U nion : A Study of the National Union of General and Municipal Workers. By H. A. C legg .
T he S ystem of I ndustrial R elations in G reat B ritian . Edited by A llan F landers and H. A. C legg .
A n I ntroduction to A merican P olitics . By D. W. B rogan .
F ive H undred B orstal B oys . By A. G. R ose .
I nternational R elations : T he W orld C ommunity in T ransition . By N orman D. P almer and H oward C. P erkins .
T he S py W eb : A S tudy in C ommunist E spionage . By F rancis N oel -B aker .
S ocial S ecurity in T he B ritish C ommonwealth . Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. By R onald M endelsohn .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Political quarterly》1970,41(3):341-372
Book reviewed in this article:
P resent at the C reation . M y Y ears in the S tate D epartment . By D ean A cheson .
C olour and C itizenship . By E. J. B. R ose , in association with N icholas D eakin and others.
P olitical C hange in B ritain . By D avid B utler and D onald S tokes .
N ationalism and E conomic D evelopment in G hana . By R oger G enoud .
S tudies on M arx and H egel . By J ean H yppolite . Edited and translated by J ohn O'N eill .
T he M arxian R evolutionary I dea . By R obert C. T ucker .
A n I nterpretation of the P olitical I deas of M arx and E ngels . By J. B. S anderson .
T he C ollapse of the T hird R epublic : an I nquiry I nto the F all of F rance in 1940. By W illiam L. S hirer .
P lanning and the P oliticians . By A. H. H anson .
C ontending A pproaches to I nternational P olitics . Edited by K laus K norr and J ames N. R osenau .
C rises in F oreign P olicy . A S imulation A nalysis . By C harles F. H ermann .
C omparative F oreign R elations : F ramework and M ethods . By D avid O. W ilkinson .
I nternational O rganization : W orld P olitics . Studies in Economic and Social Agencies. Edited by R obert W. C ox .
T he U nited N ations E conomic and S ocial C ouncil . By W alter R. S harp .
I nternational P olitics . C onflict and H armony . By J oseph F rankel .
M easure for M easure : R eforming the T rade U nions . By S tephen F ay .
T he F oreign O ffice and F oreign P olicy 1898–1914. By Z ara S. S teiner .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1980,51(4):508-543
Books Reviewed in this Article:
THE DUE P rocess OF LAW. L ord D enning .
P ower AND P arliament . By T imothy R aison
O ilgate -THE S anctions S candal . By M artin B ailey .
I nternational E conomic S anctions : THE C ases OF C uba , I srael A and R hdesia . By D onald L. L osman .
M ore BAD N ews . By G lasgow U niversity M edia G roup .
A rms AND THE MEN. By B asil C ollier .
THE W orld M ilitary O rder Edited by M ary K aldor and A sbjorn F ide .
THE E conomics OF T hird W orld M ilitary E xpenditure Edited by D ivid K. W hynes .
NO MAN'S L and : C ombat & I dentity IN W orld WAR I. By E ric J. L eed .
THE C hancing B ritish P arty S ystem 1945–1979. By S. E. F iner .
M ulti -P arty B ritain . By H. M. D rucker .
A rguments FOR S ocialism . By T ony B enn . Edited by C hris M ullin .
S ocialism W ithout THE S tate . By E van L uard .
C ommunity S ocialism . By G iles R adice .
T owards I ndustrial D emocracy : E urope , J apan AND THE U nited S tates . Edited by B enjamin C. R oberts .
G reat P lanning D isasters . By P eter H all
THE F oundations OF M odern P olitical T hought . By Q uentin S kinner .
THE L ast E dwardian AT No. 10. By G eorge H utchinson .
I nside I ndia T oday . By D ilip H iro .
P akistan U nder B hutto , 1971–1977. By S hahid J aved B urki .
E thnicity AND E quality : THE S hiv S ena P arty AND P referential P olitics IN B ombay . By M ary F ainsod K atzenstein .
R eflections ON E conomic D evelopment AND S ocial C hance : E ssays IN H onoijr OF P rofessor V. K. R. V. KAO. By C. H. H anumantha RAO and P. C. J oshi .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1991,62(1):125-146
Book reviews in this article:
T he W orld T rading S ystem . L aw and P olicy of I nternational E conomic R elations . By J ohn H. J ackson .
R estructuring the G att S ystem . By J ohn H. J ackson .
I nternational C ompetition in S ervices . A C onstitutional F ramework . By J ohn H. J ackson .
L iberalizing S ervice T rade . S trategies for S uccess . By P hedon N icolaides .
T he C ompetitive A dvantage of N ations . By M ichael E. P orter .
C apitalism . By A rthur S eldon .
C orporatism and A ccountability : O rganized I nterests in B ritish P ublic L ife . Edited by C olin C rouch and R onald D ore .
U prooting P overty T he S outh A frican C hallenge . By F rancis W ilson and M amphela R amphele .
P ower and P rejudice : W omen and P olitics . By A nna C oote and P olly P attullo .
A verting the A pocalypse : S ocial M ovements in I ndia . By A rthur B onner .
A P rice T oo H igh . By P eter R awlinson .  相似文献   

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