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Over the past year, several published volumes have argued that American politics is careening out of control, toward a slippery slope of twenty-first century theocracy. Most of these books present tendentious interpretations of contemporary politics as matter-of-fact analysis. The reader is assumed to hold the same interpretive bias and warned of the dangers of a new and powerful American “fundamentalism.” The current article explores a historical parallel to today’s trend. Nearly a century ago, the Progressive Education movement sought to undermine the pedagogical dominance of traditional, literature-based education, preferring a more socially-conscious curriculum. The striking similarities between John Dewey’s anti-traditional approach and the present-day anti-theocracy faction are multitude—and worth our consideration. The seeds of Progressive Education are now producing weeds of anti-religious sentiment across America’s political landscape—a cultural phenomena that is constricting the growth of a much needed civil discourse.
Robert L. JacksonEmail:

王岸英  黄廓 《理论探讨》2004,(5):124-126
从期刊标准化的具体操作规范入手,通过对传统印刷期刊和电子期刊的比较,论证了实施期刊规范化对信息传播的促进作用,并得出两种形式的期刊将互相补益促进,更好履行期刊承载、传播信息的职能之结论。  相似文献   

Mzwanele Mayekiso, Township Politics: Civic Struggles for a New South Africa. Monthly Review Press: New York. 1996. pp. 288. (foreword by Mel King)

Culture and Cultural Politics in Early Modern England, Edited by Susan D. Amussen and Mark A. Kishlansky. (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1995)

Modernization and the Production of Power

Kevin A. Yelvington, Producing Power: Ethnicity, Gender, and Class in a Caribbean Workplace (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995), 286 pp.

Milagros Pena, Theologies and Liberation in Peru: The Role of Ideas in Social Movements (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995), 222 pp.

Partha Chatterjee (ed), Texts of Power: Emerging Disciplines in Colonial Bengal (Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press, 1995), 220 pp.

Carol A. Breckenridge (ed.), Consuming Modernity: Public Culture in South Asia (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995), 261 pp.

Sara Diamond, Roads to Dominion: Right‐Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States. (New York: The Guilford Press, 1995. pp. 445. $19.95.)  相似文献   

党校理论期刊在推进党的思想理论建设和改革开放、现代化建设事业中肩负着重要使命。在新的历史时期,必须立足实际,与时俱进,不断总结办刊经验,探索办刊规律,求真务实,彰显优势,充分发挥自身应有作用。  相似文献   

抗战时期,西北报刊事业较前有很大的发展,这与战时西北地区特殊的战略地位有关,同时,它也是战时东部内迁的影响和西北地区其他事业的相互促进、特别是中共及其领导下的统一战线的积极努力的结果。以宣传抗战为主要内容的西北报刊在地域上表现出发展的不平衡性,时间上表现出繁荣的短暂性。就其历史作用讲,对于宣传抗战、支援前线,为中共以后革命的发展及丰富百姓生活、促进西北社会进步等起到了积极作用。  相似文献   

二战后,日本军国主义并未消亡,而是转入地下潜滋暗长,近来借助美国"重返亚太"、"亚太再平衡"战略的机遇,渐成复兴之势,严重威胁到中国和亚太地区的安全。面对咄咄逼人的日本军国主义势力,中国需要在国际舞台上揭露日本右翼势力复兴军国主义的狼子野心,在军事上做好同日本军国主义斗争的准备,但仍要与日本保持积极的经济交流。  相似文献   

Abstract. This article argues for the importance of place and policies addressed to it in recent post–industrial political transformations. My analysis focuses on the performance of Left parties in French and German cities with universities since the 1960s. Despite similar shifts in the occupational and sectoral bases of politics in the cities of both countries, these transformations followed divergent trajectories. In Germany decentralized policymaking, physical legacies of previous urban planning, and mobilization around land use and related issues gave rise to the most solid local strongholds of the Greens. In mid–sized and smaller cities, local constraints on growth itself resulted. In France centrally led expansion, less developed local policies and less planned urban structures contributed to emergent Socialist majorities and weaker, more contingent local Green performance. In both countries the environmental concerns and consumption interests linked to spatial amenities have given a new, altered significance to the geographic determinants of politics.  相似文献   

马克思在办刊和办报过程中创建了社会主义思想,引导舆论,针砭时弊,提出了报刊以人民生活和人民利益为出发点、以人民大众的欢迎和喜爱为标准,以及关于新闻出版自由和以法办刊等理论,为我们留下了宝贵的经验和丰富的思想财富,对我们今天的报刊工作具有十分重要的指导和启示意义。  相似文献   

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