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Justice systems around the world are increasingly turning to videoconferencing as a means to reduce delays and reduce costs in legal processes. This preliminary research examined whether interviewing a witness remotely – without physical co-presence of the witness and interviewer – could facilitate the production of quality facial composite sketches of suspects. In Study 1, 42 adults briefly viewed a photograph of a face. The next day they participated in Cognitive Interviews with a forensic artist, conducted either face-to-face or remotely via videoconference. In Study 2, 20 adults participated in videoconferenced interviews, and we manipulated the method by which they viewed the developing sketch. In both studies, independent groups of volunteers rated the likeness of the composites to the original photographs. The data suggest that remote interviews elicited effective composites; however, in Study 1 these composites were considered poorer matches to the photographs than were those produced in face-to-face interviews. The differences were small, but significant. Participants perceived several disadvantages to remote interviewing, but also several advantages including less pressure and better concentration. The results of Study 2 suggested that different sketch presentation methods offered different benefits. We propose that remote interviewing could be a useful tool for investigators in certain circumstances.  相似文献   

This study examined the factors associated with violent/aggressive behavior in stalkers using a sample of 100 Canadian cases of persons charged with criminal harassment (more commonly known as stalking). Results revealed that the typical profile of a "simple obsessional" type of stalker was a middle-aged male, single or separated/estranged, with a history of emotional and/or anger management problems. The most common initial strategies used by the victims to cope with the stalkers were oriented towards legal resources. Initial legal remedies, including court orders or police warnings, seemed to be ineffective as a strategy to stop stalking given that most stalkers chose to ignore them. The study also provided partial support for a preliminary model of predictors of violent/aggressive behavior in stalkers. Stalkers with previous violent behaviors, strong negative emotions. and obsessional tendencies toward the victim may be most at risk of future violent and aggressive acts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate a measure of criminal thought content entitled the Criminal Thought Content Inventory (CTCI). The 30-item CTCI generates a total score and scores for three individual dimensions or scales: Negative Attitudes toward Authority (NAA), Positive Attitudes toward Deviance (PAD), and Criminal Identity (CID). Students from two universities (N?=?335 and 456) completed the CTCI, along with measures of criminal thought process and delinquent behavior. According to the results of several analyses, the CTCI possesses adequate internal consistency, good test-retest reliability, and adequate concurrent validity. Confirmatory factor analyses performed on both samples offered support for the three-dimensional structure of the CTCI and an item response theory analysis indicated that over 80% of the items loaded at least moderately on a single latent trait. These results suggest that the CTCI possesses the requisite psychometric properties to warrant inclusion in studies investigating criminal thought content.  相似文献   

This study sought to analyse the relation between executive functions and criminal recidivism. We assessed a set of cognitive abilities associated with executive functioning in a group of recidivist offenders (n = 19), primary offenders (n = 25) and non-offenders (n = 30). Our results, tested with nonparametric statistics and Monte Carlo method, revealed that there were no executive differences between both groups of offenders but, when compared with non-offenders, the recidivists showed a worse performance in Trail Making Test part B, and the primary offenders presented a significant lower score on Porteus Maze Test Age score. This study suggests that there can be a different pattern of executive functioning deficits associated with the offenders’ criminal record: recidivism may be more related to mental flexibility impairments and primary offenders’ antisocial behaviour may be aggravated by planning deficits.  相似文献   

The prevalence and pattern of criminal behaviour in a population of 313 former child psychiatric in-patients with pervasive developmental disorders were studied. The patients were divided into three subgroups and compared with 933 matched controls from the general population. Age at follow-up was between 25 years and 59 years. An account of convictions in the nationwide Danish Register of Criminality was used as a measure of criminal behaviour. Among 113 cases with childhood autism, .9% had been convicted. In atypical autism (n=86) and Asperger's syndrome (n=114) the percentages were 8.1% and 18.4%, respectively. The corresponding rate of convictions in the comparison groups was 18.9%, 14.7%, and 19.6% respectively. Particular attention is given to arson in Asperger's syndrome (p= .0009).  相似文献   

论我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度的建立   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
虞浔  李鹏 《犯罪研究》2004,(1):33-37
被害人国家补偿制度是国家对遭受犯罪行为侵害而又没有得到充分赔偿的被害人及其家属,通过法律程序给予一定物质补偿的制度。这一制度建立的必要性在于能够保障刑事被害人的权利,有效控制犯罪,同时它也是国家履行其职责和实现公共福利的需要。其涵盖的内容包括:基本原则,补偿对象、补偿资金的建立、补偿机关和程序等。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to propose an innovative approach evaluating the connection between alcohol use disorders and criminal behavior. The research, structured as a case–control study, was based on the analysis of environmental (social variables) and genetic factors (single nucleotide polymorphisms of glutamic acid decarboxylase) in a population (N = 173) of Italian alcohol‐dependent men. Group 1 (N = 47, convicted subjects) was compared with Group 2 (N = 126, no previous criminal conduct). Grade repetition, work problems, and drug problems were statistically associated with criminal behavior. Having daily family meals together and having children were inversely related to convictions. The genotype distribution of the two groups was similar. The association between environmental factors and antisocial behavior confirms previous findings in the literature. The lack of genetic association does not exclude the role of the gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) system in determining antisocial behavior; further studies with larger samples are needed, together with investigation of other components of the GABA pathway.  相似文献   

