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This paper presents a quarterly macro econometric model of Kazakhstan. The main goal is to provide a stylized representation of the Kazakh economy in order to simulate the consequences of several economic policies viewed by the authorities as essential during the period of transition to a market economy. The policy simulation potential of the model is illustrated by five types of simulations: interest rate shocks, foreign direct investment shocks, world oil price shocks, foreign demand shocks and nominal wages shocks. These sets of simulations show the importance of foreign direct investments in terms of theirs global positive effect, as well as the demand effect of an increase in the wages. We also find that effect of the tight monetary policy is not unambiguous; we argue that in some cases it is not the most efficient policy instrument to sustain the economy.  相似文献   

Dynamic Programming is used to derive the optimal feedback solution to the minimization of a quadratic welfare loss-functional subject to a linear econometric model, when the value of some instrument variables can not be optimized in every model period, but only in single ones. In this way, the relative inertia of fiscal policy-making, as compared to monetary policy-making, can e.g. be taken into account. Analytical expressions are derived for the optimal feedback rules and for the minimum expected losses, and iterative schemes are proposed for their numerical computation. It is suggested that a numerical analysis of the economic gain to be realized by making more frequent adjustment of fiscal policy variables than is actually undertaken could yield valuable information for policy-makers.  相似文献   

With the increasing availability of statistics describing the occupational structures of different industries manpower forecasters are beginning to develop more sophisticated models. The economic rationale of such models has tended to be obscured by the mathematics involved and an understandable eagerness to put the data to use in forecasting. In addition, the systematic testing of the explanatory power of these models has been neglected where it has not been hampered by the shortage of data series. The RAS model has featured prominently in manpower discussions and this paper attempts an evaluation of its predictive ability and economic interpretation subject to the limits imposed by the data available for the British engineering industry. It is argued that such a model plays a useful initial role in the development of models for sectoral manpower forecasting but must lead on to a more sensitive treatment of the labour market and the decision problem of investing in human capital.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare the speed of diffusion in major steel-making countries. This is a cross-system analysis, involving industrial market countries (Western Europe, the United States, Canada, and Japan), quasi-market economies (selected newly industrializing countries, India), and the central planning states (the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe). The study reveals that at least in this, significant case, the latter countries are clearly inferior, i.e. slower. The article seeks the most accurate measure of speed of diffusion of one radical steel innovation, the oxygen process. The speed is estimated by regressing a logistic function not applied to the steel industry to date. Parameters of a logistic function are estimated first with linear least squares methods and then with nonlinear (or iterative) least squares, to establish which offers more accurate estimation than the widely used linear approach. It is shown that the iterative method produces a better statistical fit.  相似文献   

The paper provides a systematic analysis of the properties of large econometric macro models built for the Centrally Planned economies of the '70s and '80s. A specific typology of macro models is introduced, distinguishing between the demand and quasi-demand determined systems on the one hand and the supply and quasi-supply determined systems on the other, and also between complete and incomplete models specifying only one side of economic activities (i.e. generating either demand or supply). It is shown that, under the command type economy, the incomplete, fully supply determined systems prevailed, generating production and showing its allocation. The economic reforms of the '80s, which aimed at a slow transition towards market economies, brought about a tendency towards constructing complete quasi-supply determined systems (especially for Poland and the CSRS). Since, in principle, they were built for shortage economies, the model builders had to allow for unobservables (final and intermediate demand, capacity utilization) and, on the other hand, for an increasing role of the financial phenomena (including prices) and financial policy instruments. A summary of the applications of macro models in forecasting and policy simulations is provided and new tendencies associated with regaining economic equilibria and approaching the market mechanisms emerging in the period of transition are shown.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the forecasting performance of ex-post an ex-ante volatility forecasts against realized return volatility of various time horizon. The competing volatility forecasts are implied volatility, RiskMetrics and GJR-GARCH; the empirical results uncover that implied volatility dominates the other volatility forecast in the prediction of future realized return volatility. The in-sample forecast suggests that ex-ante volatility best explains the future market volatility. The non-overlapping sampling procedure gives the more robust estimate of volatility forecasts, the results reveals that implied volatility forecasts of all horizon appears positive unbiased forecaster of realized volatility. Moreover, the instrumental variable estimation in the presence of error-in-variable clears that implied volatility is free from measurement error; OLS estimates remains more consistent than the 2SLS estimates. The information content of implied volatility encourages the exchanges to construct the implied volatility indices and volatility products on underlying volatility index.  相似文献   

The financial crisis and subsequent sovereign debt crisis together had a profound impact on the current economic environment. This study reexamines the established stylized facts and previous evidence regarding the predictive association between financial variables and real economic activity considering changed economic circumstances. This paper focuses on the predictive ability of the term spread, short-term interest rate and stock returns for real GDP growth in the G-7 countries. We compare the predictive content of nominal financial variables with that of real financial variables and consider the proper number of financial predictors and time variations of forecasting performance. The forecasting results unambiguously indicate that financial variables have regained their predictive power since the financial crisis. Moreover, this study shows that real financial variables are superior to nominal variables and that using several financial indicators for forecasting GDP growth is preferable.  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - “Coasean” institutions are an alternative institutional form that provides a solution to some market and coordination failures. As such they can...  相似文献   

This article makes use of a very simple choice-theoretic model and econometric analysis to evaluate the control of motoring accidents in Norway. The model attempts to take account of the impact of driving levels, traffic density, and road quality as well as alcohol consumption, the probability of convictions, and sanctions on the generation of accidents. Five alternative logit formulations, estimated within a simultaneous systems framework, provide insights on the impact of law enforcement on the levels of fatal and serious accidents. Results of this pooled cross-section-time-series analysis compare favorably with earlier time-series estimates of the strength of control effects.  相似文献   

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