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Hitler's secret agents

William Breuer: Hitler's Undercover War St. Martin's Press, New York, 1989, 320 p., $19.95.

The Pueblo capture: an NSA ploy?

Robert Liston: The Pueblo Surrender M. Evans And Company, Inc., New York, 1988, 272 p., $18.95.

A fresh look at the Cambridge comintern

Verne W. Newton: The Cambridge Spies: The Untold Story of Maclean, Philby, and Burgess in America Madison Books, New York, 1990, 464 p., $24.95.

KGB: Useful but flawed

Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky: KGB: The Inside Story of Its Foreign Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev HarperCollins, New York, 1990,776 p., $29.95.  相似文献   

The 2011 presidential elections in Peru was the third one held in the post-Fujimori era. A perusal of the campaign's political dynamics reveals pervasive anti-democratic behaviours, attitudes and rhetoric on the part of key political actors, showcasing the degree to which Peru remains an unconsolidated, precarious democracy. The second round presented a moral and political dilemma insofar as two unsavoury candidates of highly dubious democratic credentials vied for the presidency: Ollanta Humala, a former army lieutenant burdened by accusations of human rights violations who, additionally, led or supported two military uprisings; and Keiko Fujimori, the daughter of a convicted and jailed dictator who unabashedly touted the legacy of her father's authoritarian regime and surrounded herself with tainted fujimoristas. The paradox of this undesirable electoral outcome, which can be read as a popular rebuke of the status quo, is that it took place in the Latin American country posting the fastest economic growth over the past decade.  相似文献   

The Peruvian economy depends for its growth on the export of its mineral resources. This dependency is derived from the country’s role in the international division of labour and is expressed in its export structure, economic structure and business structure. Peru’s dependency on its mineral resources, an economic structure that is principally made up of non-tradable sectors and a business structure dominated by micro businesses, make lasting economic progress very difficult. We argue that although the Peruvian economy is divided into an advanced economy and a capitalist subsistence economy, the country is not a dual economy where two sub-economies are economically and socially separated from each other and have structurally different modes of operation. The capitalist subsistence economy is characterized by low productivity levels and is expressed in remuneration rates at or near the minimum wage level. This structural feature of the Peruvian economy impedes the successful implementation of a process that would make the country less dependent on its natural resources and would set it on a development course of increased value-added production.  相似文献   

Agrarian reform has been a central political issue in Chile during the last decade although less than 30 per cent of the country's population is agricultural. The Christian Democratic government elected in 1964 in tiated a land reform over rightist opposition with the pirmary objective of eliminating the traditional latifundia and granting land to some 100,000 peasant families. Only one‐fourth of this goal had been met in 1970 when a coalition of socialists, communists and other leftist parties elected socialist Salvador Allende president. The new government's programme promises a ‘transition to socialism’ including a far more profound and sweeping agrarian reform than the one begun by the previous administration. Realization of such an agrarian reform poses difficult political, social and economic problems. In this article we attempt to define the major issues and to analyse policy alternatives facing the new government.  相似文献   

This paper applies different analytical frameworks to explore processes of family bargaining about providing care for dependent older people in Mexico and Peru. These frameworks include cultural norms, life course effects and material exchange. The paper is based on 19 in-depth qualitative family case studies, which are linked to a wider set of quantitative survey data. Care arrangements and bargaining processes are revealed to be highly gendered, and largely conform to prevailing cultural norms. Rather than neutral and objective, the self-identified role as main carer is found to be subjective and potentially ambiguous. The few men who self-identify as main carers are more likely to play an indirect, organisational role than engage directly in daily care. As such, bargaining mainly relates to which woman performs the main care role, and large family networks mean that there is usually more than one candidate carer. Bargaining can occur inter-generationally and conjugally, but bargaining between siblings is of particular importance. Bargaining is framed by the uncertain trajectory of older people’s care needs, and arrangements are sometimes reconfigured in response to changing care needs or family circumstances. Taking the narratives at face value, the influence of life course effects on bargaining and care arrangements is more obvious than material exchange. There are, however, indications that economic considerations, particularly inheritance, still play an important behind the scenes role.  相似文献   

This paper studies the potential effects of a multi-pillar pension system on pension inequality, actuarial liability and welfare in Peru, by means of simulations of future distributions of pensions with social security administrative records. The results show that actual pension inequality and actuarial liability can be substantially reduced with welfare preserving policies. The simulations illustrate that when welfare is considered, it is important to define the implied value judgments, which are not universally agreed upon. Therefore, this paper highlights the trade-offs of a pension policy reform and contributes to assess the second generation of pension reforms in Latin America.  相似文献   

From 1968, a reformist military regime in Peru implemented an industrialising development strategy which was fundamentally at odds with the interests of the traditional ‘oligarchy’ that had dominated the primary export phase of the country's development. In order to understand this new phase of development it is necessary to reject the idea of a monolithic ‘oligarchy’ before 1968, and to see the Peruvian dominant class as already internally differentiated. An important sector of that class was by 1968 committed to the development of industry and of the urban economy generally. Its interests were explicitly at variance with those of the exporting fractions of the Peruvian dominant class.  相似文献   