This article describes two studies concerning the development of a new measure of criminal thinking, the CriminogenicThinking Profile (CTP), influenced by the construct of psychopathy, and traditional models of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). An experimental item pool based on verbalizations from offenders served as the pilot version of the instrument. Principal components analysis of the items resulted in a 62-item, eight-factor scale that was internally consistent. In terms of content, six of the resulting factors were conceptually related to psychopathy, one to CBT, and one to neutralization theory. The factor structure and internal reliability was supported by a subsequent confirmatory factor analysis. Initial support for the CTP's convergent validity was indicated by its positive correlations with psychopathy and personality disorders associated with criminal, aggressive, and impulsive behaviors. The CTP's divergent validity was supported by its inverse correlations with indices of healthy personality functioning. The CTP offers a somewhat different constellation of thinking patterns than those found on previously published criminal thinking instruments. The utility of the CTP to identify relevant cognitive targets for offender treatment is a recommended area of future research.  相似文献   

推定作为刑事诉讼中认定案件情况的一种方法,它减轻了举证责任,提高了诉讼效率,解决一些诉讼中的疑难问题,但这些仅是推定的工具价值。在工具价值的背后,推定承载着一定的利益:或为国家利益,或为当事人利益。不同的证据制度、诉讼模式,决定推定承载着不同利益。  相似文献   

According to critical literature, psychiatrization is a central feature of gendered social control. It operates in a twofold process: by orienting women to medical institutions rather than the penal system, and, for those women who do enter the criminal justice system, by favoring an interpretation of their behavior in terms of mental health problems. However, the production of gendered social control cannot be reduced to institutional decision-making; it also leaves its traces in various discursive forms. One such form is forensic psychiatrists' discourse on the offenders they evaluate. Our study analyzes these forensic reports as units of a computerized database. Our goal is to gain insight into the text by means of systematic quantitative and qualitative procedures. Even though the expert discourse is shaped by specifications requested by the court, the discourse examined here constructs two very distinct identities that do not correspond to stereotyped conceptions about femininity and masculinity.  相似文献   

Should adolescents be held as culpable for their behavior as adults? Adolescence is a tumultuous time, full of change and transformation. This paper examines the development of brain functions and cognitive capabilities of teenagers. It explores the effect of alcohol use on brain development and the fundamental cognitive differences between adolescents and adults. This knowledge, coupled with the assessment of developmental perspective, suggests that the adultification of youth (or waiver to adult court) is unduly harsh for youth whose brains have not fully formed.  相似文献   

Homicides in the city of Ribeir?o Preto, state of S?o Paulo, Brazil, were analyzed with regard to methods (firearms or others) and gender, in a retrospective study from 1993 to 1997. There was a progressive increase in the number of homicides, mainly after 1995, with an increment of 86.6% in 1997 in comparison to 1993. The incidence of homicides was higher among males, with firearms being the most common method in this group since 1993. In addition, a 10% increase in this method was observed since 1995, in association with a proportional reduction in the use of other methods. The incidence of homicides among females remained stable until 1996 and increased by 51.3% in 1997. Simultaneously, firearms have become the most common method among female victims (71.4%), pattern similar to that observed among males. Attention is drawn to the social and economic conditions and their relationships with drug traffic in the city.  相似文献   

The paper is prepared to argue the condition of decolonizing the field of criminal law – a field which is particularly important for being the first colonial transplant in this subcontinent. To put it another way, this paper is an attempt to locate the colonial elements that can be found in the Penal Code 1860 and to give a way forward to decolonizing such elements in the socio-political milieu of the twenty first century. It therefore explores the colonial origin of modern criminal law in India, which is followed by tracing out importance as well as the ways of decolonizing it.  相似文献   

Medical malpractice charges from 1989 to 2002 were evaluated. A rising number of cases during this period is evident. The charges of practice falling below the standard of care (n = 285) were surveyed to determine who informed the prosecution, which clinical subjects are involved, what kind of charges can be found and whether such allegations can be appropriately assessed by means of a forensic autopsy. Forensic pathologists were found to be useful for ascertainment and interpretation of autopsy findings. If special questions arise, an additional expert opinion should be suggested by the forensic pathologist. There was no relevant shift in the range of subjects involved compared to former studies. The investigated charges might represent only a small fraction of cases of medical practice falling below the standard of care.  相似文献   



Teenage childbirth is associated with poor psychosocial outcomes for teen mothers. One example is that teen mothers have higher rates of antisocial behavior. The extant research has not been able to determine if teenage motherhood is independently associated with criminal behavior, or if the association is due to selection factors associated with both teenage childbirth and criminal behavior.


