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The enterprise manager anticipates that he will be rationed in his input markets and is required to meet an output target. In order to avoid a penalty for missing the output target, he can purchase the inputs at an earlier time, when rationing is not in effect, but then he must incur an inventory cost. The inputs themselves are defective with a known mean rate but unknown variability; the manager has a prior density over this parameter. He can solve the relevant expected-cost minimisation problem in three ways: (a) by simultaneously determining the optimal amounts to be ordered on the two dates, (b) by dynamic programming, and (c) by dynamic programming combined with Bayesian learning. The paper investigates the properties of the optimal solution under the three scenarios with respect to variations in the defective rate, the level of uncertainty and the relative costs of inventories and of missing the target.  相似文献   

For some years a discussion has been in progress among economists in the Soviet Union on methods of securing the active and positive participation of individual enterprises in a centrally planned economy. The main theme of discussion has been the problem: how to arrange the system of plan indices, prices, enterprise bonuses, etc. to encourage enterprise interest in higher plan assignments, introduction of new technology, and improvement of quality of output. On the following pages some excerpts from this debate are reproduced. However, since the problems discussed are now engaging also the Soviet political authorities, let us first quote a few sections from one of the many official statements made in this connection. The one we have chosen is from the report given by the Soviet Prime Minister N. S. Khrushchev at the CPSU Central Committee Plenary Meeting of November 19, 1962 (Pravda, November 20).  相似文献   

This paper compares the results of two multisectoral models used to plan the dynamic consistency of sectoral investment. Solution of an optimizing model forecasts a frontier of the economy's future choice set. This frontier represents a ten year welfare gain only 2 or 3 percent greater than any investment program simulated by a dynamic Leontief system. The paper explains what efficient behavior accounts for the “better” performance of the optimizing model. Developing dynamic programming models is costly in terms of data, computational complexity, man-machine interaction, and solution interpretation. Therefore, it is recommended that the lessons derived by working with the dynamic LP be applied to improve the planner's control of the less expensive input/output simulation model.  相似文献   

张舫  李先映 《河北法学》2007,25(5):96-99
商法中的经理权主要存在两方面的功能,一是明确了经理人对企业的管理权,强化了企业的管理能力和竞争能力的功能,二是安全功能.我国<公司法>中规定的经理职权并不是商法意义上的经理权,在我国公司法中真正与经理权制度相似的制度,是法定代表人制度,但它不是一种典型的商事法律制度.与商法中的经理人(强调其对内的管理权和对外的缔约权,其追求的目标是满足商事企业在经营过程中的效率与安全)也不相适应.因此,设计一个全面清晰的商事经理权制度对于解决我国当前面临的企业改制的难题以及对我国现代企业制度的完善具有非常重要的意义.  相似文献   

刘杰 《行政与法》2006,(12):104-106
非法经营同类营业,是公司、企业有关人员违反竟业禁止义务而实施的非法竟业行为。我国刑法将其主体的存在空间限定为“国有公司、企业”的董事、经理,这种限定突出了保护国有公司、企业利益的目的,但与公司法等有关法律的规定不相衔接,不利于公有制为主体、多种所有制经济的共同发展和非国有经济的刑法保护,有必要予以完善。  相似文献   

评俄罗斯刑事陪审团制度的重建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
章礼明 《河北法学》2004,22(8):115-118
苏联解体后,俄罗斯以刑事陪审团制度的推行为司法改革的突破口。改革者试图以此促进公平审判和民主政治。该制度实施以来,喜忧参半。从其未来走向来分析,陪审团审判对公平审判目标的实现将是一个长期而复杂的过程;其对民主政体的贡献亦很有限。  相似文献   

The ability to predict the timing and magnitude of future climate and temperature changes at a regional level has become increasingly important for corporate decision making and enterprise risk management. In the short term, companies could face decisions about acquisitions of water-dependent companies and natural resources or might be planning facilities or operations in communities vulnerable to erosion and flooding, changes in water supplies, and increasing health-care costs. In the intermediate term, companies need to assess these vulnerabilities to determine appropriate insurance coverage, plan for new infrastructure, implement preventative health-care programs, or protect natural resources. A technical approach needs to involve predictive tools that can provide bounding estimates at regional scales. The implications of those changes need to be translated to consequences that can affect specific businesses. Corporations must be cognizant of the uncertainties in this forecasting process and for that reason it is essential to link the likelihood of outcomes with the magnitudes of consequences. This article outlines an approach that is gaining traction as a way to address this complex matter.  相似文献   

