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Whether in legal practice or jurisprudence, court judgments or case briefs are one of the most important legal genres for the legal profession. This paper aims to examine contrastively the linguistic characteristics, moves and rhetoric of Chinese and American court judgments, with the aim of specifying the rhetorical preferences that are characteristic of “standard” judgments. Legal cultures are employed to account for the generic and rhetorical differences. This study also has an underlying pedagogical motivation in that the results would be of great value and interest to the Chinese students of Language for Legal Purposes (LLP) and the lawyers practicing foreign legal affairs.  相似文献   

Clinical legal education or CLE is known long enough in Indonesia by establishing Legal Aid Body named Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH), which aimed to train and prepare student to work in the real world especially in contributing and supporting marginal people (low-income people). This mission was in line with the rule of law principle, which has characteristic values of supremacy of law, equality before the law, and due process of law. Recently, CLE is linking practical experience and legal theories to provide students with comprehensive understanding of legal aid and its goals, in particular, the implementation of the rule of law in Indonesia.  相似文献   

Indonesia had been colonized by Dutch Government for more than 300 years. Posterior to Indonesia independent proclamation on August 17, 1945 there was a number of State's legal problems found and one of them is the control and tenure arrangement of private property that left by Dutch citizens in the country of Indonesia. Specific purpose of the paper is to criticize the existence of Act Number 3 PRP Year 1960 regarding the Tenure Arrangements Fixed Objects Dutch Citizens Private Property that has reflected a sense of unjust, uncertainty and inexpedience for the greatest number of Indonesian people. It is because the Act of 1960 defines inconsistency between Article 4, paragraph (2) with general explanations Article 1 Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 223 of 1961. It also set the terms of priorities to obtain fixed objects belonging to individual citizens Dutch not in accordance with the principle of equality before the law. Legal implications arising from control and tenure arrangements of objects and equipment owned by a Dutch individual are a problem that occurs in the received ground objects P3MB. To implement the control arrangements of objects and equipment owned by a Dutch individual that reflects a sense of fairness, certainty and benefit to society by applying the concept of 3 in 1 in the Land Acquisition: Acquisition of land objects P3MB for laws subject.  相似文献   

Legal scholar James Boyd White has challenged both lawyers and rhetoricians to imagine the law as an enterprise of language. In contending that members of the legal profession should see law as an activity of speech and imagination occurring in a social world, he has urged lawyers to view the legal profession as an interaction of authoritative texts and as a process of legal thought and argument instead of thinking of law as a technical system of regulations and applying its rules in a mechanical way. By asking members of the legal professional to consider law as rhetoric, White has encouraged them to recognize the socially constitutive nature of language, which runs contrary to a perspective of law as machine or, rather, the law as only a mechanistic system of rules and regulations. His ideas have inspired the "law and literature" movement, which has motivated other scholars to analyze the texts of judicial opinions, for example, according to White's theories. However, this essay takes White's concept of imagining the law and applies it public address and, specifically, to the 1965 "Crime and the Great Society" speech given by former Los Angeles Police Chief William Parker. Chief Parker's address reveals a vision for the City of Los Angeles in which Parker, himself, asks his audience of citizens and civic leaders to share for advancing a specific agenda for law enforcement's role in society.  相似文献   

This research is based on documentary research, with the purpose to gather information concerning the legal and regulatory environment, historical and legal background, as well as its current policy in Mexico, compared with other states, of the environmental damages in order to assess the Federal Law of Environmental Liability's suitability as a means of ensuring both, of obtaining the environmental damage repair, restitution or compensation; and the access to an adequate environment.  相似文献   

The legal reform of the late Qing Dynasty that took place more than one hundred years ago has usually been considered as the starting point of the transformation and modernization of Chinese legal culture. Following that, both the Republic of China's legal system, and the Chinese legal system drawing on Western experience since the opening-up, have been (to a large extent) developed by the purpose of pursuing modemity. Hence, the relationship between modernity and Chinese legal culture is the crucial point in understanding the development of Chinese legal system in modem times, and also a point in comprehending the ongoing legal system construction in a global perspective.  相似文献   

