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The use of a new technique, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) chemical imaging, has been demonstrated for the enhancement of latent fingermarks on a number of surfaces. Images of untreated fingermarks on glass backgrounds with excellent ridge detail were acquired using infrared chemical imaging. High quality fingermarks on glass backgrounds were also developed using ethyl cyanoacrylate (super glue) fuming and subsequent infrared chemical imaging. This new method allows the collection of images from backgrounds that traditionally pose problems for current fingermark detection methods. The background may, for example, be highly colored, have a complex pattern, or possess other pattern or image characteristics that make it difficult to separate fingermark ridges using traditional optical or luminescent visualization. One background that has proven to be a challenging surface for the development of latent fingermarks is the Australian polymer banknote. To demonstrate the power and applicability of infrared chemical imaging, fingermarks fumed with ethyl cyanoacrylate were successfully imaged from Australian polymer banknotes.  相似文献   

Recent published research has lead to improved techniques for recovering latent fingermarks from metallic surfaces. The present study corroborates and extends some of the work carried out by Bond [1], [2], [3], but an alternative mechanism is proposed for the thermal visualisation of fingermarks based on differential oxidation and the production of interference colours that improve contrast. Fingermarks treated at low temperature could be reheated to enhance recovery, but an upper temperature limit occurs beyond which the mark degrades. The mechanism of enhancement is discussed.  相似文献   

In this work we present our observations on the interaction between metallic (copper, aluminum, iron, brass, zinc) and non-metallic (glass and plastic) surfaces bearing latent fingermarks and several aqueous electrolytic solutions. Good quality fingermarks could be observed on some of the metallic and even on non-metallic surfaces after such treatment. The influence of factors such as time interval from deposition, pH of the electrolytes, wiping the latent marks prior to processing and the presence of a second metal on the quality and permanence of the developed impressions have been studied. As a rule, sebaceous marks provided much better quality impressions on all the surfaces. Initial explanations based on electrochemical processes are suggested.  相似文献   

In the present age of heightened emphasis on counter terrorism, law enforcement and forensic science are constantly evolving and adapting to the motivations and capabilities of terrorist groups and individuals. The use of biological agents on a population, such as anthrax spores, presents unique challenges to the forensic investigator, and the processing of contaminated evidence. In this research, a number of porous and nonporous items were contaminated with viable anthrax spores and marked with latent fingermarks. The test samples were then subjected to a standard formulation of formaldehyde gas. Latent fingermarks were then recovered post decontamination using a range of methods. Standard fumigation, while effective at destroying viable spores, contributed to the degradation of amino acids leading to loss of ridge detail. A new protocol for formaldehyde gas decontamination was developed which allows for the destruction of viable spores and the successful recovery of latent marks, all within a rapid response time of less than 1 h.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(3):192-198
Often in the examination of bloodstained fingermarks discussion occurs around whether to prioritise the fingerprint evidence or focus on the biological evidence. Collecting a sample for genetic profiling may result in the loss of ridge detail that could have been used for fingerprint comparison. Fingermark enhancement and recovery methods along with sample collection methods could also compromise downstream genetic analysis. Previous forensic casework has highlighted circumstances where, after enhancement had been performed, it would have been extremely valuable to both identify the body fluid and generate a DNA profile from the same sample.We enhanced depletion series of fingermarks made in blood, using single treatments consisting of aqueous amido black, methanol-based amido black, acid yellow and leucocrystal violet, and exposure to long wave UV light. We then extracted the DNA and RNA for profiling, to assess the recovery and detection of genetic material from the enhanced fingermarks.We have shown that genetic profiling of bloodstained fingermarks can be successful after chemical enhancement; however it may still be necessary to prioritise evidence types in certain circumstances. From our results it appears that even with visible bloodstained fingermarks, leucocrystal violet can reduce the effectiveness of subsequent messenger RNA profiling. Aqueous amido black and acid yellow also have adverse effects on messenger RNA profiling of depleted fingermarks with low levels of cellular material. These results help with forensic decision-making by expanding knowledge of the extent of the detrimental effects of blood-enhancement reagents on both DNA profiling and body fluid identification using messenger RNA profiling.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(5):635-648
A variety of suspended silica and metal nanoparticles have been used over the last 20 years to enhance latent fingermarks. This study quantitatively evaluates enhancement of natural and sebum-enriched fingermarks from three adult subjects acquired with a consistent applied force on glass with a fingermark press using suspended commercially available polystyrene (PS) particles. Images of the enhanced fingermarks acquired with total internal reflection (TIR), or standard overhead white light (WL), illumination are compared with fingermarks enhanced with conventional methods including cyanoacrylate fuming. The different enhancement and illumination methods are quantified based on the brightness and contrast of the fingermark images, as well as the number of minutiae that can be identified and matched to those on an inked manually acquired “template” fingermark using automatic fingerprint identification system (AFIS) software. Enhanced fingermarks acquired with the press are shown to be more consistent than manually acquired fingermarks based on these metrics. The results demonstrate that TIR illumination from a large-area illuminator built in house gives enhanced fingermark images with more matched minutiae and contrast superior to that for WL illumination for all types of enhancement. “Wet-powdering” with PS particles gives fingermark images that are for the most part comparable in terms of the number of matched minutiae to fingermarks enhanced with more conventional methods, suggesting that this novel enhancement method has a performance comparable to conventional enhancement methods. Interestingly, the age of the fingermark appears to have almost no effect on this new type of enhancement; sebum-enriched fingermarks ranging in age from 12 h to 435 days appear to have statistically identical numbers of matched minutiae.  相似文献   

