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网络攻击往往由非国家行为体发起,实践中亦罕见有国家主动承认对网络攻击负责的实例。相应地,由于网络攻击的溯源存在技术、政治和法律方面的难题,受害国很难在传统自卫权的框架下对来自他国的网络攻击行使自卫权。非国家行为体尚不能构成传统武力攻击情境下的自卫权行使对象,更不宜成为网络空间自卫权的行使对象。作为替代,近年来将"不能够或不愿意"理论适用于网络空间自卫权的主张"甚嚣尘上"。"不能够或不愿意"理论表面上具有一定的正当性,但从既有国家归因标准和常规的自卫必要性的角度来看,该理论本质上缺乏实然法层面的法律依据,而且在适用时将面临一系列的法律不确定性。中国在参与网络空间国际造法的进程中,应当警惕将非国家行为体作为网络空间自卫权行使对象的主张,并应努力防止"不能够或不愿意"理论的引入和滥用,以遏制网络空间的军事化。  相似文献   

The policing profession has recently experienced events that affected officers across the nation. Several high-profile cases involving police and members of minority communities intensified the tensions among these groups. Amid public criticisms of policing, law enforcement officers have become targets of attacks. Multiple cases of officer ambushes and assassinations have further troubled the already stressful occupational position of law enforcement. This study investigates what coping strategies officers used after the deadly attacks on police in Dallas, Texas and Baton Rouge, Louisiana that occurred in July, 2016. We also investigate how the coping strategies used affects job motivation among officers. Our findings suggest officers turned to three coping strategies: support networks, stoic self-help, and self-medication. These coping strategies were found to be ineffective mechanisms for protecting officer job motivation; however, some strategies adversely affected motivation more than others. Understanding how officers are coping and why effective strategies are not being employed adequately is imperative for both the safety of officers and the public.  相似文献   

本文在评析了一般意义上的义务概念和几种似是而非的法律义务观之后 ,提出 :法律义务是为保障权利和权力的有效运行或实现 ,而由法律设定或当事人约定并通过预设一定的法律责任来保障的、相关主体在一定条件下必须作或不能作的某种行为。它有四大表现形态 :即权利对权利的义务 ,权利对权力的义务 ,权力对权利的义务和权力对权力的义务 ;其中每一形态又包含若干亚类。人们之所以履行义务 ,有多种原因 ,但归根结底是为了自我权利的实现。  相似文献   

Courts resolving child support cases involving separated, divorced, and non‐marital children are charged with defining responsibility for health care coverage for the children under that order. This article explores historical and current medical child support requirements under Title IV‐D of the Social Security Act—the national child support enforcement (“IV‐D”) program. It analyzes legal requirements and policy recommendations, and provides a practical tool judges may use to determine whether health care coverage available to either or both parents is appropriate—that is, comprehensive, accessible, and affordable.  相似文献   

SCOTT PHILLIPS 《犯罪学》2003,41(3):673-708
The current research tests Black's (1990) model of vengeance through interviews with prison inmates. Drawing on a case‐control method, each respondent describes a matched pair of conflicts: the crime of vengeance and a similar nonviolent conflict from the same time period. The quantitative data are used to estimate the impact of conflict structure on conflict management. Conditional logistic regression models offer mixed support: relational distance and functional independence increase the odds of vengeance, but the remaining theoretical variables do not. The qualitative data are used to illustrate the quantitative patterns and unearth parallels between premodern and modern violence.  相似文献   


Policymakers, school officials and the law enforcement community have expanded legal tools and other strategies to address bullying in recent years. This has resulted in a larger and more challenging role for law enforcement officers working in school settings. The present study seeks to understand the ways in which local law enforcement officers interpret this new role and their efforts to prevent and respond to bullying. We draw upon Routine Activities Theory as a lens to view officer perceptions of promoting guardianship and reducing target suitability of young people most at-risk for bullying victimization. Data collected from qualitative interviews of law enforcement officers working with local schools, suggest that officers see a role for law enforcement in promoting guardianship around this health and safety concern, but recognize the limitations of using arrest authority. They emphasize promoting trust and building relationship in efforts to support potential and current bullying victims.  相似文献   

