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民事诉权论纲   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李龙 《现代法学》2003,25(2):84-91
诉权是当事人因民事实体权利义务关系发生争议或者处于不正常的状态 ,从而请求法院予以裁判解决的权利。诉权与诉讼标的是联系非常紧密的一对概念 ,诉权学说与诉讼标的学说更是迈着同样的理论发展脚步 ;诉权学说经历了从私法诉权说到公法诉权说 ,再到诉权否认说的三个阶段 ,实际上每一种诉权学说都存在着明显的缺陷 ,一种完美的诉权学说至今仍然没有出现 ,但是公法诉权说的一些观点已经成为世界大陆法系主要国家的通说 ;诉权必须具备程序上和实体上的要件 ,否则诉权便不能正常行使和切实实现。  相似文献   

Violent behavior of women varies significantly in the public and private domains. Criminal statistics indicate a relatively low proportion of women among violent offenders in the public domain, while in the domestic and/or private domain statistics reflect almost no gender difference in violent behavior. The following paper proposes a dynamic model which draws upon psychological and sociological variables and suggests that the clue for understanding the paradoxical phenomenon lies in the relative importance the domestic domain plays in the woman's value structure. Among the variables considered were: social learning patterns regarding violent behavior; perception of danger; and the ways in which women express their frustration and/or anger.  相似文献   

股权质押制度的反思与重构——以制度价值为中心的考察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林建伟 《现代法学》2005,27(5):111-117
安全、效率和公平是股权质押制度的基本价值取向,但现有股权质押的制度安排,一方面因防范道德风险、市场风险和法律风险的机制漏洞可能危及交易的安全;另一方面,因过于侧重对交易安全的保护而忽视了对交易便捷利益的保护,忽视了对出质人的公平保护,影响了效率和公平;因此,需要对股权质押的制度价值进行准确定位,按照安全优先,兼顾效率和公平的要求,完善我国的股权质押制度,进一步拓宽融资渠道,促进资本市场健康发展。  相似文献   


The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Convention) has taken 114 decisions and launched programmes of work to address five biome‐based themes and thirteen cross‐cutting issues. The challenge for the Convention now is to demonstrate, through action and deed, that it is an effective vehicle for implementing this policy. In response to this challenge, the Conference of the Parties at its fifth meeting, in May 2000, decided to initiate a process to develop a Strategic Plan for the Convention that would provide an important mechanism for the implementation of this policy. This Note, which is an abridged version of document UNEP/CBD/MSP/2, has been prepared to assist participants in this Conference to provide more focused suggestions for the development of the Strategic Plan for the Convention.  相似文献   

传统民法通常将起诉作为诉讼时效期间的中断事由,最新的立法则将诉讼程序作为时效期间的中止事由。起诉对诉讼时效的影响,实质上仅仅涉及诉讼程序终止时没有做出实体性生效判决的情形,将诉讼程序作为中止事由,避免了过去将起诉作为中断事由引起的诸多不适当后果,并进一步加强了对权利人的保护。诉讼外请求不应当作为时效期间的中断事由,请求人在时效期间上的利益,可以通过将谈判磋商作为中止事由来保障。  相似文献   

If major emitters fail to mitigate global warming, they may have to resort to geoengineering techniques that deflect sunlight from planet Earth and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In this article, I develop a strategic theory of geoengineering. I emphasize two key features of geoengineering. First, whereas emissions reductions can be mandated now, geoengineering techniques are only available in the future. Second, major powers can unilaterally implement geoengineering projects that may hurt other countries. My game-theoretic analysis demonstrates that unilateral geoengineering presents a difficult governance problem if it produces negative externalities in foreign countries. Interestingly, countries may be tempted to reduce emissions now, so as to prevent a harmful geoengineering race in the future. The theoretical results can help scholars and policymakers understand the relationship between climate mitigation and geoengineering.  相似文献   