Fingermarks are a key form of physical evidence for identifying persons of interest and linking them to the scene of a crime. Visualising latent (hidden) fingermarks can be difficult and the correct choice of techniques is essential to develop and preserve any fingermarks or other (e.g. DNA) evidence that might be present. Metal surfaces (stainless steel in particular) have proven to be challenging substrates from which to reliably obtain fingermarks. This is a great cause for concern among police forces around the globe as many of the firearms, knives and other metal weapons used in violent crime are potentially valuable sources of fingermark evidence. In this study, a highly sensitive and non-destructive surface science technique called time of flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS) was used to image fingermarks on metal surfaces. This technique was compared to a conventional superglue based fuming technique that was accompanied by a series of contrast enhancing dyes (basic yellow 40 (BY40), crystal violet (CV) and sudan black (SB)) on three different metal surfaces. The conventional techniques showed little to no evidence of fingermarks being present on the metal surfaces after a few days. However, ToF-SIMS revealed fingermarks on the same and similar substrates with an exceptional level of detail. The ToF-SIMS images demonstrated clear ridge definition as well as detail about sweat pore position and shape. All structures were found to persist for over 26?days after deposition when the samples were stored under ambient conditions.  相似文献   

Faded, or actively removed text on thermally printed paper samples may be enhanced and retrieved through the use of a simple iodine fuming procedure. The recovery of printed documentation evidence in this fashion is neither affected by prior fingerprint enhancement techniques (such as ninhydrin or DFO), nor by sample age. This method allows, for the first time, evidence to be obtained from completely faded thermal paper samples (receipts, for example) as well as allowing deliberately removed printed text (a consequence of solvent washing pre-treatment in latent fingerprint enhancement procedures) to be recovered.  相似文献   

The ability of two mass spectrometric methods, surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (SALDI-TOF-MS) and direct analysis in real time (DART-MS), to detect the presence of seven common explosives (six nitro-organic- and one peroxide-type) in spiked latent fingermarks has been examined. It was found that each explosive could be detected with nanogram sensitivity for marks resulting from direct finger contact with a glass probe by DART-MS or onto stainless steel target plates using SALDI-TOF-MS for marks pre-dusted with one type of commercial black magnetic powder. These explosives also could be detected in latent marks lifted from six common surfaces (paper, plastic bag, metal drinks can, wood laminate, adhesive tape and white ceramic tile) whereas no explosive could be detected in equivalent pre-dusted marks on the surface of a commercial lifting tape by the DART-MS method due to high background interference from the tape material. The presence of TNT and Tetryl could be detected in pre-dusted latent fingermarks on a commercial lifting tape for up to 29 days sealed and stored under ambient conditions.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(4):378-383
Latent fingermarks are important trace evidence found in crime scenes mainly used for identification purposes. Once deposited, the composition of samples changes over time influencing the efficacy of latent fingermark development methods. In this sense, the aims of this work were to characterize the fatty acid (FA) profile of sebaceous latent fingermarks by GC–FID and to preliminarily evaluate the development efficiency of enhancement methods (powder dusting, iodine fuming and silver nitrate method) in a 30-day period of aging under controlled parameters of temperature, photoperiod and humidity. Results showed that myristic (7.51 ± 0.76% − 13.39 ± 1.26%), palmitic (35.91 ± 1.07% − 40.81 ± 2.52%), stearic (6.67 ± 0.36% − 9.13 ± 0.36%) and oleic (18.08 ± 0.25% − 20.93 ± 0.26%) acid varied significantly (p < 0.05) over the 30-day period of analysis. Regarding development efficiency, fluorescent orange powder and the silver nitrate method also increased their efficacy to develop latent fingermarks over time while the iodine fuming method decreased its efficiency. Silver black powder had constant efficacy in the tested period. Changes in the constitution of sebaceous marks possibly influenced the development efficiency of enhancement techniques. This knowledge is important to better understand the kinetic of aging and its influence on the development method.  相似文献   

