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For the first three decades of the People's Republic, the Chinese economy consisted solely of state-owned or collectively owned enterprises.The emergence of private businesses following China's reform and opening-up in 1978 ushered in a private economy that has since grown to account for up to 50 percent of the country's GDP,70 percent of its jobs and 30-40 percent of its tax revenue.  相似文献   

China cannot be inoculated against the world economic downturn the global investment bank Lehman Brothers stated recently at a press conference on 2008 Asian market liquidity, It predicts a slowdown in Asian economies, although it also believes the region's rapid growth will continue China's GDP growth is expected to decline to 9.8 percent this year, and fall to 8 percent in 2009. However, the crucial issue for the nation is coping with the excess production capacity that has been created by a much more rapid growth in investment than consumption,  相似文献   

正China’s Energy Consumption Growth Slows Down The 2014 BP Statistical Review of World Energy shows that in 2013 China led the world in energy consumption.China used 22.4 percent of the world total,growing by4.7 percent,well below the 8.6percent average of the past decade.Meanwhile,China is also the world’s largest energy producer,providing 18.9 percent of global supply.Its No.1energy source is coal,which accounts for 47.4 percent of the global output.In line with the dip in consumption growth,growth in China’s energy production also fell to2.3 percent last year,far below the 7.4 percent average over the past 10 years.  相似文献   

<正>China emerges as a major contributor to global economy and governance From the macro perspective of economic size and growth speed,China is the world’s second largest economy,with its GDP growing 6.7 percent and reaching $11 tril ion last year.It contributed more than 34 percent to the world’s gross value added in  相似文献   

China slowed its economic growth in 2011 to concentrate on economic restructuring. The country’s growth rate nonetheless outstripped that of other world economies. China’s 2011 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was RMB 47.  相似文献   

<正>The World Bank upgraded its forecast for China’s GDP growth in 2011 to 9.3 percent from last November’sprediction of 8.7 percent.The World Bank’s China Office released its latest China Quarterly Update on April 28.The update,a biannual assessment of China’s economy,also  相似文献   

正The Chinese economy is slowing down,albeit slowly.GDP growth slowed to 8.1 percent in the first quarter.In its latest China Quarterly Update released onApril 12,the World Bank projects China’s GDP growth will be 8.2 percent in 2012 and 8.6 percent in 2013.Edited excerpts of the update follow:  相似文献   

<正>Despite a further slowdown,China’s economy pins its hopes on efficient jobcreation,structural transformation and emerging industriesAfter leveling off at 7 percent for two quarters,China’s economic growth fell to 6.9 percent in the third,the lowest in six years,prompting concerns over a lukewarm future."Although China’s GDP growth dropped below 7 percent in the third quarter,the  相似文献   

Yao Jingyuan: China Ensures A GDP Growth of Eight Percent in 2009
According to Yao Jingyuan, chief economist with the National Bureau of Statistics, China wilt be able to achieve its target of 8 percent growth in gross domestic product (GDP) this year, though difficulties lie ahead. He said the country's economy demonstrates better recovery than in the U.S., Japan, Europe and other members of the BRIC group, which includes Brazil, Russia, India and China.  相似文献   

7.8Percent Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that China’s GDP grew by 7.8 percent in 2012. Although the growth rate is lower than that of 2011, it is still the highest among leading world economies and China’s contribution to the world’s economic development is increasing. According to the latest forecast by the IMF, the global  相似文献   

Central Budget Detailed on Website
The Ministry of Finance recently posted a breakdown of the nation's central budget for the year 2010 on its website. The state revenue is predicted at RMB 3 ~06 billion, a six percent rise over that of last year. Expenditures will reach RMB 4,666 billion, up 6.3 percent The deficit is to grow by RMB 100 bil- lion to RMB 850 billion. The central government plans a 8.8 percent increase in its spending on people's well-being,  相似文献   

