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Relations between the Republic of China (ROC or Taiwan) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC or Chinese mainland) have improved significantly since 2008. However, this study suggests that it will be difficult for the two sides to sustain the momentum in cross-strait relations unless Beijing—and to some extent Taipei—begin to recalibrate their relationship in a more pragmatic way and adopt some new thinking on the concepts of sovereignty and the political status of the ROC. In short, they need to figure out a way to acknowledge the fact that both the ROC and PRC exist.  相似文献   

赵平安  高猛 《行政论坛》2009,16(3):57-61
从建构主义出发,政府与非政府组织的合作关系不是凭空产生的,而是在双向建构中生成的.逻辑上,政府与非政府组织的关系总是不断地从对抗走向统一,趋向由不良的结构螺旋上升为良性结构.由于现代社会需求的多元化,政府公共事务"不可治理性"的增强,以及资源的"外部限制"与"外部依赖",政府与非政府组织只能改变原有认知,在合作中寻求发展.现实中,我国政府与非政府组织的合作主要有非对称依赖模式、符号工具模式和合作伙伴模式三种.虽然目前双方的合作关系还处于初级阶段,但只要双方在公共利益的指引下坚持双向沟通、反思抽象、内外协调、积极行动,就能够在"平衡一不平衡一平衡"的螺旋发展中不断接近构建合作伙伴关系的目标.  相似文献   

John Dixon 《政策研究评论》1993,12(1-2):197-213
This paper examines the national provident funds (NPFs) that operate in 23 developing countries which seek to provide their members with basic social security protection by means of compulsory savings (see Appendix). It explores how the juxtaposition of economic, social and social security objectives has made NPFs generally resilient to fundamental change and has, in some instances, resulted in the evolution of a social security hybrid—neither a pure compulsory savings scheme nor a social insurance system.  相似文献   

社会思潮与国家意识形态安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会思潮是社会意识形态与社会心理相互转换的桥梁,在国家意识形态安全中起着"晴雨表"和调节器的作用.当前社会思潮日益多样化,更加关注现实问题,影响力增强.分化趋势加快,彼此间相互影响增强,与主流意识形态的关系愈加复杂.有效疏导社会思潮的根本途径是构建社会主义核心价值体系,加强中国特色的政治意识形态价值的感召力.  相似文献   

朱熹是一位百科全书式的学者,全祖望评价他的思想体系,"致广大,尽精微,综罗百代"。本文并不是着眼于朱熹天理论、人性论、欲望论等社会思想的论述,而是从社会转型的视角出发,将南宋社会转型背景与朱熹理学思想建构的过程相结合,并分析其对于个人、宗族、社会的意义。  相似文献   

裴志军 《理论导刊》2007,31(10):45-48
社会资本的培育能够提升公民的宽容和妥协精神、提升公民对制度的认同感、增强公民的合作参与的品质。在转型时期,我国社会资本存在着严重缺失现象,制约着社会的良性运行和协调发展。因此,通过增强政民之间的信任、引入"善治"的社会治理范式、完善规范等社会资本的培育应当成为构建和谐社会的一个重要视角。  相似文献   

作为对国际企业社会责任运动的积极回应和实践科学发展观的一项基础性工程,从国家战略层面推进我国企业社会责任建设,对外有助于推动我国外贸增长方式从数量扩张型向质量效益型转变,提升中国作为"负责任大国"的国际形象;对内有助于增进我国企业的整体管理水平与可持续发展能力,建构和谐有序的"企业—社会—政府"关系,从而为经济社会的健康发展提供可靠的保障。  相似文献   


The Dayton Peace Agreement ended the violence in Bosnia–Herzegovina, however, it also solidified antagonistic political identities leading to the creation of two social contracts: an ‘elite social contract’ involving primarily political elites of the main ethnic groups and an ‘everyday social contract’ involving ordinary citizens trying to manage a complex social and economic environment. The first social contract is hegemonic, however, alternative, non-nationalist views are slowly emerging. Grassroots groups, the surviving remnants of inter-ethnic coexistence, the integrating pull of market forces and the presence of a large diaspora all constitute resources for the creation of a resilient national social contract.  相似文献   

二元经济与社会结构在传统社会向现代社会转型时期广泛存在.在此期间,社会发展往往以牺牲农业和农民利益为代价,出现了社会剥夺现象.只有当工业化达到一定的水平,工业才有可能实行对农业反哺.中国的二元结构具有经济与社会双重二元性,有鲜明的制度安排与行政管理体制特征,资源汇聚于城市与工业部门,加重对农村、农业和农民的索取,使农民以及农民工很难享受到国民待遇.中国目前正处在打破体制樊篱,实现工业反哺农业、城乡统筹与协调发展的重要时期,有必要对变革社会的经济与社会发展阶段作正确的解读.以便更好地加强社会整合,促进以工补农,给农民工以国民待遇,实现以城带乡的目标.  相似文献   

