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民主的不一定就是善的,即便是民主的刑事立法,也有其合宪性的根本诉求与制约。对于刑事法律来说,其合宪性的基本要求是:什么是刑事法律不能进行立法的。在中国,民主语境下的刑事法律的合宪性的基本要求是,宪法规定的基本人权,应当受到刑事法律的敬畏与敬重;犯罪嫌疑人与被告人乃至罪犯,作为法秩序的主体,刑事立法对于他们必须有着制度的尊重。  相似文献   

孟庆瑜 《现代法学》2013,35(1):85-98
实行绩效预算是20世纪80年代以来西方主要发达国家推行政府预算改革的新趋向,也是我国解决财政资金使用效率和效益低下问题的制度选择。绩效预算以结果为导向,以绩效评价为关键,以分权为激励,以监督和责任为约束,与投入导向型的传统预算制度明显不同。借鉴西方国家绩效预算制度实践的有益经验,我国深入推进绩效预算制度改革依然面临路径依赖、自身局限和制度环境等多个方面的约束。为此,我国应以《预算法》修改为契机,适时嵌入绩效预算制度,通过预算权在政府、权力机关和社会公众之间的优化配置,以绩效评价为核心的专门性制度建设和相关制度的及时跟进,为持续推进绩效预算改革提供有力的法律保障。  相似文献   

经济发展权的经济法思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济发展权不仅是国际法上的重要概念,也是经济法主体权利谱系中的重要范畴。对于各类经济法主体都享有的经济发展权,必须加强经济法保护。为此,应着重解决阻碍公平竞争和公平分配等影响经济发展权实现的突出现实问题,这既有助于推进经济法的理论研究和制度完善,也有助于促进"发展法学"和国际法学的发展。  相似文献   

侵权责任法视野中的生态损害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"塔斯曼海"案的处理取得较为圆满的结果,而"松花江重大水污染责任事故"的处理却遭遇尴尬局面。这证明了行政处罚不能取代民事侵权责任,侵权责任法不应当对生态损害视而不见。侵权责任法虽然不能提供填补生态损害的直接依据,但能够利用生态损害与传统损害之间的重叠关系,在填补物(资产性的生态环境组成要素)之所有人的损害时兼顾生态损害。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article examines whether and how the moral principle of legal coherence or integrity, which has recently been developed further as a response to disagreement in the national legal context, applies to European law. According to the European integrity principle, all national and European authorities should make sure their decisions cohere with the past decisions of other European and national authorities that create and implement the law of a complex but single European legal order. Only by doing so, it is argued, can the European political and legal community gain true authority and legitimacy in the eyes of the European citizens to whom all these decisions apply. Although European integrity is primarily a product of European integration, it has gradually become one of the requirements of further integration. The article suggests that the principle of European integrity would help dealing with the growing pressure for common European solutions under conditions of increasing diversity. It places disagreement at the centre of European politics, as both an incentive and a means of integration by way of comparison and self‐reflectivity. It constitutes therefore the ideal instrument for a pluralist and flexible further constitutionalisation of the European Union.  相似文献   

“In varietate concordia”———拉丁文谚语:在不同之中求相同半个世纪以来,欧洲尤其是西南欧诸国一直孜孜不倦地追求着他们的大欧洲之梦想。观察欧洲现在的发展状况,应当说,他们的努力分为两个主要阶段,并已初显成果。第一阶段是欧共体阶段,该阶段发展速度比较缓慢。1965年4  相似文献   

随着欧盟政治一体化的不断推进,欧洲法律一体化的步伐也日益加快,其中欧洲私法的法典化趋势尤其引人瞩目.欧盟自身的发展动力,以及法学界围绕<欧洲民法典>工程进行的学术准备,推动欧盟采取正式行动,着手解决欧洲私法面临的困境;其立法规划最终落实为一项所谓的<共同参照框架>.这份即将出台的法律文件是实质的法典编纂,将引发一场深远的欧洲私法的法典化变革.然而受制于欧盟权限,欧洲私法的法典化呈现出不同于传统的独特性.  相似文献   

行政权力的政治监督——以美国行政法为视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨美国联邦政府不同部门对行政权力的政治制衡,主要包括议会、行政首长以及行政部门的自我监督。美国经验表明,政治监督是防止行政滥用权力的重要保障。事实上,有效的政治监督是行政法治的必要条件。  相似文献   

