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Wang Dongjin, vice minister of Labor and Social Security, said that although progress has been made in overseas employment, China‘s overseas work force makes up less than 1 percent of the international labor market, This is surprisingly low in view of China‘s huge population, According to statistics, at the end of 2003, China‘s overseas work force amounted to 525,000 and created foreign exchange earnings of US $2 billion.  相似文献   

西方妇女戏剧从20世纪70年代开始进入一个具有历史意义的发展时期,并取得令人瞩目的成就。约十年后,以美国妇女戏剧为代表的西方妇女戏剧在中国得以引进。从介绍性报导、剧作翻译与演出到学术批评与交流,中国有关西方妇女戏剧的课题累积了一定的研究基础。本文着重梳理二十余年来的研究成果,提出可能进一步发展的方向,期待中西方妇女戏剧更好的交流和对话。  相似文献   

THE second season of the Chinese Character Dictation Contest (also known as Character Hero) inspired great enthusiasm for Chinese characters last summer.The competition, in which middle school students write Chinese characters from dictation, became an instant hit after its debut on China Central Television (CCTV) in August 2013, and soon became one of the most watched TV shows in China.  相似文献   

Alfred M. Wu 《当代中国》2013,22(81):379-393
Decentralized governance is often viewed as an effective way to improve public services and government accountability. Many also document the negative dimensions of fiscal decentralization, especially in transition economies; thus, the combination of decentralization and centralized control has gained currency in some countries in recent years. Based on first-hand data and other documentary sources, and using civil service remuneration as an example, this paper attempts to explore how decentralized governance works in China and what hinders decentralization from performing better. The findings show that Chinese centralized control over expenditure in public sector remuneration primarily serves to enhance ministry control. Local bureaucrats, meanwhile, exploit better remuneration to boost their personal interests. This paper argues that political commitment rather than central transfer is greatly needed for utilizing the benefits of decentralized governance.  相似文献   

随着新时期统战工作形势和任务的变化,需要进一步明确文化学院的发展方向和作用。作为"弘扬中华文化之窗口"和"学习历史文化的基地",文化学院大有可为,具有巨大发展潜力和空间。文化学院要发挥"平台"、"窗口"、"基地"的作用,采取多种形式开展活动。  相似文献   

LGBTQ youth are largely overrepresented in the child welfare system. The experiences of LGBTQ youth have largely been overlooked. LGBTQ youth often encounter a number of challenges and disparities as they navigate the child welfare system. Many report experiences of discrimination, marginalization, and an overall lack of acceptance. The permanency and placement options have historically been limited for many LGBTQ youth, often leading to an over reliance on congregate settings and aging out of foster are. The current article provides a synthesis of the existing research on the experiences and outcomes of LGBTQ youth in care, as well as an exploration of the policy and practice initiatives aimed at creating a more inclusive system of care.  相似文献   

Socially disadvantaged groups are currently a hot media topic. Many Chinese people have become wealthy as a result of rapid development that has thrown others into so-called socially disadvantaged groups. Since last year the new CPC leadership, headed by Hu Jintao, has sought to redress this imbalance. Perhaps most pitiful are the orphans left by AIDS victims. Their  相似文献   

This paper explores the uses of YouTube by Uyghur nationalist movement activists and studies various ideological codes used by different communities to promote their messages. It argues that several ideological codes are produced in order to challenge the dominant ideologies promoted by the Chinese government, which create a ground for Uyghur ‘imagined solidarity’ across physical borders. Analysis of the production of audio-visual messages by the dispersed ethnic group provides an important window into how ethnic identity is forged by means of Web 2.0.  相似文献   

Fudan University,originally Fudan Public School,was founded in 1905 in Shanghai.It has since become one of China's leading universities with an international reputation for academic excellence.In Chinese, Fudan means new morning. The university was named in honor of a line from the Confucian classic  相似文献   

Mixed results from studies on Chinese cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&;As) have been a puzzle for both academia and business professionals over the years. Do these M&;As create value when Chinese firms acquire foreign target firms suffering heavy losses and even on the verge of bankruptcy? This article explores the wealth effect of M&;As conducted by Chinese firms as well as the relevant factors from the asset-seeking perspective. The authors use 180 M&;A cases conducted by listed firms in China between 2002 and 2012 as samples and examine their wealth effects in a method of event study. The results show that these M&;A activities have produced significant positive wealth effects during the event window of [–10, 10]. The authors then study the key factors affecting wealth effects. The findings reveal that an acquiring firm’s strength via research and development (R&;D) and M&;A experience generates significant positive impacts on the wealth effect. The findings also reveal that an innovation orientation and development stage of host countries helps create positive wealth effects; vertical M&;As are particularly favored by the market since they can gain easier access to R&;D, marketing channels or mineral resources.  相似文献   