季晨溦 《北方法学》2017,11(3):150-160
司法确定力是与法院的宪法地位密切相关的,宪法对法院的独立地位以及解决纠纷、救济权利和发展法律的功能定位,是司法确定力的权威渊源;司法确定力来自于司法的管辖权威,法院在法律规定的范围内、在自己的能力范围内受理案件,运用法律知识、司法理性和司法经验,按照司法规律对案件事实和法律适用问题进行权威判断,为司法确定力提供了前提;司法确定力源于司法的整合权威,法院在审理案件过程中,通过对立法时的民意与法律适用时的民意、普遍正义与个别正义、法律正义与社会正义的有机结合建构了司法的整合权威,为司法确定力提供坚实的基础;司法确定力依赖于裁判的执行权威,当事人自觉履行生效判决的文化意识和国家强制执行生效判决的权威能量为司法确定力提供坚强的保障。  相似文献   

The government-funded legal aid system in Bangladesh has been undergoing development. Bangladesh has guaranteed the right to legal assistance in different laws and particularly in the Legal Aid Services Act (LASA) with specific and greater detail. Moreover, it acceded to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in 2000. In this context, the purpose of this article is to examine the current practice of the country with respect to the granting of early access to legal aid in criminal proceedings in light of international human rights standards. The article indicates that the prevailing problem of arbitrary arrest and pre-trial detention of those who are living in poverty is a matter of grave concern in Bangladesh. The author, therefore, recommends a mechanism to ensure early access to legal aid in the government-operated legal aid framework, as a fundamental aspect of a comprehensive system, for the protection of the interests of those who have been arrested or detained prior to being interviewed and formally charged of a criminal offence.  相似文献   

蔡虹  邓沁婷 《河北法学》2020,38(5):66-78
《异议复议规定》第30条作为预告登记权利人提出案外人异议的审查依据,因其中"排除异议"及"符合物权登记条件"在解释上易生歧义,致实务适用意见不一。依执行理论,除所有权外,何种权利始可排除强制执行,应依实体法之性质、效力及执行目的或方法确定。经预告登记之权利并非实体权利,其性质应为兼具物权性、债权性及从属性的请求权。目前,我国预告登记在强制执行中的效力,立法未臻明确,但结合我国预告登记实体法之"再处分禁止效力"及"不动产登记簿冻结效力",藉由目的解释,应将《物权法》第20条第1款之"处分"进行扩张,使其效力覆盖强制拍卖、变卖等"处分"性执行措施。而案外人据以《异议复议规定》第30条提出异议的,法院不应适用于商品房预售合同备案登记、网签及受让物权预告登记以外的其他预告登记之情形,其"符合物权登记条件"之确认,应参照预告登记转本登记之理论,采实务通说之标准,具化为满足合法有效的商品房买卖合同,已办理预告登记及支付全部价款或依约定支付价款之要件。  相似文献   

吴萍 《行政与法》2006,(10):50-54
《妇女权益保障法》是一部以妇女为主体,以全面保护妇女合法权益为主要内容的基本法,本文以其为视角,探讨分析进城务工女性劳动和社会保障权的立法、执法和司法的环境进行深层的剖析,分析产生的原因,提出对策建议。  相似文献   

陈伯礼  余俊 《法律科学》2009,27(6):51-58
环境权概念体现着西方个人权利文化与中华法系和谐文化的合壁,它分为环境伦理权利、环境法律权利、环境现实权利三个层面,这三个层面之间的衔接和循环是环境权的运行之道。环境权的宪法化,是环境立法、执法、司法、守法的逻辑起点。大陆法系主要通过立法手段实现环境权,英美法系则主要通过司法手段促进环境权的发展,在不同语境中环境权宪法化的路径选择与运行之道虽有所不同,但可相互借鉴和移植。  相似文献   

呼应性报道是近年来法制新闻颇有成效的一种创新。它可以按内容、体裁、报道时间分成各种类型。它的意义和作用主要在于:增强法律威信,树立良好形象;增强法律意识,提高公民素质;增强震慑力,预防违法犯罪;普及法律知识,增强法制信心。搞好呼应性报道应注意呼应及时,恰当,重点突出,采编结合,争取司法机关的支持与配合。  相似文献   

环境法治需要特定类型的文化作为根基,这种类型的文化特点是公泉有强烈的环境权利意识。能自觉遵守法律,并在环境立法、执法、司法过程中能够广泛地参与。只有公束参与,环境法律文化结构中的观念文化与制度文化才能和谐统一,环境法治才可以实现。公泉法律意识的提高需要大众化的环境教育,公泉认同是环境权的本原。法科大学生作为公粟内的一个群体,对其进行环境法学专业化教育要立足于公粟生活世界基础上。  相似文献   

