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陆机在诗歌创作中追求情感的表现,而后人却认为其诗"不见情性".造成这一矛盾现象的原因在于:陆机诗虽然注重情感抒发,但由于其精神情感处于复杂的矛盾状态,而这种矛盾意义虽然不大,却难以抒写传达,从而导致陆机诗歌情感内容偏于浅淡的弱点.同时陆机"立象以尽意"的以理性分析见长的诗歌观念和"意在笔先"的创作方式,也在客观上削弱了诗歌情感内容的动人力量.  相似文献   

抗战时期,国人普遍动员身体的当儿,周作人反而禁闭了身体,不给它作出象征姿态的权利.周作人表彰嘉言懿行,传述奇人轶事,恐怕是在激励民气,伸张国人的正气.这些文章或者可以视为新<世说>,表达了对于生活的敬重和理想人性的追求.周作人考察一部书的历史、一个人的生平、一种时代的陋见、一种态度的表现,表面上不出个人的兴趣,实在倒是谋求公共空间的话语权,替再一次的文化废墟营造精神的家园.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A 29-year-old Korean man reported to have been robbed, bound, and gagged by a stranger in his apartment. Clinical findings included extensive petechiae to his face and tramline patterned abrasions and ligature furrows to his neck and face as well as his wrists. Initially, no other leads in the investigation existed and a robbery was assumed to have taken place. The man eventually confessed to fabricating the story and to having self-induced the ligature marks by subluxating his jaw at the temporomandibular joint and hooking the rope closest to the back of his neck on the corner of table. The man demonstrated this unsuspected ability to law enforcement officers. As a motive for his unconventional behavior, he confessed to engaging in autoaggressive behavior as punishment for "losing face" after his ex-girlfriend terminated her pregnancy. This case demonstrates that petechiae due to neck compression also may occur in the living and are due to vascular compression and not lethal hypoxia.  相似文献   

This issue went to press almost exactly four years after the death of Charles Gillespie, in whose honor I wish to dedicate the lustration symposium. A political scientist at the University of Wisconsin with a broad range of comparative interests, Charlie's major work chronicled the reemergence of democracy in Uruguay. He would doubtless have been a contributor to this issue were he still alive, and there were many times during the course of working on it when I wished I could have asked for his advice. In addition to his passion for democracy, I remember Charlie for his learning and his humor, both of which he wore with an elegant English grace. Throughout his long illness, he never lost his appreciation for the silly; his life was proof that stoicism and courage need not be cold virtues, and the world is a much poorer place in his absence.  相似文献   

谢灵运不少描写山水的诗歌,向被称作山水诗;因为在他的这些诗歌中,山水成为了审美的主要对象.然而,除了山水之外,谢灵运对自己身体的描述,也是其诗审美的重要对象.尤其他喜欢在山水之间流连,其诗除了写山水景色之外,也涉及作者行旅与游览的姿态和动作.甚至在有些诗作中,谢灵运对自己寓目身观的行姿描写,比对山水自然的描写,更有过之而无不及.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old man is discovered unconscious in a pool of blood in the kitchen of his house. According to findings, the man used a 22 long Rifle to fire 14 shots at his thorax with trajectories going from front to back, from right to left and on a nearly horizontal level. All the projectiles got into the left front side of his thorax and came out just under the back of his left armpit. One of them then got through his left arm and fractured his left humerus. According to the findings made on the premises and the position of the bloodstains, we think that man put his rifle against the wall, resting on a pipe. He fired, unloading two clips into his thorax. He had to handle the bolt of the rifle before each shot. To reload, he took the bullets which were on the nearby table on which blood marks can be seen. When reloading at a certain moment, he sat down in his armchair and when he wanted to stand up, he leaned on the armrests, on which blood marks can be seen. The last bullet was probably the one which went through his left arm, preventing him from keeping on shooting. His death, caused by a hypovolemical shock, was obviously very slow.  相似文献   

T. D. Stewart (1901-1997) is internationally recognized as an early leader in forensic anthropology. In a series of taped interviews in 1975 and in 1986, Stewart discusses his professional development. The interviews document his early education in Delta, Pennsylvania, his long career at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC and aspects of his many contributions to forensic anthropology. His well-known careful editorial work and exhaustive, problem-oriented research approach may have been influenced by his early training in his hometown bank and his many years of apprenticeship under Ales Hrdlicka (1869-1943). Stewart describes aspects of the difficulties of working for Hrdlicka, yet credits the work ethic established by him as a formative factor in his own prodigious productivity.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old boy was killed by his father by manual strangulation during a murder-suicide. After the killing of the son, the father showed typical "undoing" behaviour: He changed the boy's clothes and laid him down on the bed. Then he placed candles around his head, put pictures of the parents' wedding around him and a crucifix and a picture of the family into his hands. He broke off a rose in a vase next to the bed, lit the candles and took photographs of his dead son. Later he called his wife, threatened to kill the son and finally called the police to confess the murder and to announce his forthcoming suicide.  相似文献   

用“飘逸”两字概括李白的诗风,既不符合李白的生活道路,也不符合李白的创作实践。细加考究,他之自然吐露感情,在各个时期,有着显著的不同风格。概括地说,出蜀前后主要是“飘逸”的;一入长安后主要是豪放的;而入长安后主要是于豪放之中时时发为幽愤和沉郁的慨叹,及至晚年流放夜郎就完全成为悽怆和悲壮了。  相似文献   

