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Adhesive tape is commonly used in crimes and is often the subject of forensic evaluation. DNA analysis of adhesive tape can provide DNA profiles of suspects. The object of this study was to evaluate the applicability of DNA analysis on adhesive tape samples in forensic casework. We retrospectively reviewed all cases involving adhesive tape or similar items received by our institute for DNA analysis during the past 11 years. From 100 forensic cases reviewed, 150 adhesive tape samples were examined. A total of 98 DNA profiles were obtained from these samples. Sixty-two of the profiles provided feasible case-relevant information. In conclusion, DNA profiling of adhesive tape samples can be useful in a variety of forensic cases.  相似文献   

目的考察圆珠笔字迹油墨厚度对溶剂挥发速率的影响。方法采用GC/HPLC联用技术对不同时间、不同字迹油墨厚度在同种纸张上的圆珠笔油墨字迹中的溶剂、染料成分的定量分析。结果字迹油墨较厚的苯甲醇、苯氧基乙醇的含量随时间的变化比字迹油墨较薄的慢。结论字迹油墨的厚度对溶剂的挥发速率影响较大。  相似文献   

In this study six forensic cases are presented where the routine analysis of samples for short tandem repeats (STRs) failed. The sequencing of the mitochondrial hypervariable region I (HVR I) also failed. Nevertheless, it was possible to analyse the samples with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) via SNaPshot technique. The age of the analysed samples ranged from 2 months to 1400 years. Saliva-, blood-, sperm-, hair-, tooth- and bone-samples were investigated. Furthermore the mtDNA SNP analysis of a forensic case sample showing a mixed stain profile is presented. It was possible to discriminate two different haplogroups in this mixed-person stain. If compared to another mtDNA SNP profile that was found in a hair, the discriminating SNPs of the hair were as well found in the mixed-person stain.To disburden the SNP analysis in forensic casework, haplogroup assignment criteria and quality criteria for mtDNA SNaPshot analysis are announced.  相似文献   

Manual Chelex®-100 and organic extractions (phenol/chloroform) are used as routine methods at the Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science, SKL. The aim of this study was to find an automated DNA purification system to replace the organic method. The following methods were evaluated and compared to each other and to the organic method used routinely; BioRobot® EZ1 with EZ1 DNA Investigator Kit and Card (Qiagen), iPrep™ Purification Instrument with iPrep™ ChargeSwitch® Forensic Kit and Card (Invitrogen), Magnatrix™ 1200 Workstation with the Magnatrix™ gDNA Blood Kit Forensic and two different protocols; Forensic protocol A and B (Magnetic Biosolutions). Blood on fats, cotton swabs, moist snuff, paper towels and leather, post-mortem blood and muscle tissue were extracted with the different methods. DNA concentration and quality of the electropherograms were examined. Individual comparisons between the four extraction methods showed that iPrep™ and Magnatrix™ 1200 gave significantly lower mean quantities compared to BioRobot® EZ1 and the organic extraction method (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences between the latter two. BioRobot® EZ1 generated the best results and is in the process of being validated for routine analysis at SKL.  相似文献   

Criticism of forensic science, particularly that of bitemark analysis, has become increasingly common in the last decade. Much of the criticism directed at forensic odontology cites cases where miscarriages of justice have occurred when erroneous, over-confident or even false bitemark evidence has been tendered by odontologists. Despite Australia's own experience with such cases in the past, it is postulated that this does not represent the true nature of bitemark analysis as practiced by odontologists today-at least in this country. A review of 119 cases from the last 10 years confirms that 'identification' of a suspect is rarely, if ever, offered, and that conclusions reached by odontologists with respect to bitemark analysis are generally conservative. However, the results of this study also indicate that in a small but significant proportion of cases, there is still some tendency to reach conclusions that could be considered over-confident when considering the overall quality of the physical evidence offered. It is suggested that odontologists should avoid making conclusive remarks regarding the origin of the mark, or the identification of a perpetrator, when such comments are realistically precluded, given the low evidentiary value of the mark itself.  相似文献   

In four forensic cases of unidentified skeletal remains investigated in the last year, we were able to attach three to missing persons. In one case we could show that the discovered bone sample did not fit to a missing child. The method for mitochondrial DNA analysis for the routine identification of skeletal remains was established in our institute by typing bone samples of defined age obtained from Frankfurt's cemetery. Reproducible results were obtained for bones up to 75 years old. For analysis the bone samples were pulverised to fine powder, decalcified and DNA was extracted. From the DNA we amplified a 404-bp fragment from HV-1 and a 379-bp fragment from HV-2 of the mtDNA control region. After sequencing of the PCR products, the results were compared to the Anderson reference sequence and to putative maternal relatives.  相似文献   

