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The dead body of a 44-year-old woman, previously known for depression and alcoholism, has been discovered at her place of residence by her husband. A forensic autopsy has been carried out. The results indicated unspecific histological lesions (alveolar oedema, liver steatosis and interstitial nephritis) but did not reveal any apparent cause of death. Several boxes of medicines have been found near the body, justifying a toxicological analysis. This has been performed on peripheral blood and urine samples using liquid chromatography with diode array and mass spectrometric detections, in conjunction with gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Ethanol has been found (1.24 g/L in blood, 2.63 g/L in urine and 1.33 g/kg in gastric content), as well as therapeutic concentrations of meprobamate (14.1mg/L) and low concentrations of nordazepam (0.12 mg/L) in blood. On the other hand, particularly high levels of labetalol, a widely used beta-blocker, have been found both in blood (1.7 mg/L) and urine (20.2mg/L), which led us to measure labetalol levels in available viscera samples (liver, heart, kidney, and lung) and gastric content. Measured concentrations were 14.2 microg/g, 7.8 microg/g, 5.4 microg/g, 5.2 microg/g and 31.1 microg/g, respectively. We describe here the first report of a fatal intoxication attributed to labetalol that is linked to its acute toxicity, with tissue distribution of this beta-blocker.  相似文献   

Tianeptine (Stablon), although structurally similar to tricyclic antidepressants, acts by enhancing the reuptake of serotonin. A fatal case is presented involving a 26-year-old man, found lying in bed with a "mushroom of foam" around his mouth. Empty blister packs of Stablon and a suicide note were found next to the body. A liquid-liquid extraction procedure with n-hexane: ethyl acetate and n-hexane: 2-propanol, followed by LC-DAD-MS analysis, using positive mode electrospray ionization was performed. The detection limit was 0.001 microg/mL. The toxicological results revealed the following tianeptine concentrations in the post-mortem samples: blood 5.1 microg/mL; urine 2.0 microg/mL; liver 23 microg/g; stomach contents 22 mg. Femoral blood analyses also revealed an ethanol concentration of 0.53 g/L. The present method was also developed and validated for the other post-mortem specimens, since no previous published data had confirmed the post-mortem distribution of tianeptine. The absence of other suitable direct causes of death (macroscopic or histological) and the positive results achieved with the toxicological analysis led the pathologist to rule that death was due to an intoxication caused by the suicidal ingestion of tianeptine in combination with alcohol.  相似文献   

Tianeptine (Stablon®), although structurally similar to tricyclic antidepressants, acts by enhancing the reuptake of serotonin. A fatal case is presented involving a 26-year-old man, found lying in bed with a “mushroom of foam” around his mouth. Empty blister packs of Stablon® and a suicide note were found next to the body. A liquid–liquid extraction procedure with n-hexane: ethyl acetate and n-hexane: 2-propanol, followed by LC-DAD-MS analysis, using positive mode electrospray ionization was performed. The detection limit was 0.001 μg/mL. The toxicological results revealed the following tianeptine concentrations in the post-mortem samples: blood 5.1 μg/mL; urine 2.0 μg/mL; liver 23 μg/g; stomach contents 22 mg. Femoral blood analyses also revealed an ethanol concentration of 0.53 g/L. The present method was also developed and validated for the other post-mortem specimens, since no previous published data had confirmed the post-mortem distribution of tianeptine. The absence of other suitable direct causes of death (macroscopic or histological) and the positive results achieved with the toxicological analysis led the pathologist to rule that death was due to an intoxication caused by the suicidal ingestion of tianeptine in combination with alcohol.  相似文献   

