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女性劳动者维权问题成为社会关注问题,而低端行业女性劳动者权益保护问题更为严重。众多从事低端行业基础性工作的女性劳动者面临企业用工制度不规范、个人法律意识薄弱、"三期"被侵权、隐性侵权等问题,究其原因不仅包括劳动者个人、企业方面,也存在着法律保护、社会保护网络的不健全。对此,本文建议,应加强低端行业女性劳动者权益保护工作,在法律更新、执法、加强宣传等方面促进女性劳动者权益保护。  相似文献   

最近,四川省达州市总工会调查了本市女职工特殊权益保护情况,就存在的问题提出了解决的建议。一、基本情况(一)女职工组织比较健全。全市共建立女职工委员会4693个,女会员达27 6074人,形成了覆盖全市各行业、各系统的女职工组织网络。(二)专项合同签订良好。国有企业签订《女职工特殊权益保护专项集体合同》的签订率达到100%。接受问卷调查的企业签订专项合同率达到77%。  相似文献   

2004年5月,由湖北省兴山县总工会牵头,联合县劳动和社会保障局、民政局、经贸局、民营经济发展促进局、公安局、司法局、工商行政管理局等8部门发出《关于在乡镇建立职工权益维护站》的通知,率先在省内进行在乡镇建立职工权益维护站的试点,从而揭开了工会维权建设崭新的一页。截至2004年8月底,全县8个乡镇的“职工权益维护站”全部挂牌成立并开展工作。此举标志着兴山县总工会在创新维权思维,提升维权水平,编织维权网络,建立维权长效机制方面跨上了一个新的台阶,同时,也为促进乡镇工会工作进行了新的尝试。一、新的形势对传统维权手段提出挑…  相似文献   

做好农民工权益保护工作的建议江西省南昌市总工会聂党生在对进城务工人员的权益保护问题进行调研后,提出如下建议:一是加强学习,提高认识。深入学习、深刻理解党中央关于解决“三农”问题的一系列重要精神,充分认识维护进城务工人员的合法权益,对于实践“三个代表”重要思想和  相似文献   

女职工权益保护是工会组织的重要工作。就青海省部分企业实际情况来看,尽管女职工的权益在一定程度上得到了保护,但依然存在着工作不到位、效果欠佳等问题。为进一步强化女工工作,把女工权益维护落到实处,使工会组织真正成为职工之家,有必要建立行之有效的女工干部能力提升机制,促进女职工权益维护工作健康发展。  相似文献   

一、市场经济国家保护职工劳动权益的主要做法国外市场经济国家主要通过建立健全下列制度,来加强职工劳动权益保护工作:(一)劳动立法为确保劳资关系和谐与社会稳定,大部分市场经济国家都建立了一套法律体系来保护劳工权利。首先,是在宪法中对劳动问题都作了不同程度的规定。同时,不少国家对工会的权利单独立法,就劳动关系双方的基本权利和义务作出规定,使宪法上规定的原则具有法律的可操作性。如一些国家颁布了集体合同法、职工委员会法、共决法等劳动法律法规,不仅明确了工会的权利与责任,同时也为权利的实现作出了规定,使工会在行使自己权…  相似文献   

江苏省劳动和社会保障局、总工会、企业联合会、企业家协会联合下发文件,就加强女职工特殊权益专项集体合同工作提出指导意见。意见要求,要紧紧围绕女职工劳动权益的热点、难点问题,特别是女职工经期、孕期、产期、哺乳期特殊保护的落实问题,男女同工同酬、平等受教育等问题开展专门协商,签订女职工特殊保护专项集体合同。工作目标是:在女职工25人以上的企业全面开展女职工特殊保护专项协商。紧跟集体合同推进步伐,切实抓好女职工特殊保护专项集体合同的同步跟进,切实做到集体合同推进到哪里,女职工特殊保护专项集体合同同步签订到哪里。综…  相似文献   

随着中国企业进入非洲国家投资的规模不断扩大,国际社会有关中国在非企业劳工权益保护的争论也越来越多,这种情况反映出中国企业对非洲国家劳工权益保护法律缺乏了解。通过对坦桑尼亚、津巴布韦等国劳工权益保护法律的梳理,可以发现不少非洲国家都有较为严格的劳工保护制度,在劳动合同、集体谈判、维护人身权、限制外国雇员数量等方面有明确的法律规定。对于中国企业而言,需要在日常管理中更加注重劳工权益保护,重视集体谈判等机制,更好地保护所在国劳工权益。  相似文献   

