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文章对股份公司的股权结构与治理效率展开分析 ,指出股权相对集中的股份公司治理效率最佳 ,并结合我国上市公司股权结构存在的种种问题提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

股权结构是公司治理机制的核心和基础,不同的股权结构对公司业绩有着不同的影响。如何寻求合理的股权结构,改善公司治理机制,从而提高公司业绩有重大的理论和现实意义。特别是针对我国特有的一些股权结构特点和公司治理缺陷,寻求相应的对策与措施显得尤为意义重大。  相似文献   

牟文珂 《学理论》2012,(3):59-60
法人性仅是公司存在的外部特征,股东投资营利、规避风险的工具才是公司的本质,公司作为独立的经济实体,应为股东所掌控,这就决定了股东在公司治理中居于关键和主导地位,股东自治应当成为公司治理的核心。结合公司合同论和利益相关者理论,在对公司本质进行深入剖析的基础上,提出股东自治在公司治理中居于核心地位,同时进一步探讨了股东自治的实现途径等相关法律问题。  相似文献   

选择以江苏省上市公司作为研究对象,通过构建模型对江苏省上市公司高管薪酬与绩效的关系以及影响薪酬的主要因素进行实证分析,结果表明,公司绩效对高管薪酬具有显著影响,公司所属行业对高管薪酬的影响各不相同,公司规模、公司所属区域及公司股权性质对高管薪酬无显著影响。  相似文献   

有限责任公司中的股东查阅权是公司治理结构的平衡器。我国《公司法》在2005年修改后对股东查阅权有了更丰富的规定,但也在查阅权主体、客体、限制及救济等方面存在不少问题,需要对查阅权主体进行规范,客体适当扩大,行使程序、行使限制及权利救济上进行细化完善。  相似文献   

师瑞 《学理论》2012,(35):156-157
发起人在公司成立前以设立公司为目的所签订的发起人协议是合同行为,公司章程是依据法律的规定而签署的,其具有法律规范的性质。股东协议只对发起人具有约束力,而公司章程约束公司及其股东、董事、监事、经理和其他高级管理人员。在公司成立后,股东协议的效力并不因公司章程的设立而终止。在不同的案件诉讼中,应根据股东协议与公司章程具有不同的效力,以作出正确的判断。  相似文献   

徐慧 《学理论》2011,(6):73-74
上市公司如何在并购重组过程中提高绩效水平,优化并购过程,是我国学者十余年来研究的热点问题。在对西方企业并购理论回顾的基础上,对我国上市公司并购中动机、类型与绩效的关系,及并购绩效评价方法的研究成果进行了总结评述,以期为相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

国家治理绩效是推进国家治理现代化的可衡量的参照体系与标准。从治理合法性的路径依赖视角看,我国国家治理绩效呈现类型化特征。借助于绩效系统与行为动机理论,构建绩效类型分析的概念模型,可将中华人民共和国后到改革开放前的国家治理绩效称为愿景型绩效,20世纪八九十年代归为实用型绩效,最近二十年逐步导入法治型绩效建设阶段。在全面依法治国及落实新的发展理念进程中,源自社会对法治对的强大需求以及法治于市场机制的内嵌性,法治型绩效将成为国家治理绩效转型的理想目标。  相似文献   

产权结构、公司治理和上市公司的资本结构问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尽管现代资本结构理论有些已经趋于成熟,并被国外的一些实证研究所验证。但我国上市公司独特的产权结构、治理结构特征使得其资本结构特点与发达国家企业有许多不同之处。本文描述了我国上市公司中产权结构、治理结构和资本结构的特征,试图建立三者关系的一个大致分析框架,通过产权结构和治理结构对上市公司的资本结构问题进行根本上的解释,并简略评述了我国目前对资本结构问题的一些实证研究状况,最后根据分析指出解决我国上市公司资本结构问题不能仅仅采用一些改良性的手段或者外部辅助措施,产权结构的改革才是有效解决该问题的关键所在。  相似文献   

企业内部之间(以管理者与员工为例)的相互依赖不对称性强烈地影响员工对管理者的机会主义行为感知以及关系绩效。以机会主义行为的感知为过渡,可以考察相互依赖不对称和员工对管理者的机会主义行为的感知这两个路径效果随着第三方变量(沟通、员工的参与、人际促进、工作奉献、明确的合同)的引入其作用会有何变化。通过对调研数据进行的实证分析可知,随着企业内部相互依赖不对称程度的提高,管理者表现出来的机会主义行为会逐渐增强,进而会降低员工对关系绩效的评价。通过引入第三方变量,利用其扭转作用可以降低企业风险,减少企业内部矛盾,提高企业内部的关系绩效,达到企业与管理者—员工之间双向共赢的目的。  相似文献   

公有制经济体制改革的成功与否,是整个经济体制改革成败的关键。党的十五大召开以来,公有制经济的改革取得很大进展,目前进入攻坚阶段。要完成攻坚大任,必须在理论认识上前进一步,即对所有制问题有一个科学的认识。要分清资本和资产的关系;正确认识所有制关系特别是生产资料的占有在所有制关系中的地位;不要简单地根据生产资料归谁所有来划分企业的性质。要正确认识公有制的实现形式。公有制的实现形式大致可以分为国家所有制、劳动共同所有制、社会基金所有制三大类。  相似文献   

