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Le mot `souveraineté' procure un exemple fort del'effet sémiologique du langage,c'est-à-dire de son pouvoir social dans leprocessus continu et continuel de créationde la réalité humaine. Le textepropose d'examiner ce signe linguistique àl'époque de son introduction par Bodin, au16ième siècle, mettant en lumièreson impact social sur la conscience commune del'humanité, et ce, en adoptant une approchequi s'inspire de la déconstruction deDerrida. Ainsi, tout en considérantl'oeuvre dans son contexte immédiat etélargi, une analyse déconstructionistede Six Livres de la Republiquedémontre que, au moyen du mot`souveraineté,' Bodin voulait placer le Roide France au sommet d'une structurehiérarchique de pouvoir unique. Cetteidée de pyramide d'autorité ressortclairement du discours dans lequel se trouve lesigne linguistique, qui met en jeu l'opposition``plus-haut-pouvoir-unifié' versus``pouvoir-décentralisé-subordonné.' Depuis ce temps, le mot `souveraineté' n'acessé d'avoir un pouvoir sémiologiqueconsidérable sur la conscience commune dessociétés, incluant évidemment cellede la société internationale.  相似文献   

In spite of the fact that the mūla-text of the Cārvākasūtra is lost, we have some 30 fragments of the commentaries written by no fewer than four commentators, namely, Kambalāśvatara, Purandara, Aviddhakarṇa, and Udbhaṭa. The existence of other commentators too has been suggested, of whom only one name is mentioned: Bhāvivikta. Unfortunately no extract from his work is quoted anywhere. The position of the Cārvākas was nearer the Buddhists (who admitted both perception and inference) than any other philosophical system. But in order to brand the Cārvākas as pramāṇaikavādins they were made to appear as one with Bhartṛhari. Even though the commentators of the Cārvākasūtra had some differences among themselves concerning the interpretation of some aphorisms, they seem to have been unanimous in regard to the number of pramāṇas to be admitted. It was perception and inference based on perception. Only in this sense they were pramāṇaikavādins. Unlike other systems of philosophy, the Cārvāka/Lokāyata did not accord equal value to perception and inference. Inference, they said, must be grounded on perception first, so it was of secondary kind (gauṇa). From the available evidence it is clear that the commentators were unanimous in one point, namely, primacy of perception which includes admittance of such laukika inference as is preceded and hence can be tested by repeated observations. In this respect both Aviddkarṇa and Udbhaṭa were in agreement with Purandara. Bhaṭṭodbhaṭa or Udbhaṭabhaṭṭa was known as a commentator who differed from the traditional Cārvākas and broke new grounds in explaining some of the aphorisms. His commentary is creative in its own way but at the same time unreliable in reconstructing the original Cārvāka position. Udbhaṭa seems to have digressed from the original, monist materialist position by taking a dualist position concerning the body-consciousness relation. Moreover, he seems to verge on the idealist side in his explication of an aphorism. In this sense he was a reformist or revisionist. Aviddhakarṇa, like Udbhaṭa, attempted to interpret the Cārvāka aphorisms from the Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika point of view, perhaps without being converted to the Cārvāka. Since it is not possible at the present state of our knowledge to determine whether they were Cārvākas converted to Nyāya or Naiyāyikas converted to Lokāyata, the suggestion that they simply adopted the Cārvāka position while writing their commentaries without being converted to the Cārvāka, may be taken as a third alternative. In spite of the meagre material available, it is evident that (1) not unlike the other systems, there is a lack of uniformity in the commentary tradition of the Cārvākasūtra, (2) not all commentators were committed monistic materialists; at least one, namely, Udbhaṭa, was a dualist, and (3) in course of time Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika terminology, such as gamya, gamaka, etc., quite foreign to the traditional Cārvāka, has been introduced into the Cārvāka system.  相似文献   

