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MANY specialists think that world gastro-nomic variety can be divided into three maingroups: French, Middle Eastern and Chinese cuisines. There are people who do not agree: Italians will bombard you with pizza and pasta, Spaniards have paella, and even my fellow Belarusians can take part in this argument with our famous potato pancakes - draniki. Many Americans also think that pizza and pancakes belong to their national  相似文献   

李媛  胖头鱼 《台声》2004,(6):90-93
喜好品茶的人不少,懂得茶餐的人却不多。其实,以茶叶为原料制作的茶菜、茶点数不胜数,它们的奇妙之处并不在于茶叶的多少,而是巧妙地借着茶的清香起到画龙点睛的作用。当然,更难能可贵的是以闲谈之心体会其中不可言说的意境。  相似文献   

刘静 《观察与思考》2009,(13):16-21
中国的饮食文化博大精深、历史悠久,八大菜系鲁、川、粤、苏、湘、闽、徽、浙,犹如天上的星辰颗颗闪耀;烹调方法烧、炸、烤、熘、炖、爆、熏、卤、煎、贴、蒸近百种,演绎出了近万种中餐菜式;而一桌著名的清宫宴席“满汉全席”,120多道菜品尽显中国食文化华丽、气派的天朝风范。  相似文献   

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