The current period has seen a sharp increase in the importance of research on questions pertaining to the strengthening of labor discipline, the sociopolitical and worktime activity of Soviet people, and their social responsibility to society. This is related above all to the primary direction of development of the economy — improving the efficiency of social production — to the broad range of rights and freedoms, and to consistently assuring a marked rise in the level of the people's material and cultural life. "It is necessary," L. I. Brezhnev has stated, "that every Soviet person be clearly aware that, in the final analysis, the principal guarantee of his rights is the might and the welfare of his country. And toward this end, every citizen has to feel his responsibility to society and conscientiously perform his duty to society and the people." (1)  相似文献   

Microeconomic efficiency in the Polish enterprise has been an important aspect of nearly all economic reforms in Poland. This paper develops a model of a hypothetical Polish enterprise during the NEM period. The enterprise is viewed as maximizing an objective function which is a linear combination of production added and profits within a short run planning period. The optimality conditions for factor usage are derived and compared with the efficient (profit maximizing) firm. It is found that an increase in the emphasis on production added in the evaluation of enterprise performance (in an attempt by central planners to increase output) may yield results contrary to the central planners' desires. Output will actually fall unless enterprises receive a higher level of subsidies. A brief discussion of the institutional characteristics unique to the Polish economic system is presented as well.  相似文献   

It is well documented that labor force participation rates fell precipitately as the economies of the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe made the transition from plan to market. However data allowing for direct comparison between the planned and transition periods of specific countries is rare. Here comparable data is used examining labor force participation in the Baltic States in 1990 (the late Soviet period), 1996, and 1999. While the data do indicate large drops in labor force participation, much of the decrease was concentrated among older individuals (those over 55) and women.  相似文献   

While research into justice reasoning has progressed extensively, the findings and implications have been mainly limited to Western cultures. This study investigated the relationship between immanent and ultimate justice reasoning about others’ misfortune and good fortune in Japanese participants. The effects of goal focus and religiosity, which previously have been found to foster justice reasoning, were also tested. Participants were randomly assigned to one condition of a 2 (goal focus: long term or short term) × 2 (target person’s moral value: respected or thief) × 2 (type of luck: misfortune or good fortune) design. For immanent justice reasoning, the results revealed that a “bad” person’s misfortune was attributed to their past misdeeds, while a “good” person’s good fortune was attributed to their past good deeds. Regarding ultimate justice reasoning, it was found that a good person’s misfortune was connected more to future compensation than their good fortune, whereas a bad person’s misfortune was not reasoned about using ultimate justice. There was no significant effect of religiosity or goal focus on justice reasoning, which is inconsistent with the findings of previous studies. The necessity of directly examining cultural differences is discussed in relation to extending and strengthening the theory of justice reasoning.  相似文献   

This case study is based upon extensive interviews with a Fortune 500 company's new-products manager for Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. It focuses upon the American manager's attempt to establish an agreement to transfer a revolutionary technology out of the Soviet Union. This effort takes place as the Soviet Union is dissolving, adding complexity and uncertainty to an already extraordinarily challenging task. While ultimately unsuccessful, the case provides insight into the importance of risk-taking and the learning that results from failed experiments.He has received numerous teaching awards and has published articles in several academic and professional journals.  相似文献   

Revenue sharing, i.e. workers' remuneration according to enterprise performance, has been advocated as a means against labour shortage (in socialist economies) and also as a solution to unemployment problems (in capitalist economies), with reference to the effects of revenue sharing upon workers' incentives and macro-economic conditions respectively. Compared to existing models of Soviet bonus schemes of 1965, 1986 and 1987 inclusion of these two features changes the conclusions concerning optimum factor inputs. The 1987 enterprise law may stimulate more effort as well as less employment  相似文献   

