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Rom  Mark 《Publius》1993,23(3):135-154
In 1991, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced thata health-care worker (HCW) had apparently transmitted the virusthat causes the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) topatients while providing them routine medical treatment. Thisarticle examines the policy choices made based on this case.It begins by reviewing the federal system for making these policies.The conflicting public and professional policy recommendationsare then summarized. Next, a framework for policy choice ina federal system is outlined and federal and state choices aredescribed. The final section suggests some implications of thesechoices for American federalism.  相似文献   

In 1983–84 the Commonwealth and state governments trialled the introduction of the geriatric assessment team (GAT) program. Twenty years of Australian Health Ministers' Conference (AHMC)1 minutes and records (1969–88), files within the Queensland and Commonwealth health departments (1983–88) and interviews with major stakeholders revealed that implementation can extend over many years and can require a confluence of factors for a policy idea to come to fruition. This article examines the dynamics involved in the implementation of the GAT policy and reveals that expert advisers played a central role in policy innovation and implementation and that the federal system could both obstruct and facilitate policy implementation. While there was evidence of delay and conflict, the Australian states through their expert advisers were significant contributors to the development and implementation of aged care policies. Many of the intergovernmental relations were often characterised by a high degree of cooperation at least at the officer to officer level. The 'coercive' nature of the federal system may need to be revisited.  相似文献   

Lehmbruch  Gerhard 《Publius》1989,19(4):221-235
West German federalism can be understood as a system of interlocking,but distinct and autonomous, "policy networks." Sectoral policynetworks are integrated into overarching networks. The traditionalpluri-centrism of state and societal institutions is contrastedwith an integrated (but not centralized) economic policy networkoriented toward national homogeneity. With the decline of Keynesianmacroeconomic policy, however, regional policy networks arebeing upgraded. At the same time, the political party systemand the politicization of administrative agencies have led tothe development of an overarching network in which bargainingand accommodation have precedence over hierarchical centralization.  相似文献   

This article discusses how innovations gave diffused over time in the municipal administration in Finland. This is done by presenting first a theoretical frame of reference and then empirical data over eight policy-innovations in Finnish cities and 39 rural communes. The results show that more research is needed before diffusion of innovations in the municipal administration can be more completely understood.  相似文献   

Clark  Jill 《Publius》1985,15(4):61-70
A major omission in diffusion research is the scope of changein program adoptions. Diffusion studies focus almost exclusivelyon the rate of change, thus ignoring possible variance in thecontent of programs selected by leaders, followers, and laggards.States may adopt new programs in one area, such as state-mandatedstudent testing. While most states now have a testing policy,these policies vary in terms of the number of students subjectto examinations. Thus, the amount of program change dependson the content of each state's policy. An interstate diffusionstudy of the pattern of program adoptions ignores this variance.It is also possible that policy scope is influenced by certainaspects of the diffusion process. One possibility is that programinnovators generally select more extensive programs than followers.Similarities or differences in policy scope among adopters mayalso be related to innovation attributes (e.g., whether a newprogram is symbolic, redistributive, or administratively complex).Finally, the number of years required for interstate diffusionmay result in similarities or differences in policy content.  相似文献   

I examine the impact federal appellate courts have on state policy diffusion through the use of computational text analysis. Using a dyadic framework, I model the impact courts have on the decision to adopt a policy and, if adopted, how much text to borrow directly from another state's preexisting law. A court decision ruling a statute unconstitutional can generate up to a 28% relative reduction in the probability of adoption, and a ruling of constitutionality can both increase the probability of adoption by a similar amount and more than double the amount of borrowed text. These findings shed light on how states learn from one another.  相似文献   

Bureaucratic Job Mobility and The Diffusion of Innovations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In studies of innovation, policy entrepreneurs recognize latent demand for new policies and then expend resources to promote them. But studies of policy entrepreneurs have generally focused on the demand for innovation, while neglecting the supply side of policy entrepreneurship. This article argues that bureaucratic labor markets affect the emergence of policy entrepreneurs, and so affect the diffusion of policy innovations across local governments in the United States. Analysis of a survey of municipal police chiefs and water utility managers relates governments' hiring and promotion policies to their adoption of professionally fashionable innovations. Agency heads who advanced to their current positions diagonally (arriving from another organization) are more likely to initiate these innovations than are agency heads who were promoted from within. Bureaucratic policy entrepreneurs emerge where government demand for innovation meets a supply of mobile administrators, who carry the priorities of their professions into the agencies that they serve.  相似文献   

Stewart  Debra A. 《Publius》1985,15(3):81-96
In 1984, comparable worth came to occupy center stage amongstate and local political systems as the civil rights causeof the 1980s. Advocates of comparable worth came to see stateand local governments as being more receptive to consideringpolicy initiatives in this area than was the federal government.This article documents comparable worth events culminating in1984, describes the expansion of state and local action in thisarea, and considers the implications of these developments forthe federal system. A conceptual framework for examining theissue of comparable worth is also presented.  相似文献   