Forensic examiners must determine whether both latent fingerprint development and DNA profiling can be performed on the same area of an evidence item and, if only one is possible, which examination offers the best chance for identification. Latent fingerprints can be enhanced by targeting different components of fingerprint residues with sequential chemical treatments. This study investigated the effects of single-reagent and sequential latent fingerprint development processes on downstream DNA analysis to determine the point at which latent fingerprint development should be stopped to allow for DNA recovery. Latent fingerprints deposited on copy paper by one donor were developed using three sequential processes: 1,8-diazafluoren-9-one (DFO) → ninhydrin → physical developer (PD); 1,2-indanedione-zinc (IND-Zn) → ninhydrin → PD; and IND-Zn → ninhydrin → Oil Red O (ORO) → PD. Samples were examined after the addition of each chemical treatment. DNA was collected with cotton swabs, extracted, quantified, and amplified. DNA yields, peak heights, number of alleles obtained, and percentage of DNA profiles eligible for CODIS upload were examined. DNA profiles were obtained with varying degrees of success, depending on the number and type of treatments used for latent fingerprint development. The treatments that were found to be the least harmful to downstream DNA analysis were IND-Zn and IND-Zn/laser, and the most detrimental treatments were DFO, DFO/laser, and PD. In general, as the number of treatments increase, the opportunities for DNA loss or damage also increase, and it is preferable to use fewer treatments when developing latent fingerprints prior to downstream DNA processing.  相似文献   

Thermal paper finds its extensive use in the modern day life and could act as a vital piece of physical evidence carrying latent fingermarks. A large number of citations are available in literature suggesting various techniques to develop these marks but all are suffering with one or the other drawbacks such as complex and cumbersome procedure, pre- or post-treatment, background coloration and efficiency to develop aged fingermarks. In present study, a very simple and novel method involving iodine fuming has been suggested to develop fingermarks which were not only permanent but also without any background coloration. The suggested method does not involve any pre- or post-treatment of the substrate and was able to develop very old fingermarks (upto >1 year). In this study an attempt has been made to explain the reaction mechanism of the process. In case of different types of thermal papers, presence of different substituents on leuco dye (lactone ring) structure resulted in development of different colored fingermarks upon reaction with iodine. Sebaceous material laden marks have been found to be more intensely developed as compared to eccrine marks, and the difference was more pronounced in case of aged fingermarks.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(1):72-78
Enhancement of latent fingermarks on thermal paper poses a number of problems when using traditional methods used for porous substrates due to blackening of the thermal layer as a result of polar solvents present within the reagents and high temperatures oxidising the acid/dye complex. Thus, methods which prevent such reactions are favoured for the development of latent prints on said substrates. A comparative pseudo-operational trial using UV, Hot Print System (HPS), ninhydrin and ThermaNIN was performed on 1000 thermal paper substrates gathered from various sources. The results indicated that the most effective method was an acetone pre-wash followed by ninhydrin. The sequence of HPS-ninhydrin was similarly effective when compared to ninhydrin as a sole technique. ThermaNIN produced fewer marks than ninhydrin but was superior to HPS. Whilst the HPS developed some fingermarks, there was only a very small number of marks uniquely developed by it.  相似文献   

