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高汉成 《法学研究》2015,(1):191-208
1907年大清刑律草案签注是研究《大清刑律》和"礼法之争"不可或缺的重要资料.本文利用诸多历史文献,对1908—1909年之间,中央部院、地方督抚的签注做了系统梳理,考证其文献来源、整理要点、上呈过程和表现形式,澄清以往研究中不清楚甚至错误的地方,辨析了签注的形成过程及其中的倾向性意见,分析了签注在《大清刑律》制定中影响和作用有限的原因.1907年大清刑律草案作为沈家本在法律领域贯彻"思想革命"的代表作,其得失是与政治领域的立宪运动同步的,由签注所引发的"礼法之争"的本质不是中西、新旧之争,而是法律领域"改良还是革命"的"主义"之争.1907年大清刑律草案既与中国自身的状况相脱节,也不符合法律自身的演进规律,是一次有着严重缺陷的立法实践.  相似文献   

Abstract: European judicial cooperation in criminal matters has its origins under Title VI as part of the Third Pillar (JHA) of the Treaty on European Union, signed on 7 February 1992 in Maastricht. Nevertheless, there have been important amendments to this Treaty and to the contents of the Justice and Home Affairs policy through the Treaty of Amsterdam and the Treaty of Nice (the latter in force since last February), such as, for example, the introduction of the European Prosecutors Cooperation Unit (‘Eurojust’). This brief study is concerned with these innovations as well as some legal instruments in the field of criminal judicial cooperation, in particular extradition, mutual recognition of judicial decisions, mutual assistance in criminal matters and the European arrest warrant which are considered as the most relevant.  相似文献   

沈家本与新刑律草案的伦理革命   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《大清新刑律》是中国近代第一部西化的刑法典 ,它的“新”不仅体现在采取了西方刑法的基本制度 ,贯穿了资产阶级刑法的基本原则等方面 ,而且更重要的是导致了法律背后的伦理的变化 ,是法律的精神革命。研究沈家本与这场伦理革命的关系不仅有助于我们进一步认识沈家本对中国法律近代化的贡献以及其历史局限性 ,而且也有助于我们对中国法律现代化的性质和使命的进一步认识。  相似文献   

In the last 5 years, a number of European countries have successfully introduced national databases holding the DNA profiles from suspected and convicted criminal offenders as well as from biological stain materials from unsolved crime cases. At present, DNA databases are fully or partially in operation in the UK, The Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland and Sweden. Furthermore, in the other European countries, specific legislation will be enacted soon, or the introduction of such databases is being discussed to initiate a legislative process. Numerous differences exist regarding the criteria for a criminal offender to be included in the database, the storage periods and the possibility to remove database records, the possibility to keep reference samples from the offenders as long as their respective records are being held, and the role of judges in the process of entering a database record or to perform a database search. Nevertheless, harmonization has been achieved regarding the DNA information stored in national databases, and a European standard set of genetic systems has been recommended which is included either in part or completely in the DNA profiles of offenders and crime stains for all European databases. This facilitates the exchange of information from database records to allow the investigation of crime cases across national borders.  相似文献   

于文沛 《北方法学》2015,(4):138-145
欧洲一体化是在经济一体化基础上渐次开展的政治一体化,外交防务一体化,而刑事一体化则是政治一体化框架下的一项重要内容。以时间为发展脉络,归纳、描述欧洲刑事一体化的提出、发展、创新及逐步完善,并借以评价欧盟刑事一体化为国际刑事合作和区域间刑事合作所提供的范例作用。  相似文献   

The free movement of persons within the EU has meant that children at risk of harm from family members may be living in a Member State of which they are not a national. The child may be made subject to legal measures under the national law of the host State for the protection of their welfare. This article explores the competence of the EU to protect children in these circumstances, and the scope of the Brussels IIa Regulation in governing jurisdiction over child protection proceedings. It discusses the difference between national child protection systems and the political controversy surrounding English law on adoption following care proceedings issued over a child who is a national of a different Member State. It suggests that further information sharing on national systems and cooperation between courts is necessary for the effectiveness of the law and to encourage understanding of legitimate variation in Member State national family law.  相似文献   

欧洲刑法是一个新的领域。即使在欧洲国家,虽然“欧洲刑法”一词的提出有几十年了,但比较全面的研究也是最近几年的事情。欧洲刑法是一个充满了活力和变化的领域,多年以来,不但在有关法律规范的制定和所办理的案件的数量上不断增加,而且在法律规则发展的性质上都在或多或少地进行着演变,而以近来欧洲共同刑法的研究和推动活动以及欧盟制宪所带来的变化更为引人瞩目。限于篇幅,本文仅拟对欧洲刑法的现状和欧盟刑法可能的发展前景做简略的述评,并尝试提出欧洲刑法对我国的几点启示。  相似文献   

