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A brief insight into the phenomena of technology transfer are reviewed. With this as background material two propositions are stated:
  1. Technology emerges from the human mind into widespread economic reality, with resulting social impacts over a long period of time. This is the process of technological innovation.
  2. There always are some distinctive events, points or stages in this process that mark progress. If they can be identified, progress can be measured and related to time, cost, performance, resource usage, possible impact and other attributes. It is argued that there are at least eight identifiable stages of the process.
These stages are then discussed and conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

The following principles are seen to operate in the rules Pānini provides for Sanskrit grammar.
  1. The obvious principle that the introduction of affixes and augments which condition sound replacements necessarily precede the latter.
  2. Bracketing, whereby an operation whose condition is internal relative to a condition causing another operation applies prior to the latter.
  3. The derivational prehistory of a form is pertinent to the operations which apply to it.
  4. Blocking: a rule R2 is said to block an R1 if, in a given domain, R1 tentatively applies (and would apply in the absence of R2) wherever R2 can apply, while R2 would be vacuous if R1 applied.
  5. Limited blocking, which obtains where R1 and R2 overlap but also have independent domains of application.
These principles account for correct derivations in cases where post-Paninian grammarians invoked rule order: where two rules conflict, that one takes precedence which is stated later in the grammar. This principle is not generally tenable, since some derivations require that a rule stated previously in the grammar take precedence. Hence, the grammarians who invoke such rule ordering in cases of conflict must admit that only a knowledge of the correct results to be obtained by applying the rules allows one to correctly apply the rules in the first place. It is argued that Pānini avoided this weakness.  相似文献   

Technology transfer is the process by which technology originating at one institutional setting is adapted for use in another. A major impediment to the implementation of new technologies to assist with mangerial decision-making problems is a lack of communication between the technology and management communities. Development of a tool designed to bridge the technology transfer gap was the goal of this research. The result is a prototype software package which may be used on an interactive computer terminal by a manager for assistance in designing a decision support system (DSS). The four primary research tasks were:
  1. Develop a conceptual model of the DSS design process.
  2. Select and adapt, or create, appropriate software to mechanize the model.
  3. Develop a knowledge base to describe the interactiveness of various organization variables and managerial decision-making needs.
  4. Collect and analyze interview data and implement resultant production rules on the model.
Tasks 1 and 2 were accomplished first to establish the feasibility of this effort. An interview instrument was developed for Task 3. And, corporate managers from several firms were interviewed to accomplish Task 4. Using this data, a prototype production rule model (called DECAIDS for DECISION AIDS) was constructed which supports managerial decision-making from the EMYCIN production rule system used at Stanford University. The purpose of this article is to introduce the need for a Decision Support System Model. A complete copy of this research can be obtained through University Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106, from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California 93940, or the Defense Technical Information Center, Cameron Station, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. The title is “An Interactive Decision Support System for Technology Transfer Pertaining to Organization and Management”, 1980.  相似文献   

Understanding the system of financial control in the pre-existing régime of ‘classical’ socialism is a key to understanding what might go wrong in the transition. Accordingly, this paper proceeds in four steps by examining:
  1. how domestic fiscal and monetary processes complement central planning in the classical socialist economy;
  2. why this mechanism for securing domestic financial control under classical socialism tends to break down naturally into inflation when decentralization begins and central planning though direct materials balancing is weakened;
  3. how, in a more deliberate transition, domestic tax and monetary arrangements might be better managed to keep the price level stable as prices of individual goods and services are freed; and
  4. how, in moving toward free foreign trade, explicit policies governing tariffs and foreign exchange convertibility could best parallel and complement the evolving restraints on money and credit in domestic commerce.
In effect, moves to dismantle the apparatus of central planning, decontrol prices, privatize property, and so on need to be supported by a proper sequence of fiscal, monetary and foreign exchange measures-as analyzed more fully in the author's new bookThe Order of Economic Liberalization. In this short essay, a summary outline of such a financial order is provided.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, illegally sourced timber has contributed to a growing roster of problems that affect both producing and consuming countries alike. Within the United States, the effect of timber trafficking on the national economy, and its potential effect on American foreign policy, has raised serious concern — so much so that in 2002, President George W. Bush announced his Initiative Against Illegal Logging in an attempt to discern and curtail the causes, methods, and parties involved in illegal activities. In 2005, the National Institute of Justice and Department of State, under the auspices of the President's Council on Environmental Quality, commissioned a literature review by Abt Associates to answer two principal questions:
  1. Who commits the crimes of illegal timbering?
  2. Hwo do they commit these crimes?