社会企业作为一种新的运作模式,在社会诉求和市场经济行为之间架起了一座共享的桥梁,以其显著的行动能力投身于社会问题治理的实践中,这是对经济嵌入社会理论的积极回应。嵌入理论有力地批判了长期以来经济与社会之间的"脱嵌"问题,为全面分析经济行动和社会问题之间的协同关系提供了有力的理论支撑。只有打破传统的市场失灵论主导下的观念和文化图式的束缚,把经济行为归嵌于社会之中,创建社会利益和企业利益之间的共享价值链条,在经济行动中有效地进行社会因素建构,才能使社会价值诉求在跨界经济行动中得到实现。在共享经济条件下,社会因素建构是关系性建构,包含了解决社会问题的价值目标和经济手段的统一,是创新性开展社会治理的关键所在。  相似文献   

Roger Koppl 《Society》2010,47(3):220-226
In The Social Construction of Reality, Berger and Luckmann discuss experts. They contrast the stabilizing monopoly traditionally enjoyed by “universal experts” with the destabilizing competition of a modern pluralistic society. “When a particular definition of reality comes to be attached to a concrete power interest, it may be called an ideology.” The current institutions of forensic science illustrate the claim that monopoly in expertise is associated with political power. Applying the analysis of universal experts in The Social Construction of Reality to forensic science provides useful insights into forensic science as a social phenomenon.  相似文献   

Cathie Jo Martin 《管理》1997,10(4):397-428
This article explores the conditions under which business managers endorse human resource investment policy drawing from the recent national health reform episode. In order to generate corporate support, a business community must develop corporate policy capacity, or the ability to grasp complicated social issues and to act in support of this social agenda. Corporate support is also influenced by the business–related strategies of government leaders who can encourage businesses to organize around legislative issues. The bid for national health reform met neither condition. Corporate policy capacity was inadequate to sustaining business support for health reform at the point of translating general corporate anxiety into specific legislation. Because U.S. business groups are weak, fragmented, and compete for members, they tend to cater to strong, vocal minorities and are often unable to act on majority positions. In health reform although a majority of business groups' members wanted reform, minority objections prevailed. In addition, where the Clinton administration's business mobilization efforts were complicated by its campaign for mass support, the Republicans organized a formidable corporate lobby against the bill.  相似文献   

国家思想库在政治运行过程中起着十分重要的作用,是政府决策不可或缺的有力助手。他们不仅要保持研究工作的独立性与客观性,而且要和政府部门保持密切的联系。在我国,向国家决策层报送政务信息在一定程度上能够反映思想库作用发挥的程度。以中国科学院向国家决策层报送政务信息为案例,运用统计分析的方法分析国家决策层的信息需求,讨论政务信息与国家思想库的关系与作用,对中国科学院更好地发挥国家科学思想库的作用提出政策建议。  相似文献   

It is often argued that at the root of the Taiwan question are the myriad differences in politics, ideology, identity, and economy between mainland China and Taiwan. Any prospect for its peaceful resolution, it seems, hinges on bridging those differences through economic and/or political integration. Although the Taiwan conundrum has much to do with wide-ranging cross-strait divergence, this article argues that it cannot be disconnected from one important commonality between Beijing and Taipei, namely, a cross-strait normative convergence on the Westphalian notion of state sovereignty. Encompassing an exclusionary understanding of final authority, territory, and identity, Westphalian sovereignty provides both Beijing and Taipei with a common meaning that Taiwan is an issue of sovereignty, central to their respective national identity and political survival and hence not subject to compromise. As a consequence, it argues that this common meaning is paradoxically responsible for much of the mistrust, tension, and deadlock in cross-strait relations. In order to find a long-term solution to the Taiwan impasse, we need to pay attention to this particular normative convergence as well as to the many differences across the Taiwan Strait.  相似文献   


Twenty years of international statebuilding have made little impact on the ‘stateness’ of Kosovo. This article puts this failure in the broader context of the shift from the liberal internationalist assumptions of the late 1990s to the pragmatic realism of today. It does this through the lenses of E H Carr’s classic work The Twenty Years’ Crisis, UN policy thinking on the problematic assumptions of international statebuilding and the diagnoses in David Lake’s 2016 book The Statebuilder’s Dilemma, which sets out three pragmatic alternatives. The article concludes that all three of these alternatives can be seen in practice in Kosovo.  相似文献   

关于社会建设的理论和实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆学艺 《学理论》2008,(12):32-35
社会建设是指社会主体根据社会需要,有目的、有计划、有组织地改善民生和推进社会进步的社会行为与过程。社会建设主要内容有:社会结构的调整与构建,社会流动机制建设,社会组织建设,社会阶层利益关系协调机制建设,社会事业建设,社会保障制度建设,社会安全体制建设,社会管理机制建设。  相似文献   

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