传播控制是传播分析的主题之一。随着民主政治与技术政治的发展,政治传播中的传播控制在总体上将会呈一种弱化的态势。  相似文献   

Corporate law in the United States involves dual regulation.Although state and federal corporate law typically functionwithout mutual interference, the last thirty years have revealedpotential conflicts, chiefly in two situations. One involvescivil remedies for investors under federal securities statutes;the other is state anti-takeover regulation and its relationshipto the federal Williams Act. The postwar years until 1975 sawperhaps too much reliance on the federal component of corporateregulation. Since 1975, there has been a renaissance of statelaw. Recently, however, appreciation for state regulatory authoritymay have degenerated into hostility to the will of Congress.The authors argue that the core interpretive task in federalsecurities law is preservation of both regimes to maximum effect,because the Congress has expressly declared that state authorityshould continue adjacent to federal regulation.  相似文献   

Lutz  James M. 《Publius》1997,27(1):39-58
Many studies have analyzed the diffusion of legislative policies,but relatively little work has been done on the spread of judicialinnovations. An analysis of the spread of eight tort doctrinesamong the American states indicates that there were clear regionalleaders, including some states that were not early adoptersof the innovations but still served as leaders for their neighbors.There was little relationship between being a regional leaderfor legislative adoptions and being a regional leader in judicialadoptions, indicating that different processes influenced diffusionin these two arenas of state political activity.  相似文献   

Local policy adoptions provide an excellent opportunity to test among potential mechanisms of policy diffusion. By examining three types of antismoking policy choices by the 675 largest U.S. cities between 1975 and 2000, we uncover robust patterns of policy diffusion, yielding three key findings. First, we distinguish among and find evidence for four mechanisms of policy diffusion: learning from earlier adopters, economic competition among proximate cities, imitation of larger cities, and coercion by state governments. Second, we find a temporal component to these effects, with imitation being a more short‐lived diffusion process than the others. Third, we show that these mechanisms are conditional, with larger cities being better able to learn from others, less fearful of economic spillovers, and less likely to rely on imitation.  相似文献   

Every year millions of tourists hit the open road to enjoy America's public recreation lands. Upon arrival at their destinations, visitors enjoy a host of service amenities ranging from hotels and lodges to ski resorts and back country adventures, all compliments of concessioners. These public lands concessioner operations are a multibillion dollar business. This decades‐long analysis finds that local service providers have generally failed to secure concessioner contracts on public lands. A focus among more politically adept participants upon other policy priorities has eclipsed local provider preferences despite periodic opportunities for change and economic need.  相似文献   

一个学科、两种传统和三个方法论层面   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
公共管理学科在我国兴起的时间并不长,其发展还处于库恩所说的"范式前阶段"。但是,散布在其他学科,与公共管理学科紧密相关的,或者说本来就应归属于公共管理学科的教学和科研活动却并不逊于其他学科。在我国改革不断向纵深发展、社会急剧转型的今天,公共管理的教育与科研活动势必要面对社会需求,把自身作为一个学科来建设,并且需要加快建设步伐,才能够走向成熟。而如何把公共管理学科建设好,是"业内"人士必须予以关注的问题。为此,在学报2006年1月召开编委会年会之际,我们和与会的专家学者商定,以笔谈的方式开设公共管理学科建设专栏,大家各抒己见,以期引起反响。在此,我们诚邀对此论题感兴趣的同道学人赐稿,为公共管理学科建设献智献力。  相似文献   

公共组织研究的传统与突破   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共组织研究是在工业社会确立过程中兴起的。传统的公共组织研究集中在以官僚制为基础的常规组织上,这是适应工业社会稳定条件下的机械化大生产的组织形式。任务型组织是一种相对于常规组织的以任务为导向的组织形式,将成为高复杂度、不确定性骤增的后工业社会的主要组织形式,这是公共部门组织研究的新动向。  相似文献   

PAUL PIERSON 《管理》1995,8(4):449-478
Despite political scientists' growing appreciation of the ways in which institutions influence political processes, the “new institutionalism” has so far had a limited impact on the comparative study of welfare state development. This article discusses some broad issues concerning institutions and public policy by exploring the implications of one set of institutions — those associated with federalism — for the politics of social policy. Federal institutions encourage three distinctive dynamics: they influence the policy preferences, strategies, and influence of social actors; they create important new institutional actors (the constituent units of the federation); and they generate predictable policymaking dilemmas associated with shared decision-making. Comparisons between social policy development in Canada and the United States are used to demonstrate that while federalism clearly matters, how it matters will depend on the characteristics of a particular federal system and the ways in which federal institutions interact with other important variables.  相似文献   

Kisker  Gunter 《Publius》1989,19(4):35-52
The West German Federal Constitutional Court has generally actedas a guardian of the German federal system. The Court has preventedattempts by the federation to encroach upon the modest autonomyleft to the Länder. If a national solution for a problemseems indispensable, the Court favors techniques that compensatethe Länder for a loss of autonomy by granting them certainparticipation rights. Guided by that principle, the Court'sconstruction of the Basic Law has increased considerably thenumber of federal statutes that require the approval of theBunesrat. Thus the Court emphasizes today the idea of partnership.However, in a 1986 decision, the Court made clear that a certainamount of federal leadership is needed to keep the system running.In this decision, the Court reminded the federation expresslyof its responsibility for the whole.  相似文献   

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