对《刑法修正案(七)》(草案)三个条文的修改建议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在已公布的<刑法修正案(七>(草案)中,应取消现在的修正案(七)草案第二条第2款的内容,将第二条第2款在刑法第185条之一第2款的基础上进行修改.对(草案)第四条,继续沿用现在的方式以非法经营罪论处,用两高解释予以帮助.或者在<草案>第四条中增加列举传销形式.对第6条,将该条条文从刑法第253条之一变为第280条之一,列举式增加主体,增加单位犯罪和行为祥态,进一步明确保护对象,并明确本罪可以由过失构成.  相似文献   

Criminal law is beginning to outgrow the shoes which were fitted to it by European law. It is seeking to come of age, to play the role in European law previously reserved to commercial law, private law, employment law, and public law in the broadest sense. Economic knowledge and legal-political organisational interests have long grouped around 'European criminal law'; a still vaguely determined object. A desire also exists to make criminal law justiciable in Europe. Thus, the ranks of the contributions to European criminal law are swelling, European associations of lawyers are developing, legal practitioners are launching appeals3 and winning influence within European institutions. These institutions themselves are beginning to accept and to use criminal law as a political option. This article aims to (I) reflect upon the contents of this development, (II) to clarify their tendencies, and (III) to examine the contents of these premised tendencies, in order to (IV) furnish a critical evaluation.  相似文献   

2011年8月全国人大常委会将《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法修正案(草案)》及草案说明在中国人大网公布,向社会公开征集意见以来,引发了社会各界的热议。同时,全国人大法律委员会、全国人大常委会法制工作委员会还通过座谈、  相似文献   

Consideration of counter-hegemonic and transformative strategies should be informed by actual experience with the legal system and by careful attention to the particular features of different types of legal proceedings. Sedition procecutions, the main encounter organized progressive social movements had with the criminal law in early 19th century Upper Canada, are analysed to demonstrate these points. The patterns found in these proceedings provide clues about the dynamics, as well as the limits and potential, of legal struggles through the criminal law.  相似文献   

Professor Lahti concludes his article by pointing to the limits andweaknesses of a European criminal policy, especially measured by the criteriaof coherence and rationality. European criminal policy is incoherent, indeed,as it is not based on a sound concept of criminal law, but is rather the resultof an ad hoc evolution guided by the strive for effectiveness of Communitylaw.  相似文献   

English Alternative Business Structures (ABS) are likely to put the European legal framework on lawyer mobility and cross-border provision of legal services to its first serious test. Continental European bars are defending a reading of the applicable European Directives which would allow them to keep English ABS out of their markets. Whether the European Court of Justice (ECJ) will agree with this protectionist interpretation of the applicable European rules remains to be seen. This paper challenges the legal arguments in favour of protectionism and argues that it will be very difficult for Continental European bars to keep English ABS out of their markets.  相似文献   

This article will analyse two models of criminal law beyond the State, which are here termed ‘eunomic’ and ‘dialogic’. It will then focus on one case study, European criminal law, which was inherently ‘dialogic’ until the last decade of the past century but has now quite unique features. In accordance with classic liberal views, criminal law has always been conceptualised as one of the most salient attributes of the sovereign State. The monopoly on the use of violence was to be legitimised by the State's concern for the sphere of autonomy of the individual. It is submitted in this article that it is precisely this condition that is lacking in the current European model, which promotes security‐oriented paradigms of self‐fulfilment and effectiveness. However, criminal law, if properly conceived, could in theory function as a powerful vehicle of integration.  相似文献   

1907年修订法律馆上奏《大清刑律草案》后,中央各部院堂官、地方各省督抚、将军都统陆续上奏对《大清刑律草案》的签注意见,对《草案》所奉行的“折衷各国大同之良规,兼采近世最新之学说”的立法宗旨提出了质疑和批评。《草案》第27章关于堕胎之罪的规定、第30章关于略诱及和诱之罪的规定、第306、307条关于决斗罪的规定有“食洋不化”的倾向,表明《草案》的起草者没能做到“会通中西”;总则第11条、第49条关于刑事责任年龄的规定、分则第3章关于国交之罪的规定属于世界首创,对当时的中国社会确是“拔苗助长”。貌似先进的理性主义立法宗旨因为不能适应中国当时的国情和实际状况而出现了历史错位。  相似文献   

欧盟刑事法的最新发展及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王文华 《河北法学》2006,24(3):135-139
欧盟刑事法是一个崭新的领域,它的发展令人瞩目,它带来的问题非常值得研究,它给我们带来的启示也非同小可.我国当前面临着严峻的跨国、跨地区有组织犯罪的挑战,通过欧盟近年来刑事法领域的发展、立法增加的原因和依据、前景的探讨,从中吸取经验教训,其理论与实践意义,对欧盟和我国"两岸四地"的刑事法合作都是不言自明的.  相似文献   

1995年,英国十分成功地建立了国家罪犯DNA数据库,该库利用犯罪案件中检材样本的DNA-STR分型结果与从犯罪嫌疑人以及已被判决的罪犯处获得比对样本进行DNA比对识别,确定罪犯。多位点PCR分型技术系统的引进使用,允许同时分析十组独立的位点,该系统更有利于对样本迅速的分型,更有利于利用计算机建立了庞大的DNA数据库。  相似文献   

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