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Abstract: This article examines the pattern of interactions between education, occupation, personal economic expectations and feelings of national identity and how these interactions affect public support for the EU. Using Eurobarometer data from 1993 to 2006, the results in this paper demonstrate that occupation mediates the relationship between EU support and education. It is also found that the sway of citizens’ personal financial expectations on EU support is not conditioned by education and occupation. Finally citizens’ personal economic expectations are not found to condition the relationship between EU support and feelings of national identity. In the light of these findings the paper draws implications.  相似文献   

近代日本在内忧外患之下,维持了两百多年的锁国制度逐渐走向崩溃,有识之士,开始反思日本的锁国体制的弊端,转而提倡开国贸易,以求发展国内经济,实现国家富强。其中,日本的传统思想家和启蒙思想家就开国贸易问题,从不同角度阐述自己的观点,出现了思想争鸣。  相似文献   

本文尝试论证建设"涉外公共政策"这一交叉学科的必要性,并认为国际关系与公共政策两门学科可以互为新的发展支撑.  相似文献   

Owen Bennett-Jones presents ‘Newshour’ and ‘The Interview’ for BBC World Service Radio. He has reported from all over the world and was the BBC Correspondent in Islamabad between 1998 and 2001. He is currently preparing a second edition of his book Pakistan: Eye of the Storm.  相似文献   

涉及群众利害的事业能否顺利完成,全凭众人是否能够达成共识。日本教育改革的呼声起于20世纪70年代初。20世纪80年代中曾根内阁作为国家任务去抓。设置临时教育审议会确定改革的基本方针。在首先确定议事规则、关键概念的含义后开展具体审议。临教审内部各个分会间,临教审与内阁高层、与社会各界通过各种会议以及征文、发行刊物等方式,收集和扩散各种意见和看法,通过3年审议提出4次报告,内阁以最终报告为基础确定了教育改革大纲。充分的讨论和争辩是达成共识的有效途径,寻求共识虽然费时但保证了决策慎重。在社会共识基础上的决策可以避免朝令夕改、最大限度减少决策失误造成的无可估量的损失。  相似文献   

李文 《当代亚太》2001,(11):3-9
中国申奥成功和加入WTO后,日本在东北亚经济中的中心位置将由中国取而代之,中日韩三国间原有的垂直分工结构将朝水平分工结构的方向转变,东亚经济的"雁阵型模式"和"阶梯式连带型的发展"将一去不复返.随着中国历史性地成为世界经济在东亚地区的聚焦点,只有积极地与中国谋求经济合作,才是未来日韩两国经济发展的根本出路.  相似文献   

Crime and violence have made public security a major concern to voters throughout Latin America. Existing research predicts that such widespread concerns should make public security a consistently successful issue in presidential election campaigns. Yet recent empirical reality in Latin America has been more varied. This study argues that success on public security is not so automatic. Human rights concerns combine with low trust in security forces to make success on security contingent on the correct conditions. Two key conditions affect the use of the issue: the degree to which security threats are organized and the degree to which recent repression has occurred. Then, winning votes depends on two further conditions: having a civilian background and a campaign that balances security with other issues. Together, these factors explain the dramatic variation in success, and suggest a key change from Latin America's past.  相似文献   

论中国境外投资的行业选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国目前境外投资的行业结构不够合理,尤其是非贸易性投资尚未达到应有的比例,导致境外企业整体的技术和档次仍在较低水平上徘徊.根据国际投资发展的新格局和我国国情,应将具有比较优势的制造业列为境外投资重点,这样既能获得广阔的国际发展空间,又有利于转移富余的生产能力;同时要有选择地投资于进口替代型的资源开发业,缓解我国人均资源短缺的矛盾;还要适当提高对高新技术产业的境外投资比重,以便带动国内科技发展和产业结构升级.  相似文献   

An American Sovietologist and two Soviet social scientists summarize the results of a public opinion survey on privatization carried out by Goskomstat SSSR. The survey was conducted in the fall of 1990. The analysis of data made in 1991 included all union republics and the Baltics. Specific survey questions were designed to test urban residents' attitudes toward private ownership of business, sales of state enterprises to individuals, hiring by private business, and stock ownership in private enterprises. Included in the paper are correlations of attitudes toward specific issues suggesting a deeper, more central mindset toward privatization. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: P20, P12.  相似文献   

