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人民法院司法公信现状的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,对我国司法公信现状的判断主要是通过满意度调查的方式获得的,但这种方式具有片面性。本文通过对案件质效、法官自我的评价、当事人的反映和社会公众的认知等多角度的考察,揭示出我国的司法公信呈现出"四个交织"的复杂图景:案件质效不断趋好与司法公信不断趋弱的现象交织,当事人维权意识增强与权利滥用现象交织,社会公众对司法的客观评价与主观臆断交织,司法公信不足与司法自信不强交织。  相似文献   

陕甘宁边区是国共合作的产物。陕甘宁边区和陕甘宁边区高等法院都没有在物质关系上接续到新中国建立后,影响立法和最高司法机关。马锡五审判方式难以被界定为诉讼调解。对当代司法制度传承具有实在影响力的是华北人民政府时期和其前驱晋察冀边区的司法。由彭真作为这一连接谱系主线的中国司法制度传承关系不仅仅是一个学术问题,也影响了当代司法体制改革。  相似文献   

试论我国法官的精英化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
谭兵  王志胜 《现代法学》2004,26(2):100-106
现代社会精英是在民主政治、知识理性和社会分工潮流等因素共同作用下 ,通过开放、流动的社会竞争机制形成的卓越阶层。现代法官群体属于现代社会精英的一部分 ,它在构筑经验正义 ,推进民主与法治 ,维护法律统一实施等方面发挥着不可替代的作用。造就人文主义模式的精英法官群体是我国法官职业建设的目标 ,未来应通过保障宪法意义上的司法独立 ,改革法官选任制度 ,保持法官规模精当适度 ,以及防止法官异化等途径 ,推进法官精英化目标的实现  相似文献   

关于经典测验理论(Classical Test Theory,CTT)和项目反应理论(Item Response Theo-ry,IRT)的参数不变性的比较多见诸于理论阐述,即认为IRT具有参数不变性,而CTT不具备参数不变性,但这方面的实证研究却很少.回顾已有关于CTT与IRT参数不变性比较的国内外实证研究,梳理并归纳了已有研究的数据、方法和结论,总结了已有研究的特点,使读者对CTT和IRT的参数不变性有新的审视.现有研究中存在一些不足,后续研究任重道远,值得期待.  相似文献   

The properties of a bullet, an object, and the incidence angle determine whether the bullet will penetrate, perforate, or ricochet. In this study, the critical angle for ricochet was established for .32 Auto and 9 mm Luger bullets on Abachi, Southern Yellow Pine, Beech, and Ipe wooden boards. Results show that the critical angle differs depending on caliber and wood type. The critical angle is higher for .32 Auto bullets than for 9 mm Luger bullets and increases with increasing wood density and Janka hardness. The established critical angles for ricochet on the lightest and softest wood (Abachi) are 10.4° and 10.3° for .32 Auto and 9 mm Luger, respectively. For the heaviest and hardest wood (Ipe), the angles were 45.0° and 33.4°, respectively. The combined results on the four tested woods show a strong linear relationship between both the density and the hardness and the critical angle for both calibers.  相似文献   

The prevailing view of criminal libel among communication law scholars in the United States is that there are very few prosecutions, that most of the prosecutions are about politics or public issues, and that none of the prosecutions are necessary because victims of defamation can sue for civil libel. The results of an empirical study of all Wisconsin criminal libel cases from 1991 through 2007, however, suggest that criminal libel is prosecuted far more often than realized, that most criminal libel prosecutions have nothing to do with political or public issues, and that the First Amendment is an effective shield on the rare occasions when a criminal libel prosecution is politically motivated. This article concludes that criminal libel can be a legitimate way for the law to deal with expressive deviance that harms the reputations of private figures in cases that have nothing to do with public issues.  相似文献   

This study proposes an empirical analysis of the relation between the prices of illegal drugs and the use of violence to administrate the markets of illegal drugs. The study hypothesizes that the prices of illegal drugs affect the level of violent crime, since changes in profitability of the drugs’ markets affect the offenders’ expected utility of using violence to operate in these markets. An increase (or decrease) in prices would raise (or reduce) the offenders’ expected utility of making use of violence, for instance, to solve disputes over drugs, to conquer more market shares, to defend ones own market share, in short to make use of systemic violence (Goldstein, P.J. Journal of Drug Issues, 39:143–179, 1985). The study will analyze the relation between the dynamics of cocaine and heroin’s prices and systemic violence in the United States of America and in Europe over two decades. The correlational and inferential analyses do support the hypothesis for certain offenders’ profiles and certain murders’ circumstances.
Fabrizio SarricaEmail:

变更罪名实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
白建军 《法学研究》2006,28(4):51-62
以最高法院示范性案例中的全部变更罪名案例为样本进行实证研究,可以发现其中存在几对实然关系。变更罪名未必都有失公正也不必然体现实体公正,择轻变更未必都有利于被告,合法的变更未必是合理的变更,变更罪名给法律适用带来的不确定性根植于现行法律和法理之中。对其进行法律解释学和犯罪定义学分析,将有助于对变更罪名现象的解读和限制。  相似文献   

黄辉 《法学研究》2012,(1):3-16
实证研究表明,我国的公司法人格否认制度已经在现实中得到了积极应用。我国的公司面纱刺破率明显高于国外,而且呈现逐年上升的态势。很多案件发生在经济欠发达地区,而且这些地区的刺破率整体上高于经济发达地区。目前所有公司法人格否认案件都针对股东数量很少的有限责任公司提起,而且股东人数越少,刺破率越高,涉及一人公司的面纱刺破率高达100%。与理论预测不同,我国涉及合同之债和侵权之债的案件在刺破率上并没有明显不同,而且在公司集团场合的刺破率不高反低。混同是最为常见的刺破理由,其中财产混同又适用最多,导致的刺破率也最高。  相似文献   