A novel approach for the identification and dating of the fountain pen ink entries on paper has been established by ion-pairing high-performance liquid chromatography (IP-HPLC). Twelve black and six red fountain inks have been collected, and their ink entries have been prepared by drawing lines on paper. The chromatographic conditions for separation of their dye components after extraction with solvents were optimized. Under the optimized conditions, the 18 fountain pen inks were differentiated individually by comparing the number of detectable main or minor dye components, and the relative peak intensities of each component. The ink entries were artificially and naturally aged, and the analysis results showed that the ink dye components were significantly decomposed when exposed to UV or fluorescent light compare to those of inks stored under natural condition. The changes of the relative peak height for the dye components were linearly related to the aging time, especially under natural aging conditions. The degradation characteristics of the dye components under different aging conditions provide scientific evidences for dating of the suspicious fountain pen ink entries on document.  相似文献   

文件形成时间鉴定是判断文件真伪的重要途径。文件形成时间鉴定可通过三个技术通道来完成,即墨迹(包括印文印迹)的形成时间、纸制品的形成时间及文件内容的系统性分析。其中以墨迹的书写时间鉴定最为普遍。所以本文选取墨迹的形成时间鉴定技术作为评析重点,系统分析了半个多世纪以来涌现出来的众多墨迹形成时间鉴定的相关技术,并对其具体方法进行了归纳总结和简单的评析。本文在回顾历史、总结现在的基础上,提出了文件形成时间鉴定在未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

Thirty-four samples of bone remains of known time since death were studied by using DTA, TGA, and derivative-TGA techniques. The DTA patterns enable us to distinguish recent from old (more than 100 years) bones. The TGA curve is also significant for an extreme series. Both DTA and TGA curves show a correlation that allows us to obtain patterns with high significance for the extreme series. They also make evident the decomposition grade that bone organic material undergoes during the postmortem putrefactive process.  相似文献   

A validation study was conducted to demonstrate that deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) could be successfully extracted from human nail material and analyzed using short tandem repeat (STR) profiling and/or mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing. This study involved the development of a DNA extraction protocol that includes a cleaning procedure designed to remove external contaminants (e.g., biological, chemical). This protocol was used to test human nail material that had been soaked in whole blood from a second donor and coated with gold-palladium to simulate scanning electron microscopic analysis. The results showed no indication of a mixture and were consistent with that of the nail donor. Fresh human nail material usually yielded both STR profiles and mtDNA sequence information; however, aged human nail material (approximately eight years old) yielded only mtDNA sequence information. Upon completion of the validation study, the extraction protocol was used for the analysis of a torn fingernail fragment recovered from the scene of a violent homicide in 1983. A partial STR profile and mtDNA sequence information indicated that the fingernail fragment was excluded as originating from the suspect and was, in fact, consistent with originating from one of the victims.  相似文献   

Developing and implementing a generally accepted procedure for the dating of ink found on documents using dynamic approaches has been a very formidable undertaking by forensic document examiners. 2-Phenoxyethanol (PE), a common volatile organic compound found in ballpoint inks, has been recognized for over a decade as a solvent that evaporates as ink ages. More recently, investigations have focused on the solvent loss ratio of PE prior to and after heating. To determine how often PE occurs in ink formulations, the authors analyzed 633 ballpoint inks utilizing a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer. 2-Phenoxyethanol was identified in 85% (237/279) and 83% (293/354) of black and blue inks, respectively.  相似文献   

目的应用高效液相色谱法考察粉雾剂在肺部递送效率和药物的释放情况。方法以壳聚糖为载体,用喷雾干燥技术制备硫酸沙丁胺醇粉雾剂,乳糖制剂做参比。采用新一代药用撞击器,测定粉雾剂的排空率及有效部位沉积率;用"桨法"初步考察粉雾剂缓释能力。结果壳聚糖载体中药物的有效部位沉积率55%~65%,比乳糖制剂(11%)有显著性提高;在1min内药物经乳糖载体可释放出80%,壳聚糖载体中释放出等量药物需20min,说明壳聚糖粉雾剂缓释效果明显。结论本方法稳定,可靠,可用于吸入式药物在肺部分布情况的研究。  相似文献   

印油与印油印迹比对检验方法的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的针对印油印迹形成过程中可能存在的影响因素,研究印油与印油印迹比对分析方法中可能存在的风险。方法采用溶剂提取,高速离心,过膜的简单的前处理方法,然后高效液相色谱分析,用色谱峰峰面积的相对含量来判定印油印迹与印油之间的差异。结论印泥印油、印油印迹与印油之间差异很小;而印台印油、渗透印油、翻转印油、印油与印油印迹比对时,存在一定影响。  相似文献   

