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高静 《南亚研究季刊》2011,(3):67-73,5,6
在世界风险社会形成的今天,任何一个国家都被迫直面现代性或第二次现代性所带来的巨大压力。与其他国家相比,印度所面临的风险环境带有更为复杂的多重特征。作为国情类似的后发国家,将印度与中国的社会风险状况进行比较,无疑会对印度的社会现实获得更为清晰的认识和判断。在此基础上,本文建议从法制、信息化管理、人口就业政策、社会机制、国际安全合作等方面对印度现行制度框架进行调整,为印度这样一个社会结构特殊的国家早日迈入现代化提供一个风险治理的视角。  相似文献   

A significant part of urbanisation in India is happening through unregulated or partly regulated trajectories that are either informal or semi-formal in nature, and regulatory authorities have come to terms with them on a piecemeal basis over a period of time. This article contends that what is considered unplanned by regulatory agencies is actually planned by people and facilitated by the normativity surrounding both formal and informal institutions of urbanisation in society. The study looks at the processes through which such a housing settlement comes into being and negotiates legitimacy, authorisation, as well as basic civic services.  相似文献   

印度人移民印尼有着悠久的历史,且呈现出民族、宗教、职业上的多样性,印尼的印度移民主要集中在雅加达地区。二战后至今,雅加达涌现出各种类型的印度人组织,这些组织对印度人的生存与发展产生不同的影响。  相似文献   

印度的就业政策措施与社会保障体系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
就业问题在印度这样的人口大国 ,既是经济问题 ,也是社会问题 ,它对印度市场经济能否平稳运行影响极大。社会保障体系是市场经济体制中不可缺少的组成部分 ,它对于弥补市场经济运行中给社会贫弱阶层所造成的负面影响具有重要作用 ,它也是印度政府对市场经济中利益关系进行宏观调控的重要手段  相似文献   

This article discusses the social linkages between Gujarati migrants in Britain and their family members in India. It considers the home and the migrant community in the same unit of analysis rather than as separate communities. It is based on fieldwork conducted in 1998 among members of the Patidar community in rural central Gujarat and among their relatives in London in 1999.This article is based on the data collected for our research project titled `Long-Distance Familism; Social Linkages between West India and Britain; The Case of the Patidars from Central Gujarat', sponsored by the Indo-Dutch Programme on Alternatives in Development (IDPAD). An earlier version of the paper was presented at the conference on Asia in Europe, Europe in Asia, 7-8 December 2001, Singapore, organised by the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS).  相似文献   

It is sometimes claimed that India has ambitions to become the leading power in the Indian Ocean. This article examines the different streams of Indian strategic thinking about the Indian Ocean and how they will likely contribute to future Indian strategic behavior. It argues that although many among its elite aspire for India to eventually become the leading power in the Indian Ocean, there is little conceptualization as to what India needs to do to achieve this. For several reasons, including an attachment to ideas of non-alignment and strategic autonomy, Indian strategic behavior in the Indian Ocean will likely continue to be relatively reactive and constrained.  相似文献   

Federations promise to provide autonomous, representative governance that is flexible enough to overcome potential internal conflict resulting from the dual stresses of governing diverse populations and power overreach. India is the world's biggest federation but also hosts the most violent revolution in modern history against a federal state. Since 2004, 150,000 people have been killed or displaced in the war between the Communist Party of India-Maoist and India's government. Conflict management efforts led not to resolution but catastrophe across Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand as state responses contradicted each other and the centre's efforts. The differences illustrated how institutional mechanisms of decentralisation create, sustain and otherwise alter internal revolutionary conflicts that cross subunit boundaries. Three unique characteristics come into play when federal governments tackle revolutionary conflict: picking from subunit actions like policy buffets, exacerbation of state–subunit fissures and empowerment of local elites who put political self-interest above conflict resolution.  相似文献   

印度人口众多、劳动力资源丰富,适合发展小型企业。但是全球化在给印度小型企业发展带来机遇的同时,也对其发展提出了十分严重的挑战。在全球化进程中,印度小型企业抓住机遇,迎接挑战,获得了重要发展。  相似文献   

