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This article discusses the results of previous studies, both supportive and nonsupportive of the conclusion that the aged are as well-off as the nonaged, and then presents a range of figures from Bureau of the Census reports over the period 1950-82 that measure both the incomes of the aged and nonaged and those of subgroups within these populations. Census figures indicate that the aged and nonaged have about equal levels of average per capita family income and that about the same proportions of these groups have incomes below the poverty line. However, aged unrelated individuals, who account for about a third of all aged persons, have less than three-fifths the income of nonaged unrelated individuals. When the per capita family income of the aged is compared separately with that of families headed by persons aged 25-44 and 45-64, aged persons receive more than those under age 45 but less than those aged 45-64. Trends in the economic status of the aged and nonaged over the period 1950-82 indicate numerous fluctuations rather than a consistent improvement in the income of either group in relation to the other.  相似文献   

Federalism has rarely been a key national campaign issue, andthe presidential campaign of 2000 was no exception. Althoughthe candidates talked of a key state-local issue—education—itwas in the context of the popular concern over the quality ofschools, rather than federalism issues of governmental responsibilityfor education. However, one aspect of federalism was evidentin the presidential campaign. The first president of the newmillennium may get a chance to name at least one U.S. SupremeCourt justice. Given the slim 5–4 majorities on most federalismcases, the appointment or appointments could be pivotal. Meanwhile,in the Congress and state Capitols, technology and globalizationissues forced a rethinking of traditional intergovernmentalfiscal and regulatory functions.  相似文献   

"This study explores how the spatial distribution of population in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City (MAMC) has changed between 1950 and 1990. First of all it presents the structural concepts of this research, and then analyzes the growth and spatial distribution of the MAMC population.... The results of this study indicate that MAMC: (i) continues to decrease in its central areas, (ii) presents a process of home location with expanding waves and moments of consolidation, (iii) has a many-centered metropolitan structure, and (iv) the dominating center separates progressively from the traditional center and is already located in the State of Mexico." (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

Kincaid  John 《Publius》2001,31(3):1-69
Despite the 2000 presidential-election crisis, basic continuityprevailed in American federalism, including survival of theelectoral college and furtherance of the more recent shift offederal policymaking from places to persons during today's eraof coercive or regulatory federalism. The year revealed theenduring salience of political parties and the prominent roleof interest groups in the politics of federalism, as well asthe ways in which the federal system shapes, and is shaped by,policy debates. The U.S. Supreme Court continued its state-friendlydecision-making while Congress continued to preempt state authority,attach new conditions to federal aid, federalize criminal law,and nationalize power even while giving state and local governmentsmore administrative discretion. The year also illustrated thedeclining impact of federal aid on state-local revenues comparedto the increasing fiscal impact of the federal government'ssubstantive, monetary, and fiscal policies.  相似文献   

Hero  Rodney E. 《Publius》1986,16(2):133-140
The question of what leads to the adoption of particular urbangovernmental structures has not been fully answered. Researchon this question has neglected the importance of state influences.This article examines the impact of several independent variableson urban structure, but unlike previous research, state influenceis controlled. The age of a city emerges as a major explanatoryvariable. This is important because age may encompass "sharedexperiences" with governmental structures resulting from statemandates pertaining to non-home-rule cities. State requirementspertaining to non-home-rule cities seem to predispose citiestoward certain structural arrangements even after they gainhome rule status.  相似文献   

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