THE recent publication of America's second quarter GDP data, following that for China, makes it possible to accurately compare the recent performance of the world's two largest economies and the results are extremely striking. In the last year the slowdown in the U.S. economy has been far more serious than in China. Therefore while both economies are being adversely affected by current negative trends in the world economy, China is dealing with these much more successfully than the U.S. In light of media discussion about China's economic "slowdown" it is equally important that attention is paid to understanding why the U.S.'s own economic slowdown is much worse than China's when confronted with similar global economic trends.  相似文献   

正Inflation Indexes China’s consumer prices grew 1.4percent in 2015 from one year earlier,below the government’s 3-percen cap set for the year,according to data released by National Bureau of Statistics(NBS)on January 9.The growth in the consumer price index(CPI),the main gauge of inflation,was also below the2-percent increase registered in2014.China’s producer prices continued to drop in 2015,indicating  相似文献   

Today, the statistic that most polarizes world attention is that of China's annual GDP growth. It was certainly the focus of the recently concluded annual NPC and CPPCC ses- sions. American and British reporters at the press conference Premier Li Keqiang held for domestic and foreign journalists took the opportunity to express their concerns on this topic, asking Premier Li: will China realize its annual growth target of 7.5 percent, and if so, how?  相似文献   

<正>The Chinese path to modernization requires high-quality development China has set its GDP growth target at around 5 percent for this year.The target was revealed in the government work report delivered by Premier Li Keqiang at the opening meeting of the First Session of the 14th National People’s Congress(NPC),China’s highest state organ of power,in Beijing on March 5.  相似文献   

After bottoming out last year,the emerging economies of East Asia are recouping their losses and setting out onto the fast growth track.But short-term growth does not necessarily indicate a prosperous future-the region still needs to rebalance its economies and precipitate a massive shift to green technologies and energy efficiency.The World Bank discussed this issue in the latest East Asia & Pacific Economic Update,a biannual assessment of economies in the region.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

THE National Bureau of Statistics has released key figures on the Chinese economy in2014.As expected,China’s growth rate as measured by GDP was7.4 percent,the lowest since 2002.Over the past 15 years,China’s average annual GDP growth was 8.9 percent.The size of the Chinese economy has thus increased nearly eight fold from RMB 8.94 trillion(US$1.43 trillion)in 2000 to RMB 63.64 trillion(US$10.18 trillion)in 2014.China has created a true economic miracle.  相似文献   

China's economic growth slowed in the third quarter amid the global economic recession.It was largely reflected in the fiscal revenue in September,which climbed only 3.1 percent year on year.Inflation was gradually brought under control as consumer prices last month increased 4.6 percent year on year-the lowest growth rate in the past 15 months.The Central Government issued a package of policies to stimulate property purchases on seeing citizens' reluctance to buy homes.In addition,the government raised export tax rebates to boost exports.The Agricultural Bank of China has completed its financial restructuring and now wants to be a "profit-seeking" lender instead of a "policy-driven" bank. By LIU YUNYUN  相似文献   

正Rising domestic spending easing effect of sluggish exports on China's economy Despite the weakness of Western economies, the Chinese economy still achieved a robust growth rate of 9.2 percent in 2011. The GDP totaled 47.16 trillion yuan ($7.45 trillion) last year, said the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).  相似文献   

正EARLIER this year sections of the Western media tried to spin a story that the world economy was experiencing"severe slowdown in China"and"strong recovery in the U.S."In other words,China’s economy was allegedly in trouble and the U.S.was doing well.Now that the factual data is in for the fi rst half of the year it shows the opposite was true.China’s economic growth was 7.5 percent to the second quarter of 2014;that of the U.S.was 2.4 percent.China’s economy thus grew more than three times as fast as the U.S.’s.Still more signifi cantly for the U.S.,its own statistical agencies and the IMF have offi cially revised their projections for long-term U.S.growth.Both now estimate it at  相似文献   

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