杨光 《政法学刊》2008,25(4):113-115
社会转型期,人民警察在执法过程中人身、财产、精神等合法权益受到相对方不法侵害的现象时有发生,在我国现有的法制框架下,如何选择可操作的救济途径,以期合法、及时、有效地维护人民警察的执法权益。  相似文献   

Studies of prostitution have overlooked the role of law in constituting the identities and sexual practices of women in the sex trade and defining the boundary between legitimate and illegitimate violence in the sexual economy. Drawing on field work with sex trade participants in a northwestern United States city, this paper explores how the cultural logic of modern liberal law shapes women's identities and interpretations of their actions. In positioning women in the sex trade as "sexual outlaws" to be managed and subjected to the full scope of legal authority, the law simultaneously limits women's citizenship and withdraws its protection. Moreover, in restricting women's ca-pacity to invoke fundamental legal rights, the law effectively sanctions "private" or extralegal forms of discipline and creates a space for violence. Given the paradoxical position these women hold as sexual outlaws on the one hand and frequent victims of physical and sexual assault on the other, I explore how they negotiate consent and resist violence.  相似文献   

姜涛 《行政与法》2012,(5):23-25
依法治体是建设体育强国的基本方略和现实需要,本文在分析现阶段依法治体存在的主要问题的基础上,提出建设体育强国必须牢固树立依法治体的理念,选择正确的路径,即加快体育立法,完善配套法规,加强体育执法队伍的建设和管理,提高体育执法的能力,强化体育法治意识和普法宣传,完善体育法律和执法监督体系,寻求多种体育法律服务和救济途径等依法治体的路径。  相似文献   

论健康权的宪法权利属性及实现   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
健康权是<经济、社会及文化权利公约>规定的一项基本人权,具有以积极性为主兼有消极性的宪法权利属性,我国宪法应把健康权作为公民基本权利明文宣示并增加程序条款等内容,宪政实践中应协调其与相关权利的关系、采取微观层面上的措施将法定健康权转化为实有的健康权、倚重司法审查来赋予直接效力等.  相似文献   

The Supreme Court recently addressed the constitutionality of police interdiction efforts when conducting bus sweeps. The Court held that law enforcement officers are not required by the Fourth Amendment to “advise bus passengers of their right not to cooperate and to refuse consent to searches” (U.S. v. Drayton, 2002, p. 2107). The decision may have implications for how the judicial branch will balance the needs of law enforcement against citizen freedoms in the post-September 11th era. This article explores the surrounding legal issues, the case opinion, and policy implications of this case.  相似文献   

柯楠 《行政与法》2013,(1):94-100
社会权作为失地农民的一项基本权利,由于制度性根源、法律根源和公共政策根源造成了失地农民社会权的贫困,并且未得到宪法等法律的有效保护。从构建和谐社会角度看,加强失地农民社会权的宪法保障,以人为本是失地农民社会权宪法保障的哲学伦理学基础,阶层平等是失地农民社会权宪法保障的法理基础,人格尊严与个人自治是失地农民社会权宪法保障的人权法价值。失地农民社会权的宪法保障离不开宪法本身的完善和宪政制度构建的支持,实现失地农民社会权宪法保障是国家应尽的义务。  相似文献   

In the wake of recent school shootings, communities and legislatures are searching for law enforcement solutions to the perceived epidemic of school violence. A variety of legal measures have been debated and proposed. These include: the enactment of tougher gun control laws and more vigorous federal and local enforcement of existing gun control laws; the enactment of laws imposing civil or criminal liability on parents for their children's violent behavior; the establishment of specialized courts and prosecution strategies for handling juveniles who are charged with weapons offenses; stricter enforcement of school disciplinary codes; reform of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to make it easier to expel students for weapons violations; and greater use of alternative schools as placements for students who are charged with weapons violations.
  This article provides a legal and empirical analysis of proposed legislation in these areas as informed by social science research on the patterns of school violence, gun acquisition by juveniles, and the effectiveness of various laws and law enforcement measures. It proposes and discusses recommendations for legal reform. While efforts to reduce school violence will be most effective at the state and local levels, the United States federal government has an important role to play, particularly in federal‐state partnerships aimed at disrupting illegal gun markets, and through the formulation of national standards and guidelines. These standards and guidelines are for the enforcement of existing laws; inter‐agency law enforcement cooperation and information‐sharing (particularly using computer‐based analysis); effective school discipline and alternative educational settings for disruptive youth; and psycho‐educational interventions designed to detect and prevent school violence in the first place.  相似文献   

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