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THE Minyue Kingdom city is35 kilometers north of theWuyi Mountains in FujianProvince, and has a history ofmore than 2,300 years. Constructedon the summits of a few foothills,the city faces the magnificent WuyiMountains to the west, and hills andmounds to its north and south. Agurgling crystalline stream originating in the Wuyi Mountains flowsfrom the west to the city and thengoes past it from north to south. Itsvast stretches of alluvial plains inthe east and north give this ancientcity a…  相似文献   

PERHAPS no other city in China suffered more during the Second World War than Nanjing. Although traditionally protected by the Yangtze River and Zijin Mountain to its north and east, the city quickly fell to Japanese invaders in 1937, with tragic consequences. In what became known as the "Rape of Nanjing," 330,000 men, women and children were systematically and brutally murdered by rampaging Japanese soldiers in a six-week-long orgy of violence.  相似文献   

The Drum and Bell Towers in Beijing were the time-keeping center of the city in the three dynasties of Yuan (1279-1368),Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911).They are located on the northern end of the north-south axis,which divides the city into two symmetrical parts ac- cording to the original city layout.Walking to the north from the back gate of the Forbidden City, tourists first see Jingshan Park and then the Drum and Bell Towers,with the Bell Tower on the north.The Drum and Bell Towers stand 100 meters apart and are respectively 46.7 meters and 49 meters in height.  相似文献   

SHANGHAI owes its birth and prosperity to the mighty Yangtze River that enters the sea where the city perches on China’s east coast;the emergence and ascendance of its Zhabei District is also bound into river legends and became part of an historic epoch in national industry.Located in the northern part of the city,Zhabei is home to a growing number of iconic landmarks,buildings and neighborhoods.  相似文献   

SHORTLY after the motion picture industry began to blossom in China, Shanghai became subject and backdrop for its dramas.Throughout the last century, movies and TV series have presented a realistic but fictional Shanghai, with plots that capture the growth of the city and events that have made history. The film arts have produced the best foomotes to the city's legend, capturing its spirit and charm in very specific detail.  相似文献   

THE women of Hangzhou have long held the title of comeli-est in all of China. Marco Polo, on a visit to the city during the 13th century, called Hangzhou "the finest and most splendid city in the world," no doubt drawing comparisons with another city on the water, Venice. Capital city  相似文献   

Mr. Junnosuke Ishimoto, our respected Japanese friend, passed away on February 16. He was born in Dalian and spent 12 years in the city. Having lived in Japan for several decades, his feelings for his birthplace never changed. He cared about the city’s development and donated to the city’s education, and showed people what China-Japan friendship meant with his deeds.  相似文献   

正An oil-rich city builds comfortable senior centers Karamay, located near the Junggar Basin and founded in 1958, is famous for abundant oil fields and a developed refinery industry. Despite the hostile desert environment, people in Karamay do their best to make their city a better place to live and work.  相似文献   

NANXIONG,a county-level city in northeastern Guangdong Province,is where I was born.In my dreams,I often return to this town of my childhood,where there is no hustle and bustle of the city life,but tranquil streets,murmuring rivers and lush grasslands,all bathed in sunshine.I have had the impulse to go back many times.But on starting to pack,fear of urbanization and the changes it would make to the hometown of my dreams and memory have stopped me.  相似文献   

Green Beijing     
Beijingers are attaching more and more importance to the environment of their city. From assorted garbage to daily environment forecasts, and from restricting the emission of auto exhaust to the planting of trees and grass; all this has shown the longing Beijing residents have for a green environment. One of the major topics in the bid for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games is that of a "Green Olympics." The bid provides added incentive in the common aim to create a green city. This is our origi…  相似文献   

Honestly, aren‘t you sometimes getting just a little fed up with the noise and the grime of the city? So why not do something about your frustrations and head out to the Fragrant Hills? The place is well-known for its breath-taking views in autumn, when the leaves of the sumac trees change from a dusty green to brilliant gold and red, and the capital‘s citizens arrive in their thousands. In summer, walking in the shade of those trees is a welcome respite from the heat of the city, a popular place to cool down and chill out.  相似文献   

One who has not been to Kashi has not been to Xinjiang, as a saying goes. Once a bus-tling trade hub on the Silk Road, today the city is a typical multiethnic community in the southwest of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.The city is close to China's border with India in the south and central Asia to its west. Marco Polo (1254-1324), one of the first Westerners to travel to China along the Silk Road, once described Kashi as the "Cairo of the East."A terrorist attack erupted on the morning of August 4 this year, when terrorists attacked a group of border policemen jogging in Kashi. Using a dump truck, homemade grenades and knives, they killed 18. Three months have passedsince August when nightmare haunted the city, and life is gradually brought to normal. Cheng Gang, a correspondent with the Beijing-based Global Times made a trip to Kashi in October. Below are excerpts from his account of the journey.  相似文献   

Beijing by Bus     
Now visitors can hop on a luxury bus and seethe capital's sites in style Getting to know a city when you onlyhave limited time can be tricky.Especially a city the size of Beijing.Now, in keeping up with interna-tional trends visitors to the capital can hopon a bus and get an hour-long ride.  相似文献   

THERE has, in recent years,been frequent reportage inthe Chinese media on bothongoing preservation ofand damage to historical sites. Notlong ago, the ancient city ofDinghai in Zhejiang Province - amaill battlefield during the OpiumWar, and a city famous for its con-temporary national industry andcommerce, was damaged duringmajor construction and refurbish-ment in the city. A siheyuan (acompound with houses around asquare courtyard) in downtownBeijing was demolished in similarcircumstances.…  相似文献   

Border city in south designated pilot zone to enhance collaboration with ASEAN Located in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in south China and bordering Viet Nam,the city of Baise has a special place in Chinese history.It was here that late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping mobilized the Zhuangs,the ethnic minority after whom the region is named,to stage an uprising against the Kuomintang authority in 1929 and built the Youjiang revolutionary base,a bastion of the Communist Party of China.  相似文献   

Frontier city in northeast fights to contain imported coronavirus cases As most areas in China started to lift lockdowns and incrementally resume normal life,Suifenhe,a sleepy border city in the northeast of the country,was put on the map by a surging number of imported corona virus cases.  相似文献   

The Gathering in Taizhou in Golden Autumn of the Mayors of International Friendship Cities drew to its close and the participants bid farewell to each other on October 13, 2002.Twenty-four governors, mayors and presidents of city councils from 17 cities of 11 countries gathered together for the first time with their Chinese colleagues from 11 cities in the beautiful seaside city of Taizhou, Zhejiang Province to have friendly talks and look for opportunities of coop-  相似文献   

Shanghai, the biggest business andindustrial center in China, began to issueits first residence permits topeople from outside the city onJune 15.The permit enables peopleto live and work in the city whetheror not they have Chinese citizen-ship.  相似文献   

Picture this-you're in Shanghai,sitting in a hotel room, with five different maps of the city sprawled on the bed before you,and you're trying to logistically plan a day in this grand city.  相似文献   

<正>The International Olympic Committee(IOC)will vote for the hosting city of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia,on July 31.The choice comes down to either Beijing or Almaty,Kazakhstan.More and more people are now participating in winter sports,while skiing and skating techniques are developing fast in China.In its joint bid together with Zhangjiakou,a city in neighboring Hebei Province,for the right to host the 2022Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics,  相似文献   

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