This paper reviews the criminal justice system in Russia from historical and contemporary perspectives. The realities of greater liberalization and the dissolution of the Central Soviet Government will have a significant impact of the future criminal justice program. Based on a criminal justice delegation including meetings with Soviet criminal justice participants, it is argued that the Soviet will likely lean toward incorporating a more continental crime reduction ideology instead of a Western-style Common Law that emphasizes legal process rather than crime reduction.  相似文献   

黎四奇 《法律科学》2010,28(2):134-139
如果我们承认良好的法律制度是市场推进及解决一个时代所面临的难题不可缺少的规则平台,那么为了确保法律自恰性与可消费性,这种由规则组合而成的制度就必须精雕细刻,并顺从"慢工出细活"的常识。虽然根深蒂固的重实践而屈法的传统有益于一解法律无为的燃眉之急,但这无疑也是对法治精神的疏离。创业板市场立法的滞后与不周就暴露出了我国法治建设欠缺整体与系统性规划问题的冰山一角。客观地从创业板市场的功能及其历史使命出发来进行法律的补缺与完善是立法者的职责所在。  相似文献   

This work aims to detect the emergence of science and technology fields and to characterise science and technology trajectories. It proposes a new data mining approach, called ‘DETECTS’, for the identification of those research and innovative activities whose intensity increases sharply compared to previous levels and to other developments. This approach also allows monitoring the extent to which field and topic-specific activities further accelerate, stabilise or abate, and the time it takes for such dynamics to unfold. By applying the ‘DETECTS’ methodology on data from scientific publications and patents, this work sheds light on: the structure, articulation and relevance of the most important scientific and technological developments occurred during the period 1990–2011; the extent to which new fields arise from the cross-fertilisation of different technologies; the way in which advancements in science relate to technological progress; and the areas where future developments are likely to occur in the short and medium term. Results further suggest, somewhat unexpectedly, that in some focal technology fields considered, the acceleration in the development of science seems to closely follow the acceleration in the development of technologies, and not vice versa.  相似文献   

组织进化视野下对企业刑事归责模式的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国传统企业刑事归责模式的典型特征在于:一方面,其包含了企业和企业成员两个主体的归责,另一方面,企业归责适用的是以特定企业内个人犯罪行为为处罚根据的同一视原则。虽然该模式与我国早期单一科层制企业形态相适应,但随着组织形态的进化,企业规模扩大,内部权力去中心化以及组织结构复杂化,企业犯罪出现了不同于我国早期企业形态下新的特征。为此,传统企业归责模式不仅难以公正地对企业及其成员进行归责,还会造成组织无责、惩罚效果不理想等一系列不利后果。在法人社会下忽略对企业组织犯罪的控制需求并不现实,法人刑事责任拟制论应当被否定。相反,有必要构建与企业成员归责路径相分离的、以企业自身过错为处罚依据的组织责任模式。应当依据功能对等原则对组织责任模式进行构建,维持刑法体系的逻辑严谨性,并遵守刑法的罪责原则。  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(1):100-112
The task of rebuilding the Soviet Black Sea Fleet1 topped the agenda almost from the first days of the nation's transition from civil war to peace. During that period, however, it was a task that entailed major difficulties. "Some ships were lost in battle," recalls Admiral N. G. Kuznetsov, "some were scuttled by our own sailors on orders from V. I. Lenin to keep them from falling into enemy hands, and others were sailed by White Guards to Bizerte, the French base in Africa."2 Soviet Black Sea ports were in ruins. In early 1921, ships could tie up at only twenty-nine of the sixty-two previous Odessa moorages. Two-thirds of the berthages in Nikolaev had been put out of commission.3  相似文献   

列宁和俄共(布)在无产阶级掌握政权以前提出,必须提倡先进的文化,即彻底的民主主义的文化和社会主义的文化,用这种文化教育无产阶级和人民群众,促进社会主义革命和社会主义建设事业的发展。十月革命胜利后,他们认识到先进文化是人类在旧社会创造的全部知识合乎规律的发展,苏维埃制度有利于先进文化的发展,并且采取有效措施如利用现成学校推进教育工作促进先进文化,发展社会教育促进先进文化等等。苏俄新经济政策时期,他们将发展先进文化的思想和实践提升到一个新的水平。  相似文献   

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