Organisations in both business and government face a considerable risk from inadequately secured information systems. In recognition of these risks, Directorate-General XIII (Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation) of the Commission of the European Communities commissioned a series of projects to examine security issues in the use of information technology. The results of one of these studies, concentrating on the security of network systems, is reviewed below.It was an objective of the study that its results should be seen as definitive, authoritative and applicable across the European Community as a whole. In order to meet this objective, the study, led by Coopers & Lybrand, drew upon the skills and experience of 44 organisations in seven European countries, including:
  • •⊎ Coopers and Lybrand practices in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom;
  • •⊎ Admiral Management Services Ltd;
  • •⊎ The Commission of the European Communities;
  • •⊎ 17 vendors of IT products and services in five European countries;
  • •⊎ 20 major users of network systems in seven European countries.
In particular, the study benefited from detailed case studies in each of the 20 large and sophisticated users of network systems and from assessments of 27 security products from twelve IT vendors.  相似文献   

Research on the relations between the labor market and forms of punishment, inaugurated by Rusche, has developed along two lines, broadly speaking: first, the historical evolution of the links between the structure of the labor market and the structure of punishment and secondly, the conjunctural variations in admissions to prison and in prison populations with fluctuations in the employment situation. The present study is of the latter type. It stems from observations on two aspects of the French situation:
  • The concomitant long-term evolution (1875–1985) of curves for unemployment and for prison populations, given the downward trend in imprisonment rates until recent years.
  • The constant over-representation, among prisoners, of groups whose position on the labor market is insecure.
  • The link between unemployment and imprisonment was tested by multiple regression using data on economic, demographic, penal and correctional aspects (French figures, 1920–1985). The results show the participation of demographic factors in the variations in prison populations. They point to a significant correlation between variations in unemployment (in volume and rate) and the evolution of prison populations, all else being equal in terms of recorded crime. Analysis of the functioning of the criminal justice system, showing the existence of an internal subsystem characterized by its procedures — pretrial detention —, the offenses — street crime —, the sentences — imprisonment — and the social characteristics of those convicted, suggests an approach to the interpretation of these findings.  相似文献   

    Legal translation between English and Arabic is under researched. However, the growing need for it, due to immigration and asylum seeking, among other reasons, necessitates the importance of more research. The asymmetry between English and Arabic poses many difficulties for legal translators, be they linguistic-based, culture-specific or system-based. The aim of this research is to discuss ways of translating lexical items between English and Arabic. In this current discussion I will present, exemplify and analyse the common difficult areas of translating English/Arabic legal texts and suggest ways of dealing with them. These areas involve culture-specific and system-based terms, archaic terms, specialised terms and doublets and triplets. With this aim in mind, the paper answers the following research questions:
    1. 1.
      What are the common difficulties of translating legal texts between English and Arabic?
    2. 2.
      What are the common lexical difficulties between English and Arabic legal texts?
    3. 3.
      What are the procedures of translating lexical legal terms between English and Arabic?
    The paper concludes that translating the above-mentioned lexical terms requires expertise, professional training, robust knowledge of the linguistic and legal systems of languages, as well as up-to-date electronic dictionaries and well-defined parallel corpora.