We estimate the effects of mobile phone coverage on different measures of economic development. We exploit the timing of mobile coverage at the village level merging it with a village-level panel dataset for rural Peru. The main findings suggest that mobile phone expansion has increased household real consumption by 11 per cent, reduced poverty incidence by 8 percentage points and decreased extreme poverty by 5.4 percentage points. Moreover, those benefits appear to be shared by all covered households regardless of mobile ownership.  相似文献   

This paper uses plant-level data from Chile to examine the determinants of importing intermediate inputs paying special attention to the role of importing spillovers. The results show that plants that pay higher wages and plants with previous experience importing intermediate inputs are more likely to import inputs. This study also finds a positive correlation between the number of importers in the same region, regardless of their industry affiliation, and the probability of importing intermediate inputs. This suggests that importing spillovers may be important, at least in the case of Chilean manufacturing.  相似文献   

Bulgarian majority and Turkish minority relations have remained peaceful in the post Communist era despite a significant potential for civil strife. These antagonisms were a product of Bulgaria's historical political development.The most recent episode of forced assimilation policies under the Communist regime was a critical grievance contributing to the democratic transition in 1989. Unlike in neighboring Yugoslavia, communal ethnic conflict did not escalate to violence with political liberalization and the emergence of democratic political competition. A critical factor in the political formula for maintaining interethnic peace in Bulgaria has been Turkey's comparatively constrained behavior as a “motherland state” with regard to the Turkish Diaspora in Bulgaria.  相似文献   

In today's knowledge-based societies, understanding basic scientific concepts and the capacity to structure and solve scientific questions is more critical than ever. Accordingly, in this article we test an innovative methodology for teaching science and environment in public primary schools where traditional (teacher-centred) teaching was replaced with student-centred activities using LEGO kits. We document positive and significant improvements of 0.18 standard deviations in standardised test scores. Such positive results are mainly concentrated within boys that were located above the median of baseline academic performance.  相似文献   

“德意志道路”是萦绕在德国人脑海中一个 执着追求的梦。在20世纪后半叶,这个梦一度被变幻莫测的冷战风云搅得扑朔迷离。直到上个世纪末两个德国实现统一,长期受到四大战胜国制约、饱受民族分裂痛苦的德国才从历史的羁绊中解脱出来,终于成了享有完全主权的国家,也终于名副其实地走上了“德意志道路”。 实际上,“德意志道路”既是一个发人深思的历史问题,也是一个敏感的现实问题。作为历史问题,任何人都不可能选择和回避;作为现实问题,又不可能  相似文献   

Although museums for peace claim peace education to be a primary mission, their definitions of ‘peace’ and their aims and practices for peace education vary widely. In this article, we draw from the field of critical museology and the knowledge construction perspective to understand the role of museums for peace in the service of peace education. From the constructivist viewpoint, the museums’ narratives are not objective or historical truths. Rather they are the museum designers’ constructed interpretations of the events, people, and places that are memorialized. The museums’ exhibits, narratives, and programs reflect a wide range of definitions of peace including some which conflict and contradict each other. The variations in defining peace contribute to differences in how the museums view and exercise their role in educating for peace. From this analysis, we observe how contemporary museums for peace can play a significant role in peace education by raising awareness about multiple definitions of peace and by enabling audiences to reflect on, discuss and participate in deliberated paths toward personal peace and cultures of peace.  相似文献   

This article estimates the returns to education for households who derive part of their income from household based non-farm self-employment ventures in rural Peru. While education is an individual level variable, earnings are observed at the household level. This asymmetry complicates both the estimation and the interpretation of the returns to education. This article is the first jointly to incorporate three channels through which education affects household earnings. Education affects earnings through the marginal productivity of labour (worker effect), labour allocation across activities (between-activity allocative effect) and its production externality effect (spillover effect). The results suggest that the between-activity allocative effects of education dominate the returns. This article also makes novel use of economic geography to proxy for the role that access to markets plays in determining these returns. In particular, altitude is a strong predictor of activity choice and the returns to education in this mountainous country.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that, rather than aiming at universal contingency relationships, archetype theory needs to go down a path where 'local variants' can be discovered and understood by relating them to their organizational and institutional context(s). The case study of a public sector hospital group in a North German state (Hamburg) is drawn on here to elaborate the argument. We found evidence for a change from a Public Sector hospital archetype to a Public Hospital Corporation archetype. Drawing on this model permits us to explore the impact of the introduction of new forms of public management organization and the implications the managerial ideology underpinning this may have for the professional organization. The study explores the consequences of the innovations for professional/managerial relations. We also suggest that the 'archetype' approach may be particularly useful for the comparative study of organizations. This is particularly pertinent given the different – corporatist – organization of the German health care system and its different approach to public sector reform to that of the Anglo-American and Scandinavian systems where the 'archetypal' approach has so far been applied.  相似文献   

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