We used longitudinal data from Swedish national registers and sibling-comparisons (both full- and half-siblings) to identify the extent to which there is an independent association between teenage childbirth and mothers’ likelihood of criminal conviction between ages 20-30, or if the association is confounded by familial (including genetic or environmental) factors that make sisters similar.


Women who began childbearing as teenagers were more likely to be convicted of a crime in young adulthood compared to women who delayed childbearing. When sisters were compared, the association between teenage childbirth and criminal convictions disappeared. Multivariate behavior genetic analyses suggest genetic and shared environmental account for the association.


The statistical association between teenage childbirth and early adulthood criminal convictions is confounded by genetic and shared environmental factors that influence both the likelihood of teenage childbirth and risk of early adulthood criminal conviction.  相似文献   

Despite considerable research and development into stab-resistant clothing, no data exists which provides valid data for knife-body contact speeds which may be used to ensure that an appropriate and standard protection level is provided. Such data can only be obtained by a quantitative kinematic analysis of the stabbing movement. Two-dimensional video techniques (50 Hz) were used to record images of subjects (n = 10) performing each of four stabbing actions; Long Over (LO), Long Under (LU), Short Over (SO), Short Under (SU). Images were digitised from a minimum of ten frames pre-, to at least six frames post-blade entry. A two-way analysis of variance applied to selected kinematic parameters revealed significantly higher (P < 0.01) blade entry speeds for LO and LU as compared to SO and SU, respectively. This was due to the extra distance over which knife speed could be increased in the former conditions. Significantly greater shoulder joint angular velocities were found for LU and SU conditions, whilst for the elbow joint, conditions LO and SO were significantly greater (P = 0.000008). This suggests that the entry speeds during LO and SO are derived from a greater contribution from elbow extensor muscles, whilst those for LU and SU are derived from a greater contribution from the shoulder flexors. It was concluded that two separate kinematic strategies were employed by subjects, and that the maximum speed which may be generated during stabbing is influenced by the manner in which the knife is held.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to reconstruct the chronological age based on the dental developmental stages of third molars evaluated on orthopantomograms. A total of 1175 orthopantomograms were assembled from patients of Caucasian origin between 16 and 22 years of age. Each third molar present was scored by two observers according to a 10-stage developmental scale. The kappa statistics measured the intra- and inter-observer reliability. The general statistical analysis was based on multiple regression analysis in order to obtain multiple regression formulas for dental age estimation based on the number of third molars present on the evaluated orthopantomogram. No regression models were statistically significant when there was only one-third molar present because of the relatively small number of orthopantomograms that fitted this criterion. A strong agreement was found between the intra- and inter-observer measurements. The statistical analysis revealed both for males and females high Pearson correlation coefficients between contralateral third molars and smaller coefficients between antimeres. The obtained multiple regression formulas are only applicable in certain specified conditions, for instance when four third molars are present the following formulas should be used in a Caucasian male "age=10.2000+0.5122UL+0.5273LL" (developmental stage of upper and lower left third molars) or in case of a female "age=13.6206+0.1933UR+0.5080LR" (developmental stage of upper and lower right third molars). This investigation revealed that the chronological age of a Caucasian individual may be estimated based on regression formulas with a S.D. of 1.52 or 1.56 years for males and females, respectively, when all four third molars are present.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of taphonomic processes on blunt force trauma (BFT) through an experimental study involving pig heads. Of particular concern is the possibility that taphonomic changes can create pseudo-trauma and/or conceal evidence of actual trauma. BFT was inflicted on 10 pig skulls using a hammer. The skulls were subsequently exposed to the environment for 12 months. Seven taphonomic changes were evaluated: the freeze-thaw cycle; rodent gnawing; carnivore scavenging; presence/weight of soil; presence/weight of rain and snow; movement/displacement of bones; and discoloration due to sun bleaching and grass staining. Taphonomic effects varied between cancellous, compact, fresh, and degreased bone. Freezing and thawing, exposure to rain and snow, movement of the skulls, and soil erosion altered and, in some cases disguised, pre-existing trauma. Rodent and carnivore activity did not obliterate evidence of BFT. Recommendations for evaluating BFT on remains affected by taphonomic processes are presented. As each taphonomic process outlined by this study has the potential to disguise antemortem injury, the authors propose that one must carefully examine large, circular openings in the skull that may represent the remnant evidence of BFT.  相似文献   

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