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"点"式领导艺术为许多领导者运用且行之有效.领导活动中的"点",是指在领导活动中客观存在着的居关键位置,起提挈作用的重要因素.领导者如能悟出并把握住这些因素,就好比抓住了领导工作的"牛鼻子",就能够触一发而撼全局,握四两而拨千斤,收到以点促面、以点带面的显著成效.  相似文献   

吴涛 《党政论坛》2009,(13):50-51
领导观在领导实践的过程中具有重要的宏观指导作用,它是领导工作的灵魂,贯穿于领导实践的全过程,具有重要的战略价值和实践意义。在公共危机管理中,领导观的成败决定着领导者处理公共危机能力的强弱,也决定着危机处理结果的成败。对于领导者而言,公共危机管理中的领导观应重点加强如下六个方面的建设:  相似文献   

越南共产党开展革新开放以来,一直强调全党要保持忧患意识。针对面临的"四大危机",越南共产党从四方面采取措施,积极应对:努力发展经济尽快摆脱落后状态,坚持走社会主义道路不动摇,坚决同贪污腐败和官僚主义作斗争,构筑反"和平演变"的坚强防线。  相似文献   

领导观在领导实践的过程中具有重要的宏观指导作用,它是领导工作的灵魂,贯穿于领导实践的全过程,具有重要的战略价值和实践意义。在公共危机管理中,领导观的成败决定着领导者处理  相似文献   

所谓公共危机中领导决策的基本原则,是指在公共危机管理中贯穿于领导决策之中,调整和决定领导与决策行为的基本准则,其特点是具有普遍性、基础性和特殊性。它的重要作用主要表现为:是领导者进行危机决策的依据;它有助于执行与掌握决策的基本精神,指导公共危机的处理;它影响着公共危机管理的成效;它最终影响着政府形象和社会稳定。其具体的原则包括:以人为本原则;全局原则;超前预测与预防原则;合法原则;合理原则;及时原则;授权与监督相结合原则;动态原则;权力集中等程序简化原则。  相似文献   

本文结合非典公共危机管理的新实践、新情况,探讨了当前行政法治发展的一个新课题———应重视行政指导措施在公共危机管理中的适当运用,并指出这符合行政应急性原则的要求,是加强我国公共应急法制建设的题中应有之义  相似文献   

在领导活动中,领导者与领导者之间,领导者与被领导者之间,即"人我"关系之间的"距离"是一种客观存在.怎样与人相处,始终是需要领导者面对的一个十分重要的问题.我们党在领导中国革命和建设的事业中,科学、艺术地处理与同志、战友,与党外人士,与群众之间的关系,使人人都能积极、有效地处在同一动态的领导活动系统中,最大限度地挖掘其各自潜能、发挥其各自作用,对领导活动的目的和结果产生了重大影响.毛泽东同志保持"距离"的领导艺术,在革命和建设的实践中,炉火纯青,恰到好处的运用,已经成为各级领导干部的光辉典范,也是领导科学、领导艺术的基本原则和智慧的结晶,具有现实意义,值得我们认真地研究和学习.  相似文献   

陈辉 《行政论坛》2012,(5):59-63
官僚病是现代社会组织所患的共性病症。从官僚体制的运行机理入手,选择适宜的领导风格来推动组织的运行,有助于消解或弱化官僚病的生成土壤,降低官僚病的发病程度。据此,出于有效治理官僚病的考虑,领导风格建设应解决以下基本问题:一是领导风格必须体现组织的基本责任;二是领导风格必须体现组织性质;三是必须伴随社会和组织发展变化,适时调整领导风格;四是不断进取与创新是市场经济社会领导风格必须具备的基本特质;五是求真务实,勇于践行责任。  相似文献   

童中贤 《理论探讨》2006,(3):155-158
构建和谐社会,是一项系统工程,需要我们的领导方式发生转型,向以人为本转变。人本思想古已有之,但那时却更多地烙上了工具性标记。以人为本作为人本思想的本质,是人的目的与手段的统一。从“政本”(或“邦本”)到“人本”的转变,是统治演化为领导的根本标志。人本领导在其价值观、权力观与服务观的假设上,与传统领导理论有根本性区别。人本领导是领导理论创新、积累并推动和谐社会实践变革的结果。  相似文献   

