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FERNANDO GARCIA 《人权》2006,5(6):32-33
EDITOR'S NOTE: From August 11 through 21, 2005, Fernando Garcia, a reporter of Spain's ABC newspaper, undertook a reporting tour of Tibet at the invitation of China. After he returned home, Interviu, a Spanish magazine, carried his story titled Viejo Tibet, Nuevos Tibetanos. Following is his story translated from its Chinese version.  相似文献   

CHINA, its customs and traditions changed little throughout the millennia leading to the early 20th century. Then, after the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, revolutionary changes occurred in all areas of Chinese life, particularly in courtship and marriage rituals. Nowadays, whether or not an engaged couple adheres to longstanding customs is their own decision. In bygone days,  相似文献   

5月23日,国务院新闻办公室发表《西藏的民族区域自治》白皮书。今天,区党委统战部召开自治区各族各界人士座谈会,共庆《西藏的民族区域自治》白皮书的发表暨纪念《民族区域自治法》颁布20周年。白皮书客观、全面地介绍了民族区域自治制度在西藏的建立和发展过程,全面回顾和介绍了西藏实行民族区域自治制度近40年来所取得的政治、经济、文化等方面的伟大成就,反映了270多万西藏人  相似文献   

政治思想是政治学研究的基本内容,用政治学理论重新梳理中国近现代政治思想史是当下政治思想史研究的重要课题。反帝反封建或"救亡"与"启蒙"只是中华民族争取国家独立、政治民主的手段,不是中国政治发展的最终目标。中国近现代政治发展的最终目标是构建现代民族—民主国家。在政治发展背景下构建民族—民主国家的思想历程应是中国近代政治思想发展的主轴,更是研究近代中国政治思想史以及政治发展史的全新视角。  相似文献   

民族区域自治是在国家的统一领导下,在各少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治,设立自治机关,行使自治权,使少数民族人民当家作主,自己管理本自治地方的内部事务。  相似文献   

鄢圣华 《新东方》2004,(1):38-42
英国已故元帅蒙哥马利认为,任何一个组织的领导人可能是好人,也可能是坏人。很明显,坏的领导人增加一个国家的灾难,好的领导人为国民带来好运。一个国家的政治领导人手握国家决策大权,在一定的程度上,既能促进又能阻碍国家的发展进程。所以,政治家的品德一直为人们所关注。  相似文献   

叶静 《公民导刊》2007,(12):3-3
一个时代之所以伟大.往往在于它承载起了跨越时间与空间的期待。百年来.对民族复兴的渴望,对民主的追求,体现在生活中的每一天。在我们这个时代,关于文明的理念与目标.融化在无数细小进步汇成的洪流中。  相似文献   

China‘s State Administration of Taxation and the Minlstry of Commerce recently announced that foreign companies could qualify for tax deductions and exemptions on certain technology import contracts.  相似文献   

我的叔叔普布登多1951年参加革命,1984年加入中国共产党,2001年5月8日逝世,享年77岁。叔叔参加革命以来半个世纪的历史,是不断认识中国共产党,自觉接受党的领导,不断改造世界观,与党一条心的历史;是经受各种严峻考验,赢得党和人民信赖的历史;是党的统战政策把旧社会部落头人教育、改造、培养成为中国共产党党员的历史;是一生为维护祖国统一,维护民族团结,反对分裂而斗争的历史;是为西藏人民翻身解放,社会进步和经济发展而奋斗的历史。1924年11月12日叔叔出生在比如宗彭盼部落头人家庭,叔叔的爷爷、奶奶去世过早,1935年叔叔12岁时,又失去双亲…  相似文献   

The Chinese people were never lacking in philanthropic spirit. During the decades after the founding of the PRC, however, this spirit lay dormant as the country’s citizens busied themselves with putting food in their own mouths. By the end of the 20th century China had grown rich enough for a culture of giving to start developing. All it  相似文献   

李乔 《北京观察》2006,(7):42-43
蒋鹿潭这个名字,对我来说,前不久还是完全陌生的。一天晚上,史学家王春瑜先生来电,邀我同他一起去泰州溱潼镇,参加蒋鹿潭的水云楼重建落成仪式,我却浑然不知蒋鹿潭为何许人。经王先生解释,我才知道,蒋鹿潭是晚清的一位大词人,在清代词史上居于殿军位置。但说到蒋鹿潭的名字,由于我的寡陋,加之王先生的建湖口音,他说了几次,我都写错了,最后是查了词学家夏承焘编的《金元明清词选》,才写对了这位词人的名字,并弄清了他的一些概况。这是我初识这位陌生的大词人时,遇到的一点尴尬。蒋鹿潭名春霖,鹿潭是他的字,世人出于尊敬,多以鹿潭相称。他是清…  相似文献   

China is part of the global campaign against the novel coronavirus pandemic. When it faced a critical situation, the international community stood behind it, providing moral and material support. Now that the situation is under control in China but deteriorating in some countries, the Chinese authorities are reciprocating the support by urgently sending medical teams, supplies and sharing information.  相似文献   

CALLIGRAPHY is one of the most respec ted traditional arts in China.And that’s saying a lot in a country whose cultural legacy stretches back 5,000 years. In the narrow sense of the word,calligraphy refers to artful, brush-drawn handwriting.But in the broad sense,it is much more  相似文献   

<正>Fishing ban for ecological purposes starts on the Pearl River Since April1,a two-month ban on fishing has been imposed on the Pearl River valley in south China.It is the first fishing ban in this area with the purpose of preserving biodiversity in China’s third longest  相似文献   

‘Facts have shown once again that amid the raging torrents of a global crisis,countries are not riding separately in some 190 small boats,but are rather all in a giant ship on which our shared destiny hinges.Small boats may not survive a storm,but a giant ship is strong enough to brave a storm.This is how Chinese President Xi Jinping highlighted the im-portance of solidarity during the crisis currently faced by humanity as he spoke at the 2022 World Economic Forum(WEF)virtual session via video link from Beijing on January 17.  相似文献   

As a Un Volunteer,working with UnaiDS China,i have the opportunity to get involved in a wide range of areas.From working with community-based organizations,set up by people living with hiV to interacting with the mediaon topics related to hiV/aiDS to sup-porting campaigns to fight HIV/AIDS-related discrimination in the workplace,i get to do it all.  相似文献   

IT has been a long time sinceany individual's deatharoused such wide concern.The death of an individualoften comes as unexpected newsto the public, but Lu Youqing,while commanding the highesteem and respect of his peerswithin the academic world,approached the end of his lifeunder society's close scrutiny. Athis on-line burial service onDecember 11, 2000, tens ofthousands of people sent messages of condolence, yet only afew months ago, Lu was still oneof the rank and file in Shanghai.His sudd…  相似文献   

在制度变革的背景下,企业中的职业地位成为影响收入和其他资源获得的主要方面。在改制后的国有企业中,传统因素是女性晋升面临的主要障碍,诸如岗位的性别化、女性被提名的困难以及社会评价机制的歪曲。同时,女性的自我评价和自我定位也构成女性职位晋升的主观障碍。女性平等晋升机会的获得有赖于现代企业文化的确立和传统因素的消减以及女性自我意识的充分觉醒。  相似文献   

以个人主叉为基点的国家观念、以成本--收益为尺度的经济价值原则和以法律原则为规范的制度观念作为北约价值观念体系的重要组成部分,塑造了北约的历史形态及其意识形态基础,但其内在的逻辑冲突也使北约面临诸多矛盾.  相似文献   

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