    Evaluation of technology transfer is an important part of the total transfer process. Sound results require a practical approach, which avoids use of the research model. The evaluation process is often expensive and time consuming. However, good evaluation will improve:motivation,knowledge,decisions, andaccountability. Evaluation must be based on use of reliable data. Technology transfer evaluation data can be classified — based on accuracy — aslow,medium, orhigh order — data. Evaluation problems can be designated — according to origin — as being related tonew information,human elements, orinstitutional structure. In each area, the more common evaluation problems can be solved with careful attention to detail. Technology transfer evaluation can be a complicated, but rewarding process. There is nosingle, correct way for Technology Transfer evaluation, but rather there is a wide variety of techniques which all have merit, depending on local circumstances.  相似文献   

    DATA PROTECTION There are two sides to the issue of Data Protection namely:
    • •⊎ Protection of Company Information; and
    • •⊎ Protection of Personal Information.
    The proliferation of computers within government, business and the public generally has provided certain individuals with enormous potential power over the people and the information gathered in the many databases in existence throughout the world. The cross matching capabilities of these systems at terrific speeds has given rise to genuine concerns as to the purposes to which this information will be put and the possible abuses.In Australia (unlike the US) there is not constitutional protection of privacy and the only remedy available to either companies or individuals is via the common law for breach of confidence or the unauthorised disclosure of a trade secret.In this article I intend to raise some of the issues faced by both the corporation attempting to restrict access and abuse of confidential information together with the protection of individual privacy in the face of increased central data collection.  相似文献   

    This article examines the ways in which divorce and child custody proceedings can impact employee productivity and suggests that it behooves businesses to become involved in supporting efforts to improve the process—both as a matter of community service and because it can impact their bottom line. This article further outlines some improvements that are being implemented or considered in various jurisdictions.
      Key Points for the Family Court Community
    • Divorce does not just impact the parties and their children. It also impacts the work productivity of the individuals involved.
    • The population of individuals seeking court involvement in child custody issues has changed, and new processes must be developed to address their needs.
    • There are new ideas about how to restructure the divorce process in ways that could benefit both the individuals and their employers.

    Before technology transfer can take place there must be a climate for change. An understanding of the change process is necessary if the transfer of new accounting technology is to be successful and if the design and implementation of it can be carried out in such a way as to create a fit within a particular organizational culture and environment. This article provides some insight into organizational change, change in management-accounting technologies, and the contributions of accountants to innovation in technology organizations.  相似文献   

    In 2013, the Arizona Snowbowl Ski Resort began spraying artificial snow made from reclaimed wastewater on Arizona's highest peak, a place the Hopi people call Nuvatukya'ovi, “Snow‐on‐top‐of‐it.” As one of the Hopis’ most sacred places, the home of the katsinam and the southwestern boundary marker of their aboriginal territory, the Hopi have fought for decades to stop development of the ski resort, which today sits on US Forest Service land. Viewing the history of this dispute through the lens of Atuahene's notion of a “dignity taking,” this article argues that despite never having been relocated, the indignities that the Hopi have suffered by US dispossessions of much of their aboriginal territory are the product of a series of bureaucratic sleights of hand that only bear the mark of legality if one ignores history and denies the enduring right to self‐determination and sovereignty that Hopi have continuously claimed with regard to the totality of their aboriginal land.
  • Yuuyahiwa,

  • Ayamo Nuvatukya'ove'e.

  • Oo'oomawutu,

  • angqw puma naayuwasinaya,

  • pewi'i.

  • They are preparing themselves [for a journey],

  • Over there at the snow‐capped mountains [San Francisco Peaks].

  • The clouds,

  • From there, they are putting on their endowments [of rain power],

  • To come here.

  • A Hopi katsinam song recalled by Emory Sekaquaptewa (from Sekaquaptewa and Washburn, 2004, 468)

  •   相似文献   



    To examine whether group capacity for problem solving and partnership building could be enhanced at police–community meetings by providing the results from community surveys and training for group facilitators.


    A randomized control trial was conducted in 51 police beats in Chicago’s community policing program, CAPS. Unlike control beats, results from web-based community surveys were provided at beat meetings in the feedback and training beats, with facilitators in training beats also receiving training and exercises to guide problem solving about survey results. Analysis included OLS and logistic regression of data from questionnaires administered to police and resident participants, as well as observations at beat meetings, which measured resident capacity, attitudes about the police–community partnership, and problem-solving activities.


