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财政绩效评价的原则和指标体系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李欣 《岭南学刊》2007,(4):83-86
财政绩效评价包括财政绩效综合评价、专项财政收支绩效评价与部门财政收支绩效评价。从财政绩效评价的原则和财政绩效评价指标体系设置入手对财政绩效综合评价进行分析,财政绩效评价的原则应包括服务政府职能原则、规模适度原则、社会效益原则、合法性原则等方面;财政绩效评价指标体系应反映财政规模的指标,财政收支结构的指标,财政收支合法合规性的指标和财政支出效益的指标。  相似文献   

建立政府公共支出绩效评价,是社会主义市场经济条件下落实科学发展观、提高政府执政能力的必然要求,是建立公共财政框架、深化财政支出改革和完善财政支出监督机制的重要途径和有效手段,也是按照党的十六届三中全会要求“建立预算绩效评价体系”,实现绩效预算的基础和前提。  相似文献   

曾纪发  何芳 《江西政报》2007,(24):40-42
财政支出绩效评价是指运用科学、规范的绩效评价方法,对照统一的评价标准,按照绩效的内在原则,对财政支出行为过程及其效果进行科学、客观、公正的衡量比较和综合评判。国外财政支出绩效评价始于20世纪30年代美国新政时期,而90年代可以说是美国各级政府绩效预算改革的黄金年代。我国的财政支出评价工作起步较晚。2003年党的十六届三中全会正式提出了“建立预算绩效评价体系”的财政改革目标。按照国家关于“推进绩效预算评价体系建设,促进财政支出效益最大化”的要求,中央和各级财政相继出台一系列制度办法。2006年我省开始对科技型中小企业技术创新基金项目资金进行绩效考评试点,并积累了一些经验。但是,与全国其他省市相比,我省财政支出绩效评价工作进展较为缓慢,管理环节比较薄弱,  相似文献   

云政办发〔2006〕181号省直各委、办、厅、局:《云南省省级财政支出绩效评价暂行办法》已经省人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。二○○六年十一月六日云南省省级财政支出绩效评价暂行办法第一章总则第一条为加强财政资金管理,推进部门预算管理改革,优化财政支出结构,提高财政资金使用效益和政府公共管理服务水平,根据《中共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》和国务院《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》有关精神,结合本省实际,制定本办法。第二条本办法所称财政支出绩效评价,是指运用一定的方法和指标对财政支出绩效目…  相似文献   

研究建立科学的政府绩效评估体系,推动地方政府职能转变是我国当前行政改革中的一项重要内容。本文以2004年甘肃省非公有制企业评价政府绩效活动为研究对象,以国内外已经开展的政府绩效评价实践为参照,结合西方先进的绩效评价理论,对甘肃省这次实践的总体思路、指标体系、评价方法、评价过程以及模式创新进行了介绍,并对我国开展政府绩效评价的意义与功能、如何建立和完善我国政府绩效评价体系进行了理论探讨。  相似文献   

第一章 总则 第一条 为加强财政支出管理,强化支出责任,建立科学、合理的财政支出绩效评价管理体系,提高财政资金使用效益,根据《中华人民共和国预算法》等国家有关规定,制定本办法。  相似文献   

蔡艳萍  朱红 《求索》2013,(4):45-47
中小企业在我国经济的发展和转型中起着重的作用,我国目前正大力发展中小企业。经济增加值是企业绩效评价发展的新趋势,本文基于经济增加值构建了中小企业的绩效评价指标体系,以2011年我国中小企业的491家上市公司数据为样本,采用因子分析法对中小企业经营业绩进行评价,得出我国中小企业各行业发展绩效水平的综合得分,对我国中小企业的发展和转型提供了实证参考并提出了建议。  相似文献   

财预[2009]76号2009年6月22日各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局):为加强财政支出管理,强化支出责任,提高财政资金的使用效益,体现政府公共服务目标,我们制定了《财政支出绩效评价管理暂行办法》,现予印发,请遵照执行。附件:财政支出绩效评价管理暂行办法  相似文献   

市级政府绩效评价研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
政府绩效考核指标决定着政府工作的导向。建立科学完善的政府绩效评价指标体系及绩效评价方法,就是要规范政府行为,提高政府绩效,引导政府公务员树立正确的政绩观,最终形成科学的城市发展观,真正做到“勤政为民,求真务实”。本研究立足于政府与市民的有效互动,利用多学科理论构建政府绩效评价的理论体系,即根据复杂性科学、系统论科学、管理学等多学科理论以及彼得·圣吉(P·Senge)的学习型组织理论、罗伯特·卡普兰(Robert S.Kaplan)和戴维·诺顿(David P. Norton)的平衡计分卡理论,系统分析政府绩效影响要素的指标结构并利用隶属度赋值法、功效系数法、层次分析法等数学方法建立政府绩效的定量评价体系。  相似文献   