当前我国法律的空洞化现象严重。法律空洞化是指立法风格简略、粗犷,法律的完整性、周延性、精确性和普适性不足,没有实质内容,可操作性差,从而导致法律的控制力不足,法律仅剩一个空壳甚至连外壳都没有的现象。法律的空洞化问题,实质上是法律与政策的关系问题。法律工具主义是法律空洞化现象产生的思想根源。但从时代背景看,法律与政策的关系则是一个纠结在传统性、现代性和后现代性之间的一个复杂性问题。鉴于法律的空洞化和"政策之治"产生的诸多弊端,我国当前应加快向"法律主治"的转型。为此,要正确认识法律与政策的关系,坚守法律的目的价值观,树立法律精细化的理念,加强对行政机关的政策制定的法律控制,规范法律解释活动。  相似文献   

Key points. This note provides a brief consideration of pasttreatment of settlement agreements in Europe and a considerationof the underlying rationale for scrutinizing such agreementsunder EC competition law. It suggests that a reason for lessfocus by the authorities in Europe than in the US is the generalinterest of the parties in keeping the details of such agreementsconfidential, combined with a lack of any obligation to notifythe authorities. Practical significance. Companies should be reminded of thepossible application of the EC rules to patent settlement agreementsat a time when the Commission has shown a renewed willingnessto review conduct relating to IP and when national authoritiessuch as the OFT have reiterated a willingness to get to gripswith conduct that delays generic entry.  相似文献   

Its more central involvement in the government of economic and fiscal policy requires a new public law for the EU. This must be alive to the positive, negative and intractable qualities of conflicts associated with these fields. Such a law would internalise conflicts within the political process so that their irresolution and ongoing struggle become the dynamo endowing the Union with qualities of political engagement, imagination and justice. The recent reforms make mediation of conflicts a central mission of the Union but still use the public law structures of the regulatory state which lack these three qualities.  相似文献   

随着全球化和区域经济一体化,私法在国际性层面和区域性层面的协调与趋同已经成为私法发展的一种趋势.欧洲私法趋同的方式有多种,包括条约、条例、指令等,它们在欧洲私法趋同中扮演着重要的角色,但这些现有的趋同手段都有其自身无法克服的局限性.  相似文献   

跨国公司、国际性的企业合并以及世界市场这些经济全球化的概念 ,也已经成为竞争法和竞争政策中的概念。〔 1〕对企业合并和合作等事件的评价 ,通常涉及到若干国家的司法管辖权。这对欧盟和美国以及欧盟和日本关系的发展具有特别重要的意义。然而 ,随着社会主义计划经济退出历史舞台和中国经济的逐步开放 ,跨国直接投资和国际企业合并已经成为世界性的现象。经济全球化在竞争政策和竞争法上的重要表现即是世界性大公司之间的“巨型合并”。〔 2〕这是企业为适应日益扩大的市场 ,为适应技术条件、竞争政策和财政经济条件的根本改变而采取的策…  相似文献   

If private law is defined simply as a matter of core areas such as substantive contract, torts, property or family law, it may be doubted whether European law has significantly affected national private law systems; or conversely, whether national private law is relevant to European integration. However, this paper argues that such conclusions are misleading: while there have been very few European interventions into the core areas of civil codes or the common law, the integration process has impacted forcefully upon deeper structures of national legal systems. Challenging the institutional embeddedness of national private law, European primary and regulatory law has remodelled (public) concepts of private autonomy, the realm of private governance and the social responsibility of private actors. How then to present and evaluate this indirect impact? Drawing upon concrete examples, this paper seeks first to understand this European challenge to the interdependence of national private law, borrowing from political science's analytical tool of multi-level governance to highlight the complex interrelations between European rights and regulatory law and national private law; and secondly attempts actively to assess the legitimacy of the impact of integration upon private law with the aid of the explicitly normative theory of deliberative supranationalism. However, precisely because Europe remains in a state of flux, and dependent upon contingent political processes, no final conclusions are drawn: as is the case with so many areas subject to integrationist logic, the contours of the ‘new European private law’ cannot be laid down in advance, and are instead a long and weary matter of cooperation and fine-tuning between national and European judiciaries.  相似文献   

朱大明 《财经法学》2021,(1):101-118
在我国公司法的历史上,作为第一部完整规定公司制度法律的1904年《钦定大清商律》、作为第一部单行法的1929年《公司法》以及1914年《公司条例》具有重要的意义。这三部法律文件不仅在内容上存在差异,同时各自所面对的立法背景与立法环境都存在很多的不同。这三部法律文件之间具有内在关系,其中包含对于今天公司法完善仍然有益的信...  相似文献   

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