日本公立学校教职员工的法律定位是教育公务员。日本公立学校教职员工薪酬制度以“教特法”和“人才确保法”为法律依据,具有年功经验主义、薪酬水平较高、待遇平均主义和今后将倾向于体现职责、能力和业绩的4个主要特征。针对原有薪酬制度的种种弊端,新世纪以来日本实施了“新的教职员工考核制度”,并效仿日本企业将绩效考核结果与人事变动、薪酬挂钩,但具体实施过程中出现了诸多问题,引发了各方质疑。借鉴日本的经验有助于从更广阔的视野为中国探索义务教育学校教师工资制度改革提供思路。  相似文献   

This article analyses the manner in which Helmut Kohl modernised a traditional party of Honoratioren in the Rheinland‐Palatinate. Four main transformations accomplished this: the renewal of party elite, the construction of a strong party apparatus with a high number of members, the renewal of the party programme, and the strategic alliance with the FDP. These transformations, carried out by Kohl at the Land level in the mid‐1960s, were applied at the federal level after 1973 when he was elected CDU president. They have been constants in his leadership ever since. A close look at Kohl's career in Mainz sheds light not only on his past but also on his present and on his future.  相似文献   

提升政府透明度是建设"服务型"政府的要求和目标,有助于预防腐败现象的发生,提高公众的参与程度和满意度。新加坡是世界上政府透明度最高的国家之一,拥有一流的电子政务平台以及最为清廉的公务员队伍。我国与新加坡同处亚洲和儒家文化圈,都是后发展国家,新加坡的经验值得我们学习借鉴。本文首先对政府透明度进行了理论层面的研究,构建了政府透明度理论分析框架。其次,以理论分析框架为指导,从政党和执政者、政策法规、社会文化、公众的素质和能力、平台建设五个方面分析了新加坡提升政府透明度的做法。最后,文章总结了新加坡对我国建设透明政府的启示,即完善信息公开法律,确保法律的执行;培育社会文化,提供隐性支持;鼓励公众参与,提升参与能力;推进电子政务建设,丰富沟通参与渠道。  相似文献   

Long before the contemporary debate over nicotine addiction, doctors, alternative health professionals, journalists and moral reformers in Australia discussed this issue in the media. It was assumed that tobacco was a powerful drug, and difficult to give up. Growing acknowledgment of addiction to tobacco was linked to 1) the rise of the cigarette, instead of pipe smoking; 2) the rise of use of other drugs in the aftermath of World War I; 3) the impact of the temperance movement and other moral reformers. The use of the term "addict" increased over time. The 1964 U.S. Surgeon-General's Report claim that tobacco smoking was merely a "habit" temporarily inhibited public discussion of addiction. Scientific research and political will over the addiction issue lagged behind commonsense observations of the effects of smoking.  相似文献   

The German Federal Network Agency (FNA) was established in 2005 as multi-utilities regulator thereby creating Germany's first energy regulator. It maintains a quite exceptional position in the landscape of German agencies because of its far-reaching independence from political influence. This independence represents an empirical puzzle, because in Germany no comprehensive agencification of the federal administration can be observed and independent agencies are rather an exception than a rule. This article explores whether this puzzle can be plausibly solved by the approach of institutional isomorphism. It argues that the German government faced informal pressure from the European Commission and its endeavour to build a network of European energy regulators at the European level. Furthermore, independent regulatory agencies increasingly became a kind of guiding model in the utilities sector. Therefore, mechanisms of coercive and mimetic isomorphism can be seen as plausible explanations of the agency's independence.  相似文献   

傅京燕 《当代亚太》2001,(10):52-59
随着中美、中欧就中国加入世界贸易组织达成双边协议,中国"入世"的步伐加快.加入世贸组织,融入世界经济大潮,对中国环保产业而言既是机遇,又是挑战.本文在介绍国际环保产业的发展特点这一大背景的基础上,分析了中国"入世"对环保产业的挑战,并提出了中国应为此而采取的相关对策.  相似文献   

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