李林  朱沙沙 《求索》2012,(12):35-36
碳约束时代,作为投资大、涉及面广、对资源和环境影响巨大的公共工程项目,成为我国能否顺利走入低碳经济的重要环节。本文结合逻辑框架法从项目投入、产出、直接和间接影响四个方面构建公共工程项目低碳绩效评价指标体系。利用专家访谈和问卷调查确定指标,通过主成分分析得出指标体系的权重,最后结合云模型利用该套指标体系对某河道枢纽进行绩效评估。  相似文献   

The climate of school classrooms, shaped by a combination of teacher practices and peer processes, is an important determinant for children's psychosocial functioning and is a primary factor affecting bullying and victimization. Given that there are relatively few theoretically-grounded and validated assessment tools designed to measure the social climate of classrooms, our research team developed an observation tool through participatory action research (PAR). This article details how the assessment tool was designed and preliminarily validated in 18 third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade classrooms in a large urban public school district. The goals of this study are to illustrate the feasibility of a PAR paradigm in measurement development, ascertain the psychometric properties of the assessment tool, and determine associations with different indices of classroom levels of relational and physical aggression.  相似文献   

In President Barack Obama's State of the Union address in January 2009,he called for the building of "a new generation of safe,clean nuclear power plants" This was followed by his highprofile speech in Prague in April 2009,in which he noted the need "to harness the power of nuclear energy on behalf of our efforts to combat climate change."In December 2009 in Copenhagen,he pledged the United States will reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions 17 percent from 2005 levels by 2020.  相似文献   

正The U.S.policy of pivoting to the Asia-Pacific is expected to continueRecommendations made by the AsiaPacific Rebalance 2025 report have outlined a clear goal—the containment of China's growing clout in order to maintain the United States'dominant role in the Asia-Pacific region.The report,unveiled by the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies  相似文献   


Given the racialization of subjective, material and historical realities in South Africa, psychological training and practice in community raise crucial and often thorny ethical, epistemological and methodological questions. This article appraises the strengths and limitations of using Rapid Assessment Procedures (RAP) (Afonja, 1992) in the field training of postgraduate students in community-counseling psychology. Rooted in an activist participatory action research framework (Lykes, 1997), RAP provide a framework for the collective exploration of locally constructed representations of a community's needs and resources; joining the ‘community’ (negotiating a dialogical form of communication and a respect for the insider-outsider dialectic); working through one's ‘situated otherness’; and deracializing psychological training and practice.  相似文献   


Child welfare organizations throughout North America have expended millions of dollars to develop, implement, and institutionalize formal risk assessment models to improve decision making for maltreated children and their families. This article summarizes findings of the risk assessment literature and concludes that many risk assessment protocols currently in use may not improve either the consistency or the accuracy of protective service decisions for maltreated children. The article recommends strategies to improve decisions that promote child safety by utilizing a continuum of empirically supported decision making tools, each designed for a specific purpose during the life of the case.  相似文献   


This article examines the conceptual basis for and methods used to assess school bullying, including the core bullying behavior elements of repetition, intentionality, and power differential and instruments needed to foster comparability across studies and to improve the precision of intervention capacity. Common bully self-report procedures (Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire, Olweus, 2004; Reynolds Bully Victimization Scale, Reynolds, 2003; The Bully Surveys, Swearer, 2001) are examined for the thoroughness with which they assess these core elements that distinguish bullying from other forms of peer victimization. It is concluded that bullying assessment can be enhanced by systematically including all core bully behaviors, more thoroughly examining sources of power differential between bullies and victims, and giving more attention to the dynamic nature of the bullying process.  相似文献   

Since the World Conference on Human Rights in 1993,more than a quarter of the participating countries have developed National Human Rights Action Plans(NHRAPs)to promote human rights.An assessment of the NHRAPs can help to understand the realities of the implementation,improve the quality of the follow-up plan,and improve the effectiveness of the plan in the implementation process.From the texts and practices of the NHRAPs,such an assessment includes the "self-assessments" of the plans' implementers,comprehensive assessments of inter-departmental committees(groups),and evaluations of policy objects,social organizations and human rights experts.The assessment methods include field research,qualitative evaluation,indicator measurement and process monitoring,among other things.The results of the assessment can promote the cohesion between the NHRAPs in different periods,promote the accumulation and transmission of the implementation experience of the plan,and promote the optimization and adjustment of related matters during the implementation period.  相似文献   

陈建新 《桂海论丛》2004,20(5):32-34
树立科学的发展观、政绩观必须先行建立科学的政绩考评体系,它是树立科学发展观的根本制度要求。建立科学的政绩考评体系必须遵循“五大关系”综合考量、考评主体群众至上、考评内容德绩并重、考评办法科学合理等基本原则,构建政绩评估、政绩奖惩、政绩量化、政绩导向、政绩监督“五大机制”。  相似文献   

构建和谐警民关系的核心价值与和谐度测评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建和谐警民关系的核心价值,即为人民服务的宗旨理念与执政为民,严格、公正、文明执法的理念,进而维护社会稳定,巩固执政党地位,确保国家的长治久安。要用客观、科学、系统的测评体系来衡量警民关系的和谐度,可以通过直接与间接测评等路径,运用问卷调查、热线电话调查和网络调查等多元方式进行警民和谐度测评,为建立和谐警民关系制定相应的对策方略。  相似文献   

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