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企业参与高职教育对辽宁省经济发展的贡献功不可没。在合作的过程中,企业和高校可以取长补短,使人力、物力、财力多种资源得到合理的配置,这无论对于高校还是企业都能够提高自身的效率,呈现出一种双赢状态。对制约辽宁省企业参与高职教育发展的原因分析是一项颇有意义的课题。文章首先分析企业缺乏参与高职教育发展积极性的原因,之后分析了高职院校自身存在的问题,最后从政府角度分析了制约企业参与高职教育发展的原因。  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges facing China today is the central government's ability to ensure that policies are implemented effectively at the local level, particularly policies that seek to make China's economic growth model more sustainable. These policies face resistance from local authorities and enterprises that benefit from the status quo. This raises a key research question: why do some provinces more fully implement these central policies? We argue the extent of local implementation is best conceptualized as a rational balance between economic and political incentives: localities with regulatory autonomy, low regulatory capacity and alternative interests will not fully implement policies that are at odds with local economic imperatives. By examining a critical case of central policy implementation—industrial energy intensity reduction in the eleventh five-year plan—this article demonstrates that, regardless of industrial makeup or economic development, provinces that have greater regulatory autonomy for noncompliance coupled with alternative economic interests do not, on average, perform as well. Using a nested analysis approach this study illustrates this argument with both quantitative analysis and original case study evidence from fieldwork interviews.  相似文献   

骆蕾 《青年论坛》2010,(6):153-155
近年来随着我国经济体制改革的进一步深入,企业承担相应社会责任的意识已经得到了很大的提高。我国的国有企业、民营企业、在华跨国公司等在履行社会责任方面做了大量卓有成效的工作,对于推动我国和谐社会的建设起到了不可替代的重要作用,同时,一些企业在发展中也出现了只讲经济责任不讲社会责任的倾向,急功近利,惟利是图,甚至见利忘义,只追求自身利益,忽视甚至牺牲公众和社会利益的行为。  相似文献   

What lies behind China's recent economic prosperity is the unexpected success and development of her township and village enterprises (TVEs). The proportion of China's total industrial output produced by the TVEs increased from 9 to 42% between 1978 and 1994. The incredible development of the TVEs, along with the declining in importance of the SOEs in recent years, undoubtedly suggests that the TVEs are the engine of growth of the Chinese economy, and their continuous success will have a tremendous impact on the economic development of China in and beyond the twenty-first century. What remains questionable, however, is whether or not this rapid development of the TVEs is at the same time exacerbating China's spatial disparity by encouraging inequality in productivity and production efficiency of these enterprises across different provinces. This study aims to answer this question by examining the changes in total factor productivity (TFP) of TVEs located in different provinces between 1988 and 1993 with particular reference to the corresponding spatial disparities of these changes. The Malmquist output based productivity index, which allows for the decomposition of productivity growth into changes in technical efficiency over time and shifts in technology over time, is the technique adopted here.  相似文献   

Renhong Wu 《当代中国》1998,7(19):443-458
This article attempts to analyze China's economic development since 1980 by examining major macroeconomic issues. The analyses focus on a central issue: will the Chinese economy maintain high growth and low inflation in the period 1998–2010? To answer this question, the article examines GNP growth, unemployment, external balance, inflation, government budget deficit, and structure changes during the period 1980–1997, and provides an outlook on the economy. If the political situation is stable, China will achieve annual economic growth of 6–7% during 1998–2010, because the major factors that contributed to the high growth during the period 1980–1997 will continue to exist. However, it is less likely that the economic growth will continue at two‐digit level, because new and greater challenges have emerged in the economy: there has been excessive capacity in the industrial sector; it is difficult to maintain a high export growth; and the weak financial sector is highly likely to cause financial instability. Moreover, the increasingly large unemployed population will become a serious problem for both economic development and political stability.  相似文献   

当前监企体制改革已经在全国各地全面展开,这样更加便利于监狱以及企业的规范化运作。但是监企分离后,如何激励监区监狱人民警察工作积极性、提升警务效能,促进企业经济效益的进一步提高,成为当前监狱工作的重中之重。当前应该从转变管理理念、改进管理方式、创新管理手段等方面入手,采取切实有效措施,促进监区监狱人民警察警务效能的提升,实现监狱与企业同步发展。  相似文献   

