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With the growth in the number of Internet and social media users, marketers have analyzed the potential and have started using the platform to interact, reach, and target consumers all around the world. Marketers must ensure that they get a positive attitude of the social media users toward their promotional activities on social media. The researcher in the present study attempts to explore the factors that help in building a positive attitude toward brand pages over social networking sites. To gauge the attitude of the social media users toward brand pages over social media, the researcher in the present study has adapted a research instrument comprising perceived usefulness, informativeness, trust, and hedonism that together result in a positive attitude. The present study explores the understanding of the role of perceived usefulness, informativeness, trust, and hedonism in the formation of a positive attitude of the social media users toward brand pages over the platform.  相似文献   

The 1980 and 1982 American national election studies include a new series of questions about individual partisanship. It is possible to create a 5-point scale of party support/closeness from these questions. The new measure performs reasonably as regards its relationship to other measures of partisanship, to its own continuity over time, and to dependent behavior. There is also a new question on independence, but this is best treated as a separate item rather than being incorporated in the party support/closeness scale. The new measure also performs well in measuring strength of partisanship.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the diagnostic criteria for postbullying disorder, which enable the persons who provide therapy services for bullying victims, because until now, there are no criteria to help clinicians diagnose postbullying disorder. This study employed phenomenological research design. Purposive sampling was adopted to sample six university students who are experiencing the bullying behavior from their colleagues in the university campus. The results revealed that there are eight criteria for diagnosing postbullying disorder among victims. These are trauma exposure, symptoms of penetration, avoidance, perception and negative emotions, self‐destructive behavior, dysfunction due to symptoms, duration (1 month or more) of symptoms, and the criteria that the bullying symptoms cannot be attributed to the use of substances or drugs of another medical conditions. Results shed new light on the diagnostic criteria for postbullying disorder and proved the usefulness of these criteria in understanding the development of the postbullying symptoms among victims. These findings enable schools and universities to plan psychotherapy interventions for victims.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate a hypothesized structural model that reflects the relationship between unemployment stress, spiritual intelligence and mental health components. The sample of the study consisted of (761) unemployed adults (412 males and 349 females), their ages ranged between 30 to 48 year. They were divided into two samples: the first consisted of (352) unemployed adults to test the validity and reliability of the scales used in this study. And the second sample consisted of (409) unemployed adults to evaluate the hypothesized structural model. Researcher prepared the unemployment stress scale, and used the spiritual intelligence scale‐27, as well as prepared the short version of the mental health components scale based on the mental health scale‐50. In order to find how unemployment stress and spiritual intelligence predict the mental health components, the hypothesized model was examined using structural equation modeling. The results of test the proposed structural model concluded that the independent variable: unemployment stress contributed statistically significant directly to predict of the five dimensions of mental health components: mental mindfulness, flexibility, self‐efficiency, social support and happiness as dependent variables. At the same time, the independent variable: unemployment stress contributed statistically significant indirectly and proportionally to the prediction of the five dimensions of mental health as dependent variables through the dimensions of spiritual intelligence: spiritual mindfulness, spiritual abilities, spiritual presence as median variables. The proposed model of unemployment stress, spiritual intelligence and mental health components has a good fitness with the data were collected, and able to predict mental health among unemployed adults.  相似文献   

The role of the customer in modern public administration has changed from a passive and subordinate function to that of an active user and partner in the management of society as a whole. This kind of customer not only demands an administration that responds correctly and on time, but also expects quality, user-friendliness and other requirements. Meeting these demands has led public administration to measure and improve its performance and to introduce targeted change policies. The authors present the development of so-called C-LOPE model. C-LOPE model attempts to develop a structural model to determine relationships between leadership, organisational climate, performance, e-administration and the level of customer satisfaction with public administration services. Measurable parameters are defined for each of the four factors, enabling the model to be applied in practice.  相似文献   

During the 90th and 20th century, India underwent a remarkable phase of growth and employment generation. Unlike the usual pattern of structural shift, India experienced a shift away from agriculture to services, which become the backbone of India's growth trajectory. Using shift‐share analysis, this paper tries to find out the pattern of structural change in India's five Southern States and contribution of labour productivity towards this structural shift. I find that all the South Indian states witnessed a service lead growth with a high‐labour productivity growth. I also find that the main driver of productivity surge in all the Southern States of India was within‐sector productivity growth whereas sectorial reallocation effects being the important part of productivity growth.  相似文献   