Since the reform and opening up, the legal profession in China has changed dramatically. In terms of both quantity and quality, the legal profession has stepped into a new phase. A tendency towards widespread litigation and more professionals." judges, lawyers and law students, can be clearly evidenced. Along with the development of the legal profession, other types of legal workers including business arbitrators, grassroots paralegal service workers (grassroots paralegals), and mediators have experienced great changes. To a certain extent, they have become more marginalized than before. The development of the legal profession is extremely unbalanced. Whether in terms of the number of lawyers or the income generated by lawyers, the inter-provincial gap in China is huge. The development of the legal profession also brings out the issue of judicial corruption. From the number of letters and visits related to lawsuits and the National People's Congress deputies 'votes on the reports of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the level of legal corruption can be noted. This" problem has become a crucial challenge to the reputation of the legal profession and the judicial creditability of the country. The same amount of attention should be paid to judicial corruption as to the quality of legal services.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) recognises that future development largely depends on its ability to advance the digital economy. Copyright 'fuels" the knowledge based sector and the digital economy, making it a fundamental component in any strategy to create sustainable economic growth. EU copyright legislation acknowledges the exclusive rights of authors to reproduce or authorise the reproduction of the work he or she has created, make available or communicate it to the pub#c, and distribute it. It also establishes one mandatory and 20 optional exceptions or limitations to those exclusive rights. The acknowledgement of the importance of the creative sectors in the digital economy has resulted in several EC initiatives, such as stakeholder platforms aiming at developing practical solutions for user access to copyright works based on current legal and other frameworks, and proposals for new EU legislation, including a draft directive on collective rights management, which focuses on governance of collective management organisations (CMO) and cross- border and multi-territorial licensing of musical works. It has also led to requests, including from within the European Commission (EC), that it be considered whether a review of the current EU system of limitations to the exclusive rights is still appropriate; does it address adequately challenges posed by the digital economy? The system of exceptions and limitations to the exclusive rights is a crucial element in the EU copyright framework. This paper argues that the fundamental principles of copyright, which grants excusive rights to copyright holders, combined with the possibilities of introducing exceptions and limitations to those exclusive rights in national legislation based on the internationally acknowledged principles of "the three-step'" test, are still valid tools and the most appropriate approach to the establishment of a legal framework for user access to copyright materials.  相似文献   

This article takes as a starting point, key claims from studies of the invention of the human category "white" during the late Seventeenth Century in Colonial North America: that "white" reflecting a unique group of humanity was an invention deployed to divide laborers; that white people were by law assigned greater material value and rendered more valuable; and that those who were seen as white were thought to be like the British and believed to be superior to those seen as nonwhite. Each of these claims will be briefly reviewed. Building upon the foundation of whiteness studies in law and history, this article explores what Ian F. Haney Lopez identifies as the "common knowledge" of race, the legal standard established within naturalization prerequisite cases in order to determine whether one was racially "white" by law. This article works to bridge the ideas revealed through studies of the invention of white people within Colonial North America and this legal standard that emerged in the 1920s. U.S. expansionism, immigration and naturalization law in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries provide critical areas of inquiry for the developing understanding of the "common knowledge" of race and the role of law in the construction of race.  相似文献   

Macao, a former Portuguese colony and now one of only two Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic of China, is undergoing unprecedented socio-economic growth and transformation. Using Macao as an empirical case, the paper examines the challenges of regional integration and globalization on legal theories, identifies how law interacts with other socio-cultural factors, and analyzes the self-reflection and self-adjustments of a legal culture in dynamic and diverse dimensions of time and space. The paper aims to find an innovative approach to discover the progressive pattern of inertia, evolution, survival, diffusion and interaction of a legal tradition in a global context.  相似文献   

The debates on euthanasia are quite common nowadays, but few refer to euthanasia in newborns. But the day-to-day medical activities pose a lot of questions about the medical treatments of premature or newborn infants (with severe malformations which were not detected during pregnancy). What is the criminal liability of the doctor in case of omission of treatment in newborns with severe birth defects? The work will focus on an analysis of crimes of abortion, the omission of medical treatment and murder and injuries. At last I will try to identify the main trends to find a solution to the different situations-such as injury of the fetus in utero, the omission of treatment of newborns with severe malformations and the omission of basic health care of infants with minor malformations.  相似文献   

