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鸟巢、水立方、玻壳式大剧院、貌似扭曲的CCTV新楼。北京新世纪。年代的这四大名建筑,不久将完整的展现于世人眼前。这既是中华民族走向复兴的象征,也是世界建筑史的又一个里程碑。鸟巢意味全球候鸟的归宿;水立方代表四大洋的水天一色;大剧院如回映水中的白塔;CCTV新楼更被国际上评为新世纪世界重大科技创新之一。  相似文献   

Milking It     
How franchisers like Dairy Queen and KFC are sweetening their way into the hearts of China's consumers. MINNESOTA Governor Timothy Pawlenty was reminded of the lush meadows and dairy farms of home on a recent visit to downtown Beijing. The jowly governor of one of America's farming centers was taking down time from his China trade mission on a dusky November Sunday afternoon at the Oriental Plaza Dairy Queen, a stone's throw from Tian'anmen Square. Dairy Queen. which is headquartered in Minneapolis, capital of the governor's home state of Minnesota, had just announced a string of deals across China and the governor was toasting his subjects' success with, what else, a milkshake.  相似文献   

China's e-shoppers embrace the convenience and integrate online shopping into their everyday lives Lin Yong, a 30-year-old information technology engineer in Beijing,  相似文献   

LURED by better living and working condetions,huge numbers of Chinese farmers leave their rural homes for the city.Their education having generally ended at junior middle school,they have little choic but to take up poorly paid manual labor.This they do uncomplainingly as it is preferable to eking out a living in the countryside.  相似文献   

Sing It Together     
正Online music giants’merger raises concerns over the end of free services Music has always been an integral part of the life of Bai Haixia, a 27-year-old translator at a Beijing-based pharmaceutical company. On weekdays, she listens to music during her one-hour commute to work, making  相似文献   

Going It Alone     
Faced with a tight employment market, many college graduates are grabbing every chance to start their own business but very few know how to run their companies and get them on their feet.  相似文献   

正Social enterprises use new business models to drive charitable goalsWhile visiting a rural community in the highlands of Guatemala,my sister,who was serving as a Peace Corps volunteer there,arranged for us to be outfitted in the traditional dress of the local village before at-  相似文献   

Rev It Up     
General Motors China aims for a solid foothold despite the near-collapse of its American parent company The cliche like father, like son may well be applied to some parent companies and their offspring, but it does not necessarily ring true when  相似文献   

<正>During an executive meeting of the State Council,China’s cabinet,on May 6,Premier Li Keqiang expressed his displeasure at excessive regulation and red tape,ridiculing scenarios in which citizens were asked to provide evidence of parent-child relationship when obtaining a government permit.Li pointedly asked,"Why is it so difficult for ordinary citizens to get things done?Why has the government erected so many barriers?"  相似文献   

It Takes Two     
正Didi and Uber declare a marriage of convenience They have been at loggerheads over fares for years,but now a white flag has been waved across the ride-hailing market in China.Didi Chuxing and Uber have finally agreed to bury the hatchet ending their costly fight for the largest on-demand transportation market in the world.Didi Chuxing,or Didi for short,is a home-  相似文献   

Keeping It Green     
正The Chinese Government has set a target of having 500,000 all-electric and plug-in vehicles on the road by 2015.However,technological stumbling blocks such as insufficient infrastructure must be tackled to clear the way for the sector's development.A more successful business model is also badly needed for the fledgling  相似文献   

Making It Legal     
<正>Improvements in the rule of law over the past five years A documentary dealing with the less than entertaining topic of legal matters has recently gone on to capture the public’s attention in China.According to statistics from China Central Television(CCTV),the six-part political documentary exploring the advances made in China’s legal system over the past five years had more  相似文献   

Pass It On     
Ma Qinghua, a craftsperson skilled in making traditional Chinese accessories, conducts a weekly thread-knitting class to pass on the intangible heritage to residents of a Beijing community.  相似文献   

Making It Happen     
Collaborative funding platforms and social networks boost creative projects After losing all his savings in a stock market crash and a bitter divorce in 2008, Cao Shengkang was so depressed that he even thought about taking his own life. Instead, an invitation from a resort hotel in Tibet Autonomous Region to trade accommodation for his services led to his first backpacking excursion. The life of this  相似文献   

Glamping It Up     
When he is not at work, he is busy with his camping business. Yu Sanshui, a 31-year-old digital product engineer in Beijing, spends over 70 percent of his spare time on camping-related activities. He rented a 12-square-meter warehouse space in northwestern suburban Beijing as his "base" and goes there al-most every day. The engineer slash vlogger slash camper originally rented the space to store his extensive camping equipment, which simply cannot fit into his apartment. Since his first camping experi-ence back in 2018, he has spent a total of roughly 150,000 yuan ($23,190) on gear. Every time he goes out camping, he picks up differently com-posed kits from his base.  相似文献   

Making It Right     
The National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee adopted a new Tort Law on December 26,2009,which is designed to provide a remedy for civil wrongs.It will take effect in July 2010.  相似文献   

<正>Editor’s Note:Exploring how China and the United States might best coexist has long been an important focus of attention in both countries.Fu Ying,Chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People’s Congress,while attending the release ceremony for the American Research Report 2015 at the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on June 4,delivered a keynote speech on Sino-U.S.relations.Beijing Review has been authorized to translate her speech,which follows:  相似文献   

自由主义与社会主义两大社会思潮在欧洲各自代表资产阶级与无产阶级,为资本主义与社会主义两种制度而斗争.20世纪初这两种社会思潮传入中国后,自由主义愈益衰落,社会主义取得胜利.改革开放以来,自由主义重新在中国抬头,人们对自由主义有三种不同态度.斥责自由主义与倒向自由主义均为极端,理应既借鉴又超越自由主义,建设中国特色社会主义.  相似文献   

正The political philosophy behind the world’s most remarkable success storyChina’s dramatic rise in recent decades has taken many Western observers by surprise.Those who forecast a pessimistic future for the country have turned out to be wrong.China is now the world’s larg-  相似文献   

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