C HINA'S economic progress since the com-mencement of its reform and opening-up in 1978 gives hope to every developing nation that if China can do it,so can we.A 2019 report by Switzerland-based financial servic-es company Credit Suisse Group said that China was this century's champion in wealth creation and the figures it cites are truly amazing.Having successfully cushioned the impact of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009,unlike so many other nations,China has seen total household wealth rise from US $3.7 trillion in 2000 to US $63.8 tril-lion in 2018,an exponential 17-fold increment.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, China has accumulated over US$3.4 trillion of official foreign exchange reserves as it rises to become a global power. Do China's financial assets increase its ability to pursue its national interests internationally? With the globalisation and rising influence of Chinese state-owned enterprises, state-owned banks and sovereign wealth fund, as well as China's growing clout in several regional groupings, it is clear that China does possess the necessary mechanisms to assert its financial power. This article examines the efficacy and limitations of these mechanisms in Africa and Latin America, in the economic and political domains. In the economic domain, China has consistently used foreign oil contracts and acquisitions to secure direct oil flow from developing nations. An analysis of recent cases shows that while China is able to successfully harness its financial power in its pursuit of oil, it needs to fulfil its promises to the satisfaction of the recipient countries in order to maintain the value of its offers. In the political domain, China has used its financial assets to purchase diplomatic allegiance from various African and Latin American countries in support of its One-China policy. Studying both successful and unsuccessful cases reveals that while China is generally able to use its financial power in third-world countries against Taiwan successfully, its national goals have, in recent years, shifted to the economic realm, even with countries that still recognise the Taipei government.  相似文献   

我国加入世界贸易组织后,随着市场经济体制的进一步完善和新的市场准入机会的增加,外资对国内企业的并购已十分普遍。我国企业在接受外资并购实行规模效益,增强企业竞争的同时,也带来了一系列的问题。如排挤民族产业,造成金融风暴,甚至威胁我国的经济安全。这些问题都源于外资并购带来的垄断问题。一旦形成垄断,会造成排挤国内企业,扭曲市场机制,降低市场效率等后果。因此,对利用反垄断法规制外资并购法律制度的研究已刻不容缓,构建适合于中国国情的外资并购反垄断法律规制实施体制,对于实现大的市场经济法治的目标意义重大。  相似文献   

FOREIGN-INVESTEDenterprises are appreci-ated in China for theirbeneficial affect on eco-nomic development. A solid com-mercial foundation and enterprisemanagerial expertise do not, how-ever, guarantee unconditionalrespect and ongoing co-operation.The Philips Group is an exampleof a foreign enterprise that fell  相似文献   

What is the relationship between ownership type and environmental performance in Chinese firms? Using a survey of over 1,000 industrial firms in 12 Chinese cities in 2006, this article tests a number of competing hypotheses linking ownership type to environmental performance. The results show that small and medium state-owned enterprises (SOEs) on average spend less on pollution abatement technologies and are less likely to meet national emissions standards, compared to privately owned enterprises (POEs) and foreign invested enterprises (FIEs). However, the environmental performance of the largest SOEs matches that of their private and foreign counterparts. These findings are complemented by qualitative interviews and archival research conducted in 2012.  相似文献   

This article studies people born in rural China who now live in urban areas of China and possess a residence permit, an urban hukou; these are the hukou converters and they are examined using large datasets covering substantial parts of China in 2002. According to our estimates, there are 107 million hukou converters constituting 20% of the registered population of China's urban areas. Presence of a high employment rate in the city, that the city is small or medium-sized, and that the city is located in the middle or western part of China are factors which cause the ratio of hukou converters in the registered city population to be comparatively high. The probability of becoming a hukou converter is strongly linked to having parents with relatively high human and social capital and belonging to the ethnic majority. Compared to their rural-born peers left behind, as well as to migrants who have kept their rural hukou, the hukou converters have much higher per capita household incomes. Years of schooling and CPC membership contribute to this difference but most of the difference remains unexplained in a statistical sense, signalling large incentives to urbanise as well as to receive an urban hukou. While living a very different life from their peers left behind, the economic circumstances of China's hukou converters at the destination are, on average, similar to the urban-born population. Hukou converters who receive an urban hukou before age 25 do well in the labour market and we have reported indications that they actually overtake urban-born peers regarding earnings. In contrast, hukou migrants who receive an urban hukou after age 25 do not catch up with their urban-born counterparts in terms of earnings.  相似文献   

Jinghan Zeng 《当代中国》2015,24(92):338-356
Policy experimentation has been widely considered a ‘magic bullet’ of policy improvement and key to economic prosperity in China. This article, however, argues that policy experimentation in China does not always seek policy efficiency. Rather, it can be manipulated as a political symbol without actually affecting practices. By taking a case study on Wenzhou's financial reform, this article illustrates that local policy experimentation can serve as a mechanism for the central government to legitimately delay reform practices—in the case of Wenzhou's financial reform in 2012, out of a desire to maintain socio-economic stability during the power succession at the 18th Party Congress. In this reform, socio-economic stability was deemed more important than developing a sustainable and effective long-term policy. This article provides a new perspective on understanding policy experimentation in China by proposing the idea of ‘symbolic reforms’.  相似文献   

