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魏琪 《政法学刊》2012,(4):88-93
外国人群体性事件是指参与主体(或参与主体中比例较高)为外国人的群体性事件。可以将外国人群体性事件概括为维权型、政治背景型和突发事件型等三种类型。外国人群体性事件的发生既关系到国家安全和社会稳定,也关系到国际影响和国际关系。每个国家对境内的外国人群体性事件所选择的处置模式,都源于这个国家的政府对该类事件的认识和态度。因此,我们在处置外国人群体性事件时,应当以国家主权原则为基础,遵守国际法,并照顾国际关系和国际影响,应对外国人群体性事件进行分类管理,建立健全科学的处置程序,并提升基层执法人员相关的政治和业务素质。  相似文献   

Objective: many mass murderers appear to care more about harming others than they do about protecting themselves, and they often commit suicide or refuse to surrender and are killed by police. The present study offers the first in-depth investigation of differences between mass murderers who live and die as a direct result of their offenses. Method: data on 308 offenders in the United States from January 2006 to May 2014 are subjected to quantitative analysis, including logistic regression. Results: findings suggest that those who die are older, less likely to have co-offenders, and more likely to commit public mass killings or family killings, which corresponds with Durkheim’s theories of suicide in numerous ways. Conclusion: ultimately, several specific improvements in suicide prevention strategies could potentially help to reduce the prevalence of these high-fatality crimes.  相似文献   

在社会矛盾不断深化的当下,部分群体性事件演变、升级为一些聚众犯罪,这不仅是部分群体性事件的极端表现形式,也是当前社会矛盾的必然反应。这些由群体性事件演变而来的聚众犯罪与传统的聚众犯罪相比,呈现出"行为发生的偶发性与情绪性,行为方式的公然行与暴力性,行为主体的多元性与复杂性,行为演变的预谋性与组织性,危害后果的严重性与难控性"等一些自身的鲜明特点。对这些鲜明特征的理解和把握,不仅有利于对此类聚众犯罪的分析和判断,也有利于化解和处置群体性事件背后的深层次社会矛盾,从根源上寻求群体性事件的消解与控制之道。  相似文献   

论群体性突发事件的特点及预防处置机制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
严励 《政法学刊》2000,17(1):39-42
文章提出了群体性突发事件具有多发性、利益性、非政治性、渐进性、多变性的特点,指出要建立健全预防和处置群体性突发事件的九大机制,即领导机制、工作机制、激励机制、监督机制、信息网络机制、减压机制、预警机制、预防机制和处置机制。  相似文献   

公共安全视频监控系统在侦查中的应用与完善   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
公共安全视频监控系统在防范和打击刑事犯罪活动方面的成效日益凸显,它具备实时监控、快速反应、固定证据和为案件的进一步侦查提供有力线索的独特功能,在刑事侦查中发挥着重要作用,但视频监控系统在建设、维护和管理方面仍存在一定的问题。强化应用意识,规范管理,可以更大地发挥其重要作用。  相似文献   

罗芳 《刑事技术》2011,(1):16-18
目的研究尿液中甲基苯丙胺、氯胺酮、吗啡、海洛因的检验方法;方法时间编程和串联质谱技术联合分析;结果分析时间被划分成4个阶段,在每个阶段按照目标物的结构和性质确定母离子和碰撞诱导电压得到相应的子离子碎片信息;结论串联质谱和时间编程的联合分析不仅能有效的排除体内大量内源物的干扰并能同时分析多种物质,此方法应用于实际检案中快速、灵敏。  相似文献   

朱全宝 《行政与法》2012,(2):100-103
农民群体性事件已经受到社会各界的普遍关注,对农民群体性事件的研究正在向着多领域、多角度方向展开和延伸。但农民群体性事件问题的本质仍是权利问题,因此,要研究该问题就必然要对它进行宪法上的界定,进而寻求农民群体性事件发生的宪法根源,最后从宪法高度找到应对农民群体性事件的"良方"。  相似文献   

Fentanyl analogs are a class of designer drugs that are particularly challenging to unambiguously identify due to the mass spectral and retention time similarities of unique compounds. In this paper, we use agglomerative hierarchical clustering to explore the measurement diversity of fentanyl analogs and better understand the challenge of unambiguous identifications using analytical techniques traditionally available to drug chemists. We consider four measurements in particular: gas chromatography retention indices, electron ionization mass spectra, electrospray ionization tandem mass spectra, and direct analysis in real time mass spectra. Our analysis demonstrates how simultaneously considering data from multiple measurement techniques increases the observable measurement diversity of fentanyl analogs, which can reduce identification ambiguity. This paper further supports the use of multiple analytical techniques to identify fentanyl analogs (among other substances), as is recommended by the Scientific Working Group for the Analysis of Seized Drugs (SWGDRUG).  相似文献   

本文通过文献分析的方法。在总结我国各地党的基层服务型组织建设带动经济组织建设。带动社会管理创新,带动农村经济、社会发展以及带动村民自治和带动学习型党组织建设的基础上。从我国基层服务型党组织建设主体创新、内容创新、手段创新和理念创新四个方面提出了进一步优化的对策。  相似文献   

One of the persistent problems with academic life is that one is encouraged to tell the truth, whether in research, the classroom, or the department meeting. For feminists, graduate school in particular stresses the importance of meticulously documenting girls' and women's lives, which have been rendered invisible by virtually all fields. Although these days the idea of truth is contentious, in the real world in which feminist academics and feminist criminologists in particular work, real problems that women confront (like sexual harassment, discrimination, and workplace violence) continue. Documenting these problems on their own campuses is a particular burden that feminist criminologists as well as others have taken on. It produces genuine challenges in a career that relies heavily on collegiality and civility. This article reflects on the costs of telling it like it is while also considering the long-term benefits, such as they are, of bringing the feminist perspective fully into the field of criminology.  相似文献   

