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一般认为,侦查讯问在侦查体系中居于举足轻重的地位。然而在实践中,侦查讯问之于侦查活动的影响及其程度究竟如何,需要通过实证的方法加以具体的观察和分析。从实证研究的角度看,侦查讯问对整体侦查活动的进程、具体侦查措施的运用等具有重要的影响作用,这一影响既可能是一种积极的、正向的影响,也可能是限制性的、消极的和负面的影响,侦查讯问的正向影响因侦查机关、侦查对象和区位条件等的不同又具有复杂性和不确定性。有鉴于此,对于侦查讯问应秉持一种客观态度,侦查讯问制度的构建应采取差别化原则,并在实践中转变侦查讯问的策略。  相似文献   

加快转变渎职侵权犯罪侦查方式要遵循坚持正确的执法思想和执法理念、有利于强化法律监督职能,保持检察权的完整性和依法独立行使、有利于提高侦查效率实现侦查目的、有利于解决渎职侵权犯罪侦查工作中存在的突出问题。在加快转变侦查方式的具体进路上要建立渎职侵权犯罪侦查信息系统;建立行政执法与刑事司法衔接机制;完善侦查办案一体化机制;实施专案调查;建立信息引导侦查的制度。  相似文献   

周楠 《法制与社会》2014,(5):135-136
侦查与犯罪在对抗中相伴而生,侦查策略是侦查活动的指挥中枢。侦查决策过程是运用各种技术方法,科学有效的发现并有针对性的利用各种信息,为了达到既定目标而进行的侦查方法与侦查措施等一系列侦查手段的统筹安排和优化选择的过程。信息化浪潮促成了侦查策略与信息、科技的相互融合,带来了侦查策略的信息化、科技化与侦查技术运用的策略化,大大提升了刑事侦查活动的效率。  相似文献   

李明 《河北法学》2012,30(5):55-65
侦查公开和侦查秘密原则有各自的内涵,一般应主张侦查公开为原则,侦查秘密为例外.侦查公开原则要求侦查机关应当就侦查的一些情况向当事人及其律师或向社会公开.侦查公开具体而言涉及到公开的对象、时间、方式和公开内容等几个方面的内容.秘密侦查与侦查公开原则会产生严重的冲突,解决这种冲突的主要方法就是遵循基本原则、在秘密侦查和侦查公开间保持平衡,同时强化司法控制,并建立相应的救济机制.  相似文献   

郑晓均 《法制与社会》2010,(1):13-14,18
侦查策略是侦查人员在一般策略原理的指导下,在法律允许的范围内,为解决刑事案件中的专门问题,围绕侦查措施的使用而采取的智谋运筹艺术和解决案件专门问题的方式方法。侦查策略不仅具有特定的字义,还具有特有的内涵:侦查策略的实施,具有合法性的要求;侦查策略是围绕侦查措施有效使用而进行的谋略运筹行为;侦查策略必须遵循科学性。侦查策略的外延有着明晰的界限,表现在其与政策.侦查措施和侦查对策等具有显著的异同,当然也存在着某些交集。  相似文献   

<正> 在犯罪侦查文献中,每种犯罪的侦查方法(局部方法)通常是以同一方式叙述的,这些方法可大体阐明大多数犯罪的初步侦查过程的内容。但是,在有些犯罪,尤其是在以多种手段实施的犯罪侦查时,可采用一些传统方法里没有的方法,就是要考虑每种犯罪侦查特有的一些典型情况。例如,在谋杀案的侦查方法中,初期侦查行动及其实施策略是根据侦查开始  相似文献   

侦查管理就是以破案为目标的组织利用侦查资源的一系列决策过程,它针对特定案件侦破活动的管理,不包括侦查机关日常的组织行政管理。可以从案件侦破流程、侦查要素、具体侦查行为三个层面考察侦查管理。侦查管理学应为公安学和管理学的交叉学科,是公安学的三级学科,其研究对象为侦查管理的规律。  相似文献   

周楠 《法制与社会》2010,(32):30-31
侦查策略作为侦查工作中的全局性的、指导性的方法,在各类侦查案件中广泛应用。侦查策略中的欺骗与刑事诉讼法中所规制的欺骗有着本质上的区别。但侦查策略在实施的过程中可能出现异化,因此应当采取一系列措施完善侦查策略,防止异化现象的发生。  相似文献   

一、侦查取证中欺骗与引诱的必要性和可行性分析 按照龙宗智教授对侦查活动的划分,可分为回应型侦查与主动型侦查两种类型。前者是对犯罪的回应,即先有犯罪行为,后有侦查工作,这是犯罪侦查的主要方式;后者是针对正在进行或者将要实施的犯罪,采用监控以及诱导的方式进行的侦查活动,是犯罪侦查的特殊方式。在回应型侦查中,犯罪行为已经发生,欺骗与引诱以犯罪嫌疑人为对象,主要在讯问过程中实施。在主动型侦查中,带有欺骗与引诱性质的活动主要有两种,即诱惑侦查与卧底侦查。  相似文献   

论侦查观念及其理论基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨郁娟 《政法学刊》2006,23(1):81-84
宏观上的侦查观念主要包括侦查程序意识、侦查诉讼意识和侦查均衡意识。侦查程序意识的理论基础是侦查程序具有独立价值,即其本身应具有公正性、人道性等价值要求,侦查程序具有使侦查结果正当化的作用;侦查诉讼意识的理论基础是明确侦查是一项诉讼性认识活动,区别技术角度和诉讼角度,区分侦查与侦查程序、侦查程序与侦查策略、侦查的技术规则和侦查的程序规则等相关概念;侦查均衡意识的理论基础是侦查活动具有多元价值目标,应对发生冲突的价值目标进行均衡和抉择,当必须作出选择时,应以有利于实现维护法治利益和社会秩序这一根本目的为取舍标准。  相似文献   