    Support for hypothesized effects was found with greater resident confidence in their ability to achieve outcomes and solve local problems, as well as officers viewing their relationships with residents at beat meetings more favorably. Effects, however, were inconsistent and limited to the feedback group. While additional training and support provided in training beats indicated fuller engagement in problem solving, possible negative effects on attitudes were observed.


    Failure to find more effects is discussed in terms of implementation and resistance. Officer resistance to and a shift in organizational priorities away from community policing worked against achieving full program implementation. The beat meeting context provided a traditional framework for police–resident interactions that precluded more comprehensive use of community data and possibly heightened dissatisfaction with the level of problem solving that occurred.  相似文献   

    • It is time for a national dialogue about the feasibility of creating out‐of‐court alternatives for separating and divorcing families.
    • Research indicates that separating parents who provide their children with consistency, emotional support, and low conflict help children successfully adapt in the transition process.



    Third Party Policing (TPP) involves partnerships between police and third parties where the legal powers of third parties are harnessed to prevent or control crime problems. This paper explores the characteristics and mechanisms of TPP as a crime control strategy, focusing on how the partnership approach in policing can help sustain crime control gains over the long run. Using the ABILITY Truancy Trial as an example, I examine how policing can contribute to long-term social change for high-risk young people living in poor-performing school districts and high-risk communities.


    The ABILITY Trial includes 102 young truants randomly allocated to a control (business-as-usual) or an experimental condition. The experimental condition activates the key theoretical components of Third Party Policing (TPP): a partnership between police and participating schools that activates and escalates (where needed) jurisdictional truanting laws (the legal lever).


    The paper presents a theoretical discussion of TPP and uses the ABILITY Trial to highlight the way TPP works in practice. Baseline data are presented for the ABILITY Trial. Outcome results are not presented.


    Third Party Policing partnerships rest on the capacity of police to build relationships with third parties who have a stake in the crime problem, who possess responsive regulation legal levers, and who have a clear mandate to offer long-term solutions and help sustain the crime control gains. Partnerships, I argue, offer long-term solutions for police because they activate latent mechanisms, building the capacity for third parties to both maintain short-term gains and sustain the crime control gains beyond the lifespan of the initial police intervention.  相似文献   



    The aim of this work is to examine the promise that propensity scores can yield accurate effect estimates in nonrandomized experiments, review research on the realities of the conditions needed to meet this promise, and caution against irrational exuberance about their capacity to meet this promise.


    A review of selected experimental work that illustrates both the promise and realities of propensity score analysis.


    Propensity score analysis of nonrandomized experiments can yield the same results as randomized experiments. Those estimates depend on meeting the strong ignorability assumption that the available covariates well describe selection processes and on use of comparison groups that are from the same location with very similar focal characteristics. When those assumptions are not met, propensity scores may not yield accurate estimates.


    The use of propensity score analysis has proliferated exponentially, especially in the last decade, but careful attention to its assumptions seems to be very rare in practice. Researchers and policymakers who rely on these extensive propensity score applications may be using evidence of largely unknown validity. All stakeholders should devote far more empirical attention to justifying that each study has met these assumptions.  相似文献   

    This article critically evaluates the recommendation that family court–based mandatory mediation incorporated in a tiered service delivery model be replaced by a mandatory screening process incorporated in a stepping stones triage model in which couples are matched with an appropriate conflict resolution proceeding. My conclusion is that implementation of this recommendation should be made contingent upon the willingness of its advocates to address concerns with the safety, process, and objectives as described herein.
      Key Points for the Family Court Community:
    • Domestic violence screening should be incorporated in the larger triadic process of screening–risk assessment–risk management.
    • A Safety First Rule should be followed in screening couples into or out of conflict resolution proceedings.
    • Screening decisions must be grounded in an empirically validated method of matching couples with appropriate conflict resolution proceedings.
    • Causal mechanisms must be included as items in any risk assessment instrument used in family courts.

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