The AMPFlSTR((R)) SGM Plus system is a commercially available STR multiplex produced by Applied Biosystems, a division of Perkin Elmer, Foster City, California, USA that supersedes SGM. The multiplex contains the six SGM loci, amelogenin and four additional loci. These additional loci are D3S1358, D19S433, D16S539 and D2S1338. Consequently, the match probability is significantly improved (conservatively quoted as 1 in 10(9) for reporting a full profile match). The system was subjected to validation. For example, ageing and degradation studies demonstrated semen stains to be the most stable evidence type, whereas buccal scrapes were the least stable. An apparent rise in the sensitivity increases the chance of obtaining successful results from the more difficult samples submitted for analysis. Two of the new loci (D3S1358 and D19S433) are low molecular weight (between 100 and 150 base pairs); this improved the success rates of the degraded samples where high molecular weight loci may drop out. Of 26 non-primates tested, four gave results that appeared as single peaks and were unlikely to cause interpretation problems. None of the 19 micro-organisms tested gave discernible results. Extensive casework and simulated casework studies demonstrated that SGM and SGM plus results were comparable. There was one example of a null allele (primer binding site mutation) recorded at the HUMFIBRA locus (in both systems). However, a concordance study of 1000 samples using both SGM and SGM plus did not demonstrate any differences in typing.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis for the purpose of individualization is now being used in casework in the People's Republic of China. This report describes the use of the multilocus minisatellite probe 33.15 to solve three cases, including two homicides and a rape. In the third case, fetal tissue was analyzed to prove that the alleged rapist was, in fact, the father. In each case, analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) resulted in a positive match. The probability of chance association of the DNA fingerprint was calculated as 5.6 x 10(-12), which is similar to the figures reported in the literature.  相似文献   

LGC has developed a method for analysing low-level DNA samples called DNA SenCE (Sensitive Capillary Electrophoresis) based on post-PCR treatment of standard 28-cycle SGMplus PCR product and demonstrated to be equally effective at enhancing profiles as 34-cycle PCR. The method has been validated and accredited and used in casework since July 2007. Inherent in the method is the initial generation of a standard 28-cycle SGMplus profile so a direct comparison of standard and DNA SenCE results for all casework is possible. Here we review DNA SenCE casework, reporting the magnitude of peak enhancement and stochastic effects seen in the DNA SenCE profiles.  相似文献   

Blood specimens and stains submitted from all geographic regions of West Virginia were analyzed for six genetic markers: International ABO, phosphoglucomutase (PGM), esterase D (ESD), erythrocyte acid phosphatase (EAP), adenylate kinase (AK), and adenosine deaminase (ADA). The four-year study indicates that markers identified were distributed in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and are consistent with population data previously reported.  相似文献   

Bitemark determination in forensic odontology is commonly performed by comparing the morphology of the dentition of the suspect with life-sized photographs of injury on the victim's skin using transparent overlays or computers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the suitability of two new different methods for identification of bitemarks by digital analysis. A sample of 50 volunteers was asked to make experimental bitemarks on the arms of each other. Stone study casts were prepared from upper and lower dental arches of each volunteer. The bitemarks and the study casts were photographed; the photos were entered into the computer and Adobe Photoshop software program was applied to analyze the results. Two methods (2D polyline and Painting) of identification were used. In the 2D polyline method, fixed points were chosen on the tips of the canines and a straight line was drawn between the two fixed points in the arch (intercanine line). Straight lines passing between the incisal edges of the incisors were drawn vertically on the intercanine line; the lines and angles created were calculated. In the painting method, identification was based on canine-to-canine distance, tooth width and the thickness, and rotational value of each tooth. The results showed that both methods were applicable. However, the 2D polyline method was more convenient to use and gave prompt computer-read results, whereas the painting method depended on the visual reading of the operator.  相似文献   

Journal of Experimental Criminology - Research has considered the effect of convictions on employment and housing outcomes, but there are limited studies exploring how criminal justice contact...  相似文献   

Y-chromosomal short-tandem repeat (Y-STR) amplification has been used in forensic casework at the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) Forensic Science Laboratory since 2003. At that time, two separate amplifications were required to type the SWGDAM recommended loci (DYS19, DYS385a/b, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS438, and DYS439). The Yfiler kit coamplifies these loci as well as DYS437, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, and Y GATA H4. The Yfiler kit was validated following the internal validations outlined in the SWGDAM revised validation guidelines. Our studies show that 0.125 ng of male DNA will generate a complete 17 locus profile and that as little as 0.06 ng of male DNA yields an average of nine loci. In the male-male mixtures, a complete profile from the minor component was detected up to 1:5 ratio; most of the alleles of the minor component were detected at a 1:10 ratio and more than half the alleles of the minor component were detected at a 1:20 ratio. Complete YSTR profiles were obtained when 500 pg male DNA was mixed with female DNA at ratios up to 1:1000. At ratios of 1:5000 and 1:10,000 (male DNA to female DNA) inhibition of the YSTR amplification was evident. The YSTR results obtained for the adjudicated case samples gave significantly more information than the autosomal results. Our studies demonstrate that the Yfiler kit is extremely sensitive, does not exhibit cross-reactivity with female DNA, successfully types male DNA in the presence of overwhelming amounts of female DNA and is successful in typing actual forensic samples from adjudicated cases.  相似文献   

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