For several decades vitreous humor has been used for post-mortem biochemical investigations with the objective of a post-mortem diagnosis of pre-existing diseases and the clarification of forensic issues, in particular the determination of the post-mortem interval. For the determination of measured concentrations in vitreous humor pre-analytic factors as well as analytical and instrumental variations have to be taken into consideration. The aim of this study was a methodical investigation of two methods of sample pre-treatment as influencing variables. The compared methods were centrifugation and treatment in the ultrasonic bath. The determined parameters were sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, lactate, urea, glucose and creatinine. Analyses were performed photometrically or by an ion-selective electrode. For some of the analytes a dilution was necessary before analysing. Regarding to the two pre-treatment methods, significant differences in the measured concentrations were not found. The precision proved to be mostly unsatisfying and was clearly better in diluted samples than in undiluted aliquots. A comparison of the vitreous humor of the two ocular bulbs did not lead to significant differences.  相似文献   

康贞花 《河北法学》2011,29(10):180-185
世界各国都有行政调查制度,但是单独制定统一的《行政调查基本法》,韩国尚属独一无二。韩国《行政调查基本法》对行政调查的基本原则、行政调查的权限、行政调查的方法及行政调查的程序等作出了较为完善的规定,其统一立法模式、被调查人权利保护的立法理念、高度重视行政调查程序和注重自律管理体制的构建等做法,对于完善我国行政调查立法具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Detailed death investigations are mandatory to find out the exact cause and manner in non‐natural deaths. In this reference, use of multiple methods in suicide poses a challenge for the investigators especially when the choice of methods to cause death is unplanned. There is an increased likelihood that doubts of homicide are raised in cases of unplanned complex suicides. A case of complex suicide is reported where the victim resorted to multiple methods to end his life, and what appeared to be an unplanned variant based on the death scene investigations. A meticulous crime scene examination, interviews of the victim's relatives and other witnesses, and a thorough autopsy are warranted to conclude on the cause and manner of death in all such cases.  相似文献   

世界主要反倾销法分析与我国反倾销立法的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在“以‘替代国’价格作为非市场经济国家出口产品‘正常价值’”、“对公共利益的考虑”、“对出口商替进口商交纳反倾销税的作弊行为的制裁”、“反规避的措施”和“对中止反倾销调查的态度、做法”五个问题上,WTO、美国、欧盟反倾销法律中有着明显的或微妙的差异。比较这些差异的客观性、合理性会给中国反倾销立法的完善以启益。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(3):263-271
Consumer DNA products, such as databases that allow the public to explore familial relationships, have recently been used by police to assist in investigations. This has moved the collection of DNA used in criminal investigations away from the limitations of criminal databases and has opened up ethical concerns regarding privacy and consent. This study explored public attitudes and support towards police use of consumer DNA databases in investigations to assess whether different crime types or moral and attitude alignments influenced the level of public support of police using these consumer products. An international survey of 438 adults, using theory and scales pertaining specifically to retributive punishment and attitudes towards law, courts and police, found that moral alignment and attitudes did influence the level of public acceptability towards police usage of these techniques and that support did vary based on crime type. This research found that higher levels of public support was given for the most serious case types explored (sexual assault and homicide). Participant support for police access to private DNA databases by case type was as follows; 83.5% for sexual assault, 83.2% for homicide, 85.2% for identifying unidentified human remains, 62.8% for robbery and 58.9% for illicit drug related cases. Small to medium effects sizes were observed for these results. Although these findings provided context towards public attitudes, further research specific to international attitude differences and variance between serious crime types and public acceptability could further develop these findings.  相似文献   

Within investigations of suspected child abuse, the child's account is often at the core of the judicial process. When analysing the child's account, it is therefore important to consider how parents may have discussed the suspected abuse prior to the official investigation. However, no studies up to the present time have investigated discussions in real cases where parents suspect that their children have been abused. We analysed a sample (N = 19) of recorded conversations between parents and their children, delivered to the police as evidence for alleged physical or sexual abuse. Analyses of the questions used and the information provided in the discussions showed that the parent's strategies when questioning their children were extremely leading and that in the majority of the cases, all new information was provided by the parents. In spite of this, the parents deemed the recorded conversations as records of the children's accounts. While the sample was small and likely to be unrepresentative of child abuse suspicions in general, the findings have important practical implications. The results indicate that when planning an interview in a case where the alleged abuse relies on what a child allegedly has told a parent, particular caution should be taken when referring to these conversations.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines a seemingly unique method of control used to psychologically bind Nigerian women and children to their traffickers. In order to manipulate the victims’ fear of spiritual retribution, they initially undergo a juju ritual whereby they swear an oath to the spirit world, promising not to escape or disclose their exploitation to the authorities. The aim of this research was to explore how this process affects the victim and what considerations this phenomena raises for criminal investigators. The methodology employed qualitative data obtained through interviews with front-line practitioners from the United Kingdom. Results suggest the oath is one of several mechanisms used by traffickers to instil fear. Others include rape, physical threats, threats of deportation and perceptions of police corruption. The main recommendations are to empathise with the victim’s fear of spiritual retribution; develop trust and rapport; take a joint-agency approach and provide access to psychological and spiritual counselling.  相似文献   

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