劳动者私生活安宁权的生成,既得益于《民法典》的颁行,又源于网络化时代劳动者私生活安 宁权益保护的迫切需求。从权利性质上看,劳动者私生活安宁权兼具自由权和社会权双重属性。然而,在当下 其权利实现却面临诸多困难,表现为与雇主监督管理权的矛盾及冲突,《民法典》隐私权保护框架的不周延性 以及劳动法保护规范的滞后性。研究建议,就劳动者私生活安宁权的实现路径来看,一是要对《民法典》的保 护路径予以细化和调整,二是要在劳动法中创制新的制度与规则对劳动者进行特别保护。与此同时,应遵循 “两 步走”策略,以协调《民法典》保护与劳动法保护之关系,从而充分实现劳动者的私生活安宁权益。  相似文献   

经济全球化使劳动世界面临新的机遇和挑战.国际劳工组织为促进对劳动者权益的保护,提出并倡导实行体面工作,得到国际社会的广泛支持.关注民生,让广大劳动者实现体面劳动,是坚持以人为本的内在要求,是时代精神的具体体现,也是尊重和保障人权的重要内容.工会在实现体面劳动中肩负着新的使命,特别在改善广大劳动者的劳动条件、劳动收入、劳动保障、生活质量等方面要发挥重要作用,让广大劳动者更多分享经济社会发展成果.  相似文献   

网络购物在大学生群体中已经成为一种比较稳定且普遍的购物方式。大学生网络购物背后有三省心理(省时、省事、省钱)、好奇心理、从众心理、冲动心理、达人心理、娱乐心理和发泄心理。针对这七种心理,可以从合理认知网购体验,理性约束网购行为,开展网络消费教育,弘扬生态消费文化,构建良好的网络消费环境几方面来引导大学生网络消费向健康有序的方向发展。  相似文献   

随着数字经济的飞速发展,网约用工模式越来越普遍,我国涉网约工劳动争议日益凸显,已成为影响劳动关系和谐的突出新问题之一。网约用工因其保留了一定的劳动关系特征,又与劳务关系、承揽关系等民事法律关系具有一定的相似性,加上相关法律法规滞后和电子证据适用较难,以及网约工群体的规模性和劳动方式的相似性等原因,使涉网约工劳动争议与传统劳动争议相比,具有争议焦点新、涉案主体多、争议解决难、社会影响大等典型特征。为促进劳动关系和谐稳定和数字经济的持续健康发展,本研究建议:各级党政、互联网平台及关联用工企业、相关行业协会、网约工及工会组织共同参与,科学合理化解矛盾,形成共建共享共治、高效化解相关劳动争议的新格局。  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to present a thematic review of literature that pertains to the role of child sexual abuse images in online coercive and non-coercive relationships with adolescents, synthesize and contextualize current research on this topic, and identify some of the complexities in the self-production of sexual images by adolescents and their potential use by offenders. This review examines why there is a trend for child abuse image production to be increasingly associated with adolescent self-produced sexual images and how this may be related to individual coercion, as well as changing social and Internet contexts. Practitioners need to understand the technological and social affordances offered by the Internet, particularly in relation to the ability to produce sexual images, as part of a more ecological approach to understanding online abuse and exploitation.  相似文献   

网络约车平台作为共享经济的代表性运作模式,吸收了大量的灵活就业人员。根据我国现行法律,网 约车司机与平台公司并非劳动关系,网约车司机既非个别劳动法上的劳动者,亦非集体劳动法上的劳动者。结合网约车 司机的实际生存状态以及国外的理论探索,未来我国可以在不突破劳动关系认定标准的基础上,将网约车司机纳入集体 劳动法的保障范畴。即网约车司机虽非个别劳动法之劳动者,但可以为集体劳动法之劳动者。  相似文献   