Jamaica is currently undergoing a major innovative administrative reform programme (ARP). The impetus for the ARP stems from the realization that weak public administration (as prevailed in Jamaica) is a major obstacle to the implementation of economic reforms. The ARP thus became a significant plank of the World Bank's structural adjustment lending to Jamaica. The Jamaican programme is probably the leading and most ambitious attempt at administrative reform in the Third World, and the experiences and lessons learnt can be applied to the many developing countries which are contemplating or implementing similar programmes. The Jamaican experience indicates that the most important ingredients for success are political commitment at the highest level, a determined external agency, a carefully designed but flexible participatory programme which learns as it progresses, and good communication of the reform proposals. Administrative reform is a long-term process, and it would be dangerous to pitch expectations too high.  相似文献   


The paper will focus on the identification of several key criteria in e-discourses via the constitution of e-images of the Anonymous arising from e-medias (Facebook, twitter, Snapchat, WeChat, etc.) with a specific focus on youngsters and their (ab)uses of these communication channels to facilitate digital predation, and so to lead to e-victimization. I will explain the specifics of e-victimization discourse taking into consideration its triadic dimension. I will then be able to conceptualize a dominant e-communication and the e-victimization theory around central ideas of dynamics of violence, gender discrimination and power abuse leading to a semio-sphere with a deep focus on anonymity, exposure, frequency, and insecurity as indicators of collective e-delinquency and proneness to e-victimization.  相似文献   

This research modeled the extent to which the normative goals of equity and efficiency are embodied in three seminal tax reform proposals (Bradley-Gephardt, Kemp-Kasten, and the Treasury Department proposals) relative to the extant regime. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA86) is also modeled in the same manner. The objective of this study is to compare the equity and efficiency of the initial proposals with that of the final tax reform law. This before and after analysis is designed to ascertain the degree to which the legislative process undermined the normative goals of the tax reform movement. The National Tax Model was applied to model each regime and to measure the distributional and redistributional effects on tax burdens and wage efficiency costs associated with each system across ten income classes. The reform models, including TRA86, are shown as superior to the pre-reform system with respect to the normative criteria. The legislative process did not substantially compromise the goals as reflected in the seminal reform proposals in the development of a more politically acceptable tax reform law. This exercise demonstrates that it is possible for sound legislation to survive a political process that frequently permits the sacrificing of normative goals in favor of special interests.Financial support provided by the Arthur Young Foundation Tax Research Grant Program and The Ralph E. Kent Fund. The helpful suggestions of Jim Curtis were sincerely appreciated.  相似文献   

Coding non-manifesto documents as if they were genuine policy platforms produced at election time clearly raises serious issues with error when these codings are used in the standard manner to estimate left-right policy positions. In addition to the long term solution of improving the document base of the Manifesto Project identified by Gemenis (2012), we argue that immediate gains in manifesto-based estimates of policy positions can be realised by using the confrontational logit scales from Lowe et al. (2011), which addresses the problems of scale content and scale construction that are exacerbated by but not unique to the problems found in proxy documents.  相似文献   

In Professor Horowitz’s rejoinders (2004, 2006) to Fraenkel and Grofman (2004, 2006a), he mischaracterizes our formal results, retreats from previous claims about the conditions for the alternative vote electoral system to generate centripetal outcomes, renders explicit his dubious assumptions about voter behavior in divided societies, and greatly exaggerates the global evidence in support of pro-moderation outcomes under the alternative vote. Here we respond to Horowitz's (2004), criticism in this journal of the formal model of Fraenkel and Grofman (2004) and to the broader defense in Horowitz (2006) of majoritarian vote pooling arrangements as means of mitigating ethnic conflict in deeply divided societies.  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(2):15-17

The persecution of Christian sects such as Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists in totalitarian societies is a neglected subject. In Hitler's Germany, some refused to compromise and suffered the fate of Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals. Others were tempted to buy a stay of execution and publicly adopted elements of national‐socialist ideology.  相似文献   

In this paper we reconsider the basic model of “efficient rent seeking.” We stress the importance of the shape of the players' reaction curve in order to understand the impact of the technology of rent-seeking on the structure of the outcome of the game. We give a complete characterization of the pure strategy equilibria. Moreover, the possibility of preemption by a Stakelberg leader is discussed according to the nature of the technology of rent-seeking available to the agents.  相似文献   

Abstract. Since there is no generally accepted and satisfactory theory that can explain structural changes in public budgets over time, this article focuses on the determinants of the budget structure and its changes over time. Thus, it would already be an improvement in the development of a complex and coherent theory of budgetary structures and its changes if initially appropriate variables could be identified which could explain in the short, intermediate and long runs the structural changes in public budgets with respect to the various governmental levels. Potential candidates for explaining structural changes could be socio-economic, political and institutional variables. These sets of variables will be analyzed here in detail for the Federal Republic of Germany for the time period 1964–1978. The results are very similar to those found in various U.S. studies. In comparably developed nations with similar political (federal) structures, institutional factors seem to play the dominant role in determining and explaining changes in the budgetary structure.  相似文献   

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