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Abstract Black males are over-represented in the juvenile justice system. With the exception of a few recent studies, most investigations to determine why such over-representation exists have used retrospective data from existing records, conceptualized their research as a series of separate juvenile justice decisions, and employed bivariate and zero-order correlation techniques. This paper presents the results of a prospective study designed to determine why disproportionately more black than white males are represented in Georgia's juvenile justice system. Youth from eight communities were tracked through four decision points: police apprehension, and juvenile court intake, adjudication, and disposition. The study examines the direct and indirect effects of race on decision making. Multivariate analysis methods allowed specification of results for each separate decision point as well as the cumulative effects of race across decision points.  相似文献   

联合国刑事司法准则与我国刑事法律改革若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
包雯  李玉华 《河北法学》2001,19(6):42-46
1998年10月5日,我国签署了《公民权利和政治权利公约》。该公约最为明确、集中、具体地规定了联合国刑班司法准则.我们有必要将我国的刑事立法与联合国刑事司法准则相对照.寻找差距.并提出改革、完善的具体措施。从而推动我国刑事法律向前发展。试就涉及刑法、刑事诉讼法方面的问题作了一些探讨。  相似文献   

伊恩·罗德  陈磊  牛帅帅 《法学家》2012,(4):159-175,180
过去30年英国的犯罪学发展具有两个明显特征:一个是"犯罪学"在多个维度的"膨胀";另一个是犯罪学"自治性"的增强。犯罪学在向自治学科转变的过程中既具有许多有益的方面,也存在诸多风险。它可能会丧失与其他学科之间的联系,也越来越容易受到外部环境的影响与制约,因而有必要对其存在的问题及其潜在的后果保持警觉。犯罪学知识的用途,在于为决策的制定提供科学依据。对犯罪学进行准确定位有两个核心要求:一是要承诺把犯罪学变成一个内涵广阔的学术概念,即将犯罪学的多元主义看作一个优势;二是要让犯罪学研究与实践保持长久的、基本的联系,将犯罪学知识渗入公众关注的犯罪和法制事件中,对"制度性环境"作出一个比现在更令人信服的解释。  相似文献   

The racial disparity in the American juvenile justice system impacts the lives of many youth of color. Youth of color constitute 34% of the U.S. population, however, they make up 62% of the youth charged in the juvenile justice system. The cycle of racial inequality and imprisonment are factors influenced by residential segregation and policing practices. Juvenile justice involvement leads to poorer physical and mental health in youth, stymied social outcomes, poorer familial relationships, decreased graduation and employment rates, increased rates in violence, and long-term negative future outcomes. The article advocates for mental health treatment and family services to be incorporated within incarcerated settings. Clinical strategies and future direction are discussed to begin to combat these various adverse impacts.  相似文献   

我国刑事诉讼法修改在即,但是关于刑事诉讼制度改革我们始终缺乏一种方法论上的指引。“底限正义”理论是一种指导刑事诉讼制度改革的有效方法和策略,它一方面认可人类社会存在着最低限度的正义要求,从而为以法律移植为主要内容的我国刑事诉讼制度改革提供了理论依据;另一方面又承认正义的相对性和多元性,承认法律制度移植的可选择性,从而为我国当前刑事诉讼制度改革提供了微观操作步骤。同时,“底限正义”理论对我国刑事诉讼法学研究的深入拓展也有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

A controversy within criminology involves the extent to which race affects criminal processing. Investigators on different sides of the issue have relied predominantly on studies of sentencing, leaving largely unexplored the less visible area of presentencing. After a discussion of nine of the most prevalent shortcomings in previous research, this article critically examines the contemporary presentencing literature to ascertain the extent to which a discrimination thesis (DT) receives empirical support. It reviews the findings from 52studies conducted since 1970 that employ multivariate statistical analysis. Special attention is devoted to critiquing the methodological shortcomings of studies that support a nondiscrimination thesis (NDT). The implications of these weaknesses for the race/criminal processing nexus are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

左秀美 《中国司法》2007,(1):100-101
智利刑事司法体制自上世纪80年代进行改革——由纠问式体制改为控辩制。本文对其改革过程、内容进行了简要介绍,以期对目前拉丁美洲有关国家的司法体制的变革有所了解并予以借鉴。  相似文献   

中国司法部设监狱管理局,管理和指导全国监狱工作。按我国法律规定,中国监狱依法收押改造经人民法院判处有期徒刑、无期徒刑、死刑缓期二年执行的罪犯。目前,全国共有监狱674所,全国现有在职监狱人民警察28万人,离退休警察约10万余人,在押罪犯为156万余人,监禁率为10万分之120。2004年底,中国政府积极推进司法体制和工作机制改革,提出了改革和完善诉讼制度,切实解决方便人民群众诉讼,加大人民法院判决执行力度问题;改革和完善诉讼收费制度,加大法律援助和司法救助力度问题;改革和完善监督体制,确保司法公正等10个方面35项改革任务,成为新中…  相似文献   

英国21世纪的刑事司法改革——兼论对我国的借鉴与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李晓明 《中国法学》2005,(4):165-173
此次英国的刑事司法改革很有特点,涉及人权、宪政、诉讼、公正等诸多理念的改变。确立了有利于证人作证、有利于被害人公正、有利于国家控诉和审判、有利于警察出庭等极赋人性化的改革原则,以最大程度地实现社会公正、更大程度地确保公众安全。为此,英国通过宪政改革,首先实施了“三权分立”的体制与模式,接着对具体制度进行了大胆革新。  相似文献   

Racialized minority women’s experiences with Canadian specialized criminal justice responses to domestic violence have seldom been documented. Informed by an intersectionality framework, this qualitative study presents the struggles of 14 racial minority women from three Canadian cities and their experiences with the police and criminal court’s response to their partner’s acts of domestic violence. The results focus on how well specialized criminal justice responses address the needs of these women and protect them from further violence. Factors that facilitate or deter these women from approaching the criminal justice system for help are highlighted. The implications of these women’s narratives for criminal justice responses to domestic violence are discussed.  相似文献   

张朝霞  冯英菊 《法学家》2004,(6):133-144
本文详尽介绍了英国刑事司法改革的背景、宗旨、目标、步骤和具体内容;在此基础上,总结出英国刑事司法改革的五大趋势,并阐述了英国司法改革对我国司法改革的几点启示.  相似文献   

一、曲折的刑事司法改革路径意大利是西方文明的一个重要发祥地,是罗马法的故乡。在相当长的一个历史时期里,它的法学思想、法学观念引领着世界法学的发展方向。但是,伴随着席卷欧洲大陆的法国大革命的到来,这种领先地位逐步被具有更加新鲜理念的法国所取代,从而由领导者地位转而成为了一位追随者。意大利的刑事诉讼法律与其他部门法学相比,出现得相对较晚。据记载,统一的意大利刑事诉讼法始于19世纪末。第一部正式、统一的意大利刑事诉讼法典诞生于1865年。由于受法国大革命的影响,这部法典明显地效仿了拿破仑法典,表现出典型的纠问式风格…  相似文献   

体制改革是使司法走上正轨的必由之路。在改革过程中,既要找出导致司法腐败、司法不公正、司法无权威等现象的深刻根源,也要重视形成这些现象的直接原因;既要充分考虑到《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》提出的各项司法改革措施的难度及其可能造成的负面效应,也要周全设计出相关的应对措施;既要明确长远之计,也要确定当务之急。在当下,就刑事司法而言,最紧迫的改革任务是要针对党政官员干预、罚没收入返还、考核指标泛滥、司法能力低下等问题采取强有力的治理措施。  相似文献   

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