我国已经进入一个"多元危机"频发的时期,我国的公共危机呈现出四大类危机交叉出现、多元爆发的特点,应对多元危机,我国政府建立了一种政府主导、社会参与、制度保障、国际合作有机结合的"四位一体"政治动员模式.这一模式有力彰显了我国社会主义举国体制的优越性,有力地培育了我国公民社会的参与意识,有效阻止了危机应对中可能出现的无序状态.  相似文献   

The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard is teaching a new approach to leadership. This article outlines some of the elements of this approach and contrasts them with standard models on leadership in the literature.  相似文献   

Public Leadership in Times of Crisis: Mission Impossible?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Crisis management (prevention, preparedness, response, and reconstruction) is a tough task for political and bureaucratic leaders. This article documents the persistent tensions between the expectations and realities of crisis leadership. It explores the popular notion that crises provide key opportunities for reform. The very occurrence of a crisis is then thought to expose the status quo as problematic, making it easier to gain momentum for alternative policies and institutions. We argue that the opportunities for reform in the wake of crisis are smaller than often thought. The prime reason is that the requisites of crisis leadership are at odds with the requirements of effective reform.  相似文献   

Modern urban governance, because of its demanding and complex environment, requires a facilitative style of local political leadership that is visible, outward looking, open, and less partisan than more established forms. This article examines the impact of new constitutional expressions of local political leadership in England since the introduction of executive forms of governance for larger municipalities in 2002. The mayoral form, though established in only a handful of municipalities, is showing signs of supporting a more facilitative leadership style compared to the more widespread council leader model. This finding may be explained by the decision-making resources of mayors and their relationship to followers, which are, in turn, created by the institutional framing of their role by new constitutional arrangements. Political leadership is not simply a product of personality, capabilities, or contingency—although all of these factors play a part. Crucially, from the perspective of reformers, institutional design does make a difference and can encourage leadership practices of a particular style and form.  相似文献   

Significant changes in the political management of local authorities in the United Kingdom are now taking place as a result of legislation passed by the Labour government since 1997. The new political management models aim to modernize local governance by strengthening local leadership, streamlining decision making, and enhancing local accountability. These changes owe much to U.S. experience: They involve the introduction of a separation of powers between an executive and an assembly, and they allow local authorities to introduce directly elected mayors for the first time ever. Is U.K. local government beginning to adopt what might be described as U.S.‐style approaches to local governance? The evidence suggests the new institutional designs for U.K. local authorities represent a radical shift toward U.S.‐style local leadership and decision making. However, the U.K. central state remains heavily involved in the details of local decision making, to an extent that would be unthinkable in the United States.  相似文献   

意识形态领导权是党的执政能力的重要内容.网络时代,它正在遭受一种分子入侵式的破坏.网络信息的泛滥导致信息壁垒的弱化、信息中心的消解、信息控制的失灵;网络技术的异化使得新的技术权威出现、技术控制逐渐形成、技术差距渐渐拉大;规模性、批判性的网络舆论的蔓延,使传统的操控舆论正在为现时的舆论操纵所取代.这些问题,必须引起我们高度重视.  相似文献   

ERIC K. STERN 《管理》2009,22(2):189-202
As fundamental tests of presidential leadership and organizational capacity, crises can make or break an administration. This article presents a conceptual analysis of what makes any crisis situation challenging to deal with, and it develops a set of analytical steps that can help crisis managers diagnose particular crisis situations they might face. The proposed crisis navigation framework brings together case research studies and theories of organizational processes, so that those assuming responsibility for steering the government and society through crises—including the Obama administration—have a useful point of entry into the growing crisis management literature.  相似文献   

Despite widespread scepticism, there is a fundamental continuity in the stability of the European Monetary System (EMS) before and after the 1992 crisis. Although speculative pressures provoked European leaders to widen the fluctuation bands of the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), thus altering substantially the official commitment of member governments to coordinate monetary policies and exchange rates, the values of currencies in the hardcore of the EMS have remained close to their pre-crisis parities with limited fluctuations. European monetary cooperation continues informally, achieving much more stability than the wide bands suggest. The task of the article is to explain the puzzling continued success of the EMS. First, this article re-specifies the problem of international monetary cooperation as a leader–follower interaction with inherently hierarchical attributes. Second, the article outlines the causes of exchange-rate stability in Europe. Finally, the article emphasizes that French monetary followership is the key to the stability of the post-crisis arrangement and offers a preliminary interpretation of the sources of French behaviour.  相似文献   

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