In recent years we have noticed an increasing proportion of mortalities resulting from an overdose of heroin that involve routes of administration other than injection. Of 239 cases of fatal heroin intoxication examined at our department during the period 1997-2000, 18 deaths were associated with non-parental administration. Seven of these fatalities were experienced heroin users who had begun to use more sporadically, seven were recreational "party-users", while the remaining four persons had relapsed into heroin use following long periods of abstinence. The median blood morphine concentration of these non-injectors was 0.095 microg/g (range: 0.02-0.67 microg/g), significantly lower than that of the injectors. Concurrent use of alcohol, other illicit drugs and/or pharmaceutical preparations was observed in 17 of the 18 cases. However, there were no statistically significant differences between the victims of heroin intoxication by injection or by other routes with respect to the proportion who had simultaneously consumed alcohol or benzodiazepines. Pathological alterations like lung fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, endocarditis, etc. were not found to play a significant role in any of the 18 mortalities. We conclude that snorting or smoking heroin probably involves a reduced risk of obtaining high blood concentrations of morphine but still constitutes a considerable risk of lethal outcome due to high variability in blood concentrations. Furthermore, decreased tolerance resulting from periods of reduced or sporadic use appears to be an important risk factor in connection with heroin overdosing by snorting or smoking, which indicate that some heroin addicts may inaccurately assume that these routes of administration are safe when resuming their use of heroin after a period of abstinence.  相似文献   

In 14,744 autopsy cases from an 18-year period 92 cases (of which 7 were ruled out because of decomposition were observed in which death was supposed to be due to direct acute alcoholic intoxication. In the police reports 81 persons were designated as chronic alcoholics or abusers of spirits. The blood alcohol level ranged between 2.04 and 4.92 o/oo. The cases studied were divided into two groups, one with low and the other with high lethal alcohol level. Fatty liver and cirrhosis were found with identical frequency in the two groups, whereas cardiac hypertrophy of obscure origin occurred markedly more often in the group with low lethal blood alcohol level. On the basis the possible mechanism of death in the cases with cardiac hypertrophy is discussed. Finally, the relation between the blood and urine alcohol concentrations observed in 72 cases is discussed. On the assumption that the water phase of the blood was 75 per cent of the total blood, death occurred in the persons without cardiac hypertrophy with fairly identical frequency either in the phase of absorption or the phase of elimination, whereas in the persons with cardiac hypertrophy death most often occurred in the phase of absorption. These statements should, however, be taken with some reservation, partly because the water phase of the blood may vary considerably post mortem (60-90 per cent) and partly because the urine alcohol concentration depends on serval variable factors.  相似文献   

In a case of intoxication by Fenetyllin (captagon) with succeeding coma dépassé it can be shown, that toxicological-diagnostic conclusions can be drawn from the disproportional concentrations between brain and body organs. It may be possible to reveal an unknown intoxication case after autopsy or to contribute to recognition of causality of narcotic incidences after a possible overdose.  相似文献   

临床上应用林可霉素出现消化系统症状及体征等副作用,已被广大医药人员所公认.但大剂量使用林可霉素导致婴幼儿顽固性心动过速、昏厥,甚至急性心、肺机能障碍而死亡的案例较少见.近一年来,笔者连续鉴定了3例因林可霉素急性中毒的案例,现报道如下:  相似文献   

The diagnostic tools applicable to the forensic medical expertise of cadavers in cannabinoid intoxication (CI) were evaluated. Histochemistry with incubation of stable blue "B" (SBB) were used for the detection of cannabinoids in the bronchi and lungs. Hyperemia and capillarostasis in the mucous tunics of the mouth and stomach as well as hyperemia and edema in the lungs and brain were histochemically detected in CI. The histochemical activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase (AlDG) was most essentially decreasing in the adrenal glands and brain of younger persons. The SBB reaction in the bronchial and alveolar epithelia was positive in 85% of cases. A high proof value of the CI diagnostics was pointed out in cadaver expertise.  相似文献   

