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作为英国司法组织中最具有特色的制度之一,英国的现代律师制度是在经历了19世纪司法改革后最终定型。但目前国内对于英国律师体制的介绍尚为概括笼统。本文详细介绍了当代存在于英国的两种类型律师——出庭律师以及事务律师的特点、渊源、从业现状及其相互关系。同时对英国律师培训制度及其律师体系划分的争论做出简要介绍,并提出了借鉴英国律师制度对中国律师队伍建设的意义。  相似文献   

丹宁勋爵和他的法学思想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
刘庸安 《中外法学》1999,(1):122-129
阿尔弗雷德·汤普森·丹宁(Alfred Thompson Denning)是第二次世界大战以后英国最著名的法官和享有世界声誉的法学家之一。他从1923年当律师,1982年在英国民事上诉法院院长(Master of Rolls)的任内退休。在近60年的法律生涯中,他积累了极为丰富的法律实践经验,积极、大胆地参与英国战后的法律改革,并作出了重大贡献,成为英国战后法律改革史上划时代的人物。  相似文献   

《英国的宗教与法律》作者:马克·希尔(英国)拉塞尔·桑德伯格(英国)诺曼·多伊(英国)译者:隋嘉滨定价:48元出版:2014年12月本书在全面介绍英国社会和历史背景的基础上,详述了英国宗教活动的法律框架,包括宗教自由原则,宗教组织的权利和义务,国际法、跨国协议和宗教法的影响,还介绍了宗教在劳工、资助、婚姻家庭等特殊领域中的法律地位。  相似文献   

英国由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士及北爱尔兰四部分组成。介绍英国法律制度时,一般而言都是指占人口与地理面积最多的英格兰和威尔士的法律制度。这里介绍的英国检察制度,也是指英格兰和威尔士的检察制度。  相似文献   

英国司法鉴定管理的改革走向与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是篇考察报告,介绍了英国司法鉴定管理改革的总体情况,着重介绍了英国司法鉴定统一管理的成功经验及行业协会(或学会)在改革中所起的积极作用。阐述了英国司法鉴定管理改革的"他山之石",给予我国的启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

张岚 《检察风云》2010,(1):57-59
世界博览会是各国政府间展示、交流社会、经济、文化和科技成果的盛会。对新技术、新概念的推广发挥了巨大作用。现在在严格意义上和举世公认的全世界第一场世界博览会是1851年英国博览会.也称万国工业博览会(Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations,后世以Great Exhibition为特指这一场博览会的专有名词)。1928年,  相似文献   

通过评述英国上诉法院作出的"Dallah Real Estate and Tourism Holding Company v.The Ministry of Religious Affairs,Government of Pakistan"判例,分析英国法院在承认与执行外国仲裁裁决时的自由裁量权行使之条件,并提出该判例可为《承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约》缔约国提供参考。  相似文献   

英国遗嘱继承制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言英国有时也称“英格兰”(England)、“不列颠”(Britain),正式官方名称为“大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国”(the United Kingdom of Great Britainand Northern Ireland),简称“联合王国”(United Kingdom)。英国位于欧洲西端,由不列颠群岛中的英格兰、苏格兰、北爱尔兰的东北部及周围众多的小岛所组成,总面积244102平方公里,人口约5600万。英国是一个比较发  相似文献   

2003年1月29日,英国枢密院对上诉人Associated Electric and Gas Insurance Services Ltd.(以下简称Aegis)与被上诉人European Reinsurance Company of Zurich(以下简称European Re)一案作出判  相似文献   

孙斌 《中外法学》1991,(4):68-70,80
<正> 星法院(Cowrt of Star Chamber)是英国中世纪后期设立的一种特殊的"特权法院".《简明不列颠百科全书》中说,"星法院在英国法中,指中世纪时代从作为补充普通法法院常规审判的御前会议发展而来,由若干法院和枢密院顾问组成的法院."1641年,它为英国"长期国会"通过的第一个法案所取消.从司法制度的角度来看,星法院被国会废除,这可以说揭开了近代英国资产阶级革命的序幕.所以,尽管星法院在英国法制史的存续时间并不长,但其作用不容忽视.  相似文献   

The limitations of the examination of indented writing impressions using electrostatic detection are often paper related. Paper types such as glossy paper, paper of high basis weight, and lithography or gravure-printed papers often give rise to problems resulting in a decrease in sensitivity or a lack of detection altogether. In this paper, a novel technique for the examination of indented writing is presented, which is in a sense complimentary to the technique of electrostatic detection as it is especially suitable for glossy-coated and printed paper types and can in some instances also deal with paper types of higher basis weight. Indented writing grooves will normally contain more particles than the surrounding nonindented areas due to damage of the surface layer resulting in a build-up of filler powder. The method presented uses black gelatine lifter slabs to lift the paper dust image off the surface of the paper. This image can quite easily be photographed using near-to-coaxial lighting. The gelatine lifting method outperforms oblique lighting for the detection of indented writing and is almost as sensitive as electrostatic detection if compared on the types of paper where both perform well. The main advantage of this new technique is, however, that it is especially suitable for those types of paper where electrostatic detection fails and is therefore a welcome addition to the range of methods available to a forensic document examiner for the examination of indented writing.  相似文献   