网络群体性事件:概念、特征及其治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗亮 《行政与法》2010,(9):45-48
网络群体性事件是网络时代政府面临的新型危机形态。它具有参与主体的虚拟性、爆发时间的瞬时性、聚合能量的倍增性和诉求内容的隐秘性四个主要特征。因此,建立舆情预警系统,主动设置公众议程,争夺网络话语权,把握舆论制高点以及搭建网络对话平台,畅通民意互动渠道,是政府治理网络群体性事件的基本策略。  相似文献   

刘德法 《北方法学》2010,4(1):77-88
转化犯是我国刑法规定的一种犯罪形态。以聚众犯罪为视角,结合转化犯的基本原理具体分析聚众犯罪转化犯的特征,聚众犯罪的转化既包括罪与罪的转化,也包括违法行为向犯罪的转化;聚众“打砸枪”虽然不是独立的罪名,但却是多种犯罪的聚合体,其转化罪是法律拟制的犯罪。关于聚众犯罪的转化犯,其在定罪量刑中存在着不同于一般转化犯的诸多疑难问题,对聚众犯罪转化过程中一系列特殊问题的研究,将使转化犯的理论内容更加丰富和具体。  相似文献   

本文在21世纪新闻传播事业大发展的背景下,论述了新闻教育机构培养高素质的新闻传播人才的几个重要问题。文章认为,改变新闻教育观念是培养高素质新闻传播人才的前提。新闻教育必须实施通才教育,从单学科教育转向多学科综合教育;必须实施素质教育,从单技能教育转向素质技能综合教育;必须实施高科技教育,从廉价教育转向高投入教育。文章指出,加强政治素质和业务素质教育,是培养高素质新闻传播人才的基础。政治强、业务精是社会主义新闻传播教育的目标;多学科交叉“信息模式”是新闻传播教育的理想模式。文章强调,政治与业务相结合,理论与实践相结合,是培养高素质新闻传播人才的关键。新闻传播教育必须改变目前“重理论,弱实践”的状况,才能适应新闻传播事业的发展。  相似文献   

作为现实主义作家的周文,十分关注被损害者群体的生活与命运。他青少年时期生活在川康社会,非常熟悉川康士兵和军阀统治下的普通民众。后来,这些川康下层人成了周文小说描写的对象,比如《雪地》、《山坡上》、《山坡下》、《第三生命》、《茶包》等。这些作品集中表现了川康社会被损害者群体的心理和生存方式,并且,丰富了周文小说乃至整个中国现代小说人物画廊。  相似文献   

王立军  田谧 《河北法学》2020,(1):192-200
雄安新区建设是举世瞩目的伟大工程。在这个相对漫长的过程中,牵扯了太多人的利益,当地居民更是面临着前所未有的发展机遇和挑战。积极稳健地推进建设进程,照顾到各方利益的均衡,及时发现影响社会安定的因素,避免引发群体性事件,是新区管理者、建设者义不容辞的责任。要从健全社会保障体系、加强沟通交流机制、重视源头预防、完善冲突化解机制入手,才能有效的抑制群体性事件的发生,为新区建设提供良好的社会环境。  相似文献   

Definitive identification of fentanyl analogs based on mass spectral comparison is challenging given the high degree of structural and, hence, spectral similarity. To address this, a statistical method was previously developed in which two electron-ionization (EI) mass spectra are compared using the unequal variance t-test. Normalized intensities of corresponding ions are compared, testing the null hypothesis (H0) that the difference in intensity is equal to zero. If H0 is accepted at all m/z values, the two spectra are statistically equivalent at the specified confidence level. If H0 is not accepted at any m/z value, then there is a significant difference in intensity at that m/z value between the two spectra. In this work, the statistical comparison method is applied to distinguish EI spectra of valeryl fentanyl, isovaleryl fentanyl, and pivaloyl fentanyl. Spectra of the three analogs were collected over a 9-month period and at different concentrations. At the 99.9% confidence level, the spectra of corresponding isomers were statistically associated. Spectra of different isomers were statistically distinct, and ions responsible for discrimination were identified in each comparison. To account for inherent instrument variations, discriminating ions for each pairwise comparison were ranked based on the magnitude of the calculated t-statistic (tcalc) value. For a given comparison, ions with higher tcalc values are those with the greatest difference in intensity between the two spectra and, therefore, are considered more reliable for discrimination. Using these methods, objective discrimination among the spectra was achieved and ions considered most reliable for discrimination of these isomers were identified.  相似文献   

加强党的执政能力建设,核心是保持党同人民群众的血肉联系。如何保持党同人民群众的血肉联系?需要从三个方面着手:第一,深化全党对保持党同人民群众的血肉联系的必然性的认识;第二,把执政为民的理念贯彻到改革、发展、稳定的大局中;第三,加强党的建设,坚持群众路线,克服党群问题,为群众办实事、办好事。  相似文献   

精英文化的衰落与大众文化的兴起   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈钢 《金陵法律评论》2001,(4):45-50,57
精英文化的衰落与大众文化的兴起是20世纪90年代最引人注目的文化景观。市场大潮的兴起是其产生的最重要背景,对此变化,我们不能改变也不能回避,而只能正视和分析,指出其正面的负面的东西。本文循此思路指出学界对精英文化衰落的远虑近忧,探讨大众文化兴起的社会历史条件,并概括其具有通俗性、娱乐性、消费性、平面性、复制性、虚幻性等特点。  相似文献   

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