There is an implicit but commonly held assumption that Chinese businesses are distinctively Chinese. Casting them in unitary and national terms, this assumption has often provided the underpinnings for the conception of the strength of Chinese businesses as signs of an emerging China threat. Drawing on a global production networks (GPN) approach, this paper aims to question the assumption by arguing that many Chinese businesses, embedded in the expanding global and regional production networks, have taken on important transnational characteristics. Given these transnational connections, Chinese business networks in both ‘Greater China’ and China proper are characterized more by diversity and fragmentation than by cultural coherence and homogeneity. This analysis of the transnationalization and fragmentation of contemporary Chinese businesses helps better understand and respond to the complex challenge posed by the economic dynamism in China.  相似文献   

Is China a rational, peaceful, and defensive‐minded power or an irrational, bellicose, and expansionist state? Are Chinese soldiers more hawkish than Chinese statesmen? Many analysts remark on the growing influence in foreign affairs of the PLA in the post‐Deng era. There is no consensus, however, on what this increasing influence will mean in practice. This article analyzes the attitudes of civilian and military figures toward Beijing's 1950 intervention in Korea and concludes that soldiers are no more hawkish than statesmen and, in many instances, less so. The findings suggest that China's strategic culture does not embody a single tradition and that civil‐military relations exert considerable influence on decisions to initiate war. All this indicates that the growing influence of the military does not necessarily mean a more bellicose China.  相似文献   

龙与年号   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆云 《思想战线》2000,26(5):111-114
中国龙具有明显的政治性,这是其他国家的龙所没有的.中国龙文化的政治性表现在三方面一是认为龙与帝王特殊的关系,帝王被视为真龙天子;二是龙被视为帝王的象征,有种种禁忌;三是表现在年号上,不少帝王喜用带有"龙”字的年号,历史上共有带"龙”字的14个年号.  相似文献   

Tianjian Shi 《当代中国》1999,8(22):425-442
Many observers of Chinese politics suggest that there are certain relationships between economic development and village elections. Using empirical data gathered from a 1993 nationwide survey, this study examines whether economic development is associated in any way with successful elections in Chinese villages. The analysis reveals that the relationship between economic development and village elections appears to be a concave curve: economic wealth increases the likelihood that a village will hold semicompetitive elections for people to choose their leaders, but its impact diminishes as economic wealth increases. Rapid economic development may even delay the process of political development because incumbent leaders can use newly acquired economic resources to consolidate their power by: (1) making peasants more dependent on the village authority; (2) providing incumbent leaders with resources to co‐opt peasants; and (3) providing incumbent leaders with resources to bribe their superiors to ignore the decisions of the central government to introduce competitive elections into Chinese villages.  相似文献   

一剪之巧夺神功——浅谈山西民间剪纸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
每逢春节,家家户户都忙着贴春联,贴窗花。其中,剪纸窗花艺术构思巧妙,大胆夸张,经过精心装裱,妙趣横生,惹人喜爱,在国际文化交流中享有很高声誉,被人们视为珍品收藏。著名诗人郭沫若对剪纸艺术赞叹不已并热情赋诗赞道:“今见南方之剪纸,玲珑剔透得未有。一剪之巧夺神功,美在民间永不朽。”剪纸,又称剪花、窗花、刻纸,是中华民族源远流长的民间工艺。剪纸中的剪是指剪刀,纸是指纸张,两者合起来是剪纸,在没有剪刀和纸张以前,不会有真正的剪纸,但用其他薄片材料用于剪刻镂花,却在有纸之前。早在汉代司马迁《史记》中就有记载,“剪桐封弟”的故…  相似文献   

系统论视野下中国古代的礼与法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统法是礼与法的共同体,中国传统社会是礼与法共同运作的有机体。中国古代礼与法关系问题的讨论,以往的研究视角多采用历史分析法,从礼与法的起源、各自的作用、国家主义的立场等方面予以探讨,这对于明晰两者关系、理解中华法系的精髓和中国传统法文化的基本精神是颇有助益的。本文尝试着将卢曼的法律社会学的系统论导入礼法关系的分析架构中。中国古代社会本身是由礼与法构成的独特社会结构,本文并非指涉礼法关系的内部结构,而是从社会结构这一个外部的视角,以系统论的思路与方法探究两者的关系,以系统功能分化的理论探究中国古代礼与法运作过程中出现了三个方面的悖论,表明在中国古代礼法没有相对的系统分立,而是浑然一体的。  相似文献   

在多警种协同、复杂多变的反恐战斗中,任何细节的疏忽和丝毫的闪失都有可能导致警方陷入被动。深入剖析反恐临战中指挥、协同、技术、信息、谋略等方面存在的盲点,找出解决应对之策,对提高公安机关临战处置水平和战斗理念的更新显得十分重要和迫切。  相似文献   

日据时期台湾出现了新兴的医师阶层,很多医师参与文化活动,并有关于病理症状与医疗想象的书写.这些隐喻书写透露出在殖民现代化过程中,台湾医师对疾病医疗的态度,以及对医疗现代化、传统中医乃至公共卫生等问题的看法.  相似文献   

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