Mit § 38 Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (BNatSchG) wurde durch das BNatSchG-NeuRG vom 25. 3. 2002 die Rechtsgrundlage für die Einrichtung geschützter Meeresflächen in der Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone (AWZ) geschaffen 1 . Im Mai 2004 hat der Bundesumweltminister der Europäischen Kommission zehn marine Schutzgebiete zur Aufnahme in das europäische Netz „Natura 2000“ gemeldet, die einen Flächenanteil von 31% der deutschen AWZ umfassen 2 . Der im Zusammenhang mit der Novellierung des BNatSchG in die Seeanlagenverordnung neu eingefügte § 3a See- AnlV ermöglicht die Festlegung besonderer Eignungsgebiete für Windkraftanlagen. Sie wird zur Zeit vom Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie vorbereitet 3 . Im Rahmen der jüngsten Novellierung des Raumordnungsgesetzes (ROG) durch das Europarechtsanpassungsgesetz Bau (EAG-Bau) ist die Entwicklung einer Raumordnung für die AWZ nunmehr zur Aufgabe des Bundes erklärt worden 4 . Die Entwicklung gebietsbezogener Ordnungsvorstellungen für die AWZ scheint sich in den Prozess der „Terraneisierung“ 5 der Meere einzuordnen, der mit dem Seevölkerrecht zu synchronisieren ist (I.). Ansätze zur räumliche Ordnung der AWZ durch den Bund stellen sich im Weiteren vor dem Hindergrund der bundesstaatlichen Kompetenzordnung als verfassungsrechtliches Problem dar (II). Schließlich wird man auch die Übertragung terrestrischer Leitbilder und Instrumente auf marine Bedingungs- und Wirkungszusammenhänge mit der gebotenen Vorsicht angehen müssen (III.). 1) BGBl. I, S. 1193.2) Vgl. Trittin, Zukunftsaufgabe Naturschutz, Rede auf dem Deutschen Naturschutztag, Potsdam, 25. 5. 2004 (www.bmu.de).3) Soll das von der Bundesregierung für das Jahr 2020 angestrebte Ziel der Installierung einer Kapazität von 20.000 MW erreicht werden, müssten dafür 4000 Anlagen mit je 5 MW-Leistung errichtet werden. Sie würden ca. 2500 km2 Fläche und damit etwa 5% der deutschen AWZ beanspruchen (Deutsches Windenergie Institut, Weiterer Ausbau der Windenergienutzung, 2001, S. 75).4) Vgl. EAG-Bau vom 24. 6. 2004 (BGBl. 2004 I, 1359); vgl. zur Vorgeschichte Buchholz, Territorialplanung zur See, in: Hofmeister/Voss (Hrsg.), Geographie der Küsten und Meere, 1985, S. 153ff.; Erbguth, Raumplanung im Meer—unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Natur- und Umweltschutzrechts, NuR 1999, 491ff.; Erbguth, Wahrung möglicher Belange der Bundesraumordnung in der Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Rechtsgutachten im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau und Wohnungswesen, 2002; Rat von Sachverständigen für Umweltfragen (SRU), Windenergienutzung auf See, Stellungnahme 2003, S. 15ff. sowie Sondergutachten „Meeresumweltschutz in Nord- und Ostsee“ (BT-Drs. 15/2626, Tz 422ff.); Koch, Meeresumweltschutz für Nord- und Ostsee, NordÖR 2004, 211ff.5) Graf Vitzthum, Raum, Umwelt und Wirtschaft im Völkerrecht, in: ders., Völkerrecht, 2001, Rdnr. 58.  相似文献   