信息安全国家发展战略思考与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、信息与网络安全的重要性与严峻性 信息是社会发展需要的战略资源。国际上围绕信息的获取、使用和控制的斗争愈演愈烈,信息安全成为维护国家安全和社会稳定的一个焦点,各国都给以极大的关注与投入。  相似文献   

Arts Entrepreneurship education as a field continues to grow, but misperceptions of entrepreneurship seem to cause confusion among arts students, faculty, and administrators regarding the value of entrepreneurial training to higher education arts programs. These misperceptions are explored to determine if entrepreneurship, for artists, is harmful or helpful. By articulating the theoretical essence of entrepreneurship, it is suggested that entrepreneurial action is profoundly synergetic with artistic action and purpose, and that arts faculty and administrators can embrace entrepreneurship education and its value to aspiring professional artists.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse empirically how the legal framework affects the relationship between labour market conditions and dismissals. We use a pseudo-panel of Spanish data from 1987 to 2001. We find that Labour Law reforms have effects on the use of individual and collective dismissals although such effects are much lower than those related to the business cycle. The results also show a strategic use of the different types of dismissals, distorting the work of those institutions involved in dismissals.   相似文献   

霍海红 《法律科学》2014,(5):90-101
权利人撤诉后,因起诉而生的中断效力归于消灭,因为起诉是"独立"中断事由,它不依附于"请求"事由;起诉是"程序性"中断事由,要遵守程序法逻辑。中国式撤诉规则及其实践、起诉难现实、时效期间短、义务人不诚信等规则或现实不足以否定"不中断"立场。时效自撤诉之日起继续计算,但为防止权利人无足够时间行使权利,可规定"撤诉后6个月内时效不完成"。  相似文献   

This article explores the reasons for the introduction of anticorruption agencies of a specific type in Eastern Europe. It is argued that one of the important functions of these agencies—which are stronger on information gathering, coordination and strategy rather than on investigation of concrete cases—is to give to the government some leverage over the anticorruption discourse. Presenting the anticorruption commissions and agencies as (discourse-controlling) instruments gives an answer to the troubling question why governing parties are at all interested in the introduction of such bodies. Apart from instrumentalization in political discourse, anticorruption bodies in Eastern Europe have had other effects as well. As shown in the Baltic case, institutional engineering provides for a brief window of opportunity during which political forces committed to integrity could gain the upper hand. The problem in Eastern Europe, however, is not the lack of such windows of opportunities—it is more the lack of really committed political forces capable of continuous and consistent anticorruption effort.  相似文献   

示范诉讼制度探析——兼论我国代表人诉讼制度之完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨瑞 《现代法学》2007,29(5):74-80
示范诉讼制度具有其他群体性纠纷解决制度所不具备的特征和独特功能,正因如此,目前已经有许多国家和地区在民事诉讼立法中对其加以明确规定,还有些国家在实践中大量运用这一制度以解决实际问题。我国现行民事诉讼法有关群体性纠纷解决制度的规定存在明显的缺陷,结合在新形势下我国所面临的司法现实需求,为了更好的解决群体性纠纷,在我国未来的民事诉讼立法当中,在对代表人诉讼制度进行完善的同时,应当引入示范诉讼制度;同时考虑到示范诉讼自身的一些特点,在具体制度设计上,要充分考虑并注意处理好其与代表人诉讼制度的协调问题,以便更好地发挥两种制度各自的优点。  相似文献   

Richard Elliott's paper on criminal law and HIV/AIDS, an edited and updated version of his presentation at "Putting Third First," sets out five guiding principles for criminal law policy and HIV/AIDS; briefly outlines the rationales for criminalization; discusses three strategic legal questions regarding the criminalization of HIV transmission/exposure; and offers a number of recommendations for consideration of those needing to articulate a well-considered perspective on the ethical, legal, human rights, and public health dimensions of the criminalization of HIV transmission/exposure.  相似文献   

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