Girls' experiences of secondary sexual characteristic development were explored via direct interview and protective techniques. In a pilot study (Study 1), 30 White middle to upper middle class 6th–8th-grade girls were interviewed about how they felt about breast and pubic hair growth, their comfort discussing these events, and their information acquisition. Breast growth was perceived as more important than hair growth, in part because the former is perceived as a more public event. Few girls reported intensely negative feelings to either change. Since responses to the direct questions were limited, 80 White 6th–9th graders were asked to tell a story (using a semi structured interview technique) about a picture of an adolescent girl, adult female, and adult male in which the adult female was taking a bra out of a shopping bag (Study 2). Affect, attitudes, and character alliances were coded. More girls attributed negative feelings to the father than to the mother character. Almost all girls describe the adolescent in the story as embarrassed. The daughter and father characters were described as uncomfortable more often than the mother character (50% vs. 10%). Positive maternal affect in the stories was associated with more advanced pubertal status, positive body images, more positive emotional tone, and lower anxiety scores. Affect ascribed to the father and daughter characters was less likely to be associated with girls' psychological functioning. Results are discussed in term sof the possible role of puberty upon parent-child relationships and communication.We wish to thank the W. T. Grant Foundation and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development for their generous support of our research. This article was written while the first author was a Visiting Scholar at the Russell Sage Foundation; the support of the foundation is appreciated.Received Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania.Received M.D. from Columbia University.  相似文献   

Digitally mediated communication technologies have fundamentally changed the problem of child sexual abuse. Sexually explicit images of young people that can be found online range from those documenting offline abuse including adult-to-child and peer-on-peer violence, to self-generated images including those taken within the context of a coercive relationship or those that are shared online beyond the taker's control. Online availability of these images can have serious effects on victims. It is vital to identify what victims need, how youngsters are at risk online, how self-generated images may be shared online beyond the taker's control, and how children who have been traumatized by experiences of sexual abuse (offline as well as online) can be taught to stay safe online. This article summarizes the results of four different studies exploring these issues.  相似文献   

后疫情时代,线上教学已经成为高校教学手段的主要组成部分,将继续发挥重要作用,与此同时, 也暴露出诸多问题,有待改进。本研究从学生、授课教师、平台技术和管理制度四个方面对高校线上教学的现 状进行分析,并提出优化高校线上教学的建议。研究认为,线上教学虽然符合教学发展的要求,有利于传统学 习模式的变革,但也带来了缺少师生互动、教学管理缺少标准和规范等问题。研究建议,应釆取线上线下教学 相结合、提高教师线上教学能力、改进平台服务技术水平、改革教学管理制度、做好基础服务等措施,进一步 优化高校线上教学效果。  相似文献   

随着网络文学平台的兴起,依托于平台的网络文学写作逐步发展成为一种新型职业形态。网文公司出现,并嵌入到网络文学生产过程中,重构了网络文学的生产逻辑。受雇于网络文学公司的续写作者,类似于传统工厂外包的数字“代工”,他们的劳动实践存在“概念”与“执行”和“作家”与“作品”的双重分离,正是这种另类的劳动实践使得续写作者成为网络文学生产过程中的“幽灵劳工”。网络写作的灵活性、工作自由的乌托邦幻象和劳动公平交易的表征,使得网络文学写手甘愿加入努力码字的续写作者队伍中。但是这一切并不能掩盖续写作者付出与回报的不对等,且处于权益受损和向上流动受阻的双重困境之中。  相似文献   

Online Network Influences on Emerging Adults’ Alcohol and Drug Use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Researchers have reported that network characteristics are associated with substance use behavior. Considering that social interactions within online networks are increasingly common, we examined the relationship between online network characteristics and substance use in a sample of emerging adults (ages 18–24) from across the United States (N = 2,153; M = 21 years old; 47 % female; 70 % White). We used regression analyses to examine the relationship between online ego network characteristics (i.e., characteristics of individuals directly related to the focal participant plus the relationships shared among individuals within the online network) and alcohol use and substance use, respectively. Alcohol use was associated with network density (i.e., interconnectedness between individuals in a network), total number of peer ties, and a greater proportion of emotionally close ties. In sex-stratified models, density was related to alcohol use for males but not females. Drug use was associated with an increased number of peer ties, and the increased proportion of network members’ discussion and acceptance of drug use, respectively. We also found that online network density and total numbers of ties were associated with more personal drug use for males but not females. Conversely, we noted that social norms were related to increased drug use and this relationship was stronger for females than males. We discuss the implications of our findings for substance use and online network research.  相似文献   

Using the example of a fictional shopper from the early twentieth century, Bowlby looks at how the notion of mobility as characteristic of the modern subject intersects with notions of femininity and masculinity. Valéry Larbaud's ultramobile imaginary shopper is compared with Freud's portrait of the woman sadly fixed for all time in her character once she has reached the age of thirty. The concluding section looks at the way that mobility of identity has become a norm for both sexes in the last part of the century, making the very idea of a self into a kind of rational shopping, a 'choosing' of different identities.  相似文献   

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