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Estimation of stature from metacarpal lengths.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Formulae for the estimation of stature from metacarpal lengths are presented. Two samples of metacarpal specimens were employed in the analysis: one of 212 individuals from the Terry Collection, and one of 55 modern males, all of whom had measured statures. One measurement, the midline length, was taken on each metacarpal. Stature was regressed on the basis of the metacarpal length to derive equations for the Terry Collection individuals. Comparisons between the Terry Collection males and the modern sample showed the latter to have longer metacarpals and greater statures. The Terry equations were tested using the modern male sample. In spite of the differences noted, the Terry equations perform acceptably on modern individuals. The performance was slightly better for whites than for blacks. Since the female equations were not tested, they should be employed with greater caution.  相似文献   

The estimation of stature from of a variety of bones is an important aspect of forensic work. In order to obtain reliable results, it is important to have comparative data obtained from the same population group as the skeletal remains. However, lack of up to date information on the population groups of Southern Europe makes the estimation of stature from bones in this area subject to possible error. In this study, the stature of 104 healthy adults from Spain was measured, and an anteroposterior teleradiograph of the right lower and the right upper limb of every subject in the study was made in order to measure the lengths of the femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, cubitus and ulna. Pearson's regression formulae were obtained for both limbs. In males, we found the femur to be the most accurate predictor of stature (R = 0.851), whereas in females best results were obtained with the tibia (R = 0.876).  相似文献   

Estimation of stature from various foot and shoe measurements with the help of statistical methods is well known. However, very little work has been reported on stature estimation from stride length. As the stride length may vary in different walking speeds, in the present paper, stride length of individuals were measured while walking fast on smooth substrate has been compared with the stride length in the normal pattern of walking. Although the formulae derived are different for faster pace, the range of error in estimation of stature remains almost the same.  相似文献   

目的探讨胸耻线长和颈臀线长与身高的关系。方法随机抽查400例鄂西地区成年男女,测量每个人的胸耻线长和颈臀线长及身高,用SAS软件系统进行多元线性回归分析。结果建立了8项不同性别、不同年龄段推断身高的二元线性回归方程。18-40岁年龄段内人体胸耻线长和颈臀线长与身高的相关性好,根据人体胸耻线长和颈臀线长推断身高准确率高。41岁以上年龄段内人体胸耻线长和颈臀线长与身高的相关性稍差,其推断身高的回归方程慎用。结论该方法可用于推断成年人身高。  相似文献   

Anthropometric technique commonly used by anthropologists and adopted by medical scientists has been employed to estimate body size for over a hundred years. With the increasing frequency of mass disasters, the identification of an isolated lower extremity and the stature of the person it belonged to has created problems for the investigation of the identity of some of the victims. In spite of a need for such a study, there is a lack of systematic studies to identify fragmented and dismembered human remains. The purpose of the paper is to analyze anthropometric relationships between dimensions of the lower extremity and body height. Analysis is based on a sample of middle class male (N=203) and female (N=108) adult Turks residing in Istanbul. The participants are mostly students and staff members of a medical school, and military personnel. Measurements taken are stature, trochanteric height, thigh length, lower leg length, leg length, and foot height, breadth, and length. Of the five variables entered into the regression analysis, all but foot breadth participate in the analysis with leg length as the first and followed by thigh and foot lengths, and finally foot height in males (R(2)). There were also individually calculated formulae for some of these measurements which provided smaller R(2)-values. Student's t-test to assess if there was any intraobserver error in measurements take by individual anthropometrist did not show such any statistically significant difference. In conclusion, the study suggested that estimation of a living height can be made possible using various dimensions of the lower extremity. One must consider differences between populations in order to apply functions as such to others.  相似文献   

Linear-regression equations derived from measurements of tibial condyles from 100 individuals in the Hamann-Todd Collection retrodicted known stature with a level of confidence comparable to many of the existing stature-estimation techniques. Statures of an independent control group were estimated with similar success. The strong linear relationship that exists between the length of the tibia and the size of the condyles allows adult stature (of American whites and blacks) to be estimated from the proximal tibia. Since complete tibial length is not required, this technique could prove useful in forensic science and archaeological cases where less-than-intact elements are recovered.  相似文献   