目的对京尼平与茚三酮两种手印显现方法进行综合评价。方法用两种方法显现不同遗留客体上不同遗留时间的手印,并对显现效果、显出手印的稳定性及纸张字迹油墨扩散等现象进行考察。结果京尼平与茚三酮有着相似的的显现原理、适用范围和熏显条件,但在显现效果、显出手印稳定性、试剂成本和安全性能方面存在差异。结论京尼平相比茚三酮方法更安全、绿色环保、显出的手印稳定性更强。  相似文献   

课程结构的社会学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本从社会学角度分析了课程结构所蕴含的社会学特征。课程结构主要分为宏观、中观和微观三个层面:宏观层面主要考察权力在国家课程、地方课程以及学校课程配置中的作用;中观层面主要探讨不同学科之间地位呈“阶层化”的实质;微观层面通过对学科内部知识结构的分析,揭示其蕴含的价值取向。  相似文献   

物证检验中,建立简便、快捷、样品前处理步骤少的质谱分析方法一直是一大挑战。纸喷雾电离技术具有快速灵敏、经济高效、操作简便的特点,可有效解决物证检验中的难题。本文综述了纸喷雾电离质谱在物证检验领域相关应用的最新进展,主要包括毒物毒品分析、药物滥用、农残检测、食品及日用品安全、文书检验及爆炸物检测,并辅以展望。  相似文献   

目的初步探讨利用DNS比色法研究纸张相对制成时间。方法利用DNS比色法测量不同制成时间的纸张中还原糖的变化。结果通过比较不同制成时间的纸张中还原糖量的变化规律,推断纸张的相对制成时间。结论用该方法可以对同类纸张,不同制成时间的纸张进行区分,为纸张相对制成时间的检验提供新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

Latent fingerprint deposits on thermal paper sourced from the U.S., China, the U.K., and Australia have been visualized by heating. U.S. and Chinese sourced paper produced two distinct types of fingerprint development. In one type (type 1), the paper dye colors where the deposit is present (as previously reported) and in the other type (type 2) the ‘inverse’ of this gives paper coloring only in areas not coincident with the deposit. Both development types gave identifiable fingerprints, the majority fading within 24 h of heating. Fingerprint development from U.K. and Australian sourced paper was exclusively type 1 and resistant to fading. Temperatures for fingerprint visualization were higher for U.S. paper (64–71°C) and Chinese paper (75–95°C) than for U.K. and Australian sourced paper (43–50°C). Particularly for Chinese sourced paper, these temperatures were within a few degrees of the normal paper color temperature. A mechanism for type 2 fingerprint development is proposed.  相似文献   

Previously unreported line patterns visible under ultraviolet light were observed on a proportion of plain white A4 printer/copier paper from different manufacturers. These Ultraviolet Line Patterns (UVLPs) usually appear as stripes down the vertical length of the paper. Typically, the UVLPs were found to “repeat” through the ream in a predictable way, while also changing. It is postulated that the repeating nature of the UVLPs is a result of the way that paper is manufactured. This leads to the ability to sequence the sheets compared to their original source paper. Even in the absence of UVLPs, it is possible to use our observation of the manufacturing process to anticipate the order of several sheets of paper and conclusively associate them, in some cases, by physically fitting their machine cut edges and crossing paper fibers. Such a novel approach to examining questioned documents would be highly useful in forensic casework.  相似文献   

由于《海诉法》仅规定了设立基金程序,未规定责任限制诉讼程序,导致实践中出现了许多问题。分析了司法实践中令人困惑的10个问题,以设置责任限制程序规则的立法宗旨为衡量标准,对现行责任限制程序规则进行了评价;针对司法实践中出现的亟须解决的问题,提出了弥补现行设立基金程序缺陷的处理意见及完善责任限制程序的建议。  相似文献   

Evaluation of paper brightness in multipage documents is a practice of forensic document examiners when there is a question of a page insertion or substitution. This article demonstrates that occasional errors occur in the manufacturing process that affects the consistency of paper brightness. The inconsistency of paper brightness may therefore influence conclusions reached in authenticating documents. Reams of multipurpose paper, from 21 manufacturers, were examined. When assessing the individual pages of each package with an ultraviolet light, approximately 30% of the reams revealed differences in paper brightness. A study of the paper-manufacturing process was conducted to determine where variations originate. It is concluded that brightness differences occur when one incompatible roll of paper is mistakenly placed with others used for one production run. It was also determined that brightness variations (when present) are patterned throughout individual reams. When the authenticity of a document is in question, consideration of these findings is essential to assure an accurate assessment.  相似文献   

目的研究纸张在水及常见溶液中被浸泡老化条件下所发生的变化及规律。方法对纸张分别用纯水、茶水、5%氢氧化钠溶液和5%硫酸溶液进行溶液浸泡老化实验。结果纸张被不同溶液浸泡老化后,和无浸泡条件纸张相比,在表观特征、荧光强度和反射光谱特征等方面均有不同程度的变化。结论此实验结果可为检验可疑文件是否被溶液浸泡老化提供依据。  相似文献   

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