There is considerable attention to increasing judicial diversity along a range of dimensions, in particular, gender. Women remain underrepresented in many courts, especially at the higher levels of the judiciary. A comprehensive socio‐legal study of the Australian judiciary compares experiences and attitudes of women who have become judicial officers at different levels of the court hierarchy. Understanding their personal and professional backgrounds and the features that attracted them to the judiciary has important implications for addressing gender disparity. Effective recruitment and selection must focus on the expectations and experiences of women in relation to particular judicial contexts.  相似文献   

职业化视野下的法官特质研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为解决法官大众化问题 ,中国正在进行法官职业化建设。法官职业化是中国司法改革的一项重要目标 ,是实现司法公正的基本保障 ,也是建设社会主义法治国家的内在要求。本文提出 ,法官职业特质是法官职业化所追求的目标 ,法官职业特质以法官职业化为外观 ,以法官思维为内在要求 ,法官职业特质必须通过系统的法官职业教育才能实现。并具体分析了法官职业及法官职业化的标志 ,法官思维的特征 ,法官职业教育的改革等问题  相似文献   

The Supreme Court instructs that the most important consideration in analyzing fair use is the effect on the market for the original. Employing music sales data, this article presents evidence of digital sampling's effect on the sales of sampled songs. Our results indicate that a reassessment of fair use in the area of music sampling is needed since sales of sampled songs increased after being repurposed within new songs. These results are robust and highly statistically significant. Findings of this nature favor a judicial determination that sampling constitutes a fair use, even when considering the influence that a new work has on extant licensing markets for sample clearance. This article argues that the current sample–licensing market is a product of aberrant antisampling case law arising from a lack of relevant empirical data and nonutilitarian judicial opinions. As set forth herein, the goal of encouraging creative activity without hindering copyright owners’ capacity to financially gain from their work is served by implementing a limited presumption of fair use for sampling. The findings are further applicable outside of the fair use analysis, as the study is important in the private law when viewed through a law and strategy lens. Forward thinking music firms should reframe their approach by encouraging sampling of their works to secure cost‐free advertising and achieve a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

刘风景 《北方法学》2009,3(1):96-105
1952年8月启动的司法改革运动,对旧法观点进行了彻底的批判。旧法观点的主要危害是“共产党法院,国民党掌握”。肃清旧法观点的主要方式是:通过组织整顿的方式,将旧司法人员清除出司法机关;加强思想教育,排除法官头脑中的旧法观点。这次司法改革也确立了一系列新法观点:方便群众诉讼,依靠群众办案,服务中心工作,有错误即改正。当下,我们应该就1952年司法改革对旧法观点的批判作进一步的思考。  相似文献   

谢伟 《河北法学》2013,(2):84-92
保护性法律理论和制度限制了当事人就环境争议诉诸司法,但德国司法通过判例解释和发展环境法,赋予第三方当事人和扩张环境团体起诉资格,司法同时发挥对环境立法和环境行政的测试和控制,对行政决定进行实体和程序上的充分司法审查。  相似文献   

In this article, an overview of the key findings from the Children'sContact Services Project is presented. Children's Contact Services(CCSs) assist separated parents to manage contact arrangementswith their children through the provision of supervised visitationand changeover services. The aims of this project were to investigatethe use of CCSs in Australia by referring agencies (eg. courtsand legal practitioners), and clients of contact services (parentsand children), and to consider the views and expectations ofthese key stakeholders regarding those usages. This approachwas based on the assumption that there are currently conflictingusages and expectations of contact services, and that this situationcould compromise children's well-being. The findings were derivedfrom two studies. The first study involved conducting 142 in-depthinterviews with representatives from the Australian Government,the courts and legal practitioners who referred families toCCSs, CCS staff and management, as well as parents and childrenwho used CCSs. The second study comprised a quantitative analysisof client data collected by CCS staff from 396 families whohad used a government funded CCS in August 2003. The findingsdemonstrated that in Australia, CCSs provided an invaluableservice that was viewed positively by government, referral agents,CCS staff and management, and by the parents and children whoused them. Despite this generally positive view, there wereconflicting expectations of CCSs that, under certain circumstances,compromised children's well-being and that of their parents,particularly their residence mothers.  相似文献   

This article looks at the effect that pretrial, statutorilyrequired screening panels in Nevada have had on medical malpracticelitigation. I use two unique data sets on litigation in Nevadaand neighboring states from 1983–88, during which theNevada legislature enacted screening panels. Applying time-seriesand difference-in-difference analyses, I show that observeddecreases in Nevada with respect to damage awards, attorney'sfees, and duration in litigation reflected a broader seculartrend. The panels did, however, reduce the relative probabilityof claims requiring resolution by the Nevada courts.  相似文献   

This article looks at the effect that damage caps have on plaintiffs'recovery in medical malpractice litigation, using a unique dataset of litigation in the South, from 1987 to 1999. During thistime, Alabama underwent both the implementation and nullificationof damage-cap laws; neighboring states did not undergo any significantlegal changes. The product of a difference-in-difference approach,the results reveal that the average relative recovery by Alabamaplaintiffs decreased by roughly $20,000 after the Alabama legislatureenacted damage caps and increased by roughly double that amountafter the Alabama Supreme Court ruled them unconstitutional.  相似文献   

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