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Incrementalism as a decision theory about budget-making is empirically evaluated by post-war data within the framework of budget-making processes of some Swedish public authorities. The analysis focuses on the relevance of a structural stability hypothesis using models for the processes of budget requests and appropriations. This hypothesis is tested by CUSUM and CUSUMQ tests. The more powerful CUSUMQ test clearly indicates a rejection of the stability assumption, which implies a need for revised models based on variability assumptions. These alternative models describing budget-making processes are estimated by Kalman filtering, an estimation approach designed to allow for structural variability. The paper shows that the key decision principles of incrementalism are too crude for the understanding of budget decisions.  相似文献   

公共政策私用现象探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共性作为公共政策的基本属性,在实践中面临诸多被背离的风险,公共政策私用现象便是对公共政策之公共性的严重侵蚀,需引起理论和实务界的关注与研究.公共政策之所以被私用,有源自政策主体、政策客体和政策环境方面的综合性诱因,其不良后果体现为浪费社会公共资源、折损政策主体公信力、破坏市场机制运行以及政策法规作用的发挥.要治理公共政策私用,需重视公共选择的作用,拓宽公众参与渠道;加快政治体制改革,协调权利关系;设置专门的政策监督机构等.  相似文献   

贾果玲 《学理论》2012,(20):233-234
专业英语教学是高职院校英语教学的重要组成部分。专业英语的二维特点决定了该课程的讲授方法具有独特性,但目前专业英语教学往往停滞在过时的专业阅读文献资料及术语上,存在诸多弊端。改革的对策有:树立"以学生为中心"的教学新理念;开展"互动式教学";传授英语学习技巧。  相似文献   

Why Measure Performance? Different Purposes Require Different Measures   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Performance measurement is not an end in itself. So why should public managers measure performance? Because they may find such measures helpful in achieving eight specific managerial purposes. As part of their overall management strategy, public managers can use performance measures to evaluate, control, budget, motivate, promote, celebrate, learn, and improve. Unfortunately, no single performance measure is appropriate for all eight purposes. Consequently, public managers should not seek the one magic performance measure. Instead, they need to think seriously about the managerial purposes to which performance measurement might contribute and how they might deploy these measures. Only then can they select measures with the characteristics necessary to help achieve each purpose. Without at least a tentative theory about how performance measures can be employed to foster improvement (which is the core purpose behind the other seven), public managers will be unable to decide what should be measured.  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,社会利益分化、价值多元、矛盾复杂、风险加大,社会管理的任务非常繁重,传统以政府为主体的社会管理体制暴露出许多问题,社会管理职能社会化、社会管理主体多元化已经成为社会管理实践发展的必然。伴随着社会管理主体的多元化趋势,寻求政府、市场和非政府组织在社会管理领域的均衡点,建立社会管理主体间的社会协同机制成为社会关注的焦点。要研究这一问题,就必须通过构建社会管理的社会协同机制模型来认识社会协同机制的真实面目,探究社会管理的社会协同运作原理以及内在的、本质的工作方式。  相似文献   

Municipal Support for Social Entrepreneurship   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study examines how cities help social entrepreneurship—the activity of private individuals and organizations taking initiative to address social challenges in their communities. Based on a national survey and in-depth interviews among jurisdictions with populations over 50,000, the authors find that municipalities help social entrepreneurs by increasing awareness of social problems, and by helping them to acquire resources, coordinate with other organizations, and implement programs. Nearly three-quarters of cities provide active or moderate support, which is positively associated with the perceived effectiveness of nonprofit organizations in their communities.  相似文献   

Social Construction for Public Policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Social media measurement is important for understanding an organization's reach and engagement with its audiences. In response to Warren Kagarise and Staci M. Zavattaro's question about what works in social media measurement, this article discusses how public administration researchers and practitioners are using social media data that they can easily collect from social media platforms and contrasts these practices with data measurement efforts that can provide deeper insights for evidence‐based decision making. This evidence includes interactivity and connectivity among citizens, attributes of network actors, and network structures and positions to understand how content travels through the network and who are the influential actors.  相似文献   

转型期是社会结构不断分化的时期,也是冲突的多发期.社会整合是化解社会冲突的主要途径,面对新型社会冲突的挑战,需要实现社会整合方式的转变,在利益整合的基础之上,全面调动、发挥社会各种力量在社会整合与和谐社会构建中的作用.通过多元化复合整合走向和谐社会  相似文献   

社会不公并不是处于转型期的社会主义国家独有的现象,西方发达国家同样也面临着不少与社会公正有关的难题。尽管社会主义国家在转型过程中出现的社会不公现象,无论是在实质上还是在形式上,都不同于西方发达国家,但从西方的经验中,我们不难发现一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

在不同的社会保障制度模式下,养老社会保险的反贫困功能不一样。不同的养老社会保险制度设计会影响其反贫困功能的发挥。美国的公共养老保险制度——"老年人、遗属和残疾人保险(OASDI)"在计发办法上的累退倾向,在受益对象上不限于退休者本人还包括配偶、遗属和残疾人,在实际给付时关于受益类型、课税、最低和最高收益、随生活成本进行调整等政策规定,对于低收入者保护倾向非常明显。与美国相比,我国目前的养老社会保险存在覆盖面窄、水平偏高,受益水平差异偏大,缺乏不同的受益类型设计等问题。为推动多层次养老保障体系建设,我国养老社会保险制度改革的政策取向应该是降低现有受益水平,扩大覆盖面,并通过覆盖更多的低收入者来增强制度的反贫困效果。同时评估和改革个人账户,以防止养老金差异过大。  相似文献   

This Viewpoint essay outlines key considerations for research on entrepreneurship, and for social business entrepreneurship specifically, considering the wide range of forms and essentially heterogeneous nature of this broad set of businesses. Themes related to practical research and key questions are outlined, along with considerations for researchers as the social business entrepreneurship space continues to evolve.  相似文献   

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