Crimes relevant to sexual offence in the current Criminal Law of the PRC, such as the crime of rape, the crime of forcible molestation and humiliation of women, the crime of indecency with a child, establish a relatively close net for protecting female sexual rights. However, the protection of male sexual rights is surprisingly neglected or disregarded. In current China, sexual offences against males (including sexual offence against a male by male and sexual offence against a male by female) are getting worse. Unfortunately, male victims of sexual offences cannot seek for legal remedy due to the lack of legal provisions. In theory, the Criminal Law needs to bring in the protection of male sexual rights. This thesis will focus on the issue relevant to sexual offences against males on the crime of rape. The authors will present increasing evidence of sexual offences against males and explore the reasons. We will analyze the necessity of amending the provisions of the crime of rape based on theoretical and practical research, and learn from the advantages of legislations of different times and places in China and other countries. We will conclude with suggestions for amending the current Criminal Law about the crime of rape in order to fill up the gap in legal protection of male sexual rights in China.  相似文献   

I am distinctively honored to be asked to deliver this address. My admiration for many of the people in this room is overlfowing. Among the Chinese are those who are, literally, responsible for facilitating the long march of China to the rule of law.1 This is no easy task, given the insanity of the Anti-Rightist Movement and the Cultural Revolution that together destroyed any semblance of a rational legal system and as a by-product extirpated, again literally, legal knowledge from China; law schools were closed and books were burned. Over the last few years, I have also come to deeply admire the efforts of the Swiss forensic scientists to establish their various ifelds on sound conceptual and empirical foundations and who are struggling with the very topic of this address, the conceptual difficulties specialized evidence poses for the legal resolution of disputes. The European Network of Forensic Science Institutes' Guideline for Evaluative Reporting in Forensic Science is both a clear statement of these difficulties and offers very helpful recommendations that if implemented would ameliorate some of them.  相似文献   

"Sexual harassment" is a key-word used for determining the most different behaviours. In the past Polish legal system there were no terms of harassment, sexual harassment or mobbing, but nowadays those terms have legal definitions in Polish law. The sexual harassment at the work according to the Polish Labour Code is defined as not-accepted behaviour about sexual character or referring to the sex of an employee, of which infringing an employee's dignity or humiliating her or him is a purpose or an effect of it. The sexual harassment is a form of harassment. The sexual harassment can be classified not only as a violation of labour laws but also as a prohibited act within the meaning of criminal law or civil law delict. The Sexual harassment can be a single behavior or can also occur as a sequence of behavior. This must be the unacceptable behaviour by a particular victim (not by reference to a standard employee, and generally prevailing standards). The lack of consent must be expressed in some way on the outside by verbal opposition or demonstrated that opposition in other ways, such as pushing back the perpetrator. Behavior of the offender must be deliberate and intentional and the effect as that does not necessarily has to occur because it is enough to just act intentional. The sexual harassment can include physical, verbal or non-verbal elements. A sequence of behaviour (several activities) which accomplish characteristics of sexual harassment and in addition realize the condition of permanence and durability can also fulfill the characteristics of mobbing.  相似文献   

Chinese scholars have carried out studies on constitutional conventions from three perspectives. The first perspective is to study in general terrr~, that is, to touch upon this theme while studying the principles and basic theories of the Constitution. The second perspective is to study while researching comparative constitutions, especially the British Constitution. The third perspective is connected with studies on constitutional resources in China. Until now there is no monograph dedicated to this theme; it is mostly seen in academic papers, textbooks and works on basic theories. Traditional studies tend to be confined to e:,~emplifying constitutional conventions and approaching this theme from a mainly static perspective that emphasizes their form of expression of an unwritten Constitution and the complementary parts of a written Constitution. Relatively, studies on the manifestations, normative characteristics, origins and evolutionary rules, as well as those on the legal and social functions of constitutional conventions are weaker. This causes a lack of explanatory power with regard to all kinds of emerging constitutional conventions in the constitutional practice of different states. In recent years this picture has changed to some extent. Chinese scholars have begun to concentrate on the origins and evolutionary rules of constitutional conventions, trying to understand accurately its legal non'nativity and political modesty, in order to get the essence of constitutional conventions. Main areas of study in this respect will be discussed below.  相似文献   