西方现实主义大师伦勃朗,一生波澜起伏的人生遭际,对他艺术的创作产生重大的影响。笔者试图分析大师的人生变化,揭示艺术的真谛,对他的人文思想、技法特点及自画像进行艺术剖析。  相似文献   

Abstract: A case of infanticide committed by a 37‐year‐old married man, the father of three sons, is reported. Clinically depressed since adolescence, and also diagnosed with obsessive‐compulsive disorder and a dependent personality, the subject began to worry about killing someone a decade before the homicide. Increasingly disabled by his major depression, unable to work, and confined in his home, the idea that his only recourse was to kill one of his sons became fixed and frequent. Following his fourth psychiatric hospitalization, he took his 13‐month‐old son home from day care and drowned him in the bathtub. He then called the police and reported his crime. This sudden act of intentional killing was followed by a period of emotional relief and calmness, clearly illustrating the three stages of chronic catathymic homicide.  相似文献   

毛宗岗评点《三国演义》时 ,提及“文势”一词 ,但缺乏严密的论证和总结 ,其主要弊端在于回避作者的主观命意评文势。本文通过对《三国演义》的具体论证 ,认为作者的主观命意决定作品内在结构的具体形态 ,当这一形态与读者审美心理机制之间产生契合 ,文势才得以最终生成  相似文献   

严复的古文书写与语言伦理可以从三个方面来观照:一是其声与神会与讲求事理的文章观,因其事理内涵的变化突破了八股文书写的某些边界;二是严复古文书写中蕴含的新机和压制性因素;最后是其古文书写中的语言伦理观念。借此可以概括从晚清至五四时期严复的文与言的基本面貌和价值取向。  相似文献   

This paper on Cesare Lombroso aims to assess his contribution to the criminological sciences. Although much praised worldwide, Lombroso was also the target of scathing criticism and unmitigated condemnation. Examination of Lombroso's method of data collection and analysis reveals his weakness. Indeed, his approach was extremely naive, simplistic and uncritical, aimed at irrefutably demonstrating the hypotheses that he championed, without exercising the methodological caution that was already beginning to characterize scientific research in his day. However, we must acknowledge that his biological theories of crime are undergoing new developments as a result of the recent success of biological psychiatry. On the other hand we should recognize that his work was not limited to his biological central theory; rather, it covered a range of cues and concepts, for the most part ignored, that demonstrate his interest in the economic, cultural and social factors that impact on crime. For these reasons, Lombroso appears to have anticipated many modern conceptions regarding delinquent behavior and criminal justice, such as those of restorative justice, the so-called "situational" theories of criminal behavior and white collar crime.  相似文献   

A case of familicide by a 36-year-old male is reported. After years of stable marriage, exemplary military service, and steady employment, the subject developed his first episode of depression triggered, in part, by his inability to solve a problem associated with completion of a home improvement project. As the depression intensified, and dormant conflicts regarding his competency and self-esteem were rekindled, he experienced pronounced feelings of failure. After an extended period of agonizing about his problem, the idea suddenly emerged that his only recourse was to kill his family and himself, in order to spare everyone the humiliation of his perceived inadequacy. Such a fixed idea, along with a mounting pressure to act, is characteristic of the (chronic) catathymic process, in which a subject, without apparent motive, resorts to extreme violence directed at someone close to him. A detailed discussion of this case within the framework of catathymic process adds to our knowledge of family mass murder and refines the profile of potentially familicidal men.  相似文献   

在患者处于危机情形时,医院根据法律规定对患者负有紧急救治的法定权利和义务,但是这种权利义务不得与患者自己对于治疗的决定权相冲突;在患者无法行使治疗决定权的情况下,医院的紧急救治权也不得与患者家属的治疗决定权相冲突。  相似文献   

A rare suicidal case of a ten-year-old child stabbing himself in the throat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A rare case is reported of a ten-year-old boy who committed suicide by stabbing himself in the throat with a pointed knife. Possibility of an accidental injury was excluded by the autopsy findings; suspicion of a homicide by his father was cleared through the deposition of his sister. The reason of suicide was attributed directly to his father's severe scolding and indirectly to his mother's death two years before.  相似文献   

A choking death of a healthy fisherman, who put a type of live sole between his jaws to free up his hands so that he could collect more fish to put into his basket, is described. The fish squirmed into the larynx and upper trachea and the attempts to rescue the man by his colleagues who used pliers did not succeed, and the man died. Other published cases are reviewed, and risk factors and rescue possibilities discussed.  相似文献   

Walter C. McCrone (1916-2002) was a special person. While books, journals and ledgers record over 400 of his technical contributions, his true legacy is his inspiration and leadership. In remembering "Doc" McCrone, we honor a man dedicated to people, to science and to education. His passion for microscopy was only exceeded by his love of science, people and teaching. While he ranked microscopy as the first step in every scientific investigation he made use of all technologies in formulating and testing hypotheses. Everyone who met Walter has a story to tell of this man's impact on his or her life; I will tell you mine.  相似文献   

王维具有较系统的政治思想和深具人格特色的政治风度,匹夫节操与仁爱道德是其政治思想的基点.王维的政治思想更贴近政治实践本身,对政治策略的思考相当深刻具体.初盛唐儒学的实践精神是王维政治思想形成的重要基础,其政治风度审美境界的实质是政治人生的审美化.它促使王维更接近于真善美的为政之道,朝臣山林宴游唱和之作是这审美境界的重要表现.王维的奉和应制诗映射出作者追慕政治理想崇高境界的政治风度.  相似文献   

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