The ability to estimate accurately from known parameters is a fundamental aspect of science and is evident as an emerging approach in the area of footprints and stature estimation within the field of forensic identification. There are numerous foot dimensions that have been measured in the literature to predict stature with varying degrees of confidence but few studies have tried to link the strength of estimation to anatomical landmarks. Such an approach is utilised in this study which estimates stature from the right footprints of sixty one adult male and female UK participants. Static and dynamic footprints were taken from each volunteer using the 'inkless paper system'. The prints were digitised and twelve length, width and angle measurements were chosen for the analysis. The highest correlations with stature were shown to be the heel to fourth toe print for the static group of footprints (r=0.786, p<0.01), and the heel to fifth toe print in the dynamic footprints (r=0.858, p<0.01). Collinearity statistics suggest the heel to fifth toe print length measurement is independent and not influenced by any other variables in the estimation of stature for the dynamic prints. Linear regression equations for this measurement presented the smallest standard error of estimate (SEE) and highest shared variance (R(2)) of all included variables (SEE 4.16, R(2) 0.74). Our study discusses a potential anatomical explanation as to why the lateral border of the foot and hence the impression it makes upon a hard surface, is a more stable indicator in the estimation of stature. The investigation recommends the use of Calc_A4 and Calc_A5 length measurements when estimating stature from footprint impressions.  相似文献   

Estimation of stature is considered as an important parameter in medico-legal and forensic examinations. When highly decomposed and mutilated dead bodies with fragmentary remains are brought for postmortem examination, it becomes difficult to identify the deceased. Sometimes, cephalo-facial remains are brought in for forensic and postmortem examination. In such a situation, estimation of stature becomes equally important along with other parameters like age, sex, race, etc. (the 'Big Four' of forensic anthropology). The present investigation attempts to estimate stature from various anthropometric measurements of cephalo-facial region of individuals belonging to an endogamous group in north India. The material for the present study comprises 996 adult male Gujjars of north India ranging in age from 18 to 30 years. Five cephalo-facial measurements were taken on each subject following internationally recommended standard methods and techniques. The results indicate that all the cephalo-facial measurements are strongly and positively correlated (p<0.001) with stature. The measurements of the cephalic region have strong correlation with stature than those of facial region. The regression analysis also showed that the cephalic measurements give better prediction of stature. The regression formulae were checked for their accuracy and reliability not only in the sample which was originally used for making these formulae (genetically disparate population, n=996) but also in a mixed population of north India (heterogeneous population, n=100).  相似文献   

Most forensic and biological anthropological studies use the stature-estimation formulae developed by Trotter and Gleser. In recent decades, studies of morphological differences between populations have indicated that population-specific formulae are necessary to obtain accurate estimates. A number of equations have been devised for the Turkish population. Previously, we introduced a "general formula" and three "stature-group-specific formulae" based on tibial length. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether formulae in the literature are suitable for estimating height in the Turkish population. To make this assessment, we compared the accuracy of formulae designed for Turkish people to the accuracy of formulae devised for other populations. We also evaluated the accuracy in short, medium, and tall height groupings. The formulae were tested on 110 healthy Turkish male adults, with estimated height compared to true height in each case. Analysis showed that the Trotter-Gleser formula for Mongoloids was most accurate for estimating stature in the study group as a whole. The formulae of Sa?ir for the Turkish population and our previously published "general formula" were the next most accurate methods, respectively. When the 110 subjects were categorized as short (1652 mm and below), medium (1653 to 1840 mm), and tall (1841 and above), the stature-group-specific formulae calculated in the present study were more accurate than all other equations for subjects at the height extremes. The results of this study indicate that stature-group-specific formulae are more reliable for forensic cases.  相似文献   

Sen J  Ghosh S 《Forensic science international》2008,181(1-3):55.e1-55.e6
In forensic anthropology, estimation of stature from feet dimensions plays a significant role in establishing personal identity. There is a scarcity of literature on the estimation of stature from foot length and foot breadth among various Indian populations, including the indigenous populations found in the northern part of the state of West Bengal, India. The Rajbanshis and the Meches are two such indigenous populations. The present study is an attempt to understand the relationship between stature and feet dimensions among Rajbanshi male and female individuals of North Bengal, India. Measurements of stature, foot length and foot breadth were recorded from 350 adult Rajbanshi and 100 adult Meche individuals (age range: 18-50 years) residing in different villages located in the Darjeeling District of West Bengal. The Technical Error of Measurements was within the accepted limits. The results of the present study indicate that female Rajbanshi individuals exhibit shorter stature and smaller feet than their male counterparts. Using ANOVA, it is determined that there was significant differences (p<0.05) in stature, foot length and foot breadth between sexes. Using paired t-test, it is further observed that bilateral variation was significant (p<0.05) within sexes with respect to foot length, but not with foot breadth (p>0.05). Stature, foot length and foot breadth are positively and significantly correlated with each other (p<0.01). The higher correlation coefficient between stature and foot length over that of stature and foot breadth points to the fact that foot length, rather than foot breadth, is more accurate in estimating stature. Sexual dimorphism is more pronounced than bilateral differences among Rajbanshi individuals. Using linear regression, it is observed that stature was strongly dependent on foot length and foot breadth. Foot breadth is strongly dependent on foot length. Prediction of stature is more accurate by using step-wise multiple regression. Age does not have a significant effect on stature estimation. The equations obtained for the Rajbanshis were fitted on the Meches to check whether the same equations could be utilized for both these indigenous communities. The equations obtained for another Indian population from the literature were also fitted and tested on the Rajbanshi. It may be concluded that the present study has provided equations to estimate stature from the feet dimensions among the Rajbanshis. It would be unwise to use the same equations for stature estimation for different Indian populations.  相似文献   