The paper would analyze the law and economics of introducing flexibility in the system of exceptions and limitations on European Copyright Law. Such flexibility would exist in an open norm on the basis of which the courts can decide whether certain uses of copyrighted material are permissible or not, instead of explicitly defining this in the law. First, it would assess problem areas where the lack of flexibility creates legal disputes and potential barriers to innovation and commercialization. Second, it would analyze the economic rationale and economic effects of introducing flexibility. Exceptions and limitations in the current copyright system are meant to balance the protection granted to rights owners with the public interest's need to make certain unauthorized uses. However, this paper would identify a number of situations that do not fit well within the current set of exceptions and limitations and attribute this to a lack of flexibility. Several of these problem areas have given rise to court proceedings with varying outcomes. The interpretation given by courts to existing exceptions and limitations---such as the quotation right, the exception for transient and incidental copying, the private copying exception, and the incidental use exception--is usually too narrow to respond to new technological developments, new developments in the creation process, or new commercialization models. These types of uses generally do not fit the narrowly defined exceptions and limitations and therefore lack legal basis. The same is true for things not yet invented.  相似文献   

The increase number of street children that resulted in the disturbance of sense of justice, and humanity value in society as they have become ideal value stipulated in the preamble of 1945 UUD NKRI that state has obligation to protect its citizen, as it is also regulates in Part 4 UUD 1945 preamble. The increase number of street children indicates shifting function of state, which in the theory recognized function of state to provide protection toward all citizen including street children. The increase number of street children also indicates that state has ignored its duty to provide legal protection toward citizen yet also street children. Meanwhile, Law No. 23 year 2002 on children protection only regulates the general term of children protection and it still lacks of rules and concept of street children protection in the specific way as a basis to provide legal protection toward street children. The result of this research show that Law No. 23 year 2002 on children protection did not specifically accomodate the practice of legal protection on street children. This condition due to the process of Law on Children Protection drafting process are the issues of general term of children protection, education issue, economic issue, monetery crisis, poverty issue, political issue and street children issue. However until now, the issue relates to street children has increased qualitatively and quantitatively because Indonesia still regarding the issue of street children is an unfamous issue to discuss seriously and the fund to solve the problem of street children is incomparable to the economic oriented demand, meanwhile street children are children that have special needs that require attention and proper specific protection supported with specific regulation that regulates in Law No. 23 year 2002 in children protection as children with special needs.  相似文献   

Depositors and debtors are inherent in banking as an intermediationinstitution. The banking law has not given enough guarantee for banks to do their intermediation function, especially debtors need some protection in their transactions with banks from the pre-to post-transactions. The legal issue of this present research is a just legal protection of depositors and debtors in the banking law.  相似文献   

After the policy on the local autonomy is implemented, the legal protection of the sugar cane farmers has not yet been able to improve wellfare of farmers, due to some factors. First, the regulations have not taken sides to the welfare of the farmers and no synchronization exists, even there has been a disharmony in various regulations on the protection of the sugar cane farmers. Second, the farmers institutions have not been well organized, and this condition makes the bargaining position of the farmers weak when they face external powers, either the government or the capital owners. Third, land availability to plan sugar canes always decreases. The land possession of farmers is reduced among the macro-economic phenomenon. Ironically, at present 49.5% of farmers in Java and 18. 7 % farmers out of Java are not land owners. Therefore, philosophically, the legal protection of the sugar cane farmers in the future should still refer to the rechtides as stated in Pancasila (Five Basic Principles). Sociologically, such a protection should reflect the factual condition, and give benefits for farmer welfare and juridically, synchronization and harmonization of the regulations should be quickly made.  相似文献   

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