The business environment in which the financial industry operates is full of uncertainty and limitations. The inability of some firms in this sector to produce capable management that can guide the interests of shareholders in the light of ethics and values has generated frequent cases of business downturn. This has compelled the industry to adopt the strategy of corporate governance which hinges on the intellectual honesty of directors and management to promote transparency, equity, and accountability, and provide leadership that will guide the industry in the right direction. The major objective of this paper is to ascertain whether corporate governance is a strategy for corporate performance. The study made use of both primary and secondary sources of data. The survey research method and the data analysis techniques comprised of simple percentages and chi-square derived from Kendal coefficient. It discovered that corporate governance is a strategy for corporate performance and the financial sector has failed to improve their performance using this strategy. It was recommended that the regulatory agencies should constantly review the acts that ensure good corporate governance and embark on constant monitoring in order to sanction any defaulting bank.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of downsizing on a firm's reputation for corporate social performance (RCSP). Drawing on the downsizing, corporate reputation and social responsibility literatures, a number of hypotheses concerning the impact of downsizing, and particularly the types of downsizing, on a firm's reputation for corporate social performance are developed and empirically tested. The main findings of this study are that, while downsizing seems to have a negative impact on the firm's RCSP, when one takes into account the kind of managerial action that led to downsizing (layoffs and/or divestitures), this impact differs between the two stakeholder groups, industry executives and financial analysts, which were investigated. This study also found that a high financial performance prior to downsizing led to a greater negative impact on the firm's RCSP. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

重大灾害中的集体行动及类型化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对繁琐复杂的灾害表层现象时,如何进一步与主流社会学理论对话,这是未来灾害社会学研究重要的议题和努力方向.通过引入集体行动视角,将灾害中的集体行动具体化为“灾区内灾民集体行动”与“灾区外志愿者集体行动”两种类型.灾民的苦痛及重建的困境越大,对灾害的解读就越倾向“人祸”因素,并通过“搜索信息行动”、“定义情境行动”和“咎责行动”,引起大量的抗争性负向集体行动,甚至威胁到政府的政治安全目标以及社会的公正和稳定性.政府应通过灾害信息的及时颁布、专家诠释等策略影响灾害情境定调取向,将灾害导向“天灾”而非政府的疏失.灾后资源缺乏并非负向集体行动产生的主要原因,更重要的是弱势群体的受灾风险偏高.灾害治理的最高境界就是通过对媒体和民间力量的监督以及公平性机制的建构,将灾害情境中的集体行动整合成救灾和灾后复原的正向行动而规避其负面风险.  相似文献   

Albania is a Mediterranean country where fruits and vegetables occupy an important place in the cropping systems practiced by the Albanian farms but also in the food consumption of the population. Today, the fruits and vegetables growers in Albania have low production capacity and difficulties in selling their products on national and regional market. Consolidation and increased coordination throughout the agri-food sector are rapidly reshaping the role of cooperative organizations in agriculture. Increased concentration, both up and downstream, raises the specter of the traditional cooperative role of counter-balancing market power. However, increasing demands for coordination among players throughout the agri-food system point to a different role in which cooperative organizations may have a unique advantage. The new and emerging food system (dominated by domestic urban market and export markets, regional competitiveness, globalization, etc.) with high demands for compliance with food safety and traceability disfavor the smallholders due to high coordination costs. The problem is exacerbated by geographic dispersion, low education, and poor access to capital and information. This article discusses about the New Institutional Economics (NIE) approach and the role of the cooperatives in ensuring greater participation of fruits and vegetables Albanian farmers in the domestic and regional market.  相似文献   


This essay explores humanitarian action, and by effect post-conflict state-building, in the so-called new wars of the post-cold war period – especially the targeting of civilians, the proliferation of non-state actors, and the perils of war economies. The host of reactions by aid agencies, termed ‘new humanitarianisms’, has called into question traditional operating principles of neutrality, impartiality and independence while the system has experienced dramatic increases in the number of organizations and available funds. Arguing that too little institutional learning has yet occurred, the authors call for changing the culture of aid agencies and investing in information gathering and sharing, policy analysis, and planning. In an era when reflection time is as valuable as reaction time, they stress the need to develop a humanitarian equivalent of military science.  相似文献   

This paper examines both the direct and indirect effects of images of corporate social performance on internal stakeholders. The authors suggest that public affairs managers must be particularly concerned about the ways in which images that are intended for and projected at external stakeholders are reflected back to internal stakeholders. In this new era of extremely tight labour markets, minimal corporate loyalty and high job mobility, public affairs efforts will increasingly impact upon a firm's employees. By monitoring this process, managers may more quickly identify the moment when internal stakeholders have developed a perception that differs from their original intent. This will allow managers to make a better job of maintaining a consistent image of the firm both inside and outside, and of managing the culture of the firm and its key human resources. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

批捕权配置问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国司法改革的逐步深入,审查批捕权的归属成为争论的焦点,究其原因主要是对批捕权性质的认识不同。对批捕权归属的分析应在诉讼结构完善的基础上进行,并在此前提下,针对我国批捕权存在的问题,提出相应的配置思路。  相似文献   

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