Stature is used for constructing a biological profile that assists with the identification of an individual. So far, little attention has been paid to the fact that stature can be estimated from hand impressions left at scene of crime. The present study based on practical observations adopted a new methodology of measuring hand length from the depressed area between hypothenar and thenar region on the proximal surface of the palm. Stature and bilateral hand impressions were obtained from 503 men of central India. Seventeen dimensions of hand were measured on the impression. Linear regression equations derived showed hand length followed by palm length are best estimates of stature. Testing the practical utility of the suggested method on latent prints of 137 subjects, a statistically insignificant result was obtained when known and estimated stature derived from latent prints was compared. The suggested approach points to a strong possibility of its usage in crime scene investigation, albeit the fact that validation studies in real-life scenarios are performed.  相似文献   

As part of the formulation of a biological profile, the estimation of stature is an important element that provides useful data towards narrowing the pool of potentially matching identities. Recent literature has demonstrated that anthropometry of the hand has considerable promise for the accurate estimation of stature; although the technique has only been tested in a relatively limited range of populations. The aim of the present study, therefore, is to assess the reliability and accuracy of using anthropometric hand measurements for the estimation of stature in a contemporary Western Australian population; we also evaluate whether stature can be accurately estimated from the measurement of handprints. The study sample comprises 91 male and 110 female adult individuals. Following the measurement of stature, seven measurements are taken on each hand and its corresponding print. To establish the reliability of acquiring these measurements, a precision study was performed prior to primary data collection. Measurements data are analysed using basic univariate statistics and simple and multiple regression analyses. Our results show that the degree of measurement error and reliability are well within accepted standards. Stature prediction accuracy using hand and handprint measurements ranges from ±4.74 to 6.53cm, which is comparable to established skeletal standards for the hand. This study provides new forensic standards for the estimation of stature in a Western Australian population and also demonstrates that the measurement and analysis of handprints affords a novel source of profiling data that is statistically quantified.  相似文献   

Estimation of individual's stature is an important parameter in forensic examinations. Examination of footprints provides important evidence in a crime scene investigation and helps in estimation of stature of a criminal. Analysis of bare footprints is often carried out in developing countries like India where the footprints are frequently recovered at the scene of crime. The present study attempts to reconstruct stature in a sample of 2080 bilateral footprints and foot outlines collected from 1040 adult male Gujjars of North India ranging in age from 18 to 30 years. Bilateral footprints and foot outlines of each individual were measured for ten and eight measurements, respectively. The results indicate that T-2 length (length of the footprint from heel to 2nd toe) and T-5 length in footprint and T-1 length, T-4 length and breadth at ball in foot outline show statistically significant bilateral asymmetry. Significant and positive correlation coefficients exist between stature and various measurements of footprint and foot outline (P<0.001 and 0.01) except toe 1-5 angle of declination which shows insignificant correlation coefficient. The highest correlation coefficients were shown by the toe length measurements (0.82-0.87) indicating a close relationship between the stature and these measurements. Regression analysis presents smaller mean errors (2.12-3.92cm) in estimation of stature than those of division factor method (3.29-4.66cm), thus, gives better reliability of estimate than the latter. The regression equations were also checked for their accuracy by comparing the actual stature with estimated stature.  相似文献   

Intact long limb bones have been used in the derivation of regression equations for stature assessment in different population groups. Since intact long bones are not always present for analyses in forensic cases, it has become necessary to derive regression equations for the estimation of stature from the fragments of these bones which are obtained in forensic and archaeological cases. Regression equations have been derived for stature estimation from fragments of the tibia. Since these equations are population specific, it was the aim of this study to derive similar equations for estimation of stature and maximum tibia length from measurements of different fragments of tibia of South Africans of European descent. Analyses were based on a sample of 50 male and 50 female complete skeletons of adult South Africans of European descent. Total skeletal height for the individual skeletons was measured using the Fully's (anatomical) method. Six variables were measured on the tibia which included the medial tibial condyle lengths and breadths, lateral tibial condyle lengths and breadths, proximal breadth and distal breadth. Univariate and multivariate regression equations were formulated for estimation of total skeletal height (and subsequent estimation of living stature) and maximum tibial length from measurements of the tibia. The standard errors of estimate for the equations were higher than those obtained for intact long bones which when present in forensic cases should be used for stature estimation. In the absence of intact long bones, the equations derived from the present study can provide a reliable estimate of skeletal height and living stature.  相似文献   

