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“Ireland is the “Emerald Isle” in popular imagination. There is certainly some truth in this, since of all European countries the Republic of Ireland is the least ecologically ravaged. Ireland has been spared many of the ecological problems that afflict other Western capitalist countries due principally to its relatively underindustrialized nature. It is therefore a rather special case in the general development of red!green political dialogue of the type that typifies the realignment of European oppositional politics along an emerging continuum stretching from red/green/new social movements to conservative/christian democratic/neo‐fascist parties. The decks have now been cleared for the construction of a viable Irish eco‐social politics.”  相似文献   


Much empirical red tape research utilizes the General Red Tape (GRT) scale, which asks respondents to rate the level of red tape on a scale of 0 to 10 (Rainey, Pandey, and Bozeman 1995 Rainey, H. G., S. K. Pandey, and B. Bozeman. 1995. “Research Note: Public and Private Managers’ Perceptions of Red Tape.” Public Administration Review 55(6): 567574.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Because “popular usage of the term ‘red tape’ requires no precision” (Bozeman and Feeney 2011 Bozeman, B. and M. K. Feeney. 2011. Rules and Red Tape: A Prism for Public Administration Research and Theory. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. [Google Scholar], 3) and the GRT scale “assumes that respondents understand the terms to which they are responding” (101), evaluating red tape in this way may be theoretically disadvantageous. This article proposes a new measure—the Three-Item Red Tape (TIRT) scale—consisting of three items drawn from previous rules research on rule characteristics to which respondents characterize organizational rules by how burdensome, unnecessary, and ineffective they are. This measure has several advantages over existing measures: it includes several indicators; it does not include the term “red tape”; and it is drawn directly from Bozeman's (1993 Bozeman, B. 1993. “A Theory of Government ‘Red Tape.'” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 3(3): 273303. [Google Scholar]; 2000 Bozeman, B. 2000. Bureaucracy and Red Tape. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. [Google Scholar]) operational definition of red tape. Using structural equation modeling to model survey data from two local government organizations (n = 1,666), this article evaluates the theoretical and empirical validity of this TIRT scale, compares it with the GRT scale, tests its relationship with formalization, which is known as a distinct concept, and addresses implications of this scale on red tape theory.  相似文献   

Although red tape has a long history in public administration research, the emotional consequences of bureaucratic procedures for citizens have received little attention in the literature. Within the framework of behavioral public administration, this article investigates how varying conditions of administrative delay, administrative burden, and rule dysfunctionality in citizen-state interactions spark discrete emotional reactions. Physiological measurements of emotions (e.g., facial coding, electrodermal activity, heart rate) from 136 participants in a laboratory study show that bureaucratic red tape evokes significant negative emotional responses, especially confusion, frustration, and anger. Experimental evidence also indicates that delay is less stirring than burden, while rule functionality has little placatory effect, regardless of the favorability of outcomes. These results support the conceptualization of red tape as an affective rather than a cognitive phenomenon. They also suggest that negative emotions of citizens are linked to the modus operandi of public administrations.  相似文献   

"红船精神"是指以嘉兴南湖游船为载体的建党精神,习近平曾将其概括为"开天辟地、敢为人先的首创精神,坚定理想、百折不挠的奋斗精神,立党为公、忠诚为民的奉献精神"。"红船精神"与党的群众路线紧密相连、相互促进,是当地先进历史文化传统和当时人民群众革命运动的实践结晶,是马克思主义群众路线方针和人民群众支持先进组织的集中体现,是革命、建设和改革开放时期群众路线的发展动力。  相似文献   

傅小清  张国芳  张有闻 《学理论》2010,(13):127-128
通过探析红色文化及其核心价值在"成就"中国新民主主义革命过程中的独特作用,阐述了红色文化与当代社会主义核心价值体系在本质上的天然联系。  相似文献   

井冈山斗争时期中国共产党人带领井冈山军民艰苦奋斗,培育了以井冈山精神为内核的红色基因,成为中国共产党革命精神的源头和不竭精神动力。如何传承好井冈山红色基因,使其成为中国共产党治国理政的重要精神财富,对支撑和推动具有原创性的中国特色社会主义现代化建设和改革不断走向胜利具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

寻求医院廉政文化建设与党风廉政及行业作风建设的结合点,已成为推进医院党风廉政建设的紧迫课题。南通市第三人民医院在创建"无红包"医院的过程中,通过采取制度约束、教育引导、分配激励、事业扶持、生活关心等举措,探索出了建立医院廉政文化长效机制的有效途径,赋予了医院廉政文化建设持久生命力,值得学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

Red Tape and a Theory of Bureaucratic Rules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

遵义市位于云贵高原东北部,北面紧邻重庆市,南面紧邻省会贵阳市,是川渝南下和滇黔北上的咽喉通道。遵义是"会议之都""转折之都",在中国革命历史中有着不可磨灭的影响和地位,遵义也拥有良好的生态资源,坚持"以红带绿、以绿衬红"的理念,走复合型的发展道路,促进遵义旅游业的良性发展。  相似文献   

The claim that perceived organizational red tape hampers public services has become a central theme in public administration research. Surprisingly, however, few scholars have empirically examined the impact of perceived red tape on organizational performance. This article empirically analyzes how perceived organizational red tape among managers and frontline staff relates to objectively measured performance. The data consist of survey responses from teachers and principals at Danish upper secondary schools combined with grade‐level administrative performance data. Based on theories of red tape and motivation crowding, the authors hypothesize that perceived organizational red tape reduces performance within such organizations. The empirical result is a small negative relationship between staff perception of red tape and performance and no relationship between manager‐perceived red tape and performance.  相似文献   

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