The proposed reflection intends to present the problem of judicial adjudication as a substantially-axiologically founded autonomous moment on the practical realization of law, and to explore this understanding in confrontation with external exigencies, mostly teleologically determined—hence, beyond strict deductive application, as a (normativistic-positivistic) syllogistic reference of facts to norms, and finalistically determined decision, as an option among possible alternatives to achieve specific aims. The main objective is to enter into a discussion on the methodological meaning of “integrity”, “hard cases” and “right answer”, as presented by Ronald Dworkin, and a critical reflection on the criticism(s) of that approach levelled by Neil MacCormick, so as to confront the relevance of principle and policy arguments, in order to bring about a different methodological approach, an alternative jurisprudentialist conception of adjudication, incorporating a practical-normative constitutive dialectics between legal controversy and legal system, such as that presented by Castanheira Neves. The focus will, then, be the legitimacy of the connection of arguments of principle and consequentialist arguments in adjudication, its selection and its justification, stating, therefore, a specifically assumed judicium, a judicative decision, having the legal system as its horizon of normative reference and of substantial and institutional autonomy.



Profiles of Excellence: Achieving Success in the Nonprofit Sector E. B. Knauft, Renee Berger, and Sandra T. Gray San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1991, 197 pages, cloth $22.95

Strategic Management in Non-Profit Organizations: An Administrator's Handbook Robert D. Hay Westport, CT: Quorum Books, Greenwood Press, 1990, 408 pages, cloth $59.95

A Nonprofit Organization Operating Manual: Planning for Survival and Growth Arnold J. Olenick and Philip R. Olenick New York: The Foundation Center, 1991, 484 pages, paper $29.95

Reviewer Brann J. Wry is director of the Performing Arts Management program at New York University.

Exhibiting Cultures: The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display Ivan Karp and Steven D. Lavine, eds. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991, 468 pages, paper $15.95.

Reviewer Danielle Rice is curator of education for the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Accounting and Budgeting in Public and Nonprofit Organizations C. William Garner San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1991, 272 pages, cloth $29.95

Reviewer Jan Masaoka is staff consultant/trainer for the Support Centers of San Francisco.

Quality Management in the Nonprofit World Larry W. Kennedy San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1991, 194 pages, cloth $22.95

Reviewer Brian Backe is the national marketing director for the Support Centers of America, a national service organization that provides management consulting, training, and information to non-profit organizations across the country.  相似文献   

A study of the global tendencies of criminal justice will help us design a more scientific and rational pathway for the reformation of existing criminal justice system of China. In the forthcoming several hundred years to come, the world’s criminal justice is to take on ten tendencies, that is, the tendency toward unity, civilization, science, rule of law, human rights, justice, efficiency, specialization, standardization and harmony. __________ Translated from Yanshan Daxue Xuebao (Zhexue Shehui Kexueban) 燕山大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) (Journal of Yanshan University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)), 2005, (1): 1–11  相似文献   

Mainstream criminology has traditionally focused on poverty as an isolated variable, whose effects are typically explored by inserting a limited measure of this variable in a multivariate analysis. Peacemaking criminology, however, offers an alternative perspective. In this paradigm, poverty is seen as a source of suffering and, to a degree, a “crime” in and of itself. Furthermore, the suffering poverty engenders is an enveloping social experience that exposes its victims to concentrated disadvantage—or, to use Jonathan Kozol’s (1991) term, to a range of “savage inequalities.” Thus, poverty is best understood not as an isolated variable, but as a master status of fundamental social reality that subjects people to lives filled with suffering—suffering that can engender criminal behavior. From a peacemaking perspective, a key avenue for preventing crime is, in the short run, diminishing the suffering poverty causes and, in the long run, embracing social policies that reduce the prevalence of economic suffering in contemporary society.
John F. WozniakEmail:

The seventeenth century placed Western political thought on a path increasingly concerned with ascertaining the legitimacy of a determinate individual, parliamentary or popular sovereign. As early as Shakespeare, however, a parallel literary tradition serves not to systematise, but to problematise the discourses used to assert the legitimacy with which control over law and government is exercised. This article examines discourses of legal and political legitimacy spawned in early modernity. It is argued that basic notions of ‘right’, ‘duty’, ‘justice’ and ‘power’ (corresponding, in their more vivid manifestations, to categories of ‘heir’, ‘celebrity’, ‘martyr’ and ‘monster’) combine in discrete, but always encumbered ways, to generate a variety of legitimating discourses. Whilst transcendentalist versions of those discourses begin to wane, their secular analogues acquire steadily greater force. In addition to the Shakespearean histories, works of John Milton, Pierre Corneille, Jean Racine, Friedrich Schiller and Richard Wagner are examined, along with some more contemporary or ironic renderings.
Eric HeinzeEmail:

This article is concerned with deviations from legal functioning of the modern state, which is supposedly grounded on legal structure, but may conduct extra-legal activities. In this article, special focus is directed to certain extra-legal activities of the following modern states: the Susurluk Affair in Turkey, the Iran-Contra Affairs of the USA, GAL in Spain, the Gibraltar Killings committed by UK soldiers, and enforced disappearances in Argentina. These cases are interpreted from the points of view of Max Weber’s and Jürgen Habermas’s theories of the rule of law, Hans Kelsen’s legal positivism, Carl Schmitt’s theories of the political and sovereignty, and Austin Turk’s theory of political criminality. Our purpose, then, is to evaluate these theories vis-à-vis the cases of extra-legal activities of the state.
Ayşegül SabuktayEmail:

Tanner  Edwin 《Statute Law Review》2006,27(3):150-175
In 2001, Martin Cutts redrafted Toy-Safety Directive 88/378/EEC1in plain language. He criticized the language of that Directiveas being archaic legalese.2 He added that Directives, as a whole,were poorly drafted.3 The European Commissions Legal Servicerejected his criticisms. It stated that it had published theEuropean Commission’s plain language guidelines4 afterDirective 88/378/EEC had been drafted. In a previous articlein the Statute Law Review,5 Butt and Castle’s6 plain languageguidelines were explicated using examples from Directive 2002/2/EC.7In this article, their guidelines are applied to the whole ofthat Directive to see if its language is ‘clear, simple,and precise’.8 The criticisms made in the previous article,9combined with those made in this article, suggest that the draftersof Directive 2002/2/EC10 have not yet mastered the skill ofwriting in ‘clear, simple, and precise’ language.  相似文献   

Seit längerem ist in Rechtsprechung und Literatur umstritten, 1 ob und in welchem Umfang ein Insolvenzverwalter wegen Gefahren, die von Massegegenständen ausgehen, ordnungsrechtlich haftet. In zwei aktuellen Urteilen hat das BVerwG eine Zustandsverantwortlichkeit des Insolvenzverwalters grundsätzlich anerkannt. Insbesondere durch Freigabe von Massegegenständen kann sich der Insolvenzverwalter aber von der ordnungsrechtlichen Haftung befreien. 1) Vgl. zu dem Streit zwischen Insolvenz- und Verwaltungsrechtlern, Verwaltungs- und Zivilgerichten: Uhlenbruck KTS 2004, 275ff.; Kothe ZfIR 2004, 1ff.; Häsemeyer in: FS Uhlenbruck, 2000, S. 97ff.; Franz NuR 2000, 496ff.  相似文献   

Semioticians traditionally honor Russian linguistics of the early 20th century, and study Jakobson, Vinogradov, Vinokur or the early Trubetzkoy. They do, however, seldom consider Russian philosophers of the same period. Gustav Shpet is an important representative of Russian philosophers in discussion with Hegel, Neo-Kantian thinkers and contemporaries in Russia and abroad, among them Edmund Husserl, originator of transcendental phenomenology. Shpet introduced Husserl’s phenomenology in Russia and expanded those ideas in his 1914 Appearance and Sense. A triangle “Hegel—Husserl—semiotics” emerged where Shpet emphasized the concept of discourse in phenomenology: a philosophical challenge to modern semiotics. Significant portions of the material in this paper were originally prepared for publication in a chapter contributed to the volume A History of Russian Philosophy, 1830–1930, ed. Gary Hamburg and Randall Poole (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming), and are used here in a different context with the kind permission of that publisher.
Philip T. GrierEmail:

The current study describes the everyday life of Israeli prisoners and analyzes the actions they perform and the language they use as a reflection of their constraints, distresses, worldviews, beliefs, and attitudes. Data were subjected to a content analysis, and the salience of the values, norms and argot terms were assessed using two measures, attention and intensity. The inmates’ values and norms and the argot expressions were divided into categories with reference to different aspects of prison experience: prisoners’ adherence to the code, inmates’ interpersonal loyalty, sexual behavior in prison, drugs, violence and miscellaneous.
April WallEmail:

The purpose of this essay is, first, to suggest Ragnar Nurkse as a Law & Economics thinker, and second, yet more importantly, to demonstrate the possibility and desirability of a Law & Economics of Development along Nurksean lines. Ragnar Nurkse (1907–1959), whose 100th birthday is celebrated in 2007, is one of the founding fathers of classic development economics. Given the recent interest in the Law & Economics of development, showing how a classic figure in the field successfully used such an approach might be of considerable interest, especially as development economics is a very emotional field which may well profit from the ‘objectivizing’ function of Law & Economics. Nurkse’s economics-based realism, his focus on what effect a program really has, rather than what it is supposed to have, and on what a policy can steer or change and what not, based on a typically Stiglerian attention to aggregate welfare, seem especially productive. Finally, the essay suggests a set of Nurkse-based principles or theses for a Law & Economics of Development.
Wolfgang DrechslerEmail: Email:

In jurisdictions across the United States, the mandated arrest of individuals perpetrating domestic violence crimes termed “mandatory arrest” or “pro-arrest” policies has become a key policy solution to the issue of domestic violence. The purposes of the policies are to standardize the police response to, and increase the number of, arrests stemming from domestic violence incidents by removing or reducing police discretion to arrest. In 1994, the New York state legislature passed the Family Protection and Domestic Violence Intervention Act, which contained provisions enacting a mandatory arrest statute. Using information from 183 callers to a telephone helpline for victims of domestic violence, we describe four unintended consequences of the policy: “unwanted,” “dual,” “retaliatory,” and “no” arrest. Bi- and multivariate analyses are used to identify victim and perpetrator sociodemographic, situational, and legal factors associated with each arrest type. Results are discussed in the context of the effects of mandatory arrest policies and minimizing problems associated with it in the future.
Victoria FryeEmail:

Victoria Frye   Was the Director of Epidemiology and Surveillance for the Injury Prevention Program of the New York City Department of Health.  相似文献   

This article aims to update readers on different ways to arrange one’s thinking about conventional null hypotheses in randomized trials. It covers basic criticism of conventional hypotheses and, beyond this, covers relevant developments in methodological, organizational, and science policy arenas. This article includes coverage of new ways to frame null hypotheses, new technical resources, standards for registering trials and reporting on them, cumulating results, common mistakes, and post-trial analysis of null results. The paper includes ideas for research and development on each topic.
Robert BoruchEmail:

Robert Boruch   is University Trustee Chair Professor, Graduate School of Education and Statistics Department of the Wharton School, at the University of Pennsylvania. He co-chairs the international Campbell Collaboration’s Steering Group and contributes frequently to governmental and non-governmental efforts to generate better evidence and enhance its usefulness.  相似文献   

Among various kinds of corruption in China, corruption of the First-in-Command (FIC) is most pernicious, threatening the legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party and the stability of the state. This paper examines several specific institutional arrangements under China’s current political structure, including the people’s congress, the ruling party system, and the collective leadership team system, to see how they have contributed to power overconcentration in the hands of FICs. This is done in a two-round process: first through the collective leadership team and then by the gestating decision-making rule. The paper also assesses four institutional innovations designed to prevent FIC corruption.
Ren Jianming (Corresponding author)Email:
Du ZhizhouEmail:

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