Estimation of stature from foot and shoe measurements using multiplication factors is well known. It is a simple method and it is used very frequently as a ready reckoner in forensic anthropology. However the individual error is quite large. In the present work an attempt has been made to evolve revised multiplication factors to reduce this error so that this method (multiplication factor) can be used more effectively with smaller error.  相似文献   

Since hardly a report is available on estimation of length of calcaneum and talus from a fragment of them, a fresh study was made on a present day south Indian population. A total of 110 calcanei (55 right and 55 left), and 70 tali (35 right and 35 left), all unpaired, dry, and devoid of gross pathology, were used. Maximum anteroposterior length of the bone was measured in millimeter using an anthropometric board, and linear measurements of the other bony markers were measured in millimeter using a sliding caliper. Bony markers of calcaneum were maximum anteroposterior length, maximum transverse width, length, width and depth of groove on the sustentaculum tali, and length, width, and depth of the sulcus calcanei. Bony markers of talus were maximum anteroposterior length, maximum transverse width, length and width of articular surface for the lateral malleolus, length and width of articular surface for the medial malleolus, vertical width and transverse width of articular surface of the head, width and depth of groove for tendon of the flexor hallucis longus, and length, width, and depth of the sulcus tali. Simple regression suggested that maximum length of the calcaneum regressed significantly with maximum transverse width, length, width and depth of groove on the sustentaculum tali, and length, width, and depth of the sulcus calcanei and that maximum length of the talus regressed significantly with maximum transverse width, length and width of the lateral articular surface, length of the medial articular surface, vertical and transverse diameters of the head, and depth of the sulcus tali. Maximum length of calcaneum and talus is derived from the regression values, to predict the stature of the person from available stature equations in the literature.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the computation of linear and multilinear regression formulae for reconstruction of ulnar length and stature through eleven fregmentary measures pertaining to linear, transverse, sagittal and circumferential dimensions of the ulna bone. A total of 288 ulnae, belonging to 82 male and 62 female documented skeletons have been measured for this purpose. The data reveals a non-significant bilateral variation in the fragmentary measures of the ulna while the sex differences are highly significant at 1% level. Keeping this in view, separate regression equations have been formulated for both the sexes. The study further highlights that the upper shaft circumference is the best predictor of ulnar length among all the fragmentary measures while stature can best be reconstructed using the breadth of olecranon. However, the maximum length as a non-fragmentary measure provides the most accurate estimate. In order to increase the accuracy in prediction of ulnar length and stature, multiple regression equations have also be constructed and used.  相似文献   

Determination of sex and estimation of stature are important aspects of forensic identification of an unknown individual. In the absence of pelvis the sex is assessed from long bones and cranium as they both provide high accuracy in sexing. The present study is an attempt to assess sex and stature from long bones of the forearm using recently deceased forensic cases in Istanbul, Turkey. The sample is composed of 80 males and 47 females with an average age of 36 and 30 years, respectively. Length measurements from the radius and ulna were obtained by exposing the epiphyseal ends of the long bones in a fashion similar to dry long bones. Discriminant function statistics showed a sex determination accuracy as high as 96%. Regression analysis was used in stature estimation from these two bones. Ideally osteological remains are necessary to make standards for osteological identification. These materials are not always easy to obtain and those available seem to be less ideal when they do not represent a current population. Forensic anthropologists therefore should develop techniques that utilize autopsy remains.  相似文献   

Estimation of stature from foot and shoe measurements using multiplication factors is well known. It is a simple method and it is used very frequently as a ready reckoner in forensic anthropology. However the individual error is quite large. In the present work an attempt has been made to evolve revised multiplication factors to reduce this error so that this method (multiplication factor) can be used more effectively with smaller error.  相似文献   

依据手足印推算身高体重的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨身高、体重与足迹、手印长宽的关系,有助于利用犯罪现场的手印、足迹推断遗留人的身高与体重。方法通过足迹、手印的捺印和测量,大量地收集样本足迹、手印与身高、体重等数据,借助SPSS数理统计软件,进行一元线性回归分析。结果分别建立了由左右足迹、手印全长、掌宽推算身高与体重的十个一元线性回归方程,并对依据左、右侧指标分别推算结果的可靠性进行比较研究。结论可利用回归法由足迹、手印来推算身高、体重。在左右两侧足迹、手印都可利用的情况下,推断身高时应优先选用右侧;推断体重时应优先选用左侧。  相似文献   

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