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Rodden  John 《Society》2009,46(2):168-174
Based on examples of socialist heroes from East German schoolbooks and teaching guides designed for elementary school, this essay examines the role of state ideology in primary education. It assesses the German curriculum of the now-defunct German Democratic Republic (GDR) and illuminates distinctions between civic education and political propaganda. It also shows how the curricular emphasis on socialist virtue helped to form “the socialist personality.”
John RoddenEmail:

钟发远 《学理论》2009,(29):244-245
《子路、曾皙、冉有、公西华侍坐》是一篇反映孔子教学思想的杰作,其中包含了出色的课堂表扬艺术和批评艺术。批评艺术主要体现在对子路的点评中,这种批评一针见血,直截了当。表扬艺术主要体现在对冉有公西华曾皙的点评中,具体表现有三:(一)表扬有理,以小见大;(二)表扬有方,火候精准;(三)表扬有度,含而不露。总之,正是表扬艺术和批评艺术的成功调用,使得孔子作为至圣先师的风采毕现,使得本章具有情味悠长、意韵隽永、理趣无穷的教学经典价值。  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(1):15-18

The rise to prominence of Christian fundamentalism in the USA has threatened the separation of church and state which is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. But just as there are those who wish to see Christianity become a more dominant force in public life, others vigorously oppose any change in the status quo. Both groups have had recourse to the Supreme Court, but it is unlikely that the Court will retreat from its view that the Constitution demands equality between religions.  相似文献   

She has written on questions of medical ethics and humanities.  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,习近平总书记作出了一系列关于英雄的重要论述,对英雄主体进行全新指认,对英雄精神进行全面阐发,对英雄传承进行全位规划,形成了具有深刻内涵和鲜明特色的英雄观。习近平英雄观是对马克思主义英雄观的内在坚守,是对中华民族优秀英雄传统文化的时代继承,实现了英雄观在新时代的丰富和发展。这一英雄观对于反对历史虚无主义、坚定中华民族文化自信、培育社会主义核心价值观、推进中华民族伟大复兴具有重要意义。新时代的奋斗者要学深悟透习近平英雄观,传承英雄精神,争做英雄模范,在全面建设社会主义现代化国家的新征程上书写新时代的英雄史诗。  相似文献   

Policies and programs which aim to strength the engagement, connectedness and resilience of local communities have increasingly become a core element in public policy responses to the challenges posed by globalising social and economic relations. However, for many politicians, policy makers and citizens the conceptual framework and practical benefits of ‘community strengthening’ remain vague and unclear. This article aims to contribute to debates about the significance of community strengthening by providing a concise overview of the development and implementation of community strengthening initiatives by the Bracks Labor government in Victoria. Initial learning from this experience suggests that engaging and linking local communities can make a useful contribution to local social, environmental and economic outcomes as well as providing a foundation for the democratic renewal of local governance. Key factors underpinning successful community strengthening programs include strong local ownership and leadership, backed by sustained government investment in the social and physical infrastructure priorities identified as important by local communities. However, while local community strengthening strategies can lead to real improvements in community networks, infrastructure and capacity they are no substitute for the inclusive and redistributive taxation, income security, service delivery and labour market policies needed to create the conditions for sustainable reductions in poverty, inequality and social exclusion.  相似文献   

[E]cosocialism entails different and more complex judgments of value than first-epoch socialism. It demands of us that we take into account a kind of valuation distinct from those values, attached to use and exchange, that enter into economic calculation. Once we open ourselves to the ecosphere, a realm of intrinsic value opens as well, a value inhering in ecosystemic being …. What is called an “ecocentric ethic” is essentially ethics in defense of intrinsic value. Simply put, it is the refusal to reduce the world to cash, and to knuckle under to the lords of economic calculation. … This perspective becomes necessary in the overcoming of the ecological crisis, and therefore the climate crisis as well. It is the deepest level of the resistance to capital, and the foundation of all others.1 1Joel Kovel, “Ecosocialism, Global Justice, and Climate Change,” Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2008, p. 9.   相似文献   

如果把政治生活中的政治现象分为政治观念现象、政治制度现象和政治实作现象,那么,政治技术和政治艺术属于政治实作现象的核心组成部分。政治技术和政治艺术是与政治实践活动结合最紧密,作用最独特的两种政治现象。政治技术是人们追求高效的政治结果的产物,而政治艺术则是人们政治审美活动的产物。两者都是人类创造的政治文明的具体成果,也是政治文明的重要载体和体现形式。当然,它们又以特殊方式推动着政治文明的进一步发展。政治技术和政治艺术之间既有本质区别,又有密切联系。  相似文献   

The Philippine state has popularized the idea of Filipino migrants as the country's 'new national heroes', critically transforming notions of Filipino citizenship and citizenship struggles. As 'new national heroes', migrant workers are extended particular kinds of economic and welfare rights while they are abroad even as they are obligated to perform particular kinds of duties to their home state. The author suggests that this transnationalized citizenship, and the obligations attached to it, becomes a mode by which the Philippine state ultimately disciplines Filipino migrant labor as flexible labor. However, as citizenship is extended to Filipinos beyond the borders of the Philippines, the globalization of citizenship rights has enabled migrants to make various kinds of claims on the Philippine state. Indeed, these new transnational political struggles have given rise not only to migrants' demands for rights, but to alternative nationalisms and novel notions of citizenship that challenge the Philippine state's role in the export and commodification of migrant workers.  相似文献   

解读政治艺术首先需要解决其研究必要性、研究方法、历史背景和特质呈现等问题。对于研究必要性,则大致可以从“历史-疏理”、“文化-觉解”、“社会-致用”、“理论-建构”四个角度进行说明。针对研究现状上的孱弱状态,本文则主张采取“理想类型”研究法和“多元-整合”的研究进路。对于其历史背景,则可以从艺术向政治转化、政治向艺术生成、政治与艺术相互涵摄三层关系来展现。而对于其特质呈现,则可以从致思前提、问题意识、思想资源、多维审视四个角度来凸现。  相似文献   

环境艺术设计专业是高职教育中有发展前景的学科之一,通过对环境艺术设计专业教学与实践的思考与分析,提出了环境艺术设计专业教学模式的创新构想。对如何适应时代发展要求,以市场需求为导向,建设有高职教育特色的环境艺术设计专业,在课程体系构建、专业技能培训、教学方法改革等方面,提出了一些见解和建议。  相似文献   

水墨是中国美术的独特产物,具有很浓重的传统民族风格和特点。中国水墨艺术正在脱离原有的传统模式,也在朝着设计的方向发展,现代平面设计慢慢地扩大了自己的设计范围,也不断渗透、水墨元素于其中,其主要表现形式、内涵为平面设计提供了丰富的养料。本文就从水墨在空间中的意蕴来分析平面设计中的空间形式,以期寻找中国的民族绘画与平面风格的结合点,充分挖掘发展民族风格的本土艺术。  相似文献   

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