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Inmidsummer,theChineseAssociationforInternationalUnderstanding(CAFIU)welcomedthefirstgroupofJordanguests.AttheinvitationofCAF...  相似文献   

StrengtheningUnderstandingandDevelopingFriendship──HighlightsontheVisitingDelegationoftheSocialDemocraticPartyofAustriaWangJi...  相似文献   

At the invitation of CAFIU, a 5-member Rotary Club delegation headed by Mr.William Stevens, President of the Mississippi State Association for International Cultural Exchange, visited China from March 19to April 15. I still have happy memories ofthe days when I accompanied the Americanfriends."Seeing is Believing"What the delegation impressed me mostwas the lack of exchange between the Chinese and American peoples. For instance,they still thought that the Chinese must goto the post …  相似文献   

InlateJune1998,a6memberCAFIUdelegationheadedbyVicePresidentYuWenpaidagoodwilvisittotheFederalRepublicofYugoslavia.Thehost...  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU), a 5-member delegation sent byBangladesh─China Cultural, Economic andCommunication center (BCCEMCC) headedby its advisor Mr. Nurul Huda Mirza visitedChina between the 18th and 25th of May,2000. Mr. Qian Liren, Vice-President ofCAFIU, met the delegates and held a banquet dinner in their honor. Mr. TanZhonghua, Council member of CAFIU,chaired a discussion with the delegates. Thedelegates were a…  相似文献   

正At the invitation of the 48 Group Club of Britain,the Institute of InternationalEuropean Affairs(IIEA)of Ireland and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iceland,a six-member delegation led by Mr.Ai Ping,Member of the National Committee of CPPCC and CAFIU VicePresident visited Britain,Ireland and  相似文献   

BloomingFlowersfor riendship──HighlightsofaCAFIUDelegation'sVisittoIranByTianDuanhuiWinterinIranusedtobeverycold.Butatthetime...  相似文献   

PromotingUnderstandingandFriendship,StrengtheningPoliticalandEconomicalTies──HighlightsoftheCAFIUDelegation'sVisittoSixGulfCo...  相似文献   

At the invitation of Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU), a five- member delegation from Bangladesh-China People's Friendship Association (BCPFA), headedby Mr. Enam Ahmed Chaudhury, former Chairman of Bangladesh National Privatization Commission visited China from October 18 to 25. During their stay in Beijing, Ms. Wang Zhizhen,  相似文献   

正At the invitation of CAFIU,an 11-member European-American young leaders delegation composed of politicians,think tank researchers and media workers from France,Germany,Italy,UK and US headed by Mr.Manlio di Stefano,Member of House of Representatives of Italy and Chairman of the Five-Star Movement  相似文献   

AFruitfulVisit———NotesoftheVisitbytheTunisianAlumnaAsociationDelegationbyZhuYueShenHuizhenAttheinvitationoftheChineseAsociati...  相似文献   

InthesunnyandpleasantApril,adelegationofChineseAs-sociationforInternationalUnder-standing(CAFIU)paidagood-willvisittoIrelandandGermany.Thedelegationwaswarmlyre-ceived.1.FriendshipbetweenChinaandIrelandhastouchedeveryfacetofsociety.ThisisthefirsttimeforallthemembersofthedelegationtovisitIreland--anislandcountryintheAtlantic.Ourhost-theLo-calAuthorityMembersAssocia-tion(LAMA)-arrangedavariedandinterestingprogramforus.WeweregiventhehonortomeetwithPrimeMinisterTao…  相似文献   

At the invitation of CAFIU, a delegation of South African National Civic Organization(SANCO) led by Ms. Ruth Bhengu, acting President visited China in June. This is the first encounter between the two organizations. CAFIU attached great importance to this…  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),a 15-member Delegation of African Traditional Leaders composed of delegates of House of Chiefs of Botswana,House of Chiefs of Zambia,Ministry of Local Government of Department of District and Local Administration of Malawi and WAMA Foundation of Tanzania visited China from November 18 to 29.CAFIU has received four  相似文献   

ForFriendship,UnderstandingandCooperation──TheCAFIU'sDelegation'sVisittoSriLankaMaHuiAttheinvitationoftheSriLankaAssociationf...  相似文献   

AMayors'DelegationofPortugueseSocialistParty'sVisittoChinaHeHuizhongAttheinvitationoftheChineseAssociationforInternationalUnd...  相似文献   

正At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),a 10-member JCI(Junior Chamber International Japan)delegation headed by Agehara Yasumaro,Chairman of JCI Japan-China Friendship Association and Hayashi Hiroshi,Vice-Chairman of JCI Japan-China Friendship Association visited Beijing from May 19-22.Junior Chamber of Japan(JC for short)was established in 1951 and it has 698 chapters across  相似文献   

A 12-member delegation of Japanese high school students from Naganoken,headed by Mr.Hiroji Izawa,Councilman of Japan-China Exchange Association in Naganoken,visited Binxian in Shaanxi Province from March 24 to 25.As a staff member of CAFIU,  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the Kazankai Foundation of Japan,New Zealand Rotary and Australian Rotary,a 5-member CAFIU delegation headed by Deputy Secretary-General Liu Kaiyang visited Japan,New Zealand and Australia from October28 to November 6,2013.I have the honor to be a member of the delegation to visit the abovementioned three countries,which left an  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understand-ing (CAFIU), Mr. Gloss Wilhelm , Vice-president of the Austria's Trade Union of Civil Servants (ATUCS), headed a delegation of trade unionists from the Austria-China Friendship Association (ACFA) for a visit to China in late June this year. As a CAFIU staff member, I had the honor to accompany the Austrian friends on their tour of Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an, and Qufu. My experience with them was pleasant. …  相似文献   

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