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新兴媒体是伴随我国经济发展和网络技术革新而兴起的,它的出现使我国信息化程度和知识更新的速度极大极高。当代大学生作为我国的青年群体,对新鲜事物的感知和接受能力较强,新兴媒体的兴起为大学生开阔了视野,活跃了思想,但是,由于社会经验缺乏,心智还尚未完全成熟,也容易受到不良信息的影响,给成长带来不利。高校应当将新兴媒体技术融入高校的学生工作中,创新教育模式,优化教育路径,注重教育实效,帮助学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,积极推进高校学生工作新常态的构建。  相似文献   

基于市场机制演进的必然性与数字技术赋能的可行性,作为外生冲击的新冠肺炎疫情加速了从工业经济就业范式向数字经济工作范式的转型,这种新工作范式主要体现在从组织型就业向自主型工作转换,从集中型就业向分布型工作转换,从单一型就业向多元型工作转换。新工作范式推动了新工作政策框架的形成发展与优化完善,新工作政策框架主要着力于创造更加稠密的工作市场和促进更加便利的工作匹配,着力于包容更加多元的人力资本关系和提升更加专业的工作技能,着力于提供更加普遍的社会保障和保护更加全面的工作权利,从而能够真正满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要。  相似文献   

李海龙 《学理论》2010,(20):174-176
文化资源所具有的巨大的文化价值、社会价值和经济价值已经是全社会的共识。在现代化建设和市场经济背景下,文化资源流失速度空前严重,必须加强文化资源保全。保全文化资源最迫切的是文化资源排查和整理工作,这是保存和保护文化资源的前提,也应成为政府当下的一项重要工作。现在的经济实力和便捷交通为文化排查提供了物质条件,大学生就业难的问题为文化排查准备了人力条件。排查完成后的人才也有相应的社会需求转型。  相似文献   

This interview with Sean O'Keefe by PAR Associate Editor W. Henry Lambright is a departure from traditional Administrative Profiles. It represents an opportunity to elicit from a man who has held executive positions in government, industry, and the university lessons he has learned about leadership from those experiences. It is his perspective, in his own words, about a host of questions of interest to scholars and practitioners of public administration. These include commonalities and differences in leading organizations in various sectors. O'Keefe discusses how executives can deal with people and get the most from them, how executives use administrative power in achieving organizational goals, and why executives sometimes make the wrong calls in key decisions. He comments on what he learned about leadership from mentors during his formative years. He explains the limits he faced in making controversial decisions, such as his termination of a Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission.  相似文献   

Currently the Academy operates primarily as a space that helps to create and cement neoliberal hegemony in the Gramscian sense. However, since hegemony is never complete, universities are a site of struggle and the opportunity exists to engage in a “war of position” within them. This must necessarily involve allowing space for counter-hegemonic discourses to emerge through critical reflection on “common sense” discourses, as well as the deliberate inclusion of counter-hegemonic thinking and theory from below. This article reflects on an attempt to do this in a South African university, the University of KwaZulu-Natal, in relation to the issue of food. The Food Festival was an attempt to subvert interlocking hegemonic discourses, including that of food security, by “reading the world” (à la Freire) in order to understand the actual nature of existing food systems as inherently oppressive, and “inserting” the concept of food sovereignty as developed by the global peasants’ movement La Via Campesina. After considering the counter-hegemonic intentions of the Festival, the article reflects on its uneven success.  相似文献   

A potentially useful method for determining how to design viable and competent local government systems is to examine local authorities that function effectively. This paper synthesizes the major findings of seven case studies of ‘successful’ local governments in Sub-saharan Africa, highlighting the principal factors contributing to their success and exploring ways in which they could further improve their performance. The determinants of success identified in the studies include: location in an area with an adequate economic base; well-defined responsibilities in a satisfactory legal framework; capacity to mobilize sufficient resources; supportive central government activities; and appropriate management practices, including development of productive internal and external relations and satisfactory responsiveness to constituents. All of these factors are considered to be necessary, but none is independently sufficient to guarantee success, which is a multidimensional and cumulative process of achievement.  相似文献   

WTO及其规则的产生,是经济、竞争、资源配置全球化和贸易自由化发展的必然结果,其一系列的协议、宣言、决定、谅解和裁决,规定了各成员在国际贸易领域的基本行为准则,形成了较为广泛有效的纪律约束机制。加入WTO,意味着我国的经济贸易活动已经纳入了世界性的“游戏规则”。这必然引起我国在思想观念、经济政策、社会管理和国内立法等方面的深刻变革和调整,一些新的社会  相似文献   

Michael Parenti, the author of more than twenty books on a wide variety of topics, has taught political science and social science at several universities. He is a founder of the Caucus for a New Political Science. In recent years he has been devoted to writing and public speaking, lecturing across the United States, Canada, and elsewhere. He received his PhD in political science from Yale University. He currently lives in Berkeley, California. The following interview was conducted in early February 2012.1 1 Michael Parenti would like to thank Carl Boggs for his efforts in putting this interview together. He considers it a privilege to be interviewed by someone of Carl's caliber.   相似文献   

How does sharing a common gender identity affect the relationship between Democratic and Republican women? Social psychological work suggests that common ingroup identities unite competing factions. After closely examining the conditions upon which the common ingroup identity model depends, I argue that opposing partisans who share the superordinate identity of being a woman will not reduce their intergroup biases. Instead, I predict that raising the salience of their gender will increase cross‐party biases. I support my hypotheses with a nationally representative survey of 3,000 adult women and two survey experiments, each with over 1,000 adult women. These findings have direct implications for how women evaluate one another in contentious political settings and, more broadly, for our understanding of when we can and cannot rely upon common identities to bridge the partisan divide.  相似文献   

本文借鉴社会科学的前沿成果,提出了干部工作的"三边模型"分析框架.该模型在强调正确价值观指导的基础上,聚焦于干部工作过程中所涉及的工作方法、工作经验和信息素质这三个最重要的要素,并阐述了三者之间的关系.文章结合北京实际,就这一模型的运用问题提出了自己的意见.  相似文献   

It has been asserted too often that the development of non-western countries—those of Africa, in particular—is highly dependent upon their assimilation of western management techniques. Yet, the applicability of western management techniques to a non-western cultural milieu remains the subject of debate in the public administration and management literature. Much of the management development literature since the mid 70s has dealt with the replicability of Mintzberg's partition of the nature and contents of the manager's activities in diverse western work settings, in the US primarily. Few attempts have been undertaken to test Mintzberg's findings in non-western settings. In this article, the authors attempt to partially fill this gap in the literature. More specifically, the authors investigate the degrees to which the management roles identified in the US can be applied generically to the public sector in the African context. The findings indicate that perceptions of management roles at the macro level are highly consistent across cultural boundaries. Significant differences, derived primarily from the historic experience of colonial administration and the contingent micro level impact are also noted. The implications of these findings for the design and implementation of management training programmes in Africa are explored.  相似文献   

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