Trihexyphenidyl (THP) is an anticholinergic agent with forensic toxicological interest. We present a case of a 59-year-old woman with a history of paranoid disorder, who was found dead in the house where she lived alone. The autopsy findings revealed no marked pathological changes. Toxicological analysis based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis revealed THP and its major metabolite (hydroxy-THP) in blood and urine, with THP concentrations of 0.053 and 0.560 mg/L, respectively. The blood and urine ethanol concentrations were low 0.096 and 0.100 g/L, respectively. Based on these results, we determined the cause of death to be THP poisoning. It is suggested that rare case of death associated with THP overdosage should be taken in conjunction with central nervous system depressants (benzodiazepines, ethanol) and/or with other pathological disorders. Thus, our case could not be supportive for this allegation.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(1):89-94
Sexual offences are under-reported and ascertaining accurate offence numbers is difficult. Any methods which could increase the ability to obtain biological evidence or reduce the additional distress associated with reporting a sexual offence may result in an increase in reporting this crime type. The Evidence Recovery System (ERS) is designed to collect trace evidence, including hairs, fibres and biological evidence, from bath or shower water in a non-invasive manner. Initially, samples of semen were placed in baths filled with water, and washing was simulated using a range of body wash products. The water was then drained through the ERS before its filters were subjected to acid phosphatase testing and haematoxylin and eosin staining of spermatozoa. Recovered spermatozoa were then graded accordingly. Following this, the experiment was repeated with the addition of dirt/dust particulates during the washing stage, to simulate recovery of biological evidence in a more realistic environment. The results showed that spermatozoa considered ‘easy to find’ could regularly be obtained from bathwater using the ERS. It appeared that this recovery was not affected by the presence of different body wash products. When dust/dirt particles were added, the number of spermatozoa recovered increased at two of the evidence collection stages. The difference in recovery was considered to be statistically significant. This study provides evidence to suggest the feasibility of use of the ERS as a method to collect semen evidence from individuals subjected to sexual offences. The recovery of spermatozoa does not appear to be affected by the presence of a body wash, but does appear to be improved when skin cells, hair and other debris are transferred into the water, as would be likely during a bath/shower. Further to this, the possibility of obtaining spermatozoa from the home bath or shower of a victim following a post-offence bathing experience is implied.  相似文献   

(上接本刊 2 0 0 2年冬季号第 492页 )柯托案中的上述裁决对格拉西案所确立的原则具有意义深远的扩张作用。柯托案与格拉西案实际上存在相当大的区别。在格拉西案中 ,是被告人本人找到证人 ,跟他说自己的律师想跟他谈一下关于案件的问题。此外 ,被告人的叔叔 (身份明确 )曾与证人交谈并许诺给证人几千块钱。在开庭审判之前 ,证人已经收到了 2 0 0 0元。相形之下 ,柯托案中的有关证据就显得过分苍白了。虽然被告人已经被保释 ,但没有任何证据证明被告人本人亲自实施了威胁行为 ,同时也没有任何证据证明存在着直接的、实质性的威胁。此外 ,在…  相似文献   

Between 1998 and 2001 the deaths of 16 Surinamese children were recorded along the Maroni River, which forms the border between Suriname and French Guyana. After a metabolic origin was eliminated, ethnobotanical research in the field led to a hypothesis of intoxication through the ingestion of ackee. Ackee (Blighia sapida) is a large green leafy tree of West African origin. Its unripe fruit contains large quantities of two toxic molecules: hypoglycin-A and hypoglycin-B, the former being the more toxic. We have developed a GC-MS procedure allowing us to demonstrate the presence of hypoglycin-A in the gastric fluid of one of the deceased children, and to compare the content of hypoglycin-A in fruit collected on the road to Paramaribo in Suriname (5.1mg/g) with samples from Burkina Faso (8.1mg/g) and Jamaica (9.2mg/g). Field research showed the misuse of this little-known plant by Maroon witch doctors. The Bushinengue witch doctors were informed about the dangers of ackee, and no new cases have been reported to date.  相似文献   

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