鉴于台资企业在两岸经济的重要地位以及当前两岸金融合作的乐观态势,研究台资企业的资本结构特征以及在中国大陆的融资行为,具有重大现实意义.由此,本文对大苏州地区的台资企业进行了问卷调查,获取了第一手的台资企业(研究样本)财务资料和融资信息,对台资企业的资本结构特征以及在中国大陆的融资行为进行了深入的研究.研究发现,台资企业的负债融资主要是依靠经营性负债和(或)短期性借款;向金融机构借款的比率并不高,且借款形式以短期借款为主;向大陆中资银行或金融机构的融资是台资企业重要的资金来源,尤其是在周转金安排上;造成台资企业在大陆借贷困难的主要原因是宏观经济政策、法令限制和企业自身财务的不佳.最后,基于研究结论,本文提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

经济增加值的概念传入我国已有10年的历史,但是,企业界和理论界并未充分认识到它作为综合财务管理体系用于企业内部管理的重要性,特别是用于国有企业的管理。本文着重从企业管理目标、激励机制、评价考核与决策指标单一化和适用于不同部门等四个方面,探讨经济增加值对改善国有企业内部经营管理的适用性以及实施这一体系所要解决的问题。  相似文献   

黎慈 《桂海论丛》2010,25(2):59-63
金融危机导致国际贸易萎缩,继而加剧国际市场竞争,也促使各国采取更为保守的贸易政策和措施,从而加剧国际贸易摩擦。最近发生的轮胎特保案就是由于美国奉行贸易保护政策的典型实例。美国的贸易限制对中国经济的影响非常大,不仅直接影响到中国众多企业的生存发展,而且会对中国整个经济发展带来冲击。如何应对美国对华实施的贸易保护政策已经成为一项非常复杂而又十分紧迫的任务,这其中,政府的引导和协调起着不可替代的主导作用。  相似文献   

李靖宇  宋洋 《中国发展》2007,7(3):88-97
在全国区域经济协调发展的战略格局中,东北综合经济区能够建设成为全国意义的主体功能区,并且在这一进程中要注重实现大连城市经济开发的引擎效应。为此,应当认定大连城市经济与东北区域经济协调发展的促进因素与综合优势,必须促进大连采取城市经济开发与东北区域经济协调发展的战略举措:开拓对外贸易新局面,带动东北腹地走向世界;努力经营旅游产业,构建东北亚国际旅游中心;拓展金融大市场,打造区域性的国际金融中心;促进非公有制经济不断进步,实现城市经济的跨越发展。只有这样,大连市才能在东北老工业基地振兴中发挥龙头作用,拉动东北地区重新确立在全国未来经济布局中的战略地位。  相似文献   

财政预算的本质,是社会公众与政府之间围绕预算资金使用和公共产品供给进行的委托代理交易。作为交易,财政预算存在交易成本,即财政预算的运行程序成本。制度经济学认为,交易成本过高会降低交易绩效。那么财政预算的交易成本过高也会降低预算绩效。为了控制财政预算交易成本,应当在预算法中构建一种有效的内部激励机制,保证预算执行主体的本位利益与社会公共利益挂钩,促进预算执行主体自觉地以社会公共利益最大化为目标运用财政资金,即绩效预算法律制度。  相似文献   

秦飞飞  贺翔 《中国发展》2012,12(6):34-40
该文以16家商业银行2007年-2011年财务数据为样本,首先构造TNI指数测量其国际化程度,随后利用DRF—DEA法、结合聚类分析测量并解释各行效率状况。结果表明:中国商业银行效率值虽在低位运行,却呈现逐年递增趋势,且国际化程度较高的六大行效率值低于国际化程度较低的商业银行。在此基础上,运用面板数据模型,考察银行跨国经营与其效率问关系,研究结果与国际化程度“三阶段”S型曲线理论相符。最后指出中国商业银行跨国经营需突破阈值,实现效率改进。  相似文献   

现实生活中形成了已经或可能对我国经济安全构成威胁的因素主要有 :耕地大量减少、资源浪费严重、环境污染、生态恶化 ,国民经济发展的基础面临严峻考验 ;金融领域的非安全因素日益增加 ;一些产业和一批企业的国际竞争能力严重削弱 ;外贸依存度和资本依存度相对较高 ,出口商品层次较低 ,出口市场过于集中 ;国有企业困难重重。与经济安全问题相联应该备受关注的是经济风险问题。从中长期看 ,我国主要存在潜在的金融风险、产业风险、技术风险、人口风险和决策风险。对我国经济安全与经济风险问题 ,应从国情出发 ,加强研究与监测 ;同时吸收国外的经验和教训 ,尽快制定出有中国特色的经济安全战略 ,建立、健全监测系统和风险防范机制  相似文献   

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