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上海中山学社社员、《世纪》杂志副主编沈飞德副编审撰写的《民国第一家——孙中山的亲属与后裔》(以下简称《民国第一家》)一书于2002年6月由上海人民出版社出版,此书被认为是迄今为止有关孙中山亲属与后裔最完备,也是最翔实的专著。为此,2002年8月22日民革上海市委员会、上海中山学社和上海人民出版社联合召开了此书的出版座谈会。上海的孙中山研究专家和学者,孙中山先生的后人等40多人参加了这次座谈会。会议由上海中山学社副社长兼秘书长马克烈主持,上海市政协副主席朱达人、民革上海市委员会副主委项斯文、葛剑雄…  相似文献   

Family Matters     
As an educator,I have found that work and education have priority over personal happiness for my Chinese students,both in China and abroad.  相似文献   

Big Family     
IN China, interpersonal relationships are key to doing well in society, so it’s worthwhile to learn how to address people correctly in Chinese and use this knowledge in everyday life.The Chinese equivalents of Western titles like sir, madam,  相似文献   

Separatist leader Rebiya Kadeer's family members write to apologize to Urumqi riot victims and ask her to stop the violence  相似文献   

Family Ties     
PARENT-CHILD relationships be very similar the world over In general, young children are playful and mischievous andadmire and love their parents; teenagers are angsty and rebellious and think their parents can't possibly understand them; and, when these children grow into adults and have children of their own, they begin to see things from their parents' perspective.  相似文献   

Finding Family     
Discovering her birth parents was an exciting adventure for a 15-year-old girl It took 14 years-and just two minutes-for an adopted Chinese girl to find her biological family.July 21 this year marked the first  相似文献   

People First     
As of May 14,there were 82,929 confirmed cases of novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19)in China,with 4,633 deaths.In contrast,at that time,there were more than 1.39 million confirmed cases in the United States and over 84,000 deaths,the highest in the world on both counts.  相似文献   

"First impressions count." I'd like to know who came up with this idea and why we have let it become such a trusty cliché. It seems to me that only superficial, intellectually lazy people make judgments based on first impressions. Maybe you disagree, and who am I to dismiss your opinion? After all, we've only just met.  相似文献   

The G20 summit achieved better-than-expected results, but whether they can be implemented to resuscitate the sluggish global economy remains a question chinese economists welcomed the outcomes of the G20 London summit, but said they worry about the implementation of the agreements made. Wu Qiang, professor  相似文献   

Nation First     
正Properly managed nationalism can be a positive force in China In addition to the success of economic integration, the cultural effects of globalization have been considerable. The increasingly globalized culture creates the potential to alter the way people identify themselves,  相似文献   


Two general hypotheses relating to studies of early family intervention are discussed: (1) Pervasive and sustained gains in family development are correlaries of changes in the multi-risk mother's adaptation-competence and partnership quality, and (2) Efforts to change this functioning are most likely to be successful if the mother can develop a sustained and working relationship with the intervenor. The paper reviews sources which support these hypotheses: (1) Eight controlled follow-up intervention studies assessing and attempting to intervene in different family domains; and (2) Current ongoing studies focussing on the nature of the mother's relationship to the intervenor.  相似文献   

<正>Welcome the Chinese New year in the company of loved ones and friends—over a sumptuous banquet of traditional Chinese dishes.Chef Cao’s mastery of the culinary arts combined with the use of high-grade ingredients produce a burst of impeccable flavor in every bite you take.Three set menus are offered,priced at 1,888 yuan,2,288 yuan and 2,688 yuan.  相似文献   

<正>The new family-planning policy under which all couples may have two children has been a hot topic of discussion since it was announced in late October.The change marks another major family planning policy shift.The policy has evolved over the past decades.Beginning in the late 1970s,most urban couples were limited to one  相似文献   

解读农村家庭变迁及其对农村家庭养老的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以我国农村家庭养老运行的基础———家庭为切入点,主要分析了受工业化和社会的发展以及计划生育国策的贯彻实施诸因素的作用,农村家庭结构、功能和伦理观发生了一系列变迁以及这些变迁对农村家庭养老所带来的影响。  相似文献   

The eternal poem Song of Unending Sorrow composed by Bai Juyi (772-846) is the heart-rending love story of the Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Longji and his favorite concubine Yang Yuhuan.  相似文献   

These photos were photographed in Buchou Town, Yamou Town, Paiwu Town, Huaheng County, Western Hunan. "Family Reunion Feast" is an ancient wedding custom of the Miao people, unchanged even today. The procedure goes roughly like this: First, the engagement: whether or not the union is arranged by a matchmaker, the couple will ask the Badai (the shaman of the Miao people) to select an auspicious date for the engagement.  相似文献   

One Big Family     
The Ran-Rsarl River Delta is strivingto build the area into a strong engine of China's development If one compares China's territory to a rooster,then the Pan-Pearl River Delta would be the bird's belly.The Pan-Pearl River Delta covers  相似文献   

第一代大学生作为一个特殊群体和社会现象,是大学生群体的重要构成主体,成为透视一个国家社会分层以及教育公平程度的重要标尺。本文通过综述国内外关于第一代大学生研究的文献发现,目前,国外学者主要结合家庭资本、社会支持、大学入学前后经历、学业和职业成就、期望和激励、自我认知等主题将第一代大学生作为一个相对弱势的群体展开横向的比较研究;而国内将第一代大学生群体作为研究对象的文献极为匮乏,亟须对国外已有研究进行评述式的借鉴和思考。本文基于国内社会现实以及国内外学者围绕第一代大学生开展的研究,尤其是关于教育机会公平的讨论,通过文献评述的学术范式,聚焦第一代大学生群体,围绕再生产理论和文化资本理论、社会资本理论、文化不匹配理论、抗逆力理论及社会认知职业理论等多个理论视角,重点揭示第一代大学生在成长中面临的劣势以及其"成功"背后的逻辑推力,并进一步考察国外已有的针对第一代大学生开展的干预项目。  相似文献   

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