Conventional fingermark powders rely on contrast induced by absorption/reflection (e.g. black powder) or luminescence in the visible region (e.g. Blitz Green(?)). In most cases, these powders provide sufficient contrast; however, in some circumstances surface characteristics can interfere with the visualisation of powdered fingermarks. Visualisation in the near infra-red (NIR) region, however, has been shown to eliminate interferences commonly encountered in the visible region. In this study, a mixture of rhodamine 6G and the NIR laser dye styryl 11 (STaR 11) was coated onto an aluminium oxide nanopowder and then mixed with silver magnetic powder to develop and visualise fingermarks in the NIR. When compared to Blitz Green(?), it was determined that the STaR 11 magnetic powder was better suited for marks deposited on textured surfaces and for older marks, whereas Blitz Green(?) performed better on smooth glossy surfaces. The ability of the STaR 11 mixed dye formulation to be visualised in both the visible and NIR regions also provides a significant advantage over conventional luminescent fingermark powders.  相似文献   

The performance of two spray reagents, iodine-benzoflavone and ruthenium tetroxide (RTX), was evaluated and compared with the conventional technique currently used at the crime scene, that is, powdering. Neither the spray techniques nor powdering were shown to be suitable for all surfaces and ages of marks tested. On some surfaces such as glass and treated wood, powdering was still the superior technique, whereas the spray techniques produced better development on wallpaper, vinyl, and brick. Sequencing work showed that RTX was incompatible with powdering and cyanoacrylate (with a rhodamine 6G stain). Iodine-benzoflavone can be used successfully either before or after powdering in a sequence; however, it was incompatible with cyanoacrylate. Two non-CFC formulations of iodine-benzoflavone using HFC4310mee and HFE7100 solvents were tested and shown not to be as effective as the original Arklone (CFC-113) formulation; however, the HFC4310mee solvent is recommended as the most suitable replacement solvent. Due to the expense of the commercial RTX spray, attempts at formulating a more cost-effective version were also carried out. A formulation was developed that gave comparable development to the commercial version but at a much cheaper cost, and with a shelf life of up to two months. Recommendations are presented for which techniques are suitable for different surfaces and ages of marks. Powdering was shown to be the best technique on all ages of marks tested on treated wood, glass, and also on marks aged three days and older on paint. Iodine-benzoflavone was the best technique on wallpaper, vinyl, brick, and raw wood. RTX was the best detection technique for fresh marks and marks aged up to one day on wallpaper and paint.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(4):455-460
We have recently demonstrated that coated exfoliated Egyptian blue powder is effective for detecting latent fingermarks on a range of highly-patterned non-porous and semi-porous surfaces. In this extension of that work, we present our studies into an alternative approach to prepare exfoliated Egyptian blue coated with cetrimonium bromide and Tween® 20 using a simpler technique. The quality of the latent fingermarks developed with these exfoliated powders and the commercial powder were compared in a comprehensive study. Depletion series of natural fingermarks from a wide range of donors (12 males and females) deposited on non-porous (glass slides) and semi-porous (Australian banknotes) surfaces were used in this study. Enhancement in the performance of the coated exfoliated particles compared to the commercial powder was observed, particularly in the case of aged fingermarks and polymer banknotes as challenging substrates.  相似文献   

Operational details and optimisation of the colloidal gold or multimetal deposition technique (MMD) for the detection of latent fingermarks on non porous and porous surfaces demonstrate the power of the method. Control of particulate size, pH, reagent, handling are shown to be essential. A difficult case example illustrates the potential of MMD.  相似文献   

The effect of the shape of semiconductor nanocrystals on their performance for visualising latent fingermarks was investigated for the first time. Highly luminescent CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals in rod and spherical shapes were synthesised in organic solvent and transferred to aqueous solution using ligand exchange. The 3-mercaptopropionic acid coated nanorods and nanospheres were characterised using electron microscopy and UV-visible absorbance and luminescence spectrophotometry. A simple and rapid development of fresh to less than a week-old natural fingermarks from 4 donors (male and female) on non-porous surfaces including glass slides, aluminium foil and germanium disks using both CdSe/CdS core/shell nanorods and spherical dots was achieved, wherein nanorods demonstrated an enhanced development of ridge details in comparison to the spherical dots.  相似文献   

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