随着印度国内印度教民族主义运动的兴起及向海外的扩散,海外印度移民逐渐重视印度教认同的建构。美国的印度移民通过坚持印度教徒的生活方式、参加印度教民族主义背景的组织和建立印度教网络空间实现印度教认同。移民的印度教认同不仅影响了印度的海外印度人政策,也影响了印度国内选举和地方政治势力。  相似文献   

印度自2 0世纪90年代以来,其政局进入了多变动荡期,第十四次大选虽由国大党联盟执掌印度政局,但它却面临着诸多的问题和严峻的挑战。国大党联盟政府为稳固自己的执政地位,制定了相应的对策。  相似文献   

Indian Parliament had a very promising start and worked well during the1950s-1960s. During the 1970s Parliament was squeezed by a great extra-parliamentary mass movement against authoritarianism and corruption and partial but crippling subversion of parliamentary-federal Constitution during the national emergency. Democracy was restored following the 1977 general elections. But the general decline of Parliament that set in the post-Nehru era has not yet been reversed. Major indicators of this decline are shortening sessions, time lost due to disruptions in proceedings by the opposition and violation of norms and precedents by the government, rampant absenteeism, actual hours of sitting as a percentage of available hours, phenomenon of weak legislative federalism via Rajya Sabha in the overall setting of parliamentary-federalism, challenges of new extra-parliamentary mass movements, and judicial activism. The new committee system introduced since 1993 is a welcome development. However, the parliamentary reforms recommended by the constitutional review commission (2002) remain unimplemented.  相似文献   

印度洋航线安全与中国的战略对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
印度洋航线目前对中国来说是非常重要的经济生命线,但其安全状况却受到各种因素的影响,对此中国应高度重视,并采取切实有效措施来保障印度洋航线的安全。  相似文献   

来自印度的锡克教徒移民菲律宾已有百余年的历史。随着一批又一批移民的到来,菲律宾锡克教徒不断增多,锡克教徒群体在形成的同时,锡克教在菲律宾传播开来。他们在菲律宾主要经营商业,以求扎根于当地;还进行各种宗教活动,以传播和继承锡克教文化。但在与印度家乡宗教与文化都截然不同的天主教国家里,锡克教徒作出了一定的调适,以缩小与当地主体民族之间的文化鸿沟。  相似文献   

英殖民统治时期的马来亚劳工移民,是导致今天的马来西亚多元民族、多元文化社会形成的主要原因。本文拟分析英殖民统治下的马来亚印度人移民的由来、印度劳工的境遇以及印度移民社会的变迁等,并通过与同期的马来亚华人作比较,以揭示英国殖民统治下的马来亚印度人移民的特点。  相似文献   

透视中印关系纠葛   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中印关系时好时坏 ,其根源在于影响两国关系发展的纠葛没有得到根本消除。目前影响中印关系的焦点是两国边界纠纷问题、西藏问题和中巴之间的关系问题。  相似文献   

19世纪孟加拉地区毗湿奴教派女修士文化活动的经历从一个侧面反应了印度社会转型时期随着政治、经济的变化社会文化的明显变化.毗湿奴教派女修士的文艺表演虽多以宗教为题材,却反映了民间的疾苦,虽歌颂宗教神祗和英雄,却借此表达妇女的痛苦,虽有宗教外衣,却不乏叛逆色彩.其文学创作、表演内容、社会含义,远远超过了宗教的意义.  相似文献   

论印度在非洲的维和行动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度在非洲维和行动中发挥的主要作用有:保证联合国维和任务的正常进行;缓解一些地区的紧张局势;实施人道主义救助;促进非洲的性别平等。由于印度在非洲存有广泛利益,而参与非洲维和行动又有助于实现这些利益,所以今后印度仍会对联合国在非洲的维和行动提供强有力的支持。  相似文献   

中印两国在历史上保持了睦邻友好的关系。冷战以后 ,特别是“9.11”事件之后 ,面对新的国际形势和国际环境和各自的国情与任务 ,两国持续、稳定地增强了经济、科技、贸易、文化等方面的合作与交流 ,也加强了政治、军事上的往来与交流。本文对这一时期内的两国关系作简要回顾 ,并对两国发展双边关系、进行友好合作的有利和不利因素作初步的探讨。  相似文献   

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