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Electronic documents often contain personal or confidential information, which can be used as valuable evidence in criminal investigations. In the digital investigation, special techniques are required for grouping and screening electronic documents, because it is challenging to analyze relationships between numerous documents in storage devices manually. To this end, although techniques such as keyword search, similarity search, topic modeling, metadata analysis, and document clustering are continually being studied, there are still limitations for revealing the relevance of documents. Specifically, metadata used in previous research are not always values present in the documents, and clustering methods with specific keywords may be incomplete because text‐based contents (including metadata) can be easily modified or deleted by users. In this work, we propose a novel method to efficiently group Microsoft Office Word 2007+ (MS Word) files by using revision identifier (RSID). Through a thorough understanding of the RSID, examiners can predict organizations to which a specific user belongs, and further, it is likely to discover unexpected interpersonal relationships. An experiment with a public dataset (GovDocs) provides that it is possible to categorize documents more effectively by combining our proposal with previously studied methods. Furthermore, we introduce a new document tracking method to understand the editing history and movement of a file, and then demonstrate its usefulness through an experiment with documents from a real case.  相似文献   

Many law courses include at least some elements of group work within compulsory or optional modules. The benefits of group work include at least four of the seven “Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education”.1 In addition, employers consistently ask for good team-working skills, evidence of which is often provided by reference to group projects at university. Previous research by the authors2 confirms other reports in the literature that many students find group work difficult, and particularly resent other students “freeloading” from their work.3 They also experience frustration at non-participation by other students and not being able to choose their team mates. This resentment can be exacerbated if all students receive the same mark for the finished project regardless of input. In this article, the authors reflect upon our experiences of setting and grading group work in our own courses and institutions. We will consider different assessment approaches, including peer assessment,4 lecturer assessment, student participation – enhancing student understanding of assessment criteria,5 a mixture of peer and lecturer assessment, assessment of group work as part of a portfolio,6 and non-assessed group work feeding into individual assessments.  相似文献   

The premise that progress in document examination will depend on employing techniques useful in the more formal branches of science is not exactly logical. The correlation between the work of the document examiner and the behavioral sciences has been discussed by presenting some random thoughts which have occurred to the author over a period of years. The suggestion is made, by illustration and implication, that the unfortunate connotation of the word "behavior" with the word "graphology" has tended to direct the attention of document examiners away from a study of the behavioral sciences, a branch of science from which much can be learned. The fact that the subjective concepts of probability formed by the mature document examiner will approach mathematical expectation has been noted.  相似文献   


Plagiarism is one of the most serious offences in the academic world. It has occurred as long as there have been teachers and students, but the recent growth of the Internet has made the problem much worse. Recent studies indicate that approximately 30% of all students may be plagiarising on every written assignment they complete. The “information technology revolution” is almost always presented as having cataclysmic consequences for education. In post‐secondary circles, perhaps the most commonly apprehended cataclysm is “Internet plagiarism”. Academics at all British universities and colleges can now test students’ work for cheating using the anti‐plagiarism program Turnitin. The program, run by the Joint Information Systems Committee and thought to be the first national system of its kind, offers free advice and a plagiarism detection service to all further education institutions in the UK. This article will try to: first, define exactly what plagiarism is; second, give examples and reports on samples of the new plagiarism detection software; and finally suggest strategies that lecturers can use before turning to the new software.  相似文献   

In the current study we hypothesized – and found – that coercive interviewing increased the incidences of false accusations made by eyewitnesses. Fifty-nine university students participated in a laboratory study in participant-confederate pairs and were later interviewed about whether the confederate stole a research assistant’s cell phone. Participants interviewed using a Coercive Interview were significantly more likely to falsely accuse the confederate of stealing a cell phone than were participants interviewed using a non-coercive, Control Interview. Our findings raise questions regarding why participants gave false accusations and whether coercive methods could result in more accurate testimony from reluctant witnesses. We suggest the need for potential safeguards, such as the electronic recording of interviews of non-suspect witnesses to prevent or document the use of coercive methods.  相似文献   

SCALE-UP is an acronym for Student-Centred Active Learning Environment with Upside-down Pedagogies. The term upside-down pedagogies refers to a flipped or inverted classroom approach that is characterised by flipping teaching and learning responsibilities; instead of students first hearing a lecture and then doing homework, students can watch a lecture or otherwise prepare for class at home and then practise what they have learned in class. This paper discusses active learning strategies and how legal education can utilise such approaches, explores how studio classroom design can facilitate such strategies, describes the configuration of a Scale-Up classroom, provides exercises that can be incorporated into such a learning space, and elaborates on the advantages and disadvantages of the use of the pedagogy in a redesigned learning space. It concludes that requiring students to complete some practical exercises in class, participate in discussions with peers, or work on assignments where the lecturer has some input, may engage students in the learning process, encourage them to attend class and to accept more responsibility for their learning.  相似文献   


Arts administration as an academic discipline is relatively new, and there are substantial differences from program to program. For these reasons, the executive editors of The Journal of Arts Management and Law thought it would be valuable to provide an overview of the kinds of subject areas being explored by students enrolled in graduate programs around the country. We mailed two separate requests for theses being completed or in progress in 1987–1988; we hope to update the list every two years. Of the twenty-eight programs that we contacted, eighteen replied. Some programs do not require a thesis; others incorporate internship experiences into a final document. We did ask for recommendations of related theses in other departments on each campus, but such information was rarely forthcoming. We hope that this addition to the journal will give our readers, our colleagues, and future students and practitioners a better sense of a major educational element of the field.  相似文献   

Identification of individual by signature examination could be improved by the lateral palm print examination. By the use of new technique discussed by the author in this paper, the forensic expert can find out very useful information about the writer of writings even without going into the depth of questioned document/signature examination and without the formal or informal handwriting exemplars. The document expert with little more knowledge of the palm print can identify whether the signature is done by hand/leg/anything else, whether the author is right handed or left handed, the approximate age of the author, whether the signature is genuine or forged. Such information of author would be very much useful in elimination of the list of suspects of anonymous letters. In order to fix the authorship, standard and disputed lateral palm prints can be examined either with photographic superimposition technique or with the statistical study of the outline of the lateral palm print or with the standard method as implied in fingerprint examination. The evidential value of such lateral palm print can be placed at par with the finger prints in the court of law and could be placed right on the top of all other scientific evidences.  相似文献   

战国六国文字,即“古文”。楚简中的“佱”、“灋”、“廌”三个字,就是古文“法”字。运用郭店简、上博简、包山简以及金文中的材料,对照传世文献,分别对三个古文“法”字进行考释,从而提出了一个值得大家思考的课题:探求“法”字的来龙去脉,关乎“法”的渊源及其演变历程,关乎我国早期“法”概念形成脉络的把握。  相似文献   

叶氢 《政法学刊》2014,(6):107-112
专业人才培养方案是高等学校实施人才培养工作的纲领性文件,是开展教学工作的基本依据。本科公安涉外警务专业方向人才培养方案的制定,必须在科学教育理念指引下,贯彻改革创新,整体优化的原则,重点在专业人才培养目标和规格的定位、培养模式、课程体系和教学内容的创新、加强实践性教学和学生自主学习等方面有所突破。  相似文献   

The concept of critical mass has been invoked by social scientists and the Supreme Court in affirmative action decisions as a solution to problems related to underrepresentation of minority students in institutions of higher education. Little distinction is made by scholars between the Court's use of critical mass as a metaphor and its application in research as a mathematical concept. I use Agent‐Based Modeling—a simulation technique in which systems are modeled through repetitive interaction of autonomous decision‐making “agents” to observe the complex dynamics that emerge from interaction—to investigate the Supreme Court's conception of the relationship between student‐body composition and student isolation and stereotyping. Findings demonstrate that the relationship between student body representation and the educational outcomes of interest as detailed by the Court, specifically minority students' feeling of isolation and majority students' retention of negative stereotypes, does not exhibit a specific threshold or tipping point as we would expect from a system that has a critical mass at which sudden and sustainable change in the state of the system occurs. Simulations of student interactions show there is not one definable threshold or critical mass of minority students that achieves educational goals of reducing either the isolation felt by minority students or the negative stereotypes held by majority students about their minority peers. Instead, greater minority representation is consistently associated with better outcomes for students in all contexts.  相似文献   

推行大学生"村官"计划是社会主义新农村建设的一项新举措。南京市浦口区涌现出的大量大学生"村官"典型事例,为推行大学生"村官"计划积累了丰富经验。然而,通过调查分析后发现,浦口区大学生"村官"计划在推进工作中却面临着思想扎根难、工作深入难、能力提高难、推动发展难等诸多难题,针对这些难题,本文提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

MS Office documents could be illegally copied by offenders, and forensic investigators still face great difficulty in investigating and tracking the source of these illegal copies. This paper mainly proposes a forensic method based on the unique value of the revision identifier (RI) to determine the source of suspicious electronic documents. This method applies to electronic documents which use Office Open XML (OOXML) format, such as MS Office 2007, Mac Office 2008 and MS Office 2010. According to the uniqueness of the RI extracted from documents, forensic investigators can determine whether the suspicious document and another document are from the same source. Experiments demonstrate that, for a copy of an electronic document, even if all the original characters are deleted or formatted by attackers, forensic examiners can determine that the copy and the original document are from the same source through detecting the RI values. Additionally, the same holds true if attackers just copy some characters from the original document to a newly created document. As long as there is one character left whose original format has not been cleared, forensic examiners can determine that the two documents are from the same source using the same method. This paper also presents methods for OOXML format files to detect the time information and creator information, which can be used to determine who the real copyright holder is when a copyright dispute occurs.  相似文献   

Recent studies of confidence-accuracy correlations in eyewitness-identification experiments have produced highly variable results (Deffenbacher, 1980; Wells & Murray, 1984) with some correlations near 0 (Malpass & Devine, 1981) and others as high as 0.5 (Brigham et al., 1982). Much of this variability may be accounted for by differences, in the design of the research. Specifically, lineup experiments in which the to-be-identified person (target) is always present tend to produce higher confidence-accuracy correlations than studies also providing blank or target-absent lineups replacing the target with a lookalike. A reanalysis of previously collected data (Lindsay & Wells, 1980; Wallbridge & Lindsay, 1982) revealed that lineup foils (nontargets) were identified with significantly less confidence than targets or lookalikes but that targets and lookalikes were identified with equal confidence. Two experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that confidence of identification is a function of the similarity of the identified person to the original target. The first experiment using nonstudent subjects (n=53) and multiple targets (n=14) to increase generalizability, demonstrated that the person in the lineup who most closely resembled the target was identified with the highest mean level of confidence. The second experiment examined confidence in identification following a crime staged for 260 introductory psychology students. The results indicated that the similarity of foils to the target (established by independent ratings) was predictive of both the frequency and confidence of identification of faces.  相似文献   

陈灵海 《法学研究》2013,(1):192-208
在所有法学学科中,刑法学是体系化程度相对较高发展、也较为成熟的学科。刑法学研究学术队伍素来庞大并在继续发展壮大之中,刑法学研究成果迭出。作为显学的刑法学,在上个世纪末市场经济兴起导致民商经济法兴盛而经历了短暂式微之后,在21世纪  相似文献   

Despite the rising crime rates on U.S. university campuses, few empirical studies—either quantitative or qualitative—have examined the rate of fearfulness among college students. The present analysis supplements previous efforts by exploring racial effects on college students' feelings of fearfulness and determines the influence of individual characteristics on white and nonwhite students' fear of crime. Using cross-sectional data from a large public university in the United States, results show that nonwhite students have greater levels of fear of crime on campus than their white counterparts. Moreover, gender and perceived police effectiveness also influenced students' levels of fear of crime. The effects were true for both white and nonwhite students.  相似文献   

Much extant research suggests that students who enter law school highly enthusiastic about public interest law and pro bono work often take mainstream jobs with minimal participation in pro bono activities. Frequently, these studies place some of the blame on law schools. This study, however, suggests that law schools, as well as mentors in first post-graduation jobs, might positively affect attorneys' level of commitment to pro bono work. This longitudinal study is unique in that it includes measures of students' attitudes during law school and in mid-career. It raises the possibility that attorneys whose level of commitment to pro bono work did not decrease since law school were substantially influenced by their law school training and early career mentors. Although some students will leave law school with less dedication to public interest law and pro bono work, this study offers hope that, through legal education and mentorship, other students will maintain their strong commitment to helping poor clients.  相似文献   

李士林 《北方法学》2017,11(3):65-74
电视节目之间的抄袭已成为一种社会现象,需要法律在其保护方式上予以回应。如果将电视节目模板视为作品,由模板到节目既不是著作权法上的复制,又不符合演绎忠于原作的义理,所以保护模板并非保护电视节目的有效方式。如果将电视节目视为试听作品,由于节目使用不同主题人物和主持人即可呈现不同的试听效果,所以依据著作权侵权三步法和第三方测试都很难阻碍电视节目之间的抄袭和题材雷同。即使寻求反不正当竞争保护,其为电视节目提供的庇护也非常有限。新鲜性和即时性是电视节目的灵魂,除雷同和剽窃者外,应允许电视节目之间相互学习和模仿。  相似文献   

The notion that community support is critical for program success is a consistent theme in the literature on community-based corrections. Unfortunately, many citizens know very little about alternative sanctions, are misinformed about them, and do not view them favorably. At issue is whether information about alternative sanctions affects individuals' attitudes regarding them. To address this question, students in an upper division criminal justice course were surveyed before and after a presentation on electronic monitoring. Following the presentation, students were more likely to agree that electronic monitoring is punitive and that it meets several